Do guns make us more safe?

Unless something truly horrific happens we're not getting guns away from citizens. It really is that simple. Though on a bright mark while have more guns than citizens. Gone are the days most people needing a gun for one reason or another. Maybe hunting for food maybe defending the country farm local predators.
🙄 😄

You really are a one trick pony.

Anywho have a great day sunshine. 🌞

Have you noticed how this member has people he perceives as male threats on ignore but the openly female members, who take him down just as frequently and as harsh, he always finds time to give his condescending misogyny to?
Yeah yeah, a man has a right to go shoot up a school, super market, gay club and wherever else he wants.
Have you noticed how this member has people he perceives as male threats on ignore but the openly female members, who take him down just as frequently and as harsh, he always finds time to give his condescending misogyny to?
Unlike you, most of us aren't in to picking fly shit out of pepper all day.
Your narrative omits truth and is purposefully designed to stir controversy without providing any solution.

Basically, it's nothing but a loud whining noise.
That is the thing she is best at. If the law abiding gun owners were the problem it would be readily apparent and immediately so. We do have more guns than people so why isn't there thousands of people killed daily? Simple, WE aren't the problem and no amount of shouting, pontificating, lying, whining, crying or protesting will change the truth.
And once again, this is why YOU should never be allowed to possess a firearm.

Because I understand what happens in our country so often that we don't even bat an eye at it. We look to see if it happened near where we live and then go back to whatever we were doing. The fact that you insist on lying about facts does not help whatever your cause is.
Because I understand what happens in our country so often that we don't even bat an eye at it. We look to see if it happened near where we live and then go back to whatever we were doing. The fact that you insist on lying about facts does not help whatever your cause is.
I'm not the one who has posted the nonsensical things you have about law abiding gun owners.
I'm not the one who has posted the nonsensical things you have about law abiding gun owners.
The thing is you a law abiding gun owners until they aren't one day. This happens about between 12,000 and 15,000 times a year Depending on what year you look at MOST murders are done with guns. And that doesn't even cover how many people the police kill for no particular reason. But as people you point out we more guns than people. Though nobody really knows how many guns are actually in the US. We know some get smuggled in and some were in places that flooded or caught fire.

What is clear is that people like you don't give a shit about human life.
The thing is you a law abiding gun owners until they aren't one day. This happens about between 12,000 and 15,000 times a year Depending on what year you look at MOST murders are done with guns. And that doesn't even cover how many people the police kill for no particular reason. But as people you point out we more guns than people. Though nobody really knows how many guns are actually in the US. We know some get smuggled in and some were in places that flooded or caught fire.

What is clear is that people like you don't give a shit about human life.
I sure don't care about yours, since you have made it clear you don't care about mine. The difference is I would never do anything to harm you unprovoked.
I sure don't care about yours, since you have made it clear you don't care about mine. The difference is I would never do anything to harm you unprovoked.

You don't care about anybodies life. I do care if something to your anybody else. You never been able to give a good definition of what counts as provoked however. You live in this fantasy world where an attacker is gonna running up to you screaming.
I see the truth does indeed hurt. But then that is usually the reality when they doth protest too much.

You post provoking headlines then turn to dismissive ad hom tactics while congratulating yourself for it. You come, you buzz mindlessly, you leave without any depth of discussion, and then think that you've changed the world.

In essence, you're a loser who probably doesn't even own a hat for your personal hat rack.