Do guns make us more safe?

So funny as you feel so “safe”….with how many firearms?

And you want our military to give up its’ guns? They are barred from operating domestically in any way.

The second amendment says to maintain “a well regulated militia”, so I’m guessing you are fully trained and operate in conjunction your state militia.
Ignorant false statement.
People are the real problem, not the law abiding gun owners or manufacturers. The break down of the nuclear family, religion of any kind, mutual respect, work ethic, moral fiber, the media, big Pharma, politicians, professional athlete, and Hollywood, smart phones, and most of all mental health are most of the contributors to gun violence!
That just depends on what you want to claim is the "real problem". If you believe the real problem is GUN VIOLENCE and GUN DEATHS then nothing in your list comes anywhere close to being the problem and the source of all the problems as the guns themselves.
Warriors play in San Francisco - that trip is next month.

This weekend is Hilton Head for Seafood.
Can't go wrong with Hudson's. Daughter loves that place. I prefer the Boat Dock just up the street. Also, I'm sure you know you can get fine dining in Savannah as well. But... The Sea Shack is a hole in the wall dump that, if you're craving some grease, to go and try.
I used to spend a couple weeks a year in the spring and fall on HH playing golf. Elderly parents have taken priority over that the past couple of years, and covid before that. So it will be a nice get away for a few days.
I used to spend a couple weeks a year in the spring and fall on HH playing golf. Elderly parents have taken priority over that the past couple of years, and covid before that. So it will be a nice get away for a few days.
I sincerely appreciate the offer. I dunno on making any promises to make it.
Friday, I'll be at an event to support the candidate running to unseat Nancy Mace, but I gotta brisket I have to cook and finish by Friday as well.
Charlie's L'Etoile Verte on Friday and Hudson's on Saturday. Stop by and have an oyster.
Seriously. I am sincerely flattered by the offer. I'll be honest, on a sex site, the eating seafood euphemism usually isn't taken literally, but I'll think on taking you up. I'm sure there's many things that we vehemently disagree on, and, I must note that I've said somethings on your face and posts that were unkind, but I believe in breaking bread diplomacy. And, apologize to you for that. Making fun of anyone's features is a line I should not have crossed, especially for a cheap joke.
I only have access to a computer for a few hours in the morning when I'm at the office. No computer at home and I keep an office just for something to do, not really for employment. So, I don't really have much lit-time to follow other's political ideology too closely.

I'm a social liberal/fiscal conservative. Where I fall on any particular issue is not political party dependent and I'm loyal to neither party.

And I'm gorgeous!
Other countries have those issues without seeing the level of gun violence we do. The difference is America has weak gun laws. It’s the guns.
So are you okay with the massive amount of knife attacks that have occurred in the UK and the rest of Europe? I guess it's okay to be stabbed to death, at least it wasn't a gun...right?
So are you okay with the massive amount of knife attacks that have occurred in the UK and the rest of Europe? I guess it's okay to be stabbed to death, at least it wasn't a gun...right?
🍿 🍿 🍿 🍿 🍿 🍿 🍿

Obligatory beatdown a'comin'...
So are you okay with the massive amount of knife attacks that have occurred in the UK and the rest of Europe? I guess it's okay to be stabbed to death, at least it wasn't a gun...right?
All violence is reprehensible, but I prefer a violent aggressor to have to resort to a knife to commit mayhem. Guns make it easy for a criminal to kill lots of people quickly.
All violence is reprehensible, but I prefer a violent aggressor to have to resort to a knife to commit mayhem. Guns make it easy for a criminal to kill lots of people quickly.

Ummm, yeah. Whatever you want to believe.

BTW, if you've ever had to witness a knifing you probably wouldn't say anything like what you just did.
Are knives as deadly as guns?

In the right hands they are even more so.

Basically it comes down to once again your worldliness is so limited that you don't know what you're talking about. You don't understand that you cannot defend yourself against a weapon, ANY weapon, when you're disarmed. And you don't understand that ANYTHING can be used as a weapon if you know how.

Even an ordinary #2 pencil can kill. If you know how to use it.