Do guns make us more safe?

I have a like / hate relationship with guns.

I’ve been a shooter since I could handle one and was an unusually good shot until recently when age caught up with my eyesight.

As a femmy queer kid I was derided by a redneck stepdad and stepbrother who only took me shooting once. I out shot them severely the one time we went and they never invited me again. 🤣

One of my best friends and his father were recently murdered by a drug crazed in-law who had no business being armed.

I had a girlfriend who saved herself from being raped while hiking when she pulled a Baretta out of her backpack.

I’ve greatly enjoyed target shooting with my three sons, the youngest of who I have built several classic muzzle loaders with as father and son projects.

They are art, history, marvels of engineering, they are empowering, they are tools of oppression, they provide security and insecurity, they kill the innocent, the enemy, the spouses and children.

If I could magically make them disappear from society I would. In spite of what I like about them I think the world would be a better place if they never existed, but alas, here we are. I have them primarily for fun and defense against bad guys who have them.
Apparently you do however have the desire to discuss the different outcomes in different weaponry. Or just wanting to butt in so you can defend guns.

The reality is that detail - how many people can be killed with each instrument and the effectiveness of each one - is relevant to the discussion.

Knowing how to defend yourself requires knowing your capabilities and that of any potential attacker. Thus, like any good student I study and practice. Part of that study and practice plan is discussion because discussing tactics and threat response could reveal something I missed or overlooked.

Not doing that is godawful fucking stupid.
Knowing how to defend yourself requires knowing your capabilities and that of any potential attacker. Thus, like any good student I study and practice. Part of that study and practice plan is discussion because discussing tactics and threat response could reveal something I missed or overlooked.

Not doing that is godawful fucking stupid.

Awesome, great. It's wonderful to be able to defend yourself. Bravo. Here's your cookie.

Now, on the flip side - there's the offender. Who uses weapons for harm. And the discussion currently revolves around what harm a gun could do in a period of time versus what harm a knife could do in a period of time.

Catch up Baby Tomato.
I ride public transit in L.A. armed only with pepper spray in my bag. How many guns do you own to protect yourself?

So you're willing to go around announcing that you're unarmed except for the most minimal defense anyone can mount and then ask me what my defensive strategy is and expect me to answer given this anti-gun political environment? ninnygirl, you take the cake.

Then there's this; do you know what pepper spray can do in a closed environment to someone who has breathing difficulties? A possible negligent homicide charge or a wrongful death or negligence suit could be in your future.
Victim-shaming is a brilliant game when people are shot by people who have no business carrying armaments.

You should never go to the mall without a full risk-assessment, tactical gear and several weapons. If you see someone with weapons make a tactical withdrawal, being at all times aware of your surroundings. If you see yourself in a mirror, take the appropriate steps (long & fast ones).
Also depends on the type of gun. A simple revolver will have lower numbers than a gun which uses a magazine. And a handgun which uses a magazine will likely have lower numbers than a semi or fully automatic. There's a lot of variety in capacity. While knives have a lot of variety, there is still the limitation of a singular blade.
Handguns with magazines are usually semi automatic. I've never heard of one that isn't, although I'm not a gun enthusiast so I could be wrong.
Knowing how to defend yourself requires knowing your capabilities and that of any potential attacker. Thus, like any good student I study and practice. Part of that study and practice plan is discussion because discussing tactics and threat response could reveal something I missed or overlooked.

Not doing that is godawful fucking stupid.
Your typed words make you sound like a coward and a pussy.
So you're willing to go around announcing that you're unarmed except for the most minimal defense anyone can mount and then ask me what my defensive strategy is and expect me to answer given this anti-gun political environment? ninnygirl, you take the cake.

Then there's this; do you know what pepper spray can do in a closed environment to someone who has breathing difficulties? A possible negligent homicide charge or a wrongful death or negligence suit could be in your future.
Your guns don’t give you any more protection than a can of pepper spray. You own them for the feeling of power they give you.
It doesn’t. But if I’m nervous about someone around me, I can hold it in my hand in case they rush me.

It's called situational awareness and if something is setting off your spidey sense, you're supposed to GTFO. It doesn't matter who you are or how badass you think you are, GET THE FUCK OUT!

Which means that your pepper spray is useless except as a pseudo-blankie and even at that it fails because it won't keep you warm if you get stranded someplace.

Basically you desperately need training. You won't get it because you think everyone else should do whatever you want just so you feel safe, but you really do need training.
It's called situational awareness and if something is setting off your spidey sense, you're supposed to GTFO. It doesn't matter who you are or how badass you think you are, GET THE FUCK OUT!

Which means that your pepper spray is useless except as a pseudo-blankie and even at that it fails because it won't keep you warm if you get stranded someplace.

Basically you desperately need training. You won't get it because you think everyone else should do whatever you want just so you feel safe, but you really do need training.
I’m the farthest thing from a badass. That’s why my primary plan is to scream and run. The pepper spray is for back-up.
Blood! Blood! Blood for the Blood God! Skulls for the Skull Throne!

I'm afraid I regard most of the 'pro-gun' people as Khorne worshippers. It isn't firearms they care about. It's the violence they can inflict with them.
Your guns don’t give you any more protection than a can of pepper spray. You own them for the feeling of power they give you.

It's not a power trip. I'm in a position to be responsible for the safety and welfare of others on a regular basis. That means I have a duty to train and practice with the most efficient ways and means of providing that protection so that I can fulfill my responsibilities to them and myself.

I am not superman or a hero, I am RESPONSIBLE for their safety and welfare.

Not doing whatever I must toward achieving that goal means I failed before I began. So, rather than fail, I studied and gained the relevant legal knowledge and skill to practice law, the lawful authority to use that knowledge and skill on behalf of either myself or others who need it. I practiced and studied to gain the physical skills and training with defensive weapons so I know what I'm doing in emergency situations. I have the defensive weaponry itself to do what I've trained to do and the courage to use any or all of it as needed to defend myself and those under my umbrella.

I did this because I'm RESPONSIBLE for the safety and welfare of myself and others.

What do you have? A hand on a can of pepper spray hidden in your purse and a bloodstream full of adrenaline which ruins your fine motor control and coordination to the point you might not even be able to use the spray you so desperately cling to? And you call that an "adequate defense"?

You need training.
I’m the farthest thing from a badass. That’s why my primary plan is to scream and run. The pepper spray is for back-up.

You do know that they teach women to yell FIRE! instead of screaming for help, yes?

You know why?

Because other people don't care if you live or die. It's up to you to care if you do or not.

So, as a battle plan, yours sucks.
Blood! Blood! Blood for the Blood God! Skulls for the Skull Throne!

I'm afraid I regard most of the 'pro-gun' people as Khorne worshippers. It isn't firearms they care about. It's the violence they can inflict with them.

Yes. Directed and controlled violence against the one(s) who manifestly intend to cause great bodily injury or death to myself or another.
The knife versus gun debate is stupid. The risk of harm to the attacker is much higher with knives. The success rate is lower regardless of skill level with knives.

Any person wanting to do harm, regardless of skill level would choose a gun over a knife every time.

And, if they can't get a gun, their actual will to act would need to be much higher.

So when people use knives as an argument, they aren't being serious in that argument.
You do know that they teach women to yell FIRE! instead of screaming for help, yes?

You know why?

Because other people don't care if you live or die. It's up to you to care if you do or not.

So, as a battle plan, yours sucks.
It’s better than carrying a gun.
This reminded me of some experiences years ago. In the course of my job, I have threatened people with knives and with guns.
NOT a responsible gun owner much less person. Anyone who, in the course of employment, threatens others verbally is a POS and should not be welcome in polite society. To come here and brag about using weapons in doing so is (Hello, HisArpy?) admission of a what???
I didn’t say anything about “verbally,” doofus.

And in some jobs… that’s the job.
I, ME... I claimed that a person doing so is an ass on their own and should not be employed. YOU, doofus, just again admitted you did so with weapons. A person with your demeanor needs medical care or should face imprisonment. Is that clear enough???
I’m not going to give you my resume… but if you can’t think of one, you’re nowhere near as bright as you think you are.

PS: While you were having a hissy fit, I expanded a bit on the post that upset you. Enjoy.
The reason you can't name one is because there is no legal occupation where that skill of mental instability is asked outside of the mafia or the Biden crime family - both illegal entities.
The reason you can't name one is because there is no legal occupation where that skill of mental instability is asked outside of the mafia or the Biden crime family - both illegal entities.
the Biden crime family???