Do guns make us more safe?

So are you okay with the massive amount of knife attacks that have occurred in the UK and the rest of Europe? I guess it's okay to be stabbed to death, at least it wasn't a gun...right?
Ummm, yeah. Whatever you want to believe.

BTW, if you've ever had to witness a knifing you probably wouldn't say anything like what you just did.
I don't get it. I mean, yeah, I get the misogyny of members here constantly on the attack against certain female members, but I don't get the why of why you do it. Not when these females constantly and consistently kick yer asses.
You ask for the Kraken to be unleashed then get yer nuts kracked. 🤷‍♀️ 🤷‍♀️ :oops::oops:

so the earlier charges against him got dropped, but he's now been indicted today by a grand jury
A grand jury has indicted Alec Baldwin on an involuntary manslaughter charge in the deadly shooting of cinematographer Halyna Hutchins on the New Mexico set of "Rust," months after prosecutors dropped their case against the actor over her death.

The indictment charges Baldwin, 65, with involuntary manslaughter (negligent use of a firearm) or, in the alternative, involuntary manslaughter (without due caution or circumspection), both fourth-degree felonies.
So are you okay with the massive amount of knife attacks that have occurred in the UK and the rest of Europe? I guess it's okay to be stabbed to death, at least it wasn't a gun...right?
Hitch, Hitch Hitch..*chuckles* Europe doesn't even make the top ten in stabbing deaths worldwide. They do have a higher percentage of murders by stabbing, about 40% of deaths, but the USA has 76% of their deaths by firearms. Which makes logical sense, firearms are the easiest weapon to kill with. It takes a lot more guts and close up work to use a knife, not to mention killing yourself with one.
In the right hands they are even more so.

Basically it comes down to once again your worldliness is so limited that you don't know what you're talking about. You don't understand that you cannot defend yourself against a weapon, ANY weapon, when you're disarmed. And you don't understand that ANYTHING can be used as a weapon if you know how.

Even an ordinary #2 pencil can kill. If you know how to use it.
If someone comes at me with a knife or a pencil, I can run. That doesn’t work with a gun.
Essentially, no. Of course not. People are stupid. Especially as the more responsibility is taken away, the less responsible they'll be.

However, in America at least, that's not what the 2A is for. It's not for hunting either. Or sport.

It's literally written into the Constitution so as to ensure the people may always have the ability to overthrow a corrupt government.

That's the intent. Period. This is clear from many of the Founding Fathers that this was the intent of the 2A.

Now as far as "are safer"? It's complicated. Generally, from my actual boots on ground experience in the Puget Sound area, Oahu, central Texas, and Idaho, I think a gun culture tends to understand thst it's a VERY serious tool. It's not to be taken lightly.

A non-gun culture area tends to #1 see firearms as something to be avoided entirely and feared instead of understood and therefore respected. #2 doesn't see themselves as individually responsible for their own actions. There's more of a group-think. Therefore, why would anyone want to hurt another? Everyone else will handle it(it being whatever's wrong). And then they're abused and taken advantage of by the corrupt and selfish.

So there's obviously a balance to be had.
In the right hands they are even more so.

Basically it comes down to once again your worldliness is so limited that you don't know what you're talking about. You don't understand that you cannot defend yourself against a weapon, ANY weapon, when you're disarmed. And you don't understand that ANYTHING can be used as a weapon if you know how.

Even an ordinary #2 pencil can kill. If you know how to use it.
So I need to have full protection from pencils as well now. Shit.

// If I carry an eraser will that suffice?
So I need to have full protection from pencils as well now. Shit.

// If I carry an eraser will that suffice?
Apologies, I'm late to the thread amd was answering the OP question.

As far as your pencil analogy: I'd respond that this is a very un-American, victim mentality.

Sure you could run away, but why should you?

A person willing to attack you with a pencil will also be willing to do so with a knife, a gun, a car. Something is wrong with them that they'd want to do that.

I'd argue a more healthy response is to get a little upset at your own vulnerability. Your own lack of preparation to handle your own safety. And realizing this vulnerability is okay. It shows you're self-aware. But now it's time to fix that vulnerability.

Of course one can't foresee every eventuality, but one can take steps to manage much of the risk. This includes running away, or being able to hide. But it should also include making an unfair situation at the very least even footing.

There's a reason these cowards choose schools and gun free zones.
Apologies, I'm late to the thread amd was answering the OP question.

As far as your pencil analogy: I'd respond that this is a very un-American, victim mentality.

Sure you could run away, but why should you?

A person willing to attack you with a pencil will also be willing to do so with a knife, a gun, a car. Something is wrong with them that they'd want to do that.

I'd argue a more healthy response is to get a little upset at your own vulnerability. Your own lack of preparation to handle your own safety. And realizing this vulnerability is okay. It shows you're self-aware. But now it's time to fix that vulnerability.

Of course one can't foresee every eventuality, but one can take steps to manage much of the risk. This includes running away, or being able to hide. But it should also include making an unfair situation at the very least even footing.

There's a reason these cowards choose schools and gun free zones.
Dude, the comment was aimed at the ammosexuals who claim that
1. More people get killed by knives in Europe than guns in the US (they don't)
2. If a Navy Seal can kill someone with a pencil I need to protect myself with full combat gear in Walmart.

But as far as overturning a corrupt government, it was something that the NRA significantly failed to do in 2019.
Dude, the comment was aimed at the ammosexuals who claim that
1. More people get killed by knives in Europe than guns in the US (they don't)
2. If a Navy Seal can kill someone with a pencil I need to protect myself with full combat gear in Walmart.

But as far as overturning a corrupt government, it was something that the NRA significantly failed to do in 2019.
The first point I don't believe is about numbers, it's pointing out that violent people exist everywhere. That if someone wants to do harm, they'll do so. Fixing that is ultimately the overall goal.

I don't understand your second point.

Your third point, can you elaborate?

Modern governments have been overthrown by a populace several times in modern history, bamely because "the government" usually consists of a handful of bad actors counting on their agencies, security, police and military to fall in line. When they're revealed as soo far gone, those entitites no long help them maintain control/power.
The first point I don't believe is about numbers, it's pointing out that violent people exist everywhere. That if someone wants to do harm, they'll do so. Fixing that is ultimately the overall goal.

I don't understand your second point.

Your third point, can you elaborate?

Modern governments have been overthrown by a populace several times in modern history, bamely because "the government" usually consists of a handful of bad actors counting on their agencies, security, police and military to fall in line. When they're revealed as soo far gone, those entitites no long help them maintain control/power.
Hisderpyness said that people can get killed by someone with a pencil. I was thinking that maybe the only way to stop a bad guy with a pencil is by a good guy with an eraser.

In 2019 the US had the most corrupt government in its entire history but the NRA failed to step up to the plate.
Hisderpyness said that people can get killed by someone with a pencil. I was thinking that maybe the only way to stop a bad guy with a pencil is by a good guy with an eraser.

In 2019 the US had the most corrupt government in its entire history but the NRA failed to step up to the plate.
I'd argue because Americans are weak as fuck and too comfortable.

It shouldn't be up to the NRA or any one organization. Especially one so corrupt itself as the NRA.
If someone comes at me with a knife or a pencil, I can run. That doesn’t work with a gun.

BTK would disagree. As would Richard Ramirez (The Nightstalker). Dahmer is part of that club too.

Terror is based on making you afraid of something. The Left has made you afraid of guns while blinding you to the obvious that knives (and even pencils) can kill just as easily. These things kill silently so that others don't know the killer is there.

Or aren't you familiar with the Idaho college murders?

Then there's the fact that sometimes running isn't an option. Your mental brainwashing has led you to believe that you're the equal of any attacker if your attacker is unarmed. This isn't true. You'd realize this isn't true if you only stop and think (I know, it's hard for you) how women are often assaulted/raped by unarmed men. There's a current lawsuit going on about how an illegal immigrant assaulted and murdered a young women WITH A PHONE CHARGER CORD. For some reason she couldn't run away to avoid her death.

IF you're ever in a similar situation, perhaps you'll be luckier with the same strategy. Perhaps not. I would prefer you to have the ability to fight back. But that would require something you, and many Leftists, seem to lack... courage.
How many people can be killed with a gun in 60 seconds? How many people can be killed with a knife in 60 seconds?

I'm sure game theory would have some good odds on this.
Someone who shows the knife before he’s close enough to use it is either a doofus… or he’s just trying to modify the other person’s behavior… probably by making them move away.
Isn’t the same true of a gun? At least with a knife or a pencil. the killer has to approach you. If someone attacks you with a gun, you can die before you even realize you’re they’re target.
How many people can be killed with a gun in 60 seconds? How many people can be killed with a knife in 60 seconds?

I'm sure game theory would have some good odds on this.

So you believe that guns and knives are ok if they're only used to kill over long periods of time?

Kind of like what a serial killer does? Or Jack the Ripper?

Then there's the fact that guns are what's known as "stand off weapons" whereas knives (and pencils) are more "intimate." I don't want to get up close and personal with my attacker and go mano-a-mano, I want to be able to defend myself with the least risk I can bring forward. That means using a stand off weapon.

In the end you've been conditioned (ie brain washed) to believe that every person with a gun is a homicidal maniac. And you've been told this while the truth that EVERYTHING is a potential weapon has been hidden from you. It's been hidden from you and the truth twisted so much that you now believe that actual murder weapons other than guns are ok merely because those other murder weapons don't kill as quickly.

Which is godawful fucking stupid. But then godawful fucking stupid is what the Left does best.
Isn’t the same true of a gun? At least with a knife or a pencil. the killer has to approach you. If someone attacks you with a gun, you can die before you even realize you’re they’re target.

This is victim mentality at it's finest.

Grow a spine before your ancestors decide to disown you.
Idiocy. You need to work harder for the gun industry. They don't have enough death to profit from yet.

Question still stands, I wonder how many people can be killed in 60 seconds with a knife and with a gun.
Idiocy. You need to work harder for the gun industry. They don't have enough death to profit from yet.

Question still stands, I wonder how many people can be killed in 60 seconds with a knife and with a gun.

Why are you so interested? Is it on your to-do list?
BTK would disagree. As would Richard Ramirez (The Nightstalker). Dahmer is part of that club too.

Terror is based on making you afraid of something. The Left has made you afraid of guns while blinding you to the obvious that knives (and even pencils) can kill just as easily. These things kill silently so that others don't know the killer is there.

Or aren't you familiar with the Idaho college murders?

Then there's the fact that sometimes running isn't an option. Your mental brainwashing has led you to believe that you're the equal of any attacker if your attacker is unarmed. This isn't true. You'd realize this isn't true if you only stop and think (I know, it's hard for you) how women are often assaulted/raped by unarmed men. There's a current lawsuit going on about how an illegal immigrant assaulted and murdered a young women WITH A PHONE CHARGER CORD. For some reason she couldn't run away to avoid her death.

IF you're ever in a similar situation, perhaps you'll be luckier with the same strategy. Perhaps not. I would prefer you to have the ability to fight back. But that would require something you, and many Leftists, seem to lack... courage.
How does a gun protect you from a surprise attack by an assailant wielding a knife, pencil, or charging cord?
Why aren't you?

If people are debating the differences between guns and knives, it's a very pertinent detail.

Because I have no desire to commit mass murder.

Which once again leads me to wonder why you want to know. Because the most viable answer is scary as all fuck.
Unless the shooter it is very skilled, probably only a few in either case.

The shooter has a distance advantage over the cutter, but as soon as he fires his first shot, people will begin to disperse quickly, so, unless he is good at hitting moving targets that are getting farther away, he will probably only get a few.

People will also run away from knife guy, but he may already have done a couple before people realize what’s happening.

Also depends on the type of gun. A simple revolver will have lower numbers than a gun which uses a magazine. And a handgun which uses a magazine will likely have lower numbers than a semi or fully automatic. There's a lot of variety in capacity. While knives have a lot of variety, there is still the limitation of a singular blade.
Because I have no desire to commit mass murder.

Which once again leads me to wonder why you want to know. Because the most viable answer is scary as all fuck.

Apparently you do however have the desire to discuss the different outcomes in different weaponry. Or just wanting to butt in so you can defend guns.

The reality is that detail - how many people can be killed with each instrument and the effectiveness of each one - is relevant to the discussion.