Do guns make us more safe?

It's not a power trip. I'm in a position to be responsible for the safety and welfare of others on a regular basis. That means I have a duty to train and practice with the most efficient ways and means of providing that protection so that I can fulfill my responsibilities to them and myself.

I am not superman or a hero, I am RESPONSIBLE for their safety and welfare.

Not doing whatever I must toward achieving that goal means I failed before I began. So, rather than fail, I studied and gained the relevant legal knowledge and skill to practice law, the lawful authority to use that knowledge and skill on behalf of either myself or others who need it. I practiced and studied to gain the physical skills and training with defensive weapons so I know what I'm doing in emergency situations. I have the defensive weaponry itself to do what I've trained to do and the courage to use any or all of it as needed to defend myself and those under my umbrella.

I did this because I'm RESPONSIBLE for the safety and welfare of myself and others.

What do you have? A hand on a can of pepper spray hidden in your purse and a bloodstream full of adrenaline which ruins your fine motor control and coordination to the point you might not even be able to use the spray you so desperately cling to? And you call that an "adequate defense"?

You need training.
I choose to live and work someplace where I don’t need to be armed with a firearm to protect myself or others. The greatest danger I face from day to day in LA is not being physically attacked by an armed assailant. It’s being run over by a lazy or distracted driver.
You caught that?
I amuse myself sometimes.
I hope all is well with you and yours, butters!

yep, apart from having to use the masses of bottled water i put aside for emergencies while we wait for a plumber... old pipes, awkward places, one let go so we had to turn the water off. But we have heat, power, food and the 'emergency' water so all's good. Just been outside clearing part of the driveway of the snow and sheet ice. I'm sweating!

back atcha
I choose to live and work someplace where I don’t need to be armed with a firearm to protect myself or others. The greatest danger I face from day to day in LA is not being physically attacked by an armed assailant. It’s being run over by a lazy or distracted driver.
These asshats!
Always needing an explanation for why others don't think as they do. I go to work to work, to a grocery store to shop, to a theater to see a movie, and children should expect to learn in a school and not be slaughtered. gun culture, the NRA, and ill placed machismo has perverted their thought into thinking being armed is a norm. It is not! YOU are the insecure crazies!

yep, apart from having to use the masses of bottled water i put aside for emergencies while we wait for a plumber... old pipes, awkward places, one let go so we had to turn the water off. But we have heat, power, food and the 'emergency' water so all's good. Just been outside clearing part of the driveway of the snow and sheet ice. I'm sweating!

back atcha
My wishes for a speedy fix and less shoveling for you.
I choose to live and work someplace where I don’t need to be armed with a firearm to protect myself or others. The greatest danger I face from day to day in LA is not being physically attacked by an armed assailant. It’s being run over by a lazy or distracted driver.

No one can foretell the future. Thus your choice in where to live/work/play could be the place someone picks to commit harm MERELY BECAUSE you and your local peers are easy to victimize. Whether that will happen or not no one can say but instead of being prepared you choose to refute the possibility entirely.

Which is your choice. Whether it is wise or not is something only the future can know.

On the other hand there's a fable about an ant and a cricket...
Yes. Directed and controlled violence against the one(s) who manifestly intend to cause great bodily injury or death to myself or another.
And how do you recognize those people? Does a red caret appear over their heads? Do they carry firearms? Do they not carry firearms?

Asking for a friend.
And how do you recognize those people? Does a red caret appear over their heads? Do they carry firearms? Do they not carry firearms?

Asking for a friend.

There is a legal presumption that anyone who breaks into a residence is there to inflict great bodily injury or death upon the inhabitants.

There is a legal presumption of self defense whenever there is imminent danger of another person attempting to inflict great bodily injury upon yourself or another.

The use of deadly force is also usually authorized in order to prevent the commission of a felony.

Or to keep the peace.

Tell your "friend" that's how. No land of unreality video game bullshit required.
If guns don't make people safer, why do police carry them and people call the police when they feel in danger? Because if guns just introduce more danger, last ones you should be calling are the police.
If guns don't make people safer, why do police carry them and people call the police when they feel in danger? Because if guns just introduce more danger, last ones you should be calling are the police.
The police shoot too many people too. We’d be safer if most officers were unarmed.
So then people should never call the police if they're armed with guns, right?
You should avoid calling the police if at all possible. Often when they show up they only make a bad situation worse. They’re heavily-armed, overly aggressive, and poorly trained. Always a bad combination.
You should avoid calling the police if at all possible. Often when they show up they only make a bad situation worse. They’re heavily-armed, overly aggressive, and poorly trained. Always a bad combination.

I'm not so sure Reginald Denny would agree with you.
You should avoid calling the police if at all possible. Often when they show up they only make a bad situation worse. They’re heavily-armed, overly aggressive, and poorly trained. Always a bad combination.
If you're in favor of disarming the government, I'd definitely support that.
If you're in favor of disarming the government, I'd definitely support that.
I’m in favor of reducing the number of armed police officers. A few teams will still carry guns to deal with violent situations, but they should more highly-trained than the average cop on the street and held to higher professional standards.
I’m in favor of reducing the number of armed police officers. A few teams will still carry guns to deal with violent situations, but they should more highly-trained than the average cop on the street and held to higher professional standards.
I certainly have no objections against good training for police and gun usage.
I only have access to a computer for a few hours in the morning when I'm at the office. No computer at home and I keep an office just for something to do, not really for employment. So, I don't really have much lit-time to follow other's political ideology too closely.

I'm a social liberal/fiscal conservative. Where I fall on any particular issue is not political party dependent and I'm loyal to neither party.

And I'm gorgeous!
Hope your stay was enjoyable. Sounds like there was plenty of good eating. How are the parents doing?
I’m in favor of reducing the number of armed police officers. A few teams will still carry guns to deal with violent situations, but they should more highly-trained than the average cop on the street and held to higher professional standards.
Like in England apparently

Rape victims talk to psychologists vs cops who just need basic info once VICTIM receives care as evidence is collected
I'm not so sure Reginald Denny would agree with you.
Reginald Denny was a white man who became an innocent victim at the backend of a tragic set of dominoes started when police abused the rights of a black man that, fortunately, a white man was able to record and share with the world. Black Samaritans came to his aid and saved his life for which Reginald Denny was forever grateful. The 4 black males who attacked Denny were charged and incarcerated. The police officers who beat up Rodney King never faced judicial consequences. No police officers came to the aid of Reginald Denny. A white citizen helped a black man and black citizens aided a white man. I believe that Breonna Taylor‘s boyfriend’s second amendment writes were violated. No lawyer, for the NRA offered their services pro bono in defense of Breonna Taylor’s life. Oh, and HisArpy, as it always needs to be said, is a terrible human and not the best custodial worker for your law offices.
words don't shoot people, people do

man who shot young woman in the neck after her and her friends mistakenly pulled into his driveway and were turning around (their friend lived half a mile away and they'd mistaken the driveway) found guilty by jury
Monahan was convicted Tuesday of second-degree murder, reckless endangerment and tampering with physical evidence, WTEN reported. The jury deliberated for less than three hours, according to WTEN.
Monahan's defense attorney, Arthur Frost, has said Monahan was scared by the strangers who showed up on his driveway in the dark of the night, according to The Associated Press.
too many people live this way, always believing people coming onto their property spells immediate danger... a consideration coddled and fanned by gun sellers/manufacturers and too many politicians in this country. His neighbour, however, had a different take on his state of mind, saying (not in this article) that the shooter had become increasingly more angry at people turning in his driveway.
"The warning shot, to me, is almost like starting a dialog," Monahan said under cross-examination
what kind of shit thinking is this? (rhetorical question) starting a dialogue doesn't normally mean shooting someone, accidentally or not.
it cost a young woman her life and now this 'law abiding decent man' and his wife's lives have also been ruined. That'd be the wife who ran to hide in the closet when the two cars and a motorcycle pulled into their driveway.
words don't shoot people, people do

man who shot young woman in the neck after her and her friends mistakenly pulled into his driveway and were turning around (their friend lived half a mile away and they'd mistaken the driveway) found guilty by jury

too many people live this way, always believing people coming onto their property spells immediate danger... a consideration coddled and fanned by gun sellers/manufacturers and too many politicians in this country. His neighbour, however, had a different take on his state of mind, saying (not in this article) that the shooter had become increasingly more angry at people turning in his driveway.

what kind of shit thinking is this? (rhetorical question) starting a dialogue doesn't normally mean shooting someone, accidentally or not.
it cost a young woman her life and now this 'law abiding decent man' and his wife's lives have also been ruined. That'd be the wife who ran to hide in the closet when the two cars and a motorcycle pulled into their driveway.
This incident occurred the same week a cheerleader was shot in Texas when she accidentally mistook a same model car for her ride.
The gun nuts will flip their excuses depending on the situation. Go to another thread and you will get your fill of it is necessary to home because of gubamint tyranny talk.