Do guns make us more safe?

Kentucky: parents of a 3-year old who shot his toddler brother are charged with second degree manslaughter

“This was very much avoidable,” Sanders said. “This shooting death was caused by the fact that two adults left a loaded handgun with a round in the chamber within reach of a 3-year-old child that they did not supervise.”

exactly. these "tragic accidents" happen for a reason

and while i feel for the parents whose loss of their baby will likely haunt them all their lives, they must now face up to the fact this is their fault and the 3-year old will likely carry some deep emotional issues as he grows... quite possibly without the remainder of his immediate family. Laziness/stupidity/incompetence/impairment/negligence... whatever the reason, this family has exploded in one terrible moment that should never have been allowed to happen. It's the first time these kinds of charges have been seen in Kentucky.
“There is no reported case law in Kentucky on charging a parent who failed to secure a loaded handgun from a 3-year-old child that we can find,” he said. “I think by all means that we have enough evidence to sustain a conviction.”
  • Age-adjusted firearm homicide rates in the US are 33 times greater than in Australia and 77 times greater than in Germany.
  • Gun violence accounts for over 8% of deaths in the US among those under age 20.
  • Age-adjusted rates of firearm homicide are highest in Washington, DC and lowest in New Hampshire.
They absolutely do. It's a very simple proof. You don't have to agree, you're just...wrong.
“Most countries do not have anywhere close to the rates of homicides that we do. It’s driven principally … because we have decided to make guns readily available to almost anyone, and our interests seem to be more in protecting those who sell weapons and want to own them as opposed to the broader public.”
The US ranks first for rates of firearm homicides among high-income countries with populations over 10 million. Originally published March 25, 2021. Last updated October 31, 2023. Among 65 high-income countries and territories, the United States stands out for its high levels of gun violence.
Maybe somebody else posted what I did but WTF is wrong with people thinking guns make us more safe? Not to mention if you own a gun you are more likely to die using it to commit suicide than to shoot someone defending yourself.
Maybe somebody else posted what I did but WTF is wrong with people thinking guns make us more safe? Not to mention if you own a gun you are more likely to die using it to commit suicide than to shoot someone defending yourself.
If you think you need to commit suicide, please don’t buy a gun. No one wants to clean that up.
As far as I know it hasn’t rained in Butler PA. Even after ignoring the shooter the SS did not clean up their mess.
They are waiting for someone else to do it. Just like the venue.
I think gun ownership contribute to relatively high homicide rate. But I think the absence of tax funded health system, poor mental health support contributes more. Spend a bit on any or all of below

- schools (teacher - student ratio)
- social health system
- playgrounds
- better trained sports coaches, teachers, and pre-school supervisors
- playgroups
- community policing
- keeping dads out of gaol if possible
- DV awareness and prevention
- drug awareness and prevention

And watch your violence rate plummet. And your gaol population plement (more people raising their kids and paying tax)
I think gun ownership contribute to relatively high homicide rate. But I think the absence of tax funded health system, poor mental health support contributes more. Spend a bit on any or all of below

- schools (teacher - student ratio)
- social health system
- playgrounds
- better trained sports coaches, teachers, and pre-school supervisors
- playgroups
- community policing
- keeping dads out of gaol if possible
- DV awareness and prevention
- drug awareness and prevention

And watch your violence rate plummet. And your gaol population plement (more people raising their kids and paying tax)
Australia is a good example of the benefits of gun control. Ban automatic weapons and you get fewer (In Australia's case none) mass shootings.

You are obviously ignorant of of the causes of suicide and there relationship to guns. I personally believe in the right to die. Guns are a terrible way on all involved to do it. Guns offer a quick way to kill and people in a moment of distress will do stupid things.
If you think you need to commit suicide, please don’t buy a gun. No one wants to clean that up.
As far as I know it hasn’t rained in Butler PA. Even after ignoring the shooter the SS did not clean up their mess.
They are waiting for someone else to do it. Just like the venue.
Don't go off the rails. I believe in the right to die but guns ae a bad way to do it. What I am saying is guns DO NOT make us more safe. If you are emotionally distraught and you have a gun you have a quick way to commit suicide. Gun nuts and MAGAts fit in the same cult culture that is running rampant in this country. We need to make some changes.

'Only Thing That Stops A Bad Guy With A Gun Is A Good Guy With A Gun'​

1 dead and three wounded. Men with a gun did stop the shooter in Butler. The guy killed one, wounded three including the former President with the Secret Service and who knows how many cops before he was stopped. He came within earshot of killing Trump!
People who are fucking morons who have guns are the problem.

Taking away their guns is the solution.
There was a show and tell at my son's high school. A boy took a musket to school and shot someone. Turns out a musket is loaded till you fire it.
I was a hunter and have been around guns for ever. The gun nuts and MAGATs are all part of the same cult and are obviously a violent bunch.

'Only Thing That Stops A Bad Guy With A Gun Is A Good Guy With A Gun'​

1 dead and three wounded. Men with a gun did stop the shooter in Butler. The guy killed one, wounded three including the former President with the Secret Service and who knows how many cops before he was stopped. He came within earshot of killing Trump!
The "good guy with a gun" was a secret service sniper, with a government-issued gun, with government provided training, doing a government job.

If you want to use the good guy with a gun analogy, the good guy with a gun would be a civilian. Because the good guy with the gun argument is always always always used to justify arming civilians.
I didn't make that distinction, assuming the cops and SS agents were good guys. I understand what you are saying and I am sure you understood me. How would you make that point. XXXX guys with a gun did not stop XXXX guy with a gun in a high security environment. I will be using that analogy on other sites and I want to make the point that it is bull to say.

'Only Thing That Stops A Bad Guy With A Gun Is A Good Guy With A Gun' i​

I didn't make that distinction, assuming the cops and SS agents were good guys. I understand what you are saying and I am sure you understood me. How would you make that point. XXXX guys with a gun did not stop XXXX guy with a gun in a high security environment. I will be using that analogy on other sites and I want to make the point that it is bull to say.

'Only Thing That Stops A Bad Guy With A Gun Is A Good Guy With A Gun' i​

Yeah, sorry. Pre-coffee. My tonal perception hadn't waken up.

In this case I guess it's "only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good secret service sniper guy with a gun."

Yeah, sorry. Pre-coffee. My tonal perception hadn't waken up.

In this case I guess it's "only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good secret service sniper guy with a gun."

A professional well trained good guy with a gun.
Yeah, sorry. Pre-coffee. My tonal perception hadn't waken up.

In this case I guess it's "only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good secret service sniper guy with a gun."

I understand the coffee thing. In the case this weekend the secret service guy came up short. (no pun intended). So, to summarize, more guns do not make us safer. Imagine if that guy had a bump stock like the guy in Vegas.

'Only Thing That Stops A Bad Guy With A Gun Is A Good Guy With A Gun'​

1 dead and three wounded. Men with a gun did stop the shooter in Butler. The guy killed one, wounded three including the former President with the Secret Service and who knows how many cops before he was stopped. He came within earshot of killing Trump!
And if the Secret Service had done their job and killed the shooter, or subdued him, before he got a shot off no one but him would have been shot. If people in the crowd were pointing him out and saying he had a rifle before shots were fired why didn't the police or SS see him and stop him? Just seems a bit fishy to me.
Yeah, sorry. Pre-coffee. My tonal perception hadn't waken up.

In this case I guess it's "only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good secret service sniper guy with a gun."

Too late, when people in the crowd were pointing the guy out and he still got his shots off before killed by a SS sniper it's a colossal security failure. If I was Trump I'd be hiring my own security team for primary protection.