Our country's fetishizing of guns is revolting

If a civilian hadn't been given access to an assault rifle (and no civilian has a reason to need one), there would not have been an assassination attempt on Donald Trump on Saturday.

Philosophical debate there. The old 2nd Amendment one again. It's a risk we all take....but inherently worthwhile. If, as a nation, we ever change our mind, we can always amend the Constitution.
This country's love affair with guns is revolting. ..And we're so far gone we don't see it for what it is - a twisted, psychotic fetish.

To think there are millions of American's who consider gun play a hobby, a lifestyle, or an activity around which the family spends time bonding - as though celebrating a device engineered to shoot a projectile that pierces skin, bone, and brain was a normal, wholesome thing.

Imagine you moved next door to a guy who, instead of worshipping guns, enjoys brewing poison and making guillotine replicas. "Don't worry neighbor!" he tells you, "I would never use these on people unless forced to do so! I only use the poison on lab rats and the guillotines on pig carcasses." What would you think of the guy? ..You would think he was fucking nuts. ..But worshipping weapons that can kill multiple people from hundreds of yards away in a matter of seconds? Spending weekends at gun clubs showing off their arsenal and debating accuracy and stopping power with fellow nut-jobs? .Nope! nothing to see here people. ..He's just a normal American celebrating his birthright.

Are guns a necessity? ..Of course they are... for law enforcement and military personnel.
Any thoughts of first person shooter video games? Millions more people play them than own firearms. They strive to make them more and more realistic. Your opinion?
Philosophical debate there. The old 2nd Amendment one again. It's a risk we all take....but inherently worthwhile. If, as a nation, we ever change our mind, we can always amend the Constitution.
The second amendment doesn't say a civilian can own an assault rifle any more than it says you can own a nuclear rocket. It also does not address civilian access to guns at all. There is nothing even close to a regulated militia in the United States anymore other than the National Guard. You are just selfish, uncaring, and a supporter of murder of the innocents.
Any thoughts of first person shooter video games? Millions more people play them than own firearms. They strive to make them more and more realistic. Your opinion?
Now those video games are probably responsible for far more mass shootings than actual gun ownership. They're basically training and desensitization tools.

I can't even look at those guns w/out feeling a degree of sadness. If my kid ever expressed an interest in owning one, I'd get him to a therapist.
If a civilian hadn't been given access to an assault rifle (and no civilian has a reason to need one), there would not have been an assassination attempt on Donald Trump on Saturday.
And that would be a bad thing, why?

I mean, apart from the fact that he might have hit him if he used something built for long-range shooting.

I can't even look at those guns w/out feeling a degree of sadness. If my kid ever expressed an interest in owning one, I'd get him to a therapist.
My sisters advised therapy when they found out I was a gun owner.

I hope that you never have kids. You're neurotic.

I'm taking my niece and nephew shooting when we get back to the States. :D

I can't even look at those guns w/out feeling a degree of sadness. If my kid ever expressed an interest in owning one, I'd get him to a therapist.
LOL. My grandads started me shooting when I was 5. I grew up with firearms, I know how to use them and I have no fear of them. They are a tool. A rather beautiful tool, but a tool nonetheless, as well as, if you are female, a guarantee of safety and security.
there are very few people in America who actually live like that. They're the right-wing equivalent of libs who tell you their pronouns before they tell you their name and who want sex-ed taught to 6 year-olds.
Simply not so...

I live in a Blue state and every year there is an annual gun show at a local convention center. .Without fail THOUSANDS of people turn out each year to ogle, fondle, buy & sell guns. Often w/ kids at their side. Fucking gross.

And despite being in a Blue state, I've not met ANY liberal who announces their pronoun when greeting people nor advocates that 6 year olds be taught sex ed. You're twisting the truth, but I'm sure not...
Why would that be a problem? If he's not hurting anyone, why would you care? That actually sounds awesome to me. I would like nothing more than to live next door to someone who owned a guillotine and a bucket of strychnine.

I don't know of anyone brewing their own rat poison these days, but I know that farmers used to do that back when the base materials were easier to acquire. And I know of people who still make their own glue traps for catching mice. I've done it myself, in fact.

I once lived next door to a guy who owned a bunch of swords. He would sometimes behead alligator carcasses in his back yard with them (Louisiana) and on one occasion he invited me to join. We chopped up a gator, then we cooked it and ate it. I thought it was cool. If you don't think that's cool then fine, but if you think that there's something bad about a harmless pastime in the privacy of his own backyard then person with the real issues is you.

He would shoot the gators before he chopped them, of course. Though I'm sure you think that wild game hunters are all dangerous psychopaths as well.

I trust the common people with guns a lot more than I trust system pigs or imperialist mercenaries.

I’m starting to suspect that this ^ is a Chloe “Chicongo” Tzang performance alt.


Definitely the same callous and cynical style.

Simply not so...

I live in a Blue state and every year there is an annual gun show at a local convention center. .Without fail THOUSANDS of people turn out each year to ogle, fondle, buy & sell guns. Often w/ kids at their side. Fucking gross.

And despite being in a Blue state, I've not met ANY liberal who announces their pronoun when greeting people nor advocates that 6 year olds be taught sex ed. You're twisting the truth, but I'm sure not...
You ever been to a classic car show? Or a knife emporium? It's literally the same dynamic, since it's the same kind of people who attend all of them.

For the record, I'm not much of a gun guy myself. One pistol, one shotgun, one bolt-action and one semi-automatic. And the semi-automatic is a near-antique, an FN-49. I'm not really plugged in to the gun culture, but I know people who are, and most of them are quite normal.
I'm not really plugged in to the gun culture, but I know people who are, and most of them are quite normal.
That's my point. There's NOTHING normal about being "plugged into the gun culture". Nothing! And we are so far gone as a society that we don't see that. Guns are engineered to penetrate skin and bone leaving the target dead or grievously injured. It's dysfunctional to "plug into" celebrating them. Being a knife devotee is no better. They are both are instruments of violence. Unless you're a sociopath, why have ANYTHING to do with either of them?

And hunting is a ridiculously inefficient and cruel way to acquire healthy protein. It's far cheaper, and humane, to ethically farm-raise animals and harvest them. Most people, I suspect, simply use hunting as a pretext for their gun-worship. And I grew up w/ dozens of hunters. Their lifestyles were way too unhealthy - e.g., smoking, chew, alcohol, obese, etc.. - for me to believe for one second they hunt b/c the meat is healthier. Pure BS.
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Well, this was the last gun I bought for my husband for his birthday a year or three ago, back before we were married actually. Black Rain Ordnance .308. His friends all proposed on the spot. LOL. It's a lovely rifle.

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So charming you look at a gun with "Let It Rain" embossed on the side and see a romantic birthday gift. ..I look at that fucking thing and see a device that killed 20 children in a 2012 massacre. And you call it a beautiful tool? ..Revolting.

And now it's reported it was an AR style weapon that shot Trump. Ugh...

I couldn't like Trump less. ..He's a toxic cyclone of chaos whose ongoing cries of "stolen election" are destroying our country. ..But i FUCKING LOATHE that someone tried to kill him. I hate gun violence no matter who, no matter why. We are a runaway train...
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(Copied from another thread. This belongs here.)

The second amendment:

* Does not establish justice.
* Does not provide domestic tranquility.
* Does not provide for the common defense.
* Does not promote the general welfare.
* It’s arguable whether it secures the blessing of liberty, but it is certain that being killed by a sociopathic gunman ends your life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness.
(Copied from another thread. This belongs here.)

The second amendment:

* Does not establish justice.
* Does not provide domestic tranquility.
* Does not provide for the common defense.
* Does not promote the general welfare.

It's not intended for any of those things.

It was written by a bunch of violent revolutionaries who'd just won a war of national liberation against a tyrannical government, and who intended that the American people would always have the weapons they needed to fight another such war against their own government if enough of them determined it to be necessary. Nothing to do with justice, tranquility or the common defense. Perhaps the general welfare, but that's debatable.
(Copied from another thread. This belongs here.)

The second amendment:

* Does not establish justice.
* Does not provide domestic tranquility.
* Does not provide for the common defense.
* Does not promote the general welfare.
* It’s arguable whether it secures the blessing of liberty, but it is certain that being killed by a sociopathic gunman ends your life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness.
It was also largely intended to allow imperial racist colonialists to more easily exert their dominance over enslaved and indigenous persons. That's what was really meant by "security of a free state."

I'll agree with the squirrelly wuss of a thread-starter on those points. You can be pro-gun without pretending that there's anything redeemable in documents created by dead imperialists who would all be lined up and shot if they tried to reenact their bourgeois "revolution" in any modern, civilized country.

When my people take power, the US Constitution goes straight into the burn barrel.
That's my point. There's NOTHING normal about being "plugged into the gun culture". Nothing! And we are so far gone as a society that we don't see that. Guns are engineered to penetrate skin and bone leaving the target dead or grievously injured. It's dysfunctional to "plug into" celebrating them. Being a knife devotee is no better. They are both are instruments of violence. Unless you're a sociopath, why have ANYTHING to do with either of them?
1. I am a sociopath, possibly...
2. ...but at least I'm not a wuss.

One of the biggest ironies of Late Capitalism, those who are the most outspokenly opposed to it are also those most likely to die off when it goes away. Chloe up there would probably be better to be around in the downfall than you. Hell even Reichguard would make a better Helter Skelter housemate than someone who thinks that there's something bad/wrong about "instruments of violence."

And hunting is a ridiculously inefficient and cruel way to acquire healthy protein. It's far cheaper, and humane, to ethically farm-raise animals and harvest them. Most people, I suspect, simply use hunting as a pretext for their gun-worship. And I grew up w/ dozens of hunters. Their lifestyles were way too unhealthy - e.g., smoking, chew, alcohol, obese, etc.. - for me to believe for one second they hunt b/c the meat is healthier. Pure BS.
Wild game is tasty, wild game is nourishing, wild game isn't dragged through nasty slaughterhouses and packing plants before being left to chill in your supermarket, wild game isn't so heavily damaged by hormones, antibiotics, genetic engineering, all the other nasty Frankenstein shit that Big Ag does to our prolefeed. It also doesn't depend upon a cruel yet fragile capitalist system, the collapse of which is inevitable. And being a skilled hunter is good for extraneous purposes too.

If Crooks had been a skilled hunter, he might have saved America from fascism. Assuming that he himself wasn't a fascist patsy, of course.
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It's not intended for any of those things.

It was written by a bunch of violent revolutionaries who'd just won a war of national liberation against a tyrannical government, and who intended that the American people would always have the weapons they needed to fight another such war against their own government if enough of them determined it to be necessary. Nothing to do with justice, tranquility or the common defense. Perhaps the general welfare, but that's debatable.

Lol. So you don’t believe in the constitution except for the 2a?
If Crooks had been a skilled hunter, he might have saved America from fascism. Assuming that he himself wasn't a fascist patsy, of course.
Nope. He'd have started Civil War Two. Enough people would see Trump's assassination as a Deep State / Democrat act that the hostilities would commence. Just be glad the guy was a poor shooter. It's far better for everyone this way.

Of course, there's not to say some misguided Democrats will NOT start Civil War 2 after losing the next elections, because Democrats have a poor track record of accepting results they don't like, but that's another story, and its not like we don't have a plentiful supply of backhoes.