Our country's fetishizing of guns is revolting

Lol. So you don’t believe in the constitution except for the 2a?
No REAL conservative believes otherwise, with the exception that the First Amendment only applies to people/organizations who support his political agenda.
I’m starting to suspect that this ^ is a Chloe “Chicongo” Tzang performance alt.


Definitely the same callous and cynical style.


No. Chloe is for real… as real as anyone on Lit can be, including being a prolific author of well loved smut. Regardless of how much I disagree with her positions it’s refreshing to have someone on the Political Board who isn’t hiding behind an alt.
Nope. He'd have started Civil War Two. Enough people would see Trump's assassination as a Deep State / Democrat act that the hostilities would commence. Just be glad the guy was a poor shooter. It's far better for everyone this way.

Of course, there's not to say some misguided Democrats will NOT start Civil War 2 after losing the next elections, because Democrats have a poor track record of accepting results they don't like, but that's another story, and its not like we don't have a plentiful supply of backhoes.

It’s both sad and hilarious how you project onto Democrats what Trump supporters including the Proud Boys and The Oath Keepers actually intended for Jan 6th, but that goes right along with believing Trump is a truthful person and that the 2019 election was stolen. 😅
I assure you, Lazaran, there is only ONE of me. You really would not want more than one of me. LOL.


The point (observation) was / is: Chloe “Chicongo” Tzang, ((a far right wing troll) exhibits the same level of callous cynicism (presents the same) as AndersonsBiographer (a far left troll) - and vice versa.

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It’s both sad and hilarious how you project onto Democrats what Trump supporters including the Proud Boys and The Oath Keepers actually intended for Jan 6th, but that goes right along with believing Trump is a truthful person and that the 2019 election was stolen. 😅
Ohhh for god's sake, just give the Jan 6th nonsense a miss will 'ya. You make yourself ridiculous even bringing that up.

The point (observation) was/ is: Chloe “Chicongo” Tzang, ((a far right wing troll) exhibits the same level of callous cynicism (presents the same) as AndersonsBiographer (a fat left troll) - and vice versa.

Nah. Anderson is mild and moderate. I prefer to regard myself as somewhat to the right of Genghis Khan. But an enlightened and tolerant Genghis Khan with a senseof humor, you understand.
No. Chloe is for real… as real as anyone on Lit can be, including being a prolific author of well loved smut. Regardless of how much I disagree with her positions it’s refreshing to have someone on the Political Board who isn’t hiding behind an alt.

Yeah, I wasn’t invested in the first part of my comment, but I definitely stand by the second part.

(See also: Post #54)

Ohhh for god's sake, just give the Jan 6th nonsense a miss will 'ya. You make yourself ridiculous even bringing that up.

Good thing too! Imagine if Ashli Babbit had jumped through the window and was followed by your buddies into the house chamber and killed a bunch of the elected congress. That one bullet and her blood all over the marble sobered up the crew who was smashing the windows. Yes a single good guy with a gun stopped the momentum in that case. Good thing it wasn’t a bunch of armed men pushing through. What do you think would have happened if DC allowed open carry?

You were being silly by marking the date of Trump’s near miss as something that will go down as a day everyone will remember. No one but Trump loving nut jobs will remember Saturday’s date.
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Good thing too! Imagine if Ashli Babbit had jumped through the window and was followed by your buddies into the house chamber and killed a bunch of the elected congress. That one bullet and her blood all over the marble sobered up the crew who was smashing the windows. Yes a single good guy with a gun stopped the momentum in that case. Good thing it wasn’t a bunch of armed men pushing through.

You were being silly by marking the date of Trump’s near miss as something that will go down as a day everyone will remember. No one but Trump loving but jobs will remember Saturday’s date.
That so-called "good guy" was a murderer and should be on trial.
Anyhow, have a coffee. I gotta run. Early start tomorrow at work, so much as I hate to abandon you, abandon you I must, for Hypnos calls, and sleep I must....

That so-called "good guy" was a murderer and should be on trial.

Lol. You’re displaying your confusion and bias.

Someone tried to break into the house chamber in spite of verbal warnings and a licensed law enforcement officer shot them.

Are there only two historical uses of firearms you were opposed to?
For those who need a morning coffee before resuming...just insert the pointy thing and squeeze

Now those video games are probably responsible for far more mass shootings than actual gun ownership. They're basically training and desensitization tools.
They are. I've trained hundreds of personnel using EST2000. Pilots use simulators for qualifications as well. Just saying.
Which party tried to outlaw such things way back??
But what is your take on them? I'm just asking to see how people see them over all. Not really arguing sides, just one item I think may have a role in behavior.
This was never meant to be a thread about the constitutionality of AR Style gun ownership. While that is absolutely a fair and worthwhile discussion, it's being discussed on countless other threads. So I wanted to ask a different question.

I started this thread to ask "why". ..Why do people have an attraction toward these things? ..How is it that some of you (@ChloeTzang ) can call devices that are clearly meant to kill or grievously injure "beautiful" and gift them to romantic partners on birthdays while others among us (me, for ex) sees the faces of the 20 children who were massacred at Sandy Hook whenever I see one.

Or why someone like @AndersonsBiographer sees taking children to a gun show as a benign as taking the family to a car show while others sees it as a very sad, very disturbing parenting decision.

What underlies gun worship? Help me understand? Is it a profound like of empathy? Were you all bullied at school? Raised by unloving parents? ..Help me understand please.
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This was never meant to be a thread about the constitutionality of AR Style gun ownership. While that is absolutely a fair and worthwhile discussion, it's being discussed on countless other threads. So I wanted to ask a different question.

I started this thread to ask "why". ..Why do people have an attraction toward these things? ..How is it that some of you (@ChloeTzang ) can call devices that are clearly meant to grievously injure or kill "beautiful" and gift them to romantic partners on birthdays while others among us (me, for ex) sees the faces of the 20 children who were massacred at Sandy Hook whenever I see one.

Or why someone like @AndersonsBiographer sees taking children to a gun show as a benign family activity while others sees that as a very sad, very disturbing parenting decision.

What underlies gun worship? Help me understand? Is it a profound like of empathy? Were you all bullied at school? Raised by unloving parents? ..Help me understand please.
You know guns came about as weapons of war and to hunt. Spears were the same way and so were bows and arrows. What we have in the US is a gun "religion". People have been led and conditioned to fetishize guns to increase gun sales. All the multitude of gun kinks have been purveyed to increase gun sales.