Our country's fetishizing of guns is revolting

This was never meant to be a thread about the constitutionality of AR Style gun ownership. While that is absolutely a fair and worthwhile discussion, it's being discussed on countless other threads. So I wanted to ask a different question.

I started this thread to ask "why". ..Why do people have an attraction toward these things? ..How is it that some of you (@ChloeTzang ) can call devices that are clearly meant to kill or grievously injure "beautiful" and gift them to romantic partners on birthdays while others among us (me, for ex) sees the faces of the 20 children who were massacred at Sandy Hook whenever I see one.

Or why someone like @AndersonsBiographer sees taking children to a gun show as a benign as taking the family to a car show while others sees it as a very sad, very disturbing parenting decision.

What underlies gun worship? Help me understand? Is it a profound like of empathy? Were you all bullied at school? Raised by unloving parents? ..Help me understand please.
Have you ever fired a gun?
Well, this was the last gun I bought for my husband for his birthday a year or three ago, back before we were married actually. Black Rain Ordnance .308. His friends all proposed on the spot. LOL. It's a lovely rifle.

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I just wanted to say that you have exquisite taste in home defense and sporting rifles.

I have a Sudanese knock-off and a AR10 flattop in .308/7.62 and a 6.5 Creedmoor upper so that it can be swapped out if needed/wanted.
Japan has the same violent games. What is the violence level in Japan. I am asking for a friend.
Know much about punishment there? And their legal system? And culture? I've lived there. Just asking to compare notes.
Nah they just try to assassinate ex presidents and other people.

No biggie.
It's also worth pointing out he is correct in an odd sort of way: his bestie, the situational Native American known as AJ (tribal birth name "Dances With Falsehoods") has several AR rifles in his trailer park bunker, but is absolutely unable to get into a cattle car unless a wheelchair ramp is constructed for his Hovveround mobility device.
I just wanted to say that you have exquisite taste in home defense and sporting rifles.

I have a Sudanese knock-off and a AR10 flattop in .308/7.62 and a 6.5 Creedmoor upper so that it can be swapped out if needed/wanted.
She's not going to fuck you, shorty.

Take that weaksauce game of yours four doors down on the left. "Lit Personals" is in big red crayon letters above the entrance.

Watch out for BBW, they'll cwush your microcephalic cwanium.
I just wanted to say that you have exquisite taste in home defense and sporting rifles.

I have a Sudanese knock-off and a AR10 flattop in .308/7.62 and a 6.5 Creedmoor upper so that it can be swapped out if needed/wanted.
Why thank you, Wat. My personal rifles are a Daniels Defense DD4 with a 10" barrel (helps when you're short) and my old Sig-Sauer plus a Remington 20 gauge. And a couple of handguns of course. My little Ruger SR9 and a couple of others....

Himself has the real armory and all the old collectibles. One of these days I'm going to surprise him with one of these for his birthday.....

Why thank you, Wat. My personal rifles are a Daniels Defense DD4 with a 10" barrel (helps when you're short) and my old Sig-Sauer plus a Remington 20 gauge. And a couple of handguns of course. My little Ruger SR9 and a couple of others....

Himself has the real armory and all the old collectibles. One of these days I'm going to surprise him with one of these for his birthday.....

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He'll love Herself forever.

May you be able to find it available . . . off paper . . . .

Why thank you, Wat. My personal rifles are a Daniels Defense DD4 with a 10" barrel (helps when you're short) and my old Sig-Sauer plus a Remington 20 gauge. And a couple of handguns of course. My little Ruger SR9 and a couple of others....

Himself has the real armory and all the old collectibles. One of these days I'm going to surprise him with one of these for his birthday.....

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55 Boys?
Know much about punishment there? And their legal system? And culture? I've lived there. Just asking to compare notes.
Japan's culture is different but they have the same constitution we do. I was in Okinawa for awhile but most of my time was spent on a launch crew at a nuclear missile site. Long ago before the island was turned over to Japan. There were only pin ball machines then.
This was never meant to be a thread about the constitutionality of AR Style gun ownership. While that is absolutely a fair and worthwhile discussion, it's being discussed on countless other threads. So I wanted to ask a different question.

I started this thread to ask "why". ..Why do people have an attraction toward these things? ..How is it that some of you (@ChloeTzang ) can call devices that are clearly meant to kill or grievously injure "beautiful" and gift them to romantic partners on birthdays while others among us (me, for ex) sees the faces of the 20 children who were massacred at Sandy Hook whenever I see one.

Or why someone like @AndersonsBiographer sees taking children to a gun show as a benign as taking the family to a car show while others sees it as a very sad, very disturbing parenting decision.

What underlies gun worship? Help me understand? Is it a profound like of empathy? Were you all bullied at school? Raised by unloving parents? ..Help me understand please.
Yes. we should get back on track, but I will have to think on this and come up with something better than a soundbyte.
Why thank you, Wat. My personal rifles are a Daniels Defense DD4 with a 10" barrel (helps when you're short) and my old Sig-Sauer plus a Remington 20 gauge. And a couple of handguns of course. My little Ruger SR9 and a couple of others....

Himself has the real armory and all the old collectibles. One of these days I'm going to surprise him with one of these for his birthday.....

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That thing is crap. How about one of these? Bombs are arms, just like it says in the 2nd. Now why have I not ignored your stupid ass? I will now.

This was never meant to be a thread about the constitutionality of AR Style gun ownership. While that is absolutely a fair and worthwhile discussion, it's being discussed on countless other threads. So I wanted to ask a different question.

I started this thread to ask "why". ..Why do people have an attraction toward these things? ..How is it that some of you (@ChloeTzang ) can call devices that are clearly meant to kill or grievously injure "beautiful" and gift them to romantic partners on birthdays while others among us (me, for ex) sees the faces of the 20 children who were massacred at Sandy Hook whenever I see one.

Or why someone like @AndersonsBiographer sees taking children to a gun show as a benign as taking the family to a car show while others sees it as a very sad, very disturbing parenting decision.

What underlies gun worship? Help me understand? Is it a profound like of empathy? Were you all bullied at school? Raised by unloving parents? ..Help me understand please.
This boils down to a you problem. You see an inanimate object and your brain is seeing dead kid faces (from an event you weren't even present at). I'm all for some therapy and addressing mental health issues, and you are a prime candidate to need such help. You also think everyone should join you in this viewpoint and can't understand why people don't think like you. You are a prime example of someone that shouldn't be around firearms. Don't become a member of the 60+%. Get some help and become a better you.
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So someone breaks down a door to gain entry to your home or business and you shoot them, you deserve 20 to life?
Good to know.
Keep it relevant, Phil. A demonstration, however out of control, and a home invasion are rather different things.
Have you ever fired a gun?
Have you read the thread!?

Yes, and have owned, and learned how use it responsibly.

As a child I'd play "army man" with my mates and we'd have a ball. ..But as we grew older and as young men from the neighborhood came back from vietnam, often maimed, we stopped. ..As a child you don't really understand the impermanence of life and the ugly brutality of guns but hearing what men dealt with in Vietnam changed that. ..Most of the men returning couldn't WAIT to part w/ their weapons and did so hoping to never again see or touch a gun again.

As a young child, guns looked pretty cool to me. ..Shooting them (skeet, trap) was fun. ..But as my understanding of their primary intent grew, I lost interest, then eventually grew sour on them completely as each month brought another mass shooting tradgedy in the US.

Our culture is sick, and getting worse. ..No let up in sight. All thanks to our grotesque gun-love.
Have you read the thread!?

Yes, and have owned, and learned how use it responsibly.

As a child I'd play "army man" with my mates and we'd have a ball. ..But as we grew older and as young men from the neighborhood came back from vietnam, often maimed, we stopped. ..As a child you don't really understand the impermanence of life and the ugly brutality of guns but hearing what men dealt with in Vietnam changed that. ..Most of the men returning couldn't WAIT to part w/ their weapons and did so hoping to never again see or touch a gun again.

As a young child, guns looked pretty cool to me. ..Shooting them (skeet, trap) was fun. ..But as my understanding of their primary intent grew, I lost interest, then eventually grew sour on them completely as each month brought another mass shooting tradgedy in the US.

Our culture is sick, and getting worse. ..No let up in sight. All thanks to our grotesque gun-love.
Good thing is America where we can all have our own opinion. I will keep my guns thanks :). Tools aren’t a problem it is the mentally ill that is a problem.
I started this thread to ask "why". ..Why do people have an attraction toward these things? ..How is it that some of you (@ChloeTzang ) call these devices that are clearly meant to grievously injure or kill "beautiful" and gift them to romantic partners on birthdays while others among us (me, for ex) sees the faces of the 20 children who were massacred at Sandy Hook.
Swords and armor were historically designed with beauty in mind. Some of the greatest artists of the Medieval and Renaissance era had side-gigs as weapons-makers. When you look at an ornately-designed sword or shield, do you wonder how many skulls it shattered?
Finnish Lahti 20mm anti-tank rifle. Here's another shot of one - similar concept to the Boys. They're HUGE

View attachment 2365710
Originally designed as an aircraft cannon if I remember correctly. Russians still use such a device as a long range anti-material rifle, built from GSh-23 barrels.
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Have you read the thread!?

Yes, and have owned, and learned how use it responsibly.

As a child I'd play "army man" with my mates and we'd have a ball. ..But as we grew older and as young men from the neighborhood came back from vietnam, often maimed, we stopped. ..As a child you don't really understand the impermanence of life and the ugly brutality of guns but hearing what men dealt with in Vietnam changed that. ..Most of the men returning couldn't WAIT to part w/ their weapons and did so hoping to never again see or touch a gun again.

As a young child, guns looked pretty cool to me. ..Shooting them (skeet, trap) was fun. ..But as my understanding of their primary intent grew, I lost interest, then eventually grew sour on them completely as each month brought another mass shooting tradgedy in the US.

Our culture is sick, and getting worse. ..No let up in sight. All thanks to our grotesque gun-love.
Hang on. "play "army man" with my mates" and "Our culture" aren't jiving. Brit living in the States or not smart enough to use American version of English for tricking the crowd into believing you are part of "Our culture"?
Hang on. "play "army man" with my mates" and "Our culture" aren't jiving. Brit living in the States or not smart enough to use American version of English for tricking the crowd into believing you are part of "Our culture"?
WTH are you talking about? I've mentioned in countless other threads - all totally unrelated to politics - that I live in the US. .Why would I want to deceive on this one? For fuck's sake. This was my one and only post here in the Politics forum. ..And my last given the moronic responses.

Is that really your best contribution to this thread?
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