Our country's fetishizing of guns is revolting

And only a subset of that, for that matter.
Yes. Once you factor out those black males who are too young, those who are incapable, or too old, the percentage is much smaller. It is they who are committing over 50% of all violent crimes in America. Nobody wants to talk about it either.
Yes. Once you factor out those black males who are too young, those who are incapable, or too old, the percentage is much smaller. It is they who are committing over 50% of all violent crimes in America. Nobody wants to talk about it either.
Are there white males that are too young, incapable or too old?
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Are there white .ales that are too young, incapable or too old?

Perhaps, but as far as crime is concerned, they are statistically insignificant. The problem is NOT guns. It's not racism either. 50% of all violent crimes are NOT committed by young Asian males. No no no. The issue is young black males, many of whom are recidivist's and offend repeatedly. If the Democrats were really serious about reducing gun violence, they would simply support legislation that imposed lengthy jail terms for illegal use of firearms, possession of stolen weapons and violent crimes, whether or not they involved guns. No parole. No early release. Jail. With minimum length sentences. Watch both the gun crime rate and the overall crime rate drop. Fast.
Perhaps, but as far as crime is concerned, they are statistically insignificant. The problem is NOT guns. It's not racism either. 50% of all violent crimes are NOT committed by young Asian males. No no no. The issue is young black males, many of whom are recidivist's and offend repeatedly. If the Democrats were really serious about reducing gun violence, they would simply support legislation that imposed lengthy jail terms for illegal use of firearms, possession of stolen weapons and violent crimes, whether or not they involved guns. No parole. No early release. Jail. With minimum length sentences. Watch both the gun crime rate and the overall crime rate drop. Fast.
Guns are part of the problem.
Guns are part of the problem.

Not really. Guns aren't the problem at all, and even assuming they were, its not changing and they're not ever going away.

So what are the sensible alternatives? I'd start with longer jail sentences, and for certain categories of murder, the death sentence, and not 20 years later either. Of course the ethnic %'s would be weighted heavily, but hey, you want to solve the problem and save lives or not?
Not really.
Guns are part of the problem. Without them, the people being shot, would not be shot.

Guns aren't the problem at all, and even assuming they were, its not changing and they're not ever going away.

So what are the sensible alternatives? I'd start with longer jail sentences, and for certain categories of murder, the death sentence, and not 20 years later either. Of course the ethnic %'s would be weighted heavily, but hey, you want to solve the problem and save lives or not?
If you can't admit that guns are used and are part of the issue here, trying to discuss solutions isn't something you're interested in
Guns are part of the problem. Without them, the people being shot, would not be shot.

If you can't admit that guns are used and are part of the issue here, trying to discuss solutions isn't something you're interested in

Without fists and feet, assault victims wouldn't be assaulted and kicked. Amputate preemptively.

Without tongues, people couldn't say hurtful words. Cut them out.

Makes about as much sense.
Yes. Once you factor out those black males who are too young, those who are incapable, or too old, the percentage is much smaller. It is they who are committing over 50% of all violent crimes in America. Nobody wants to talk about it either.
Let’s talk about it.
According to whom? The corrupt FBI? The corrupt courts?
If they have guns, then guns are a part of the problem.

Knives, clubs, bombs, airplanes, the list of things used to kill goes on.

And they all have ONLY ONE common denominator.

Those who voluntarily refuse to accept that are part of the problem. You cannot confiscate and outlaw every possible thing in the universe that could be used as a weapon and still expect some mentally ill asshole to not pick up a rock and use it as a weapon.

It's not the tool, it's the idiot holding the tool.
Immediate reflexive pivot to "but...but....knives....clubs....airplanes!" as if that was some sort of rationale for gun violence.

As predictable as teh tides........
Knives, clubs, bombs, airplanes, the list of things used to kill goes on.

And they all have ONLY ONE common denominator.

Those who voluntarily refuse to accept that are part of the problem. You cannot confiscate and outlaw every possible thing in the universe that could be used as a weapon and still expect some mentally ill asshole to not pick up a rock and use it as a weapon.

It's not the tool, it's the idiot holding the tool.
Guns are part of the problem.
Guns are part of the problem.

PEOPLE are the problem. Those who are mentally ill AND those who allow them to wander in society unsupervised AND those who self medicate themselves into mental instability.

It's not guns, it's the people.

Axiom: NEVER EVER blame your tools for shitty results because it's not the tools where the problem is.
PEOPLE are the problem. Those who are mentally ill AND those who allow them to wander in society unsupervised AND those who self medicate themselves into mental instability.

It's not guns, it's the people.

Axiom: NEVER EVER blame your tools for shitty results because it's not the tools where the problem is.
Guns are a part of the problem