Our country's fetishizing of guns is revolting

Leftists love the idea of guns in the hands of those enforcing their ideology. Just not in the hands of those who don't subscribe to it and have the capability to defend themselves.
Leftists who love the idea of guns in the hands of those who never even heard of their ideology: Chomsky first.

I don't share the ideology of the Irving Azoff Brigade but I want them armed.

Green ideas now have full color and don't sleep. Earth First! Furiously!

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The only good thing about ComBloc is that it's still ubiquitous, from what I hear out of Kurdistan. Freedom forces still prize a dump of enemy ammo because everyone has AKs.

In the so-called Contra War, which saw no real battles, both Sandos and contras had AKs from Cuba and needed the same ammo. They sold their guns and ammo to each other. Because both were given them free.

On my CV Croatia was the exception. They craved real independence. UN was excluded, EU ignored, we were there to observe and report, like security guards without the power of arrest.

Croatia raised their own money and bought their own weapons. They lost no territory.

LIbbypoos in their typical illiterate manner say 2A only applies to a well regulated militia. They use the words without understanding that a well-regulated militia needs military hardware. I don't live in Switzerland or work for UN any more.

I do believe our military will handle these issues.

Wow! I mentioned ammo! Guess I'm an ammosexual! Cool. I love ammosexual porn!

I know every inch of that land. 30 years' proud service. No bennies. No medals. But thanks!

Lovely boys.

Guns are good because guns mean freedom.

But this is better. What American wouldn't want to have been there? We're here because they were there.

Kudos to Ronnie Maxwell, my colleague in another life.

I think the original Wat Tyler would be proud of you for bearing his name.

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You, my Dear, are exactly right. AK stuff is everywhere. I read somewhere that all an aspiring revolutionary group had to do was to swear allegiance to Moskva and truckloads of AKs and train-car loads of ammo for them would arrive. They are everywhere, they are simple, they are easy enough to use, they are rugged, durable and effective. With some training, hits can be had at 600 yards - that's not one of my skills (yet) but I know who to ask. Third world countries and crime cartels the world over have plenty.

Personally, I (kind of) prefer the US AR series of rifles. I also prefer the Belgian FAL rifles, too. But mo one can argue successfully that the AK cannot "get 'er done." It would just be embarrassing for the US to have to grovel to get licensed to build their military rifle because the blind in DC broke the US firearms industry.

I hope that Daddy Walter is pleased. I respect his revolutionary spirit.

What do these idiots think will happen when the Gov't "attacks" their homestead / compound? They just shove the barrel of an AR in a National Guardsman face through a cracked door and say, "beat it!" and the'll just retreat? ..Like that'll be the end of it? No... ..If you've done something to warrant a search warrant, the warrant WILL BE served and executed, your AR's and stockpiles of ammo notwithstanding.

So, in conclusion:

# of unprovoked US Gov't attacks on the public successfully fended off by citizens brandishing AR style weapons = ZERO
# of kids killed, injured or traumatized daily in the US by the threat of AR gun violence = MILLIONS
Try AA.

( O )( O )
You, my Dear, are exactly right. AK stuff is everywhere. I read somewhere that all an aspiring revolutionary group had to do was to swear allegiance to Moskva and truckloads of AKs and train-car loads of ammo for them would arrive. They are everywhere, they are simple, they are easy enough to use, they are rugged, durable and effective. With some training, hits can be had at 600 yards - that's not one of my skills (yet) but I know who to ask. Third world countries and crime cartels the world over have plenty.

Personally, I (kind of) prefer the US AR series of rifles. I also prefer the Belgian FAL rifles, too. But mo one can argue successfully that the AK cannot

"get 'er done." It would just be embarrassing for the US to have to grovel to get licensed to build their military rifle because the blind in DC broke the US firearms industry.

I hope that Daddy Walter is pleased. I respect his revolutionary spirit.
Ditto. Ammo.

( O )( O )

What do these idiots think will happen when the Gov't "attacks" their homestead / compound? They just shove the barrel of an AR in a National Guardsman face through a cracked door and say, "beat it!" and the'll just retreat? ..Like that'll be the end of it? No... ..If you've done something to warrant a search warrant, the warrant WILL BE served and executed, your AR's and stockpiles of ammo notwithstanding.

So, in conclusion:

# of unprovoked US Gov't attacks on the public successfully fended off by citizens brandishing AR style weapons = ZERO
# of kids killed, injured or traumatized daily in the US by the threat of AR gun violence = MILLIONS
So then when Russia invaded Ukraine and guns got handed out en masse to people staying to fight, that was pretty stupid, right?
So what about the millions that will die because they DON'T have guns. In the Rwandan genocide, more people with killed with machetes than with spears.

Now for myself, I train at Hapkido (and Taekwondo) religiously, and I study sword and knife fighting, I have a couple of swords and a very good Korean fighting knife, but unlike all the samurai and Crusader movies, a sword is very little use against a mob, or indeed, when you are 5' 3" and 120 lbs, very little use against a 6' male with double the body mass. So how do you propose I defend myself against a male? Or should I just give up and die?

(1) You're a fucking idiot and (2) you do not understand the human species - we will kill. We are violent. It is part of our genetic makeup. Without guns, we will use whatever weapons we can come up with. Bows and arrows. Swords. Spears. Knives. Broken bottles. Pencils. Sharpened credit cards. Vacuum cleaner pipes. And yes, I have trained with all of those. You can kill someone with a sharp pencil, John Wick didn't make that one up.

What you are advocating by taking guns away is a return to brute force (which WILL happen, because we do), and you are putting women and the small and weak at the mercy of the strong and the violent. Not only are you sexist, you are advocating a society where the weak are defenceless. And we know where that goes.

Of you don't like guns, you are perfectly entitled not to own or use one. That's your right. YOUR right does NOT include telling me I CANNOT have a gun. Or guns. Live with it.

Humans are violent. It's in the genes. Humans are killers. That's in the genes. Civilization is a very thin and very fragile veneer. But Fear is an amazingly powerful motovator. Conversely, it is also a very powerful demotivator, too.
Cite essential differences between U.S. and Canada.

The murder rate is minuscule there.

Explain why.

You can't.

( O )( O )

rotflmao. The 13% my friend. The 13%. If you take large US cities with large black minorities (or majorities) out of the equation, the murder rate is much the same. Cities like Chicongo skew the stats. Chicongo would better be compared to Kinshasa. You can see the similarities right away. Hispanics kinda sit in between.

Bring a few Chinese police in and the problem would be solved right away, altho the families would probably bitch about the cost of the bullet. Still, the organ recipients would be happy, as long as the donors were HIV free of course, and the crime rate would drop reaaaaaaaal fast.

Chloe "Chicongo" Tzang
You’re the big tits queen of gratuitous insults. It seems to be your only real currency here. Don’t be so modest by trying to give me that credit.
Yeah, I never published any poetry here. Or comments on fascism, Trotskyism, surrealism, sex work, etc.

That said, I'm a princess, not a Queen.

( O )( O )
So then when Russia invaded Ukraine and guns got handed out en masse to people staying to fight, that was pretty stupid, right?
Absolutely. They should have just meekly waited to be hailed off, tortured, killed and cremated, as happened in Bucha and Kherson.

Dude's fucked in the head.
rotflmao. The 13% my friend. The 13%. If you take large US cities with large black minorities (or majorities) out of the equation, the murder rate is much the same. Cities like Chicongo skew the stats. Chicongo would better be compared to Kinshasa. You can see the similarities right away. Hispanics kinda sit in between.

Bring a few Chinese police in and the problem would be solved right away, altho the families would probably bitch about the cost of the bullet. Still, the organ recipients would be happy, as long as the donors were HIV free of course, and the crime rate would drop reaaaaaaaal fast.

Chloe "Chicongo" Tzang
Racist. For the first time, I ask for your exclusion from this site. You were in Kinshasa when?

Under Kamala and Tim i propose Chinese police found operating on the territory of any Western country will be thrown out of helicopters.

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Racist. For the first time, I ask for your exclusion from this site. You were in Kinshasa when?

Under Kamala and Tim i propose Chinese police found operating on the territory of any Western country will be thrown out of helicopters.

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LOL. I was in South Africa. Let's see. Back about 2005 I think. My dad worked there so I went down for the summer, lived in Centurion, between Joburg and Pretoria and got to see a lot of the country plus a couple of sidetrips north to Zim, and the Kalahari and once to Lesotho.
Talk about something you know about. Leave sacred topics like Bucha out of your mouth.

Support the Irving Azoff Brigade!

Maybe go donate to Constantine's fundraiser for the 92nd Assault Brigade and I might take you a bit more seriously. Otherwise you're blowing smoke out your ass. And yes, I donated. And yes, funnily enough, I have donated a lot to the Azov Brigade too. And other Ukrainian fund raisers for military units. I put my money where my mouth is.

Sadly.... this thread has devolved to just name calling and taunts.

And I still don't quite understand why something devised to end life, indeed many lives in mere moments, holds such a spell over so many people. ..Why playing with AR's is any different than playing with the makings of a pipe bomb.

If I had to guess... I'd say it's an empathy issue. They wan't their favorite plaything and that is that - no matter how destructive it is or how much it causes anxiety for those around them.. Depressing.

As an aside, I can't help but wonder how any of you AR fetishists (who are mostly men) get laid. If I were a woman, love of guns would raise a red flag, like "I'm definitely gonna need a restraining order to break up with this douche bag if things don't work out..."
My neighbor owns several ARs of varying calibers, another neighbor owns a classic British SMLE .303 caliber WWII bolt action rifle. My AR neighbor has his for plinking, target shooting, and self defense. My SMLE neighbor has his for wild hog control, as that is a real issue here. I don't own an AR but do own arifle that fires the same 5.56 round, as well as one that fires the 7.62mm by 39mm round. I love to target shoot and find it quite relaxing. I have used firearms for pest control and definitely if needed will use them for self defense.

Your pipe bomb analogy goes beyond silly to just plain stupid. Even you know that and you only wrote that to be dramatic.

I'm not sure how my owning firearms causes any anxiety for my neighbors. One of the things I asked before we bought this house is if shooting was allowed on the property and yes it was. Rarely does a day go by that I don't hear someone target shooting in my neighborhood. Owning firearms here is a necessity as we are a cut off part of the county and on a good day a police response is 20 minutes away, although more likely 30 to 40 minutes. We knew that moving here and surprisingly there is little crime out here.

Don't like guns, then don't buy any. Don't like people that own guns then don't be friends with them, but don't be surprised to find out people you thought weren't gun owners actually are.

What do these idiots think will happen when the Gov't "attacks" their homestead / compound? They just shove the barrel of an AR in a National Guardsman face through a cracked door and say, "beat it!" and the'll just retreat? ..Like that'll be the end of it? No... ..If you've done something to warrant a search warrant, the warrant WILL BE served and executed, your AR's and stockpiles of ammo notwithstanding.

So, in conclusion:

# of unprovoked US Gov't attacks on the public successfully fended off by citizens brandishing AR style weapons = ZERO
# of kids killed, injured or traumatized daily in the US by the threat of AR gun violence = MILLIONS
Still mouthing that lie even though I proved you wrong twice.
Still mouthing that lie even though I proved you wrong twice.
You did no such thing. Neither was unprovoked and even if you think both were, the Gov't did NOT just yield to the threat of weapons and give up on executing the search warrant.

Even if you had your own Apache helicopter, rocket launcher, and tank and all of your idiot friends had the same, it would still be no match for the Gov't and all of its assets.
You did no such thing. Neither was unprovoked and even if you think both were, the Gov't did NOT just yield to the threat of weapons and give up on executing the search warrant.

Even if you had your own Apache helicopter, rocket launcher, and tank and all of your idiot friends had the same, it would still be no match for the Gov't and all of its assets.
Yeah, yeah, keep being a mouth piece for a lying DOJ, BATF, and FBI. Thery love people like you because you will willingly march right into re-education camps.

Hm...Viet Nam, Afghanistan twice against 2 super powers. Nice try, ever hear of guerilla warfare?
So what about the millions that will die because they DON'T have guns. In the Rwandan genocide, more people with killed with machetes than with spears.

Now for myself, I train at Hapkido (and Taekwondo) religiously, and I study sword and knife fighting, I have a couple of swords and a very good Korean fighting knife, but unlike all the samurai and Crusader movies, a sword is very little use against a mob, or indeed, when you are 5' 3" and 120 lbs, very little use against a 6' male with double the body mass. So how do you propose I defend myself against a male? Or should I just give up and die?

(1) You're a fucking idiot and (2) you do not understand the human species - we will kill. We are violent. It is part of our genetic makeup. Without guns, we will use whatever weapons we can come up with. Bows and arrows. Swords. Spears. Knives. Broken bottles. Pencils. Sharpened credit cards. Vacuum cleaner pipes. And yes, I have trained with all of those. You can kill someone with a sharp pencil, John Wick didn't make that one up.

What you are advocating by taking guns away is a return to brute force (which WILL happen, because we do), and you are putting women and the small and weak at the mercy of the strong and the violent. Not only are you sexist, you are advocating a society where the weak are defenceless. And we know where that goes.

Of you don't like guns, you are perfectly entitled not to own or use one. That's your right. YOUR right does NOT include telling me I CANNOT have a gun. Or guns. Live with it.

Ching Chong makes cents! Someone cook up a dog for this person!! 🙄
Maybe go donate to Constantine's fundraiser for the 92nd Assault Brigade and I might take you a bit more seriously. Otherwise you're blowing smoke out your ass. And yes, I donated. And yes, funnily enough, I have donated a lot to the Azov Brigade too. And other Ukrainian fund raisers for military units. I put my money where my mouth is.

I need advice from you about as much as I need a hemorrhoid. You are what we call a blood tourist, bloviating about other people's deaths in a voyeuristic manner.

Blowing smoke? Moron, I first was involved with Ukraine at the time of Polish Solidarity.

Ever hear of Yaroslav Stetsko and the Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations? They were financed by Taiwan and were involved in Nicaragua. I worked with them.

Ever hear of this?

Of course not.

( O )( O )
rotflmao. The 13% my friend. The 13%. If you take large US cities with large black minorities (or majorities) out of the equation, the murder rate is much the same. Cities like Chicongo skew the stats. Chicongo would better be compared to Kinshasa. You can see the similarities right away. Hispanics kinda sit in between.

Bring a few Chinese police in and the problem would be solved right away, altho the families would probably bitch about the cost of the bullet. Still, the organ recipients would be happy, as long as the donors were HIV free of course, and the crime rate would drop reaaaaaaaal fast.

Chloe "Chicongo" Tzang
For the most part the percentage is only 6% as Black males are doing most of the shooting and killing.