Twist a fairy tale with me. . . chain story idea

No it's not. After writing for four alts in the SRPs, running 19 threads, rewriting a novel, running three chain stories at the same time as well as participating in Survivor 2008 where I was running several more stories...add on work, repairing my marriage, and my sister's illness, I honestly could not write anymore. I took a leave of absense (so to speak) and that meant a break from Lit, as well as writing. Even now that I'm occasionally back at Lit I do not feel ready to come back 100% to writing.

Well I'm glad you have the time to comeback now. Your post reminded me that I hadn't finished up the series. I've got time now to go and finish up, well I can make time to do it when I'm avoiding my next chapter.:D

i want to see what happens in the end.

Glad you are in a better place.:rose:
Well I'm glad you have the time to comeback now. Your post reminded me that I hadn't finished up the series. I've got time now to go and finish up, well I can make time to do it when I'm avoiding my next chapter.:D

i want to see what happens in the end.

Glad you are in a better place.:rose:

And thanks for rediscovering this chain and leaving a bump in the thread, 'cause that reminds me that I really (like, really really) need to resolve my Triplets' third adventure.

*whistling sharply*
Yo, Muse! You back yet?



I'm not sure what's wrong with life is better, I'm happier, my marriage is going very well, I had a job, now I don't, but even that's okay. Maybe I need to be on the verge of leaving the spouse and very depressed to write porn???

I'm not sure what's wrong with life is better, I'm happier, my marriage is going very well, I had a job, now I don't, but even that's okay. Maybe I need to be on the verge of leaving the spouse and very depressed to write porn???

Ummm, quite possibly. I definitely found that I wrote porn when I wasn't getting any and when I was... not so much interested in writing it. :rolleyes: Anyway, glad to hear things are going so well. *hugs*

I'm not sure what's wrong with life is better, I'm happier, my marriage is going very well, I had a job, now I don't, but even that's okay. Maybe I need to be on the verge of leaving the spouse and very depressed to write porn???

It depends upon the story. Does the story give you joy? If not kiss your SO and kids and go on about your life.

But I'd rather see you finish the story in a sunny mood first, please?
Ummm, quite possibly. I definitely found that I wrote porn when I wasn't getting any and when I was... not so much interested in writing it. :rolleyes: Anyway, glad to hear things are going so well. *hugs*
Thank you. :kiss:

It depends upon the story. Does the story give you joy? If not kiss your SO and kids and go on about your life.

But I'd rather see you finish the story in a sunny mood first, please?

There is a part of me that misses writing, but there is another part of me that really enjoys the fact that I no longer "need" it like I did before. It filled a void in my life and now I think the void is filled with what it was supposed to be filled Does this mean I won't ever write? Nah, I think I will, but I think it will be a little bit longer. I do believe once I have the privacy of my laptop again that I'll be drawn to write once more.
Though I am not writing stories at the moment, I am getting my feet wet again as far as writing goes. . .but I do want to take a moment and congratulate our very talented writer starrkers and her nomination in the Best Chain Story in this years 10th Annual Reader's Choice awards. :D

Good luck my dear. :kiss: :rose: :)
Oh crap! Did I really get nominated?
But I haven't been here all year.
I'm going to be reading through the chapters in this chain over the next few days and into the following week. This is the second chain I left that was only a chapter away from everyone being able to finish their own separate stories. I'll write what I can in order to advance the plot line so anyone that wishes to finalize their character, can.

I apologize to everyone for having left this project for so long. I am finishing up "A Royal Sacrifice" this week and should have it submitted to Lit. as soon as a member of the team over there has time to read through it.

If anyone is still on board, I look forward to us working together again. I know real life takes precedence over Lit. life, but I still feel bad for having disappeared and left folks hanging.

~ Red :kiss:
Good thing I read these chapters, stirred the memory some and now I have a better idea on how to end the series.

~ Red.
Good thing I read these chapters, stirred the memory some and now I have a better idea on how to end the series.

~ Red.

I'm in the process of writing an 'after the end of the series' story wherein Princess Merry and Prince Karl are married, but in the midst of the ceremony the Outsiders return and Karl, Merry, The Children of the Dragon, the Skeleton People, Larch the wood nymph and Aqua the water sprite do battle with them.

I'll be glad to contribute whatever's necessary in terms of my character Princess Merry for the end of the series. :D
I'm in the process of writing an 'after the end of the series' story wherein Princess Merry and Prince Karl are married, but in the midst of the ceremony the Outsiders return and Karl, Merry, The Children of the Dragon, the Skeleton People, Larch the wood nymph and Aqua the water sprite do battle with them.

I'll be glad to contribute whatever's necessary in terms of my character Princess Merry for the end of the series. :D

Thanks TE. I've got a good idea how I want to finish this up and as soon as my semester is over I'll be working on the final Enchanted Twelve 4 and Cecilia's final story as well. Which I guess means she gets a 4th story too.
Dang! I guess this means I'd better rub the cobwebs off my saga, and finally figure out exactly how deep in grief I'm going to bury my characters (damn, I'd also better go reread - I can't remember the poor girl's name!).
*takes out the water hose and sprays all the dirt and grime from having been gone so long, pulls out the wash cloths, does a good scrubbing and posts the "mini-story report"*

The fourth Enchanted Twelve will be submitted in a couple days. I've got it written, but wanted to ask Laurel about placing a link to this single post in the author's note to help past readers/writers refresh their memories on the tale we told. I'll write Ceilia's story (which will describe events taking place in Westingfield) next and have that posted soon as well, if you want to take a look at E 12 - 4, just post here and let me know and I'll PM it to you. I'm not expecting anyone to finish their character(s)' work, unless they desire it. I just know this was an unfinished chain that was loved by many and a loose end I wanted to tie up. My apologies for disappearing. :rose:

Enchanted Twelve​

E 12 - 1 (Red)
Orathland and Westingfield Kingdom introduced.

Orathland - land of magic - Angora and Andrea are twins and both loved the same man, Bartholomew. Travel between the two worlds ended when Andrea married Bartholomew and remained within the lands of Westingfield. Angora remained trapped in Orathland, hatred for her sister growing by leaps and bounds. Andrea and Bartholomew had 12 daughters, 2 sets of twins and 1 set of triplets. Ages are 18-25.

When the girls were growing up their mother shared with them stories of Oarthland and the girls believed in magic, so Andrea was able to use magic to keep her children safe from her sister’s tormenting dreams and creatures that were often sent, via a portal in the garden, to try and harm the girls. Eventually the dreams became so horrific, the young princesses begged their mother to stop telling them, and each one began to doubt the stories of magic and sorcery. As their beliefs wavered so did Andrea’s magic, until the only spell she could keep at bay was the one where Angora herself could not enter through the portal.

Andrew is the young cobbler that has been moved into the castle. He is in love with Danielle, the eldest princess. The queen has commissioned him to discover what is happening with her daughters; each morning the girls wake up exhausted and no memory of what had happened, except for the dreams they have - the dreams however are the memories of the night before. Andrew has been given a special cloak that makes him invisible to all that “see” (don’t see) him. He travels through the portal with the princesses, the first night of his residency in the castle.

Angora is slowly poisoning the Princesses with drink and food that is consumed in Oarthland, the magic is taking longer than she likes, because she can only keep them overnight, so their bodies are not constantly poisoned by their Aunt, since on their mother’s side of the portal their food is not tainted.

Unbeknownst to Andrew (at this time) he is to be offered one of the princesses’ hand in marriage, or his choice of coin/jewels for payment for service to the Queen and King. This chapter ended with Andrew passing through the portal and watching as each Princess went off with a man, or teamed up with a sister. He chose to follow Danielle and another princess (later revealed as Quinn - [Quinn Ch.01] ), who were picked up by two men in a boat. One man lavishing more attention on Danielle than Andrew appreciates.

E 12 - 2 (Red)

This chapter opens in Oarthland and the end of the first morning light that Andrew has witnessed the Princess’s display - remember they left Westingfield at night and spent the entire time in Oarthland, so now it is morning, the sun is soon going to rise across both worlds.

Andrew watched Danielle and Simon’s sexual exploits, and was enraged by them, but did nothing. He also witnesses Quinn saying goodbye to a man that seems somehow familiar to him, but he isn’t sure why. When the group leave Oarthland through the portal, Angora senses that her sister’s magic had somehow returned to the land and she finds herself curious as to how and why. She calls for her servant girl, Marie, a young child, whose tongue had been cut out once Angora purchased her. She tells the girl to prepare a meal, for they would have guests later that night.

When the story slips back into Westingfield, Andrew is sitting before the Queen and after her urging he confesses what he saw Danielle doing. She senses his anger and tries to comfort him, and asks that he reveal his voice to Danielle when he is next in Oarthland. He later comes across the Princess and words are exchanged, but eventually he escorts her to the church, and later they meet up for an impromptu picnic, where he confesses he knows about the dreams - and they make love.

That night, he again follows Danielle, this time she is joined by Cecilia, Simon and Cassius, who invites the trio to a meal with an unnamed guests. Andrew follows, still hidden behind the cloak.

E 12 – Ch. 3 (Red)

Westingfield – Danielle and Andrew meet in a garden, where she shares what she can remember with him about her dreams. The Queen tells Andrew that he needs to find away to make Angora drink the blood that has dried on his dagger. Danielle’s past is revealed – she had fallen in love and bedded a guard, who thought to use her as a way to become part of the royal family. She discovered him in the arms of her most trusted ladiesmaids. During dinner the King and Queen privately confess to each other that they fear the meal they are all enjoying now, could be the last time they are all together.

Oarthland – The princesses scatter, and Andrew battles himself – follow Danielle, or go in search of Angora. He chooses to abandon Danielle, and take his own path into Oarthland. He swears not to leave that world, until the mystery is solved and Angora dead.

Aurelia & Ariel​

E 12 - Aurelia Ch. 1

Aurelia is introduced as is her Prince Colin. Aurelia is a twin sister to Ariel. In this segment Aurelia is touched that Colin can see that she is unique and not like her sister. She has struggled with being identical all her life, and has tried to make her own place in the Westingfield kingdom. They leave the dancing at Orathland, and kiss passionately. Aurelia offers more than a kiss to Prince Colin, but he refuses her and she leaves this first night in a huff.

E 12 - Ariel Ch. 1

Ariel, Aurelia’s twin sister, meets Prince Geoffry after he has met her sister. He isn’t aware until later that he’s now talking to a twin of the woman he’d spoken with earlier. As they spend more time together, Geoffry develops feelings for Ariel, and after sharing the same space with her on a bench, he allows his thoughts to wander, and they bring about a need in him. He leaves her at the dance, to seek the privacy needed to masturbate. His thoughts are full of Ariel. Unbeknownst to him, she is watching from behind some shrubbery. When she leaves the dance and is about to get into the boats, she gives him a lingering kiss - on the cheek.

E 12 - Aurelia Ch. 2 (Magica)

Colin, Aurelia, Ariel and Geoffrey open this chapter. The two men sense changes in the girls, but over time the women seem to return to what the Princes’ deem as normal. Colin and Aurelia argue on their way to the ball, and she tells them that she doesn’t believe they should be together. She doesn’t wish to be a wife/mother/broodmare. He can’t convince her that it wouldn’t have to be that way. At the dance, Aurelia enjoys dancing with several different men, eventually though leaving one wounded, and taking Colin away to a private chamber. Inside the empty bedroom, she disrobes, leaving her naked before his gaze. He desires her, but refuses to give in to her wants, even though she tells him they do not have to make love, still he refuses and she dresses, again leaving him and herself unsatisfied. Before she goes, she tells Colin she may not ever be ready for what he wants.

E 12 - Ariel Ch. 2

Ariel and Geoffrey share a kiss, he is again aroused by her and leaves her at the dance, so he can find some privacy to release his arousal. Once more he is followed, this time though Ariel shows herself and what happens next is a well written scene of a woman pleasuring her man with her tongue, lips and mouth. When they part, however Geoffrey fears that she may one day disappear from his life, and he would never be the same.

E 12 – Aurelia 3

Aurelia and Colin talk, he more so than her. He confesses his love and then takes her to the dance, where he introduces his parents, George and Miriam. His mother tells Aurelia that though she only ever had Colin as a child, she never felt that her husband held it against her, and soon Aurelia realizes that not every marriage means a marriage strictly for having babies and being a slave to her husband. She takes Colin off to an empty bedchamber, agrees to marry him, and both willingly give in to their desires.

E 12 – Ariel 3 (Magica)

Ariel and Geoffrey have a picnic, and as they relax Ariel watches fireflies flutter above them. She comments and two fireflies settle on a few leaves. Queen Titania and King Oberon, they tell the others they will remain behind and then do a bit of mischief and speak in rhyme, before watching Ariel and Geoffrey frolick in various positions, their own desires grow and soon they too are coupling. Geoffrey proposes to Areil, who happily agrees to wed him.

The Twins​

E 12 - The Twins Ch. 1

Mandy and Millay are the second set of twins born to Andrea and Bartholomew. They share a bond of magic with their mother, that neither are quite aware of, that allows them to recall their dreams where their sisters sometimes struggle. They also have a mental connection which gives them the ability to share each other’s thoughts, if they open their minds willingly. Both women are sexually involved - in some fashion - with a Prince, though one Prince is moving slowly with his Princess.

- Mandy dyed her hair blond and her sister, Millay darkened hers to a dark chocolate, in hopes to keep others from confusing them.

In this segment it is revealed that the twins rarely attend the dances of Oarthland, instead they travel a woody path that takes them to their Princes - Prince Jerov and Prince Beryl. Jerov is a powerful sorcery and works to strengthen his abilities; at the same time he is also giving lessons to the girls, hoping to use their knowledge and power to strengthen his own. He is a cruel lover, and uses Mandy forcefully in this chapter, forcing her to deep throat him, as well as take him from behind. She battles an inner war with desire and disgust. The chapter ends after she washes his cock with her tongue, leaving him clean.

Beryl is moving slowly with Millay, he seeems to treasure her, and wishes to protect her from Jerov’s vile sexual acts upon her sister. Millay is glad she is not the subject of Jerov’s attentions.

Before the girls leave the two men and return to the boats. Jerov teaches them the spell of illusion.

E 12 - The Twins Ch. 2

Mandy and Millay are unaware that someone is watching them, described as a “shadow”. Jerov encourages Beryl to see if Millay doesn’t want to be seduced. He moves toward her, and soon discovers she indeed hungers for his touch. They leave Jerov and Mandy, and go to a clearing where Jerov has magically created a bed to appear. Millay encourages Beryl and deathlynx writes a descriptive and erotic tale of sin and pleasure. Toward the end Millay feels as if something is wrong, but at the same time experiences a great climax that leaves her surrounded by darkness. When she comes to, she discovers that Jerov had tampered with the moment, thus angering Beryl. The two women eventually return to the boats, both knowing that they can’t keep living the double lives - it is taking its toll on both of them.

E 12 – The Twins Ch. 3 (deathlynx)

This installment opens with Jerov, angrily pacing and hovering about angry and hostile. Beryl quietly waits, hoping the girls arrive and arrive quickly. He chooses to ignore his friend’s anger, easier than dealing with it. When the girls do arrive it is only because Beryl went in search of them, caught Millay and then carried both women to his friend. He deposited one sister on one couch, and he and Millay took the other. Jerov stalks about, tossing spells left and right, and soon Beryl and Millay are held tight against their seat, unable to move and Mandy is picked up, her body toyed with like a “marionette”. Her gown is ripped and Jerov openly beats her with his hands and fists. Millay hurts for her twin and with power unbeknownst to her breaks free of Jerov’s spell. She launches herself at Mandy and as Jerov moves to beat Millay, Beryl steps in. He comes close to killing his friend, only to stop short when Mandy leaps in and covers her lover’s body with her own. Beryl explains to Jerov that he is willing to help him become the good man he was, but he will no longer stand by and let him abuse Mandy. Jerov meekly nods his head, and the reader is left with the impression that the sorcerer is going to change – but is he?


E 12 - Merry Ch. 1 (TE999)

Merry is a fun, enchanting Princess who is lover to Prince Karl of the Kingdom of Vard. They also choose not to attend the dance, but instead take to the forest, eventually finding a clearing where a pool of water looks to inviting to pass up. They have sex, only to be interrupted by the arrival of two magical fairytale creatures. Aqua - a water sprite, and Larch - a wood nymph. The group divide themselves, pairing up with each other is Merry and Larch - they arouse each other into an explosive release, as does Karl and Aqua. Soon the four of them are seeking pleasure and a small naked train of flesh is a steamy write in this chapter.

When Merry voices concern about the dance and their missing it, Larch shares with them another portal, this one taking them straight to the castle where the dance is being held. They disappear before the others sisters take note of them.

E 12 - Merry Ch. 2 (TE999)

Merry and Karl meet, Karl carrying his sword “Thunderbolt” and Merry her dagger “Snake Fang”. they make their way into the forest where they make love - later a shadow flutters over them, and a dragon drops down, along with it a woman. The woman is Linna, her dragon is Starflower. After introductions are made, another dragon drops down, with a rider. The male rider is Harabi, and the dragon is Thistle. The four people (?) lol -- trade lovers, and then later Karl and Merry are pleasured by the same sex members of two dragon folk. There is titillating lesbian and gay erotica in this story. After they couples mate - a ritual that bonds them for life as friends - the dragons take Karl and Merry for a ride, back to the dancing grounds, where they are introduced to the other sisters. After the dragons leave to go back to Linna and Harabi, the sisters all go back to the ships.

E 12 – Merry Ch. 3 (TE999)

Merry and Karl are again pulled away from the dance and find a clearing where they make love. As they relax a twig is snapped, alerting them both. Two riders appear. A man and woman, their bodies and their mounts are nothing more than skeletons. The group battles, but Merry and Karl best the skeleton warriors – Scapulus(male) and Radia(female). The warriors take the shape of flesh and bones, than the women pleasure each other, eventually the men fuck both women and the group becomes fast friends.

The skeleton people explain their background, and later offer to take the Princess and her Prince back to the dancing grounds, where Mary and Karl introduce them and the others are in awe over what adventures the pair always seems to become lost in. Karl and Merry also wonder why they can never seem to make it to the dance.


E 12 - Quinn Ch. 1 (glynndah)

Quinn is a nickname for Anne Aurora Westingfield - she is a studious Princess, more interested in books and skills that only a man should know. She doesn’t know how to dance and has a hard time acting the part of a pampered Princess. She ignores the dance, choosing instead to explore the castle, looking for a place to read a book. She stumbles upon a room, and also a man - Jerome and becomes locked in a room with him.

Jerome is a steward of her father’s and he is just as confused as to why he is there, as she is. But they are friends, and so they rest comfortably together in the room, using each other to keep warm. Eventually their conversation turns to dancing and Jerome offers Quinn lessons. She accepts and soon her thoughts become more desirable to Jerome and she longs for him to notice her. Eventually she falls asleep in his arms, only to be awoken by him, telling her the door seemed to have opened. She leaves via the boat that had brought her and Jerome is left on shore, both still do not know how he got there or why.

E 12 - Quinn Ch. 2 (glynndah)

Quinn spies Jerome dancing with Angelina, only to find out later - as she is about to fall over the balcony - that it is a man that looks like Jerome. The real Jerome saves her from herself. They walk together through a door, that mysteriously closes then disappears. Eventually they light candles and the room is illuminated. There are many books, but one seems to beckon Quinn so she gathers it up and she and Jerome study the pages. Inside the book images of her sisters appear. She sees Danielle, Simon and a shadow. She sees Ariel and her Prince frolicking. When her name appears in the book, she asks Jerome to look and tell her if it is good or bad. He sees her hugging a man with a crown, and tells her that she will have a happy life. In time she falls asleep and he carries her to the boats, and again stays on shore.

E 12 – Quinn Ch. 3 (glynndah)

Opens with Quinn completing a spell on “summoning a Prince” when she is finished, she sees Jerome, and says her spell works. They go off to the same magical room they’ve been drawn to the last couple of visits. Once there, they spend time dancing, eventually they kiss, and this leads to disrobing and making love, while magic swirls around them. Quinn notices a mark on Jerome’s chest, questions him about it, but he only says it’s been there since he was born. When they leave they happen upon a servant who shares with them the story of a Prince whose picture they look at. The story goes on to say that a young Prince Brendan came up missing when he was three. The bones of a man and a horse were later found, but not those of a young boy, they always hoped the boy was missing – he was a Prince of Oarthland. The servant explains the boy would bare a royal mark, and Quinn believes Jerome is the missing heir to the magical castle that they all are called to. Jerome hurries from the castle, Quinn in tow – he wants to ask her father for her hand in marriage.


E 12 - Angelina Ch. 1 (starrkers)

Angelina’s prince is Dante. He is written as a man who “borrows” magic. He takes Angelina to the dance, after arousing her with magic - unseen hands that caress her most intimate regions. Throughout the night he torments her, teasing her nipples, pussy, stroking her flesh with feathery and firm caresses. She wants desperately to be fucked by him, but he denies her all night long. He brings her so close to release only to pull away his magic. She trembles in the arms of not only him, but her various dance partners. When she leaves Oarthland her body craves his touch and he smirks knowingly.

E 12 - Angelina Ch. 2 (starrkers)

Angelina and Dante’s boat travels to shore, after docking Dante leads Angelina to a cottage, changes his mind and instead takes her to the dance. As they dance he arouses her as well as quietly passes signals to two men - whom Angelina doesn’t see. After the dancing and his phantom hands move over her flesh, Angelina wants release, and goes to the cottage with Dante. Once inside he continues to arouse her, then tells her they will play a game. She must try to distinguish his magic from his real self. He blindfolds her and as he works his wiles across her flesh, the two men from the dance appear. They take the place of Dante’s hands and soon they are touching Angelina. They give her their cocks to pleasure and she believes them to be Dante’s and his magic cock. After she is covered in the men’s seed, they leave, Dante makes her climax with his hand, but is surprised by the disgust he feels after his “game” is over. Angelina is confused by his reactions, but she goes on the boat, not knowing what her Prince has done to her.

E 12 – Angelina Ch. 3 (starrkers)

This chapter opens with Dante and Angelina at the dance. He is watching her as she dancing with many other men. He’s ignored her and she promises herself to have fun and dance with whomever she wishes. Eventually she dances with Felipe, one of the men that had used her in the cottage. He leads her out to a balcony and tells her that Dante is using her, taking bets, etc. and he does it to all the women. She doubts him, and then is reassured when Dante interrupts the conversation. Felipe leaves, but not before letting Angelina know he is not her enemy. Alone with her Prince, Angelina succumbs to his wants and he forces his way into her, he uses magic as well as his own physical strength to drive her to a hungry need. When he comes inside her, he pulls free, barely gives her time to fix her clothes and takes her back to the dance. As she dances she is told that she smells like a “whore” – she realizes the scent of her and Dante rest on her person and is noticed by her dance partners. When they leave the party, Dante uses her mouth and again finds release. This time Angelina notices the difference in the size and taste of his cock.


E 12 - Triplets Ch. 1 (Remec)

Triplets Robin, Hazel, and Violet are very free with their bodies while in Orathland. They pretend to be female pirates; they share the Princes Seamus, Donal of Hardby, and Cathal. They have no issues pleasuring more than one man at a time, nor do they mind sharing them with each other. In this chapter it is revealed that during their awake time in Westingfield, they are supposed to tell Danielle immediately about what the recall of their dreams -- they don’t always do that. Hazel ends the chapter with mentally chastising herself and her sisters - she knows as a Princess what they are doing with the men is very much frowned upon and should not be done.

E 12 - Triplets Ch. 2 (Remec)

Donal searches for answers, as does Seamus and Cathal. We learn that they are Sea Princes, as well as pirates. An informant is brought on board the ship, named Gormic, he is paid for information and tells the Princes that there are others that seek knowledge of the Princesses, and one man is close to finding away to cross into the other world.

In Westingfield, Robin, Hazel and Violet pour over Violet’s journals and each realize that there is a chance they are leading two lives. They struggle to tell Danielle or not. In time they decide to wait, and that night they go to Oarthland, and Hazel slips into the water, she goes down into the boat, and Donal approaches her. She seems to have forgotten Oarthland, and recalled Westingfield. Donal finds it strange, Hazel runs from him, and sees her sisters naked and with the other Princes. She realizes she is in one of Violet’s stories. Hazel accepts this and moves back down into the boat with Donal.

E 12 - Triplets Ch. 3 (Remec) - No submission at this time


E 12 - Cecilia Ch. 1

Cecilia is the youngest of all the twelve princesses. She is also blind, but works hard to not use the handicap to her advantage. She is in love with Prince Cassius, who wishes to be with her in Oarthland. He tires of witchcraft, magic, and sorcery. He often describes Cecilia’s surroundings to her, so she is better able to protect herself from hidden dangers. In this chapter he confesses he has visited a witch known as Angora and she has promised to help him find a way to be with Cecilia in Westingfield - the price would be she is allowed to accompany him.

No one knows Angora is the Princesses aunt, their mother never spoke to them about her twin sister. (This is one contrast that is my fault, later on it is revealed that Danielle knows, and so oops on me.)

E 12 - Cecilia Ch. 2

Cecilia and Danielle frolic with their Princes, Andrew watches unseen/unheard. They all arrive and depart the boat; they move to a castle, where Angora greets them. The girls are shocked, but they move into the castle and sit down to dine with their aunt, and their Princes. Angora tells them about the portal and that she knows that the girls “dream” of Orathland, but have no memories of what they do on this side of the portal. She interrupts her tale, sensing her sister’s magic. She accuses the others of being traitors, and advances toward them. Celicia can only hear what is happen, she is frightened as shouts, screams and fallen furniture fills her ears. Eventually her sister pulls her away and she is told about a floating dagger in the air, and their Aunt was stabbed. Cecilia fears the only way for her and Cassius to be together has died with their Aunt, the witch.

E 12 – Cecilia Ch. 3 (Red)

Cecilia waits patiently at the dance while Cassius spends some time dancing with one of her sisters. While she waits, a man approaches; he identifies himself as Warren, Angora’s son. He tells her that she needs to leave with him, and if she does not he has placed guards throughout the room and they will not hesitate to destroy her sisters. Cecilia moves with him, and enters her aunt’s castle. Her aunt is angry that Cecilia is the one brought to her, but she decides to use the woman anyway and tells Cecilia she is to give her sister a message. She gives her a potion to drink that will allow Cecilia to recall everything about the night ahead of her. Cecilia drinks the liquid and feels herself become weighted and tired. Warren catches her and places her in a chair, where he tells her to listen to his mother. The installment ends.
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Cecilia's story has been submitted, with the submission of E 12 - 4 and Cecilia Ch. 04, both sides of Oarthland and Westingfield have been written and concluded, if anyone wishes to see either chapter before they are approved and posted, please PM me and I'll toss them both back at you.

Thanks everyone for your patience, support, and understanding. It was a long journey, with a long vacation, but as I read back through each story, taking notes and recalling all the rich detail each writer gave to their work, I was touched and honored by the effort everyone gave. I loved every chapter, and posted comments on chapters that I had forgot to comment on in the past, again thanks for this Journey.

~ Red :kiss:
Twist a what???

The first time I read the subject line, I thought it said "twist a fairy with me."
The loose ends are tied enough that others can, if they wish, finis their stories.

Enchanted Twelve 4 - Andrew and Danielle's story as well as loose ends tied with Angora in Oarthland.

Enchanted Twelve: Cecilia Ch. 4 - Cecila and Cassius' story as well as loose ends tied with Andrea in Oarthland.

If you do decide to finish your characters tales, could you please PM me the link or post it in the thread, that way I'm aware and can put the link in the first post with the others!

Thanks everyone for your participation! :kiss: :)