How much time do you spend on Lit?

Depends on the day. But way less than 20 minutes for most days.
I find that I'll go through stretches where I am on a lot, throughout the day and evening. For a few months at a time. Then, adulting kicks in and I realize, it's too much and I better get my ass back to work.

My time then tapers off for a few weeks and then it may be a few months or more before I revisit.
I think I spend too much time on lit.. yet.. not enough time.. I have lost track of time in this world as I sit that the table and enjoy some tea with the mad hatter and the queen in the background screaming.. "off with your head..."
Typically, too much time. Covid/Cancer diagnosis left me isolated and lonely more than usual. So, I came here for distraction/interaction.
When I was working. Less time.
With the new update I haven't been able to log in from my phone and I keep telling myself that's probably good. It at least limits my time a little.
Because I am still trying to be careful of my immune system. This is often the place I feel human interactions.
I'm sorry to hear about your cancer hope you're all better now.
What even is the chaos thread? I kind of tried once to look through but then I gave up…maybe I don’t need to know. Hmm now I’m conflicted.
Its just a thread where a bunch of ppl hang out, it's pretty friendly and there's a little bit of everything happening at the same time. It moves fast so don't try to catch up lol just jump in whenever.
I'm sorry to hear about your cancer hope you're all better now.

Its just a thread where a bunch of ppl hang out, it's pretty friendly and there's a little bit of everything happening at the same time. It moves fast so don't try to catch up lol just jump in whenever
I stop in briefly, fire off some posts, bail out and come back in a bit.
I‘m probably on the longest at night. AKA: Wank ‘o clock.
Historically I’ve been away from Lit much, much more than here. I’ve gone years without logging in, but I have been around more in the last few months and it’s been a very different experience. I’ve met some truly fantastic people (and I don’t mean that sexually.)

Realistically, I’ve only found the time because I was a bit burnt out at work and needed a distraction. At some point that will change though and I’ll have less available time 🤷‍♀️

*gives you a bland look* People always cyber fucked each others brains out, kept secrets, blackmailed and stabbed each other in the back.
Blackmailed? That was said for comedic effect, right? Right?!

But to the hostility: I hear ya. I can't stand it. It's gross. The name calling. The spatting. And for what???
Is that really a prevalent thing? I’ve seen an occasional wack-a-doodle pop up, but they seemingly get bored or run off relatively quickly. Maybe I’m obvious or just not in those threads? I spend most of my time here in fun threads like you, Trekka, and PLP start and they’re simply fun and witty and charming. Sometimes serious, but in a good way.
Off & on for the better part of a decade. On now more so due to, well, I'm sure people can form their own opinion of why a married man is on Lit.

I'm enjoying my time here and have connected with a couple of genuine folks.
There are periods when it is an every day thing. Then there are periods when I abstain completely. For example, I stopped browsing here (and elsewhere) on July 10th. Felt like it was taking over my life. So yesterday (August 2nd) I checked in and things seemed fresh and new and interesting. That's the pattern.
oh about 1/2hour a day its not as good anymore then it use to be :(
and now i even have trouble getting on to lit :(
I've had more free time than usual this year so I've spend quite a lot sometimes but also #adhdproblems i get really into something and then it dies off and I'm currently in the my interest is dying off phase lol.
oh about 1/2hour a day its not as good anymore then it use to be :(
and now i even have trouble getting on to lit :(
Its a glitch in the website. When you log in and takes you back to the page as if you hadn't log in, just click on any section of the forum and then it works.
Blackmailed? That was said for comedic effect, right? Right?!
I really wish I could say yes. But it has happened. People have been Doxxed, outed, blackmailed, and betrayed in many ways. Ask the ladies who've been here a lot, for a long time.
Yesterday's elapsed time was about seven hours, with an hour out for dinner. Much of that time was spent browsing other erotica blogs for pictures to post in the forum, interspersed with reading a series of Lit stories. Previous session was three days prior, for about four hours. That's pretty typical for me.
I've always been an up and down Litster. Everything from hours upon hours a day to not even logging in for years. I tend to catch up on the goings on during a lunch break or while chilling at night (or like today when I'm waiting for the washing and avoid the other chores I should be doing). I tend to only post when I find something engaging or fun and have been really turned off of Lit completely by some of the threads and posters at times. I can always be lured in by the meme thread popping to the top of the list.