How much time do you spend on Lit?

I've always been an up and down Litster. Everything from hours upon hours a day to not even logging in for years. I tend to catch up on the goings on during a lunch break or while chilling at night (or like today when I'm waiting for the washing and avoid the other chores I should be doing). I tend to only post when I find something engaging or fun and have been really turned off of Lit completely by some of the threads and posters at times. I can always be lured in by the meme thread popping to the top of the list.
Exactly me.
I just started back here. Been going through a rut with my wife and have been searching the forums for advice and answers to maybe get us out of it.

I’m in and out right now a few times a day. Depends on how busy I am.
Way more then i should. Im addicted to it. But i found a really special writer here and im glad i discovered her. 🥰 my sweet Jenny
Sometimes it's a couple times a week, sometimes it's like once a week. Usually visit for a few hours when I get on
Depending on the day of the week and whether I work, it could be an hour or it could be half the night
Three hours sixteen minutes and twenty-two or minus an hour or ten...depending on what's going on.
I go in spurts. I also try to limit my time on here, which isn't hard with working and other RL stuff. I took a 2 year break about 5 years ago when I was on under another profile. When I returned, I couldn't get into my old account. The two years I was gone I moved to California and was chopping a lot of wood. :)
Sometimes a couple of hours, some days I skip it altogether. I guess it averages out to about 30 minutes a day.
