Post a reason why the person above would appear in the evening breaking news

Named Head Knight at Midevil Times

This is Tom Tucker. Usually, when speaking about Deckard, I simply refer to him as "local boob," but his actions of late have been so reprehensible, So completely unnerving … He is a base, deceitful, fraud guilty of quackery, a fake, a phony, an imposter, a pretender, a charlatan, a hoaxer, a cheat, a deceiver, a trickster, a swindler, a rogue, a villain, a scoundrel, and those are his good qualities. What has he done to deserve such righteous indignation to be visited upon him? He promised little old ladies that he'd pay their electric bill if they allowed him to take nudie pics of them. He took the pics, then skipped out. He posted their pics online at, the evil swine.
This is Tom Tucker. Usually, when speaking about Deckard, I simply refer to him as "local boob," but his actions of late have been so reprehensible, So completely unnerving … He is a base, deceitful, fraud guilty of quackery, a fake, a phony, an imposter, a pretender, a charlatan, a hoaxer, a cheat, a deceiver, a trickster, a swindler, a rogue, a villain, a scoundrel, and those are his good qualities. What has he done to deserve such righteous indignation to be visited upon him? He promised little old ladies that he'd pay their electric bill if they allowed him to take nudie pics of them. He took the pics, then skipped out. He posted their pics online at, the evil swine.

Won the lottery to become the new weatherman on his local Fox affiliate. :eek:
News of the Weird: Tried to use his lance on his consenting female friend in an attempt at a new sexual fetish that can't be described.

Overvalued on wall street due to insider trading.
A patsie revealed the game plan and as was expected the crash eroded the net wealth of millions of investors.

That would be just about my luck. :rolleyes:
News of the Weird: Tried to use his lance on his consenting female friend in an attempt at a new sexual fetish that can't be described.

That would be just about my luck. :rolleyes:

He walked around town shouting "Howdy, Neighbor" before jerking them off. Side note: They every one allowed him to finish.
Roses are red
Deckard and Kurrg
Secret lovers
Often they merge
whadda ya mean this is the wrong thread
She's the first of an army of sexy lizard people come to invade Earth.

I, for one, embrace our new busty and well hung lizard overlords.
Went sprinting through his neighborhood, naked, saver for his Nikes.
Was seen fucking strangers in the streets to celebrate their state reopening from the coronavirus lockdown.

Dan Rather was quoted as saying, "You're not gonna believe this shit!"

He is my number one customer.

It's a fine product. Keeps away the rheumatiz, most insects, noxious mammals, and people within a ten-mile radius.
Was seen fucking strangers in the streets to celebrate their state reopening from the coronavirus lockdown.

Dan Rather was quoted as saying, "You're not gonna believe this shit!"

It's a fine product. Keeps away the rheumatiz, most insects, noxious mammals, and people within a ten-mile radius.

Being interviewed because his new series, "Interviews with Women wearing Thongs," is such a major success. What do they talk about? No one knows as they are too busy looking at dem booties.
Being interviewed because his new series, "Interviews with Women wearing Thongs," is such a major success. What do they talk about? No one knows as they are too busy looking at dem booties.

Filed a complaint against the network because they didn't get to host Interviews With Women Wearing Thongs. :rolleyes: