Unpopular Opinions

I don't think social media is contributing a lot to society these days. It seems more a platform that's overused by people with big mouths and poor impulse control.

True, but you can't argue with the fact that it disseminates information and news a hell of a lot quicker than anything else (though with the attendant problem that it isn't always verified, but still). :)
True, but you can't argue with the fact that it disseminates information and news a hell of a lot quicker than anything else (though with the attendant problem that it isn't always verified, but still). :)

I agree with your assessment about how quickly news is disseminated via social media. Unfortunately, it's the perfect platform to advance false & misleading narratives (regardless of ideology).
with all it's conveniences, still, I hate the electronic age.
I think this thread should have been started long ago. I think I'm naming my firstborn after the OP.
I think more people should add me to their block list because I like saying controversial things.

Now. Having gotten those nice preliminaries out of the way, I'll just start for a simple trio for now:

1. It irritates me that women can say men shouldn't discriminate against women based on the way they look. I know too many women that won't even give fellows the time of day because they don't fit their image of Mr Perfect's physique. People find certain things attractive, and shouldn't be expected to change their tastes to satisfy your sensibilities. To each their own. Deal with it.

2. There is no better way to start a conversation than 'Hey you.' Preferably followed by 'Sit down, we're going to cyber, so get involved in my fantasy.'

3. Weimaraners > Dobermans
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You guys make a great comedy team. :D

And I like phone sex better than camming. :p
Who was joking? :eek:

Phone sex is nice, but being able to see is nice too.

I believe all sports besides track and field are utterly droll. The English middle distance dynasty was the greatest athletic achievement in the history of athletics. Ever.
I thought the movie "Split" sucked, despite James McAvoy's fantastic performance. Same way I felt about "The Dark Knight" and Heath Ledger
My opinion is that no matter how cold everyone should take their socks off before sex.
I think a lot of rock stars are considered legends just because they managed to grow old.
I dislike when people try too hard. If you have to spend 15 minutes thinking up what to write, it's not natural. If it's not natural, don't do it. Posturing is ridiculous, and serves no positive purpose. This applies to posts, profiles, and PM's.