What would you tell your younger self if you could travel back in time?

What would you tell your younger self IF you could travel back in time??
Words of advice? Warnings? Encouragement? Reassuring?
What would you tell your younger self if you had the chance to do so???
I'd say..
>> eat lots of snacks, your metabolism is amazing.
>> enjoy every night out with friends you can, before everyone spreads out over the world.
>> holy shit, buy a house. you think they're expensive now?? oh boy.
>> there is a line between being understanding and being a doormat. you are not a concierge.
>> enjoy that hairline
>> embrace that stubble
>> try not to fuck with our future timeline though, it all works out pretty awesome ❤️
>> Buy Apple at 4$ a share
>> Buy Bitcoin at < 1$
>> Ask the girl on the red line, with the amazing blue eyes on a date.
>> Dump my first girlfriend after she hooked up with my “best friend” (it was way more than a drunken kiss)
>> Get ADHD diagnosed when I was in high school
Wait until the Clinton / Reno Mortgage fiasco collapsed the market in 2008 and buy as much Amazon, Microsoft, Broadcom, Nvida and some other stocks as the government focused on how to raid the cash that was still left in banks that made it through.
You'll do great, sweetie. Even when you think things are not going great.

Go travel. While you still can. Taking vacation days off will become impossible in the future.

Life is brief. Live it well.
Don't be a bitch, swallow your pride, and take the olive branches that are handed to you. As time passes it will get harder, you'll regret the things you did and said.

BTW, you're gay!
-It’s ok to say no.
-Don’t be scared to take the scholarship and play for a different team.
-Don’t hide your accomplishments out of fear of making a guy feel bad.
-Mental health is more important than pleasing the coach.
I'm only 23 so I don't have that far to go, but I'd tell myself that there's nothing wrong with that things that interest you and if anything it just makes you more human. Be a nerd, be sexy, be open to new experiences and don't be afraid to say yes, or say no.
When the heroin addict you think you love and have no idea he is a heroin addict dies on your bathroom floor with a locked door is a huge red flag. Unfortunately, you are still too too stupid and naive to understand the reality.
Pick the blue pill.

Ok for real...
  • Time is the most valuable resource in your life, spend it wisely.
  • Focus on accepting and adapting to what happens in your life rather than trying to control what happens in your life.
  • Listen to your gut more than your brain.
  • Read Illusions when you're MUCH younger.
  • Look for <NAME REDACTED> in your early 50s. She'll make you happy in any version of your life.
Regarding employers if you are injured enough that you can’t get to work on your own, don’t go. Take the short term disabilities.
Don’t answer phone calls from employers after work.
Take time off, every single bit that is yours. Document the hell out of everything. Trust no one at work any further than you can push them.
What's easy for you is really hard for normal people. Don't keep swinging for the fences (though I have no regrets that I did). Start your own business (I did eventually), and charge what your worth. Get involved in the community (by joining community organizations), it's both satisfying and will build your business (but don't do it with the idea of building your business, let that happen organically). And start a dance as soon as you can (I finally am doing that now).

I suspect other people should substitute other things for my things.

Something I am good at that I recommend. Count your blessings every day.