Our country's fetishizing of guns is revolting

Shooter's mom has a 17 year rap sheet evidently.
She got a DUI in 2007
Most recently got arrested in November 2023 for possession of methamphetamine, fentanyl and prescription muscle relaxers (called a "Derpy Cocktail" here on Lit)
Keyed her husband's pickup truck and altered the license plate of her car.
Did 45 days in jail and had the remainder of her five year prison sentence deferred.
No 14 year old should be allowed to have unsupervised access to firearms., especially so if they have known mental health issues.

Now THAT I totally agree with. No kids should have unsupervised access to firearms. Altho in a home defence emergency....there's always exceptions to every rule.

First, 2A rights never were and never have been there for all.
Second, either you made a mistake, luckily somehow not ending up like so many of the accidental gun deaths that now have made guns the number 1 killer of children here, and got yer ass kicked or ya didn't.
(1) They should be. 2A doesn't make any exceptions. "....the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed."

(2) Nope. Both my granddads spent years in the Armies. My mom's dad was an officer in the ARVN Rangers and made it thru 10 years of fighting, then got most of his unit out on a couple of boats with their families. He lived with guns for years and knows how to use them. Other granddad was..yeah well, Army for quite a while and a couple of tours as an Advisor with....the ARVN Rangers. They trained me and my brothers and it sure wasn't unsupervised. I wasn't allowed to touch a gun unless one of them was there, beside me, and ex-military instructors...lol...made no difference to them that I was 5..or 6...or 7. And I was never given anything to shoot that I couldn't handle safely, which is another stupid mistake some people make. Giving little kids an Uzi is just dumb....
Yeah... probably mostly by his parents more than anyone at school.

There are plenty of kids in other countries with horrible home lives, bullied at school for being Gay, and serious mental health issues. But neverending school massacres is a uniquely American phenomenon.
They happen in China to, but usually with knives....crazies will find a way
It was also largely intended to allow imperial racist colonialists to more easily exert their dominance over enslaved and indigenous persons. That's what was really meant by "security of a free state."

I'll agree with the squirrelly wuss of a thread-starter on those points. You can be pro-gun without pretending that there's anything redeemable in documents created by dead imperialists who would all be lined up and shot if they tried to reenact their bourgeois "revolution" in any modern, civilized country.

When my people take power, the US Constitution goes straight into the burn barrel.

Thing is, when you try to throw the Constitution into the burn barrel, that's when we see the real intent of the 2A.
Now THAT I totally agree with. No kids should have unsupervised access to firearms. Altho in a home defence emergency....there's always exceptions to every rule.

(1) They should be. 2A doesn't make any exceptions. "....the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed."

"They should be." Okden. :rolleyes: :poop:
(2) Nope. Both my granddads spent years in the Armies. My mom's dad was an officer in the ARVN Rangers and made it thru 10 years of fighting, then got most of his unit out on a couple of boats with their families. He lived with guns for years and knows how to use them. Other granddad was..yeah well, Army for quite a while and a couple of tours as an Advisor with....the ARVN Rangers. They trained me and my brothers and it sure wasn't unsupervised. I wasn't allowed to touch a gun unless one of them was there, beside me, and ex-military instructors...lol...made no difference to them that I was 5..or 6...or 7. And I was never given anything to shoot that I couldn't handle safely, which is another stupid mistake some people make. Giving little kids an Uzi is just dumb....
Thanks, I guess, for the whole family history. ARVN? Thought you were Chinese or half or white or whatevs :rolleyes: IDC.
My granddads started me shooting when I was 5.
Yeah, let's conveniently skip over this one cause obviously the 5 year old you shooting a gun is more responsible than a 14 year old wanting an AR.
Grew up with guns, grew up with getting my ass kicked if I made a mistake with firearms safety too.
This! This is what I'm interested in.
What mistakes did you make to get yer ass kicked?
So without giving too many details away about what fell out of the canoe last time you were out kayaking, what's your favorite personal firearm? I have two I train with pretty regularly...

Daniel Defense MK18. 10.4 inch barrel, and I picked up this a few years ago.....

And my lovey little Daniel Defense DDM4 PDW 300 BLACKOUT- I bought one each himself and me, because mine would be all lonely by itself. Black too. Ooooohhhhhh so beautiful. 7" barrel. 21" long overall and 5.7 lbs. If you want a compact little home defense gun, this is really good. And those 300 Blackout rounds are great. Of course there are the ones in the lake and everything, but these two and a couple of handguns are the ones I train with all the time. Have my old Sig-Sauer as well plus a Remington 20 gauge but I don't shoot those that often.

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This! This is what I'm interested in.
What mistakes did you make to get yer ass kicked?
Starting to turn around with a loaded gun. Once. Believe me, once! That's the one I really remember - it was a painful learning experience. LOL
Starting to turn around with a loaded gun. Once. Believe me, once! That's the one I really remember - it was a painful learning experience. LOL
For my own sanity I gots nuthin else to ask. Sincerely glad no one was injured in your family and glad yer here taking mental ass whuppins rather than actual.
Were in the midst of discussing yet another school massacre when one gun nut decides it's a perfect time to post a pic of the Bentley he hopes to buy and another decides to show off beauty shots of her end-of-times bunker arsenal.

You two must be awkward as fuck at funerals.
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Why automatic weapons should be allow to be owned by the average Joe is nuts. If your going out hunting surely a single shot rifle should be sufficient for putting Bambi or Thumper down.

Remember when the 2nd Amendment was written they were still playing with mussel loading rifles.
Why automatic weapons should be allow to be owned by the average Joe is nuts. If your going out hunting surely a single shot rifle should be sufficient for putting Bambi or Thumper down.

Remember when the 2nd Amendment was written they were still playing with mussel loading rifles.
The 2nd amendment has nothing to do with hunting.
Why automatic weapons should be allow to be owned by the average Joe is nuts. If your going out hunting surely a single shot rifle should be sufficient for putting Bambi or Thumper down.

Remember when the 2nd Amendment was written they were still playing with mussel loading rifles.
LOL. They ain't for hunting.

Mussel loading rifles? I think you're getting mixed up with shells for cannon or something.

Muzzle-loaders were standard military weapons at the time. Although there was the Ferguson rifle, one of the first breech-loading rifles to be put into service by the British military. But whatever. When the 1st Amendment was written there was no internet. The intent was not to freeze technology. It was to set out inalienable rights.

And besides, if you read the text of the 2nd Amendment, it says "arms", not "muzzle-loaders."

Simply not so...

I live in a Blue state and every year there is an annual gun show at a local convention center. .Without fail THOUSANDS of people turn out each year to ogle, fondle, buy & sell guns. Often w/ kids at their side. Fucking gross.

And despite being in a Blue state, I've not met ANY liberal who announces their pronoun when greeting people nor advocates that 6 year olds be taught sex ed. You're twisting the truth, but I'm sure not...
you make it sound so sensual. Now I am starting to think differently of firearms....dammit