Our country's fetishizing of guns is revolting

Nope. He'd have started Civil War Two. Enough people would see Trump's assassination as a Deep State / Democrat act that the hostilities would commence. Just be glad the guy was a poor shooter. It's far better for everyone this way.

Of course, there's not to say some misguided Democrats will NOT start Civil War 2 after losing the next elections, because Democrats have a poor track record of accepting results they don't like, but that's another story, and its not like we don't have a plentiful supply of backhoes.
hmmmph....how many backhoes is enough ??? They could wreck havoc on neighborhoods !!! We should outlaw them!
This boils down to a you problem. You see an inanimate object and your brain is seeing dead kid faces (from an event you weren't even present at). I'm all for some therapy and addressing mental health issues, and you are a prime candidate to need such help. You also think everyone should join you in this viewpoint and can't understand why people don't think like you. You are a prime example of someone that shouldn't be around firearms. Don't become a member of the 60+%. Get some help and become a better you.
Perfectly said
The 2nd amendment has nothing to do with hunting.

But for the average Joe all you should need a gun for is hunting, you Yanks have a multi $B army to defend your country and a reasonable police force to enforce the laws. Elsewhere in the civilized world people don't have the same access to guns so the slaughter of kids at schools doesn't happen, yet you Yanks cling to your weapons and your kids get slaughtered on a regular basis Go Figure.
Like father like son... The Dad glorified guns, so is it any surprise his son did too? ..Of course not. It's a societal sickness.
No emotionally healthy person should want to own something that can kill dozens of people from hundreds of feet in mere seconds. Pure fucking madness. Like I said, if a neighbor spent his time making homemade poison or bombs, people would think they're fucking nuts. But not AR style guns... It's a similarly psychotic obsession but one that we've totally normalized.
What exactly is an AR style gun? I'm not being a wise ass here. I want you to clearly and succinctly define the rifle you want to ban. If you can't you are just another parrot mimicking talking points. Please be better than that.
hmmmph....how many backhoes is enough ??? They could wreck havoc on neighborhoods !!! We should outlaw them!
Improvisation. Wood chippers. Mulchers. Pig farms. Fill swimming pools with acid and dissolve them. Food Aid for Chicago. All sorts of ways to deal with these challenges.
I worked in a quasi-hospital setting and we occasionally got people in who were in the recovery phase of treatment for gunshot wounds:

One individual had been hit by two rounds from a police AR rifle. It was gruesome. The damage done from two bullets was incredible. The amount of bone and tissue / muscle loss seemed impossible from just two relatively tiny bullets. It looked like they shot him with a shotgun slug or a .44 hollow point from point blank range - and way more than just twice.

Other individuals who HAD been shot repeatedly (sometimes six or more times) by handguns displayed bullet entry and exit wounds and some scars from surgery, but nothing like what that AR did.

That ^ was when I determined that the AR did NOT belong in the hands of just any citizen. It IS a weapon of mass destruction.

Full stop.

hmm...must have used the wrong ammo in the handguns...
A shotgun slug does not expand very much at close range (NOR at long range for that matter)...so IT would not do as much damage as you would have us believe. A .44 at POINT BLANK range has much the same effect. Back that .44 up a good ways...and It WILL expand more...I agree.
Allow me to say that I do not have an AR...nor do I get the attraction of them beyond target shooting, as I am a hunter (and YES it IS better meat due to how lean it is for those that are ignorant of that fact) With that being said...I see the horrific deaths of young people in schools etc like everyone else. I see demented individuals that do this damage. However...it is not the gun that is DOING the deed. It IS the PERSON. Please do not group those that enjoy the hobby of RESPONSIBLE shooting with those that did the things. It IS possible to own ANY firearm and NOT go on a shooting rampage! Just sayin...ok?

But for the average Joe all you should need a gun for is hunting, you Yanks have a multi $B army to defend your country and a reasonable police force to enforce the laws. Elsewhere in the civilized world people don't have the same access to guns so the slaughter of kids at schools doesn't happen, yet you Yanks cling to your weapons and your kids get slaughtered on a regular basis Go Figure.
The Army is to defend the USA.

The 2nd Amendment is to allow the citizens of the USA to defend themselves from a tyrannical govt should we get to that point. Govts are often a worse enemy to their own citizens than an enemy country. Both sides of family were refugees from countries where exactly that happened.

My Polish great-grandfather lost his entire family to the Russians and possibly the Germans. My Vietnamese grandfather's family had quite a number of the family executed by the Communist govt. In both cases, tyrannical govts were by far the worst enemy.

But for the average Joe all you should need a gun for is hunting, you Yanks have a multi $B army to defend your country and a reasonable police force to enforce the laws. Elsewhere in the civilized world people don't have the same access to guns so the slaughter of kids at schools doesn't happen, yet you Yanks cling to your weapons and your kids get slaughtered on a regular basis Go Figure.
Never read the rep[ort of the Japanese gentleman that walked into a mall and beheaded 15 people with a samarai sword...DID you? NOPE....the liberal media wouldn't print THAT! NOW did Japan want that getting out!
If criminals want weapons...they will either find them or MAKE them do what they want them to do. It has always been that way...and will continue to be that way. When guns are outlawed....guess WHAT? You KNOW the answer to that! Only criminals will have guns. THINK!
The problem here seems to be that the father was negligent. I don't know what was going on....but guns should not have been anywhere around this kid from the moment he was found to have made threats.

But I also know there are many complex facets here we don't even know about.
It is RARE that I agree with you on almost anything II74...but I agree with you on this one. Well said
My taste in motor vehicles is as varied as my other tastes. I can imagine your surprise.

WHAT Wat ???? Get nice lil convertible and ride! Let the wind blow that hair !!!! Don't coup(e) (see what I did there?) yourself up in that hardtop thing!
First, 2A rights never were and never have been there for all.
Second, either you made a mistake, luckily somehow not ending up like so many of the accidental gun deaths that now have made guns the number 1 killer of children here, and got yer ass kicked or ya didn't.
Guns are NOT the number one killer of kids .AUTOMOBILES ARE !!!! BUT...our government...rather our liberal media wants you to believe that guns are! AND...people believe it.
Umm.... You're burying the lede.

A 14 year old wanting an AR weapon IS a mental health issue.
naaaahhh....the child thinks an AR is cool....cuz he sees them on TV and in movies...and thinks "OMG...WOW...COOL!"..
The Army is to defend the USA.

The 2nd Amendment is to allow the citizens of the USA to defend themselves from a tyrannical govt should we get to that point. Govts are often a worse enemy to their own citizens than an enemy country. Both sides of family were refugees from countries where exactly that happened.

My Polish great-grandfather lost his entire family to the Russians and possibly the Germans. My Vietnamese grandfather's family had quite a number of the family executed by the Communist govt. In both cases, tyrannical govts were by far the worst enemy.
I am sorry for your losses...
naaaahhh....the child thinks an AR is cool....cuz he sees them on TV and in movies...and thinks "OMG...WOW...COOL!"..
I’m up. I’m here. I must be a glutton for punishment because I’m wasting my time giving an individual such as yourself stuff like facts.
May I share something?
When I was a young boy of about maybe 8-9 years old, I watched my grandfather shoot his old .22 rifle at chipmunks that were eating the corn in the corncribs on his farm. I asked many times if I could do that. His answer was always the same. "when you are old enough to have a license to hunt." (12 years old at that time)
When I was 12...my father took my out where we could safely shoot at targets...handed me a single shot .22..and said as he looked me right in the eyes. "NEVER aim this at ANYTHING you do not intend to kill." BUT...it was the next two words that STILL stick with me almost 60 years later "AND EAT !!!" (THEN he added that there ARE other times that COULD require other action which we will talk about as you grow older.) SO....I don't aim ANY gun at ANYTHING I am not going to kill AND EAT...UNLESS...someone is endangering my family with death.
I say all of THAT to say that I think a problem is also single parents not having the time to train a child properly with firearms. AND two parent families as well...but more so the single ones as statistics show that most of the crimes were from those families. And I have a burden for them! I am not picking on them at all!
May I share something?
When I was a young boy of about maybe 8-9 years old, I watched my grandfather shoot his old .22 rifle at chipmunks that were eating the corn in the corncribs on his farm. I asked many times if I could do that. His answer was always the same. "when you are old enough to have a license to hunt." (12 years old at that time)
When I was 12...my father took my out where we could safely shoot at targets...handed me a single shot .22..and said as he looked me right in the eyes. "NEVER aim this at ANYTHING you do not intend to kill." BUT...it was the next two words that STILL stick with me almost 60 years later "AND EAT !!!" (THEN he added that there ARE other times that COULD require other action which we will talk about as you grow older.) SO....I don't aim ANY gun at ANYTHING I am not going to kill AND EAT...UNLESS...someone is endangering my family with death.
I say all of THAT to say that I think a problem is also single parents not having the time to train a child properly with firearms. AND two parent families as well...but more so the single ones as statistics show that most of the crimes were from those families. And I have a burden for them! I am not picking on them at all!
What am I? A psychologist? Why is everyone sharing their family history with me tonight?
Look, that's all well and good that you were taught to respect a weapon, but that is not the case with the rest of America. This occurs too often and with too many devastating results. It's time this country grew the fuck up and start acting like your grandfather about being responsible - it's had almost 250 years. It's beyond time to put stricter restrictions on this child.
Guns are NOT the number one killer of kids .AUTOMOBILES ARE !!!! BUT...our government...rather our liberal media wants you to believe that guns are! AND...people believe it.
You don't have to write stuff like that to show everyone that you're a total fucking idiot, but it helps.
hmm...must have used the wrong ammo in the handguns...
A shotgun slug does not expand very much at close range (NOR at long range for that matter)...so IT would not do as much damage as you would have us believe. A .44 at POINT BLANK range has much the same effect. Back that .44 up a good ways...and It WILL expand more...I agree.
Allow me to say that I do not have an AR...nor do I get the attraction of them beyond target shooting, as I am a hunter (and YES it IS better meat due to how lean it is for those that are ignorant of that fact) With that being said...I see the horrific deaths of young people in schools etc like everyone else. I see demented individuals that do this damage. However...it is not the gun that is DOING the deed. It IS the PERSON. Please do not group those that enjoy the hobby of RESPONSIBLE shooting with those that did the things. It IS possible to own ANY firearm and NOT go on a shooting rampage! Just sayin...ok?

Yeah, I give zero fucks about your opinion when I saw firsthand the different effects on the human body from an AR vs common handguns. ( .22 cal, a .32, or a 9mm.) The shotgun reference was made because the AR bullet left an exit wound in the guys shoulder that looked like it nearly separated it from his body. (it was actually because the tissue surrounding the exit wound was so compromised that it had to be carved away to an extreme extent. The “shotgun at point blank range” comment was made for emphasis.
I never saw a guy get shot in the shoulder by a shotgun slug , but my dad did, and he said it nearly took the guys shoulder off; that’s why I used it as a reference.

Hope all that ^ helps.



Side note:

It. Is. The. Gun.

AR style weapons, etc, TRIGGER ammosexual incels to commit mass murder.

Those ammosexual incels cosplay Rambo because they have access to Rambo style weapons and gear.

Full stop.


There ^ is another comment you might want to deal with.


The Army is to defend the USA.

The 2nd Amendment is to allow the citizens of the USA to defend themselves from a tyrannical govt should we get to that point. Govts are often a worse enemy to their own citizens than an enemy country. Both sides of family were refugees from countries where exactly that happened.

My Polish great-grandfather lost his entire family to the Russians and possibly the Germans. My Vietnamese grandfather's family had quite a number of the family executed by the Communist govt. In both cases, tyrannical govts were by far the worst enemy.

If these 'military style' weapons are not actually military style weapons but merely hobby accessories for making you look important at Walmart, why do the manufacturers make adverts like this?

Answer, Ammosexuals are liars.

Those stupid fucking deer will never stand a chance now with the Colt ASSNIHILATOR. Blow the fuck of that stupid fucking Bambi bitch! Who cares if you get a forkful of meat out of a 200 lb. buck? You got to show him that your penis is 10” bigger than the 1” you actually have!

It is RARE that I agree with you on almost anything II74...but I agree with you on this one. Well said
This one hit on so many levels. Unfortunately, I think people focus in on their own narratives and skip other aspects.

I think that red flag laws would've helped here....having authorities intervene to remove guns from the situation (even if only temporary) wouldve been good. Getting psychiatrists involved when the threats were made. It's possible that having the family involved in counseling could've helped. I mean .I say that the father was negligent, but that doesn't mean he chose that...work may have been kicking his ass .....other things may have driven him to have problems being there.

Intervention of that level may be tough but also may have been successful.
What exactly is an AR style gun? I'm not being a wise ass here. I want you to clearly and succinctly define the rifle you want to ban. If you can't you are just another parrot mimicking talking points. Please be better than that.
Look at the laws passed in New Zealand and Australia - both passed following massacres. I'd favor some combination of those laws as a starting point.