Our country's fetishizing of guns is revolting

This one hit on so many levels. Unfortunately, I think people focus in on their own narratives and skip other aspects.

I think that red flag laws would've helped here....having authorities intervene to remove guns from the situation (even if only temporary) wouldve been good. Getting psychiatrists involved when the threats were made. It's possible that having the family involved in counseling could've helped. I mean .I say that the father was negligent, but that doesn't mean he chose that...work may have been kicking his ass .....other things may have driven him to have problems being there.

Intervention of that level may be tough but also may have been successful.

We get into the same sad loop after these events - racking our brains, playing Monday morning QB, trying to pinpoint the moment(s) where this could have been stopped. The majority of Americans want some sort of solution as demonstrated here with Dom70 agreeing with 1174's suggestions.

It is RARE that I agree with you on almost anything II74...but I agree with you on this one. Well said

I do not care to cheapen the lives lost by pointing to a specific political side when WE ARE ALL TIRED OF THE KILLINGS!
The only ones NOT tired our are legislators. This cause is such that my intentions, I hope, should not be perceived as trying to persuade anyone to vote a specific way, but to demand action from the people who represent us. And if they don't then we vote them the fuck out!
No 14 year old should be allowed to have unsupervised access to firearms., especially so if they have known mental health issues.

Maybe these days. When I was 14 I had guns in my closet and didn't kill anyone with them.

So, maybe the D's are right. Maybe the people these days are perpetual children who need protected from themselves. It wasn't that way when I was growing up, but today's a different time.
you make it sound so sensual. Now I am starting to think differently of firearms....dammit

There's a subconscious satisfaction when someone can go out and hunt or fish and bring home dinner. It proves that they're a successful provider for their family.

But for the average Joe all you should need a gun for is hunting, you Yanks have a multi $B army to defend your country and a reasonable police force to enforce the laws. Elsewhere in the civilized world people don't have the same access to guns so the slaughter of kids at schools doesn't happen, yet you Yanks cling to your weapons and your kids get slaughtered on a regular basis Go Figure.

These are the same military who wear dresses and makeup as men?

An of course, these are the same cops who are there to protect us? And who are the same cops you dunderheads believe are violent racist killers?
The problem here seems to be that the father was negligent. I don't know what was going on....but guns should not have been anywhere around this kid from the moment he was found to have made threats.

But I also know there are many complex facets here we don't even know about.

That pretty much nailed it. Whatever else was going on, that kid should not have had access to guns from the moment he was found to have made threats and there should have been some psychiatric followup. One of the big issues we have is so many psychiatric facilities have been closed down and compulsory committals done away with. The societal cost of that has been enormous.
That pretty much nailed it. Whatever else was going on, that kid should not have had access to guns from the moment he was found to have made threats and there should have been some psychiatric followup. One of the big issues we have is so many psychiatric facilities have been closed down and compulsory committals done away with. The societal cost of that has been enormous.

The FBI had to drop the previous case of threats because the kid claimed his account the threats were made on was hacked.

Attorneys found loopholes. Sorry public, no protections for you.
Guns are NOT the number one killer of kids .AUTOMOBILES ARE !!!! BUT...our government...rather our liberal media wants you to believe that guns are! AND...people believe it.
Never read the rep[ort of the Japanese gentleman that walked into a mall and beheaded 15 people with a samarai sword...DID you? NOPE....the liberal media wouldn't print THAT!
Each time there is a school shooting involving a firearm, there is a statistical certainty that one or more slack-jawed mouth-breathing knuckle-dragging inbred MAGA weirdo will show up spluttering "but...but...AUTOMOBILES!" and/or "but...but....knives!"

Today's deflection apology is provided by some weirdo named "Dom70", who attempts once again to convince us that the rights of our school children to have a gunshot-free education is secondary to his right to plink chipmunks at grandad's farm. :rolleyes:

Addressing the "but but automobiles!" rationalization: The primary purpose of automobiles is transportation. People inevitably have accidents in automoblies, given the huge number of miles driven by the general public each year. Attempting to conflate accidental automobile deaths with deliberate shooting death brings shame and dishonor to your family name

Addressing the "but but knives!' rationalization: it takes a lot of skill, stamina and coordination to kill 15 people. The three most likely Political Board candidates to shoot up a school lack one or more of these important traits:
  • HisArpy can barely stand, and refers to himself now as "disabled"
  • JoePepsiCo relies on a hover-round to navigate the treacherous terrain inside his double-wide trailer
  • Wat_Tyler cannot walk to his own mailbox without getting winded.
15 schoolchildren could easily disarm one or more of these knife wielding wannabee mass murderers above without much effort. Give these bozos a semi-automatic weapon with a large capacity magazine and the outcome would likely be markedly different, particularly in Wat_Tyler's case (his panic attacks and inability to distinguish friend from foe would result in much higher inadvertent "collateral damage").

In summary: your feeble attempt at rebuttal is as laughable as it is ignorant. You are the absolute dregs of humanity, and the sooner you shuffle off the mortal coil, the better we all will be as a species.
The FBI had to drop the previous case of threats because the kid claimed his account the threats were made on was hacked.

Attorneys found loopholes. Sorry public, no protections for you.

In today's world, the police have people who can trace almost anything on the internet. Given what we know now, it would have been a safe bet that the accounts weren't hacked and the police could have shown that as evidence during a trial. This would have negated the kid's defense.

Which would have resulted in the the kid being locked up and lives saved. Simple really. No mentally ill killer walking around and no needless deaths in our schools.

But, the government once again dropped the ball, people died, and law abiding gun owners are blamed by those with an agenda and no common sense. Meanwhile the schools are still unprotected so the next whackjob has multiple soft targets to pick from and the police are hamstrung when they try to prevent it.

In conclusion, which you can't accept because it makes your entire existence worthless, YOU are the problem. YOU advocate solutions which don't address the problem. YOU advocate against the police stopping this kind of thing. YOU advocate against protecting people from the mentally ill. YOU insist on rules/regulations/laws which hinder society's ability to stop gun crimes through lawful means. YOU, and those who believe as you do, ARE THE PROBLEM!

I hope the dead weigh heavily on your mind because the policies you advance, and advocate for, indirectly caused them to die.
In today's world, the police have people who can trace almost anything on the internet. Given what we know now, it would have been a safe bet that the accounts weren't hacked and the police could have shown that as evidence during a trial. This would have negated the kid's defense.

Which would have resulted in the the kid being locked up and lives saved. Simple really. No mentally ill killer walking around and no needless deaths in our schools.

But, the government once again dropped the ball, people died, and law abiding gun owners are blamed by those with an agenda and no common sense. Meanwhile the schools are still unprotected so the next whackjob has multiple soft targets to pick from and the police are hamstrung when they try to prevent it.

In conclusion, which you can't accept because it makes your entire existence worthless, YOU are the problem. YOU advocate solutions which don't address the problem. YOU advocate against the police stopping this kind of thing. YOU advocate against protecting people from the mentally ill. YOU insist on rules/regulations/laws which hinder society's ability to stop gun crimes through lawful means. YOU, and those who believe as you do, ARE THE PROBLEM!

I hope the dead weigh heavily on your mind because the policies you advance, and advocate for, indirectly caused them to die.
Locking him up for social media posts?

I thought other countries were doing things like that and were being criticized....???
In today's world, the police have people who can trace almost anything on the internet. Given what we know now, it would have been a safe bet that the accounts weren't hacked and the police could have shown that as evidence during a trial. This would have negated the kid's defense.

Which would have resulted in the the kid being locked up and lives saved. Simple really. No mentally ill killer walking around and no needless deaths in our schools.

But, the government once again dropped the ball, people died, and law abiding gun owners are blamed by those with an agenda and no common sense. Meanwhile the schools are still unprotected so the next whackjob has multiple soft targets to pick from and the police are hamstrung when they try to prevent it.

In conclusion, which you can't accept because it makes your entire existence worthless, YOU are the problem. YOU advocate solutions which don't address the problem. YOU advocate against the police stopping this kind of thing. YOU advocate against protecting people from the mentally ill. YOU insist on rules/regulations/laws which hinder society's ability to stop gun crimes through lawful means. YOU, and those who believe as you do, ARE THE PROBLEM!

I hope the dead weigh heavily on your mind because the policies you advance, and advocate for, indirectly caused them to die.

Holy fuck you’re delusional.

What can the school have done that they did not do to harden their defenses against a shooter?

Aren’t you one of those assholes who was saying the teachers are putting litter boxes in their rooms so kids could be Furrys? That story came from buckets of kitty litter some teachers kept in the closet so kids would have a place to pee during lockdowns.

GFY you fucking moron.
Locking him up for social media posts?

I thought other countries were doing things like that and were being criticized....???

They weren't "social media posts," they were CRIMINAL TERRORIST THREATS.

Or don't you understand anything in your droll little world?
Were in the midst of discussing yet another school massacre when one gun nut decides it's a perfect time to post a pic of the Bentley he hopes to buy and another decides to show off beauty shots of her end-of-times bunker arsenal.

You two must be awkward as fuck at funerals.
LOL. Funerals? Never been to a Vietnamese funeral have you. This is when the 3rd wife, who's unknown to the first 2, turns up with another batch of kids and all hell breaks loose. Awkward as fuck? rotflmao.

What comes across clearly is that you (and a number of others on this forum to a lesser degree) suffer badly from Hoplophobia.

Obviously, in the USA, this condition can be quite debilitating, making it difficult to go about your daily life. The studies on the prevalence of hoplophobia are quite varied, but it is generally believed that this condition affects between 6.0% and 13.89% of the population. Personally, I suspect most of these are liberals, who, as studies have shown, are more prevalent to suffer from both treated and untreated mental health conditions, often more than one. Hoplophobia is often seen on conjunction with other mental health issues, although for as yet undetermined reasons, it is more common in men than women, and it typically develops during childhood or adolescence. Another study found that people with a history of physical or sexual abuse are more likely to develop hoplophobia.

Hoplophobia is likely caused by multiple factors, including genetics, environment, and upbringing. However, some people are more prone to developing this condition due to the following reasons.

1. Negative experiences with guns or firearms - If you have had a negative experience with guns or firearms, it is understandable that you would develop a fear of them. This could include being threatened or attacked with a gun, being around someone who is suicidal and has access to firearms, or being in the vicinity of a shooting. It’s also worth noting that mass shootings can cause an increase in the number of people who develop hoplophobia. In some cases, exposure to violence in the media may also contribute to developing this fear. If you have experienced any of these things, it is important to seek professional help so that you can overcome your fear.

2. A fear of death or injury - many people with hoplophobia fear being injured or killed by a gun. They believe guns are inherently dangerous. People may also fear the “power” that guns have to do harm. This fear can keep someone from living a normal life. It can also lead to other phobias, such as agoraphobia where you may have a fear of leaving your home.

3. Negative associations with guns or firearms - Some people may develop a fear of guns and firearms simply because they have negative associations with them. This could be due to watching too many violent movies or TV shows, being raised in a household where guns were not used responsibly, or having been taught that guns are evil. These negative associations can be difficult to overcome, but you can seek help via therapy.

4. A lack of knowledge about guns or firearms - Lack of knowledge can also cause hoplophobia. If you’ve never been around guns or don’t know how to use them safely, you might fear them. If you fall into this category, learn more about how to be a responsible gun owner. There are many responsible gun owners who would be happy to help you, and there are any number of firearms training courses where you can safely increase your knowledge, gain experience in a nurturing environment, and overcome these obstacles.

5. Genetics - It is also possible that hoplophobia is caused by genetics. If you have a family history of phobias or anxiety disorders, you may be more likely to develop hoplophobia. Are you a vegan with a phobia about organic foods? Do you fixate on health issues? Do you need a support animal? Do you have "anti-racist" or personal r pronoun fixations, or perhaps you and many family members associate with or belong to a cult such as the Democratic Party?

In this case, help via therapy is definitely recommended.

What Are the Symptoms of Hoplophobia?

The symptoms of hoplophobia can vary from person to person. However, some of the most common symptoms include:
  • Panic attacks. The majority of people who have hoplophobia will experience panic attacks when around guns or firearms. This can manifest as a rapid heart rate, sweating, dizziness, and feeling short of breath. For some people, just the sight of a gun can trigger a panic attack.
  • Avoidance. Many people with hoplophobia will go to great lengths to avoid anything that has to do with guns or firearms. This includes avoiding movies or TV shows that depict violence, staying away from gun shops and shooting ranges, and steering clear of friends or family members who own guns. This type of avoidance can severely limit someone’s life and keep them from doing things they enjoy.
  • Anxiety. People with hoplophobia often experience a great deal of anxiety when around guns or firearms. This can include feeling tense, feeling like they are going to have a panic attack, and worrying about the safety of themselves and others.
    This type of anxiety can be very debilitating and keep someone from living a normal life.
  • Fear. People with hoplophobia often have a strong fear of guns and firearms. This can be due to the fear of being injured or killed, the fear of the power that guns have, or the fear of what could happen if they were to come into contact with a gun. This fear can keep someone from doing things they enjoy or participating in activities they used to enjoy.
  • Negative thoughts and beliefs. People with hoplophobia often have negative thoughts and beliefs about guns and firearms. This could include thinking that guns are dangerous, that they are evil, or that they can’t be used safely. These negative thoughts and beliefs can keep someone from getting help for their fear.
  • Physical symptoms. Some people with hoplophobia will experience physical symptoms such as headaches, nausea, and muscle tension.
How Is Hoplophobia Treated?

There is no one-size-fits-all treatment for hoplophobia. However, some of the most common treatments include CBT, medication, and other options.

Cognitive-behavioral therapy - Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is often the treatment of choice for phobias. CBT involves working with a therapist to identify and change negative thoughts and beliefs about guns or firearms. It also includes exposure therapy, which involves gradually exposing someone to objects or situations that cause them to fear.

Medication - Medication may also be prescribed to help reduce anxiety and fear. Benzodiazepines are a type of medication often used for phobias, as they can help to quickly calm down the body and mind.

Psychotherapy - Psychotherapy is another option that may be helpful for hoplophobia. This type of therapy involves talking with a therapist about your thoughts and feelings regarding guns or firearms. This can help you to better understand why you fear them and how to deal with those fears.

Self-help strategies - There are also a number of self-help strategies that can be useful for hoplophobia. These include relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing and yoga, and positive thinking exercises. Journaling can also be helpful, as it allows you to track your progress and see how far you have come.

Support groups - Support groups can also be a valuable resource for people with hoplophobia. In these groups, you can share your experiences and learn from others who are dealing with the same fears. It may be beneficial to join a shooting club, or sign up for firearms training where you can meet people who will support you overcoming your irrational fears in an encouraging environment.

EFT - EFT, or emotional freedom technique, is a relatively new treatment that can be helpful for hoplophobia. This technique involves tapping on specific points on the body while focusing on negative thoughts or emotions. It is said to help release the energy that is causing those feelings and reduce their impact.

Hypnotherapy - Hypnotherapy is a type of therapy that uses hypnosis to help people address their fears and phobias. During hypnosis, the person is in a state of deep relaxation and is open to suggestions. This can be a very effective way to work on hoplophobia.

Mindfulness - Mindfulness is a type of meditation that can be helpful for hoplophobia. This involves paying attention to the present moment without judgment. It can help you to become more aware of your thoughts and feelings and how they are impacting your life. For instance, go shooting with friends who are willing to support and encourage you. Pick a gun that doesn't scare you too much, and focus on the target. Become as one with your gun, enjoying the moment and that sense of fulfillment as your bullets hit your target. Focus on that sense of achievement and the satisfaction you feel as you develop that awareness that you can effectively protect your family, or whatever other goals you give yourself.

Acupuncture - Acupuncture is a type of alternative medicine that involves inserting needles into specific points on the body. It is said to help release energy blockages and promote healing. Some people find acupuncture helpful for hoplophobia. Now, my mom is a Traditional Chinese Medical Dr and Acupuncturist, but she's never mentioned this. I'll have to ask her about it.

It is possible to cure hoplophobia on your own, but it may require some effort. There are many self-help strategies available that can help you to overcome your fear. However, if your fear is more severe, you may need professional help. Of course, you may need to try a few different therapies before you find one that works best for you. If you are struggling with hoplophobia, don’t hesitate to reach out for help. There are many of us here, even on this forum, who would be willing to reach out and help you as you work your way over these irrational fears. Of course, as with any phobia, the desire to recover and live a normal life must come first. Without that commitment, it's difficult to overcome any phobia.

Wishing you the best in your road to recovery.
Locking him up for social media posts?

I thought other countries were doing things like that and were being criticized....???

This actually is a classic example of where a social worker / therapist / police joint approach may well have been beneficial and actually achieved results. The kid wasn't a wannabe gangsta, there were obvious family issues, and a sensible followup may well have resulted in guns being voluntarily impounded and away from the kid, therapy, and addressing whatever issues that kid was facing at school - because quite often you find peer harassment and bullying coming into the picture. It's likely a combination of factors at play where, which often need a multi-disciplinary approach to investigate and follow up on. THAT takes time, money and resources, which were likely not available.
LOL. Funerals? Never been to a Vietnamese funeral have you. This is when the 3rd wife, who's unknown to the first 2, turns up with another batch of kids and all hell breaks loose. Awkward as fuck? rotflmao.

What comes across clearly is that you (and a number of others on this forum to a lesser degree) suffer badly from Hoplophobia.

Obviously, in the USA, this condition can be quite debilitating, making it difficult to go about your daily life. The studies on the prevalence of hoplophobia are quite varied, but it is generally believed that this condition affects between 6.0% and 13.89% of the population. Personally, I suspect most of these are liberals, who, as studies have shown, are more prevalent to suffer from both treated and untreated mental health conditions, often more than one. Hoplophobia is often seen on conjunction with other mental health issues, although for as yet undetermined reasons, it is more common in men than women, and it typically develops during childhood or adolescence. Another study found that people with a history of physical or sexual abuse are more likely to develop hoplophobia.

Hoplophobia is likely caused by multiple factors, including genetics, environment, and upbringing. However, some people are more prone to developing this condition due to the following reasons.

1. Negative experiences with guns or firearms - If you have had a negative experience with guns or firearms, it is understandable that you would develop a fear of them. This could include being threatened or attacked with a gun, being around someone who is suicidal and has access to firearms, or being in the vicinity of a shooting. It’s also worth noting that mass shootings can cause an increase in the number of people who develop hoplophobia. In some cases, exposure to violence in the media may also contribute to developing this fear. If you have experienced any of these things, it is important to seek professional help so that you can overcome your fear.

2. A fear of death or injury - many people with hoplophobia fear being injured or killed by a gun. They believe guns are inherently dangerous. People may also fear the “power” that guns have to do harm. This fear can keep someone from living a normal life. It can also lead to other phobias, such as agoraphobia where you may have a fear of leaving your home.

3. Negative associations with guns or firearms - Some people may develop a fear of guns and firearms simply because they have negative associations with them. This could be due to watching too many violent movies or TV shows, being raised in a household where guns were not used responsibly, or having been taught that guns are evil. These negative associations can be difficult to overcome, but you can seek help via therapy.

4. A lack of knowledge about guns or firearms - Lack of knowledge can also cause hoplophobia. If you’ve never been around guns or don’t know how to use them safely, you might fear them. If you fall into this category, learn more about how to be a responsible gun owner. There are many responsible gun owners who would be happy to help you, and there are any number of firearms training courses where you can safely increase your knowledge, gain experience in a nurturing environment, and overcome these obstacles.

5. Genetics - It is also possible that hoplophobia is caused by genetics. If you have a family history of phobias or anxiety disorders, you may be more likely to develop hoplophobia. Are you a vegan with a phobia about organic foods? Do you fixate on health issues? Do you need a support animal? Do you have "anti-racist" or personal r pronoun fixations, or perhaps you and many family members associate with or belong to a cult such as the Democratic Party?

In this case, help via therapy is definitely recommended.

What Are the Symptoms of Hoplophobia?

The symptoms of hoplophobia can vary from person to person. However, some of the most common symptoms include:
  • Panic attacks. The majority of people who have hoplophobia will experience panic attacks when around guns or firearms. This can manifest as a rapid heart rate, sweating, dizziness, and feeling short of breath. For some people, just the sight of a gun can trigger a panic attack.
  • Avoidance. Many people with hoplophobia will go to great lengths to avoid anything that has to do with guns or firearms. This includes avoiding movies or TV shows that depict violence, staying away from gun shops and shooting ranges, and steering clear of friends or family members who own guns. This type of avoidance can severely limit someone’s life and keep them from doing things they enjoy.
  • Anxiety. People with hoplophobia often experience a great deal of anxiety when around guns or firearms. This can include feeling tense, feeling like they are going to have a panic attack, and worrying about the safety of themselves and others.
    This type of anxiety can be very debilitating and keep someone from living a normal life.
  • Fear. People with hoplophobia often have a strong fear of guns and firearms. This can be due to the fear of being injured or killed, the fear of the power that guns have, or the fear of what could happen if they were to come into contact with a gun. This fear can keep someone from doing things they enjoy or participating in activities they used to enjoy.
  • Negative thoughts and beliefs. People with hoplophobia often have negative thoughts and beliefs about guns and firearms. This could include thinking that guns are dangerous, that they are evil, or that they can’t be used safely. These negative thoughts and beliefs can keep someone from getting help for their fear.
  • Physical symptoms. Some people with hoplophobia will experience physical symptoms such as headaches, nausea, and muscle tension.

Chloe’s likely prompt to an AI:

“Explain the possible causes, symptoms, and treatment of hoplophobia. Include how negative experiences, lack of knowledge, or genetics might contribute to this fear. Discuss symptoms such as anxiety, panic attacks, and avoidance behaviors, and provide suggestions for overcoming hoplophobia, including therapy and firearms training. Additionally, explore how societal influences and political beliefs could play a role in the development of this phobia.”

AI’s are pretty smart these days so her prompt may have been much shorter. I hope she doesn’t write her stories the same way. 😉
Good for them for doing their jobs.

The FBI, on the other hand, were pussies and didn't do their jobs at all.

Oh, so the attorney did their job by providing a legal defense and the FBI didn’t do their job because they didn’t supersede the law?
Chloe’s likely prompt to an AI:

“Explain the possible causes, symptoms, and treatment of hoplophobia. Include how negative experiences, lack of knowledge, or genetics might contribute to this fear. Discuss symptoms such as anxiety, panic attacks, and avoidance behaviors, and provide suggestions for overcoming hoplophobia, including therapy and firearms training. Additionally, explore how societal influences and political beliefs could play a role in the development of this phobia.”

AI’s are pretty smart these days so her prompt may have been much shorter. I hope she doesn’t write her stories the same way. 😉
Nah. I copied and pasted and then edited. AI writing is a real pain. Never use it. When you're writing stories, AI tends to revert to the mean and comes up with bland crap and the same old phrases. I did find it useful for editing where you wanted to change the style tho on something one has written, but even then it was pretty amateur - it was useful as an indicator tho of what to change. It does have its uses for work stuff - lol. It creates great waffle for the managers. But for fiction, not so much.

Anyhow, when you think about it, it's not "AI" per se anyhow. It's just a bunch of algorithms taking content and averaging it out with whatever biases you want to try and guide it towards. Nothing original whatsoever.
Nah. I copied and pasted and then edited. AI writing is a real pain. Never use it. When you're writing stories, AI tends to revert to the mean and comes up with bland crap and the same old phrases. I did find it useful for editing where you wanted to change the style tho on something one has written, but even then it was pretty amateur - it was useful as an indicator tho of what to change. It does have its uses for work stuff - lol. It creates great waffle for the managers. But for fiction, not so much.

Anyhow, when you think about it, it's not "AI" per se anyhow. It's just a bunch of algorithms taking content and averaging it out with whatever biases you want to try and guide it towards. Nothing original whatsoever.

So you copy pasted and edited someone else’s AI response? 🤣

AI is getting ’smarter’. It’s using feedback on its output to influence its own algorithms.

There have been recent warnings about how deep fakes are getting “deeper “. It’s happening quickly because the AI’s are collecting data on what it is about their output that allows them to be identified.

This stuff is still very new. Check back in ten years and see what it look like then.