Our country's fetishizing of guns is revolting

In a social media post.

I understand that you're suggesting policing of social media.

On line threats are typically reported by users.

It is possible for someone’s account to get hacked and for the hacker to post compromising content. It’s kind of similar to swatting - where someone makes a false police report so a SWAT team is called against someone’s house over a false suspicion of kidnapping or some other crime.

This kind of shit reduces the effectiveness of law-enforcement.
On line threats are typically reported by users.

It is possible for someone’s account to get hacked and for the hacker to post compromising content. It’s kind of similar to swatting - where someone makes a false police report so a SWAT team is called against someone’s house over a false suspicion of kidnapping or some other crime.

This kind of shit reduces the effectiveness of law-enforcement.
I'm not actually against owners of social media reporting things to the police. I think we, as a society, have not figured out the best way to do this and it ends up being a bunch of innocent people getting swept up for wrong reasons.

But Arpy, who typically suggests government is ineffective and bloated, is saying that threats are easy to dicern on social media posts.....and that seems like something to scrutinize
Maybe these days. When I was 14 I had guns in my closet and didn't kill anyone with them.

So, maybe the D's are right. Maybe the people these days are perpetual children who need protected from themselves. It wasn't that way when I was growing up, but today's a different time.
So did I, but my dad was a man that only had to say something once. You and I grew up knowing the difference between right and wrong and understanding the consequences of breaking the law. There were no school shootings anywhere in America when you and I were coming up and guns were everywhere.
So did I, but my dad was a man that only had to say something once. You and I grew up knowing the difference between right and wrong and understanding the consequences of breaking the law. There were no school shootings anywhere in America when you and I were coming up and guns were everywhere.
You need to study up on the numbers of guns in America when you were growing up and compare them to now. It's very obvious you haven't don't so
Karens crying over legal gun ownership while not giving a shit about criminals killing people in all their dem run inner city hell holes is what's revolting.

Ever seen an "Its so awful all those black gang members killing young black children in drive byes with their stolen and illegally procured guns and it needs to stop!"

No, you haven't, nor will you ever.
There’s a narrative that the father of Georgia school shooter, Colt Gray, said his son was being bullied and harassed for being gay.

Did he give his kid the gun to toughen him up? I wonder what the dad’s stance is on private ownership of guns. Is it for the sake of defending yourself against “tyrants”? Did Colt Gray think that his teacher was a tyrant under that definition?

My step father bought me my first gun when I was thirteen as part of his effort to “make a man” out of me. He liked introducing me to guns and his shooter friends until I consistently outshot him at the range. His ego couldn’t handle being shown up by a femme step kid. 😅
Karens crying over legal gun ownership while not giving a shit about criminals killing people in all their dem run inner city hell holes is what's revolting.



Ever seen an "Its so awful all those black gang members killing young black children in drive byes with their stolen and illegally procured guns and it needs to stop!"

No, you haven't, nor will you ever.



Ammosexual incels come in ALL colors and flavors, and they ALL fall under the umbrella of the common sense gun reform advocates’ outrage and efforts.



Side note.

Lovescrap68’s appeal to racism is DEPLORABLE and WEAK.



Ever seen an "Its so awful all those black gang members killing young black children in drive byes with their stolen and illegally procured guns and it needs to stop!"

No, you haven't, nor will you ever.

You've always had a real issue with Black people. No wonder you were so fiercely defensive of that racist jeninflorida.

I took care of her; she's gone forever from Lit. And you helped make it happen faster by being a loud-mouthed, racist douchenozzle.

Never forget that. 😘
Karens crying over legal gun ownership while not giving a shit about criminals killing people in all their dem run inner city hell holes is what's revolting.

Ever seen an "Its so awful all those black gang members killing young black children in drive byes with their stolen and illegally procured guns and it needs to stop!"

No, you haven't, nor will you ever.


Have you read Kamala Harris’ inauguration speech when she became AG of California? Have you heard the criticisms of her being tough on crime?


See page 3 of 5 for Harris’ stance on the concerns you mention.

As a Canadian, why are you such a shill for American right wing politics?
You need to study up on the numbers of guns in America when you were growing up and compare them to now. It's very obvious you haven't don't so
It's obvious you're uninformed. It isn't the guns that are shooting up schools, its an abundance of mentally damaged people poisoned by leftist dogma.
It's obvious you're uninformed. It isn't the guns that are shooting up schools, its an abundance of mentally damaged people poisoned by leftist dogma.
....who have guns

Without guns, they wouldn't be shooting up schools.

There are no mass knife killings in schools.
It's obvious you're uninformed. It isn't the guns that are shooting up schools, its an abundance of mentally damaged people poisoned by leftist dogma.


The evidence shows you are the one who has been slurping up divisive propaganda.

You’re an anti-American shill - either the pusher or the product of foreign propaganda designed to foment division in the United States.

The evidence shows you are the one who has been slurping up divisive propaganda.

You’re an anti-American shill - either the pusher or the product of foreign propaganda designed to foment division in the United States.
You are completely fucked up. You're talking to an 8th generation American, red white and blue through and through. You wouldn't be you if you weren't completely wrong on everything.
This country's love affair with guns is revolting. ..And we're so far gone we don't see it for what it is - a twisted, psychotic fetish.

To think there are millions of American's who consider gun play a hobby, a lifestyle, or an activity around which the family spends time bonding - as though celebrating a device engineered to shoot a projectile that pierces skin, bone, and brain was a normal, wholesome thing.

Imagine you moved next door to a guy who, instead of worshipping guns, enjoys brewing poison for killing people and making full-size guillotine replicas. "Don't worry neighbor!" he tells you, "I would never use these on people unless forced to do so! I only use the poison on lab rats and the guillotines on pig carcasses." What would you think of the guy? ..You would think he was fucking nuts. ..But worshipping weapons that can kill multiple people from hundreds of yards away in a matter of seconds? Spending weekends at gun clubs showing off their arsenal and debating accuracy and stopping power with fellow nut-jobs? .Nope! nothing to see here people. ..He's just a normal American celebrating his birthright.

Are guns a necessity? ..Of course they are... for law enforcement and military personnel.
We in Americas are indoctrinated with the gun culture mentality from our earliest childhood. Guns are celebrated as the source of our freedom and independence. I believed in it when I was a boy. I couldn't wait until I was "old enough" to own a gun. But then, by time I was old enough I had matured out of infatuation with the allure of fire power. That is, I was old enough to know better, to understand how destructive that unfettered gun culture is to individuals and to our society and to reject all the hollow rationalizations that justify it.

Ever since then I have noticed how immature the "gun nuts" I know are in so many other ways, too. If you look you'll see it. It's in how they treat other people and in their childlike outlook on the world at large. It is a quick and reliable measure of their social maturity - the more into gun culture they are the least mature they are in their social and emotional development. Those who "accept" the death of innocents as a "necessary" consequence of the second amendment are good examples of that kind of privileged, immature rationalization.
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We in Americas are indoctrinated with the gun culture mentality from our earliest childhood. Guns are celebrated as the source of our freedom and independence. I believed in it when I was a boy. I couldn't wait until I was "old enough" to own a gun. But then, by time I was old enough I had matured out of infatuation with the allure of fire power. That is, I was old enough to know better, to understand how destructive that unfettered gun culture is to individuals and to our society and to reject all the hollow rationalizations that justify it.

Ever since then I have noticed how immature the "gun nuts" I know are in so many other ways, too. If you look you'll see it. It's in how they treat other people and in their childlike outlook on the world at large. It is a quick and reliable measure of their social maturity - the more into gun culture they are the least mature they are in their social and emotional development. Those who "accept" the death of innocents as a "necessary" consequence of the second amendment are good examples of that kind of privileged, immature rationalization.
Well said.

Welcome to the Political Board.
This country's love affair with guns is revolting. ..And we're so far gone we don't see it for what it is - a twisted, psychotic fetish.

To think there are millions of American's who consider gun play a hobby, a lifestyle, or an activity around which the family spends time bonding - as though celebrating a device engineered to shoot a projectile that pierces skin, bone, and brain was a normal, wholesome thing.

Imagine you moved next door to a guy who, instead of worshipping guns, enjoys brewing poison for killing people and making full-size guillotine replicas. "Don't worry neighbor!" he tells you, "I would never use these on people unless forced to do so! I only use the poison on lab rats and the guillotines on pig carcasses." What would you think of the guy? ..You would think he was fucking nuts. ..But worshipping weapons that can kill multiple people from hundreds of yards away in a matter of seconds? Spending weekends at gun clubs showing off their arsenal and debating accuracy and stopping power with fellow nut-jobs? .Nope! nothing to see here people. ..He's just a normal American celebrating his birthright.

Are guns a necessity? ..Of course they are... for law enforcement and military personnel.
Hitler and Stalin both thought the same way.
I'm not actually against owners of social media reporting things to the police. I think we, as a society, have not figured out the best way to do this and it ends up being a bunch of innocent people getting swept up for wrong reasons.

But Arpy, who typically suggests government is ineffective and bloated, is saying that threats are easy to dicern on social media posts.....and that seems like something to scrutinize
Another insane post from our resident BOT
Ammosexual is as ammosexual does.

School Shooter's Dad Allegedly Kicked in Door to Get Guns After Eviction -
Left Dogs Behind

The father of the alleged Georgia school shooter reportedly took only his most precious possessions when the family was evicted -- his guns, abandoning the dogs and family photos.


Yeah, but didya hear that the mom was strung out on drugs???

Mom was a dope addict as well.

You are completely fucked up. You're talking to an 8th generation American, red white and blue through and through. You wouldn't be you if you weren't completely wrong on everything.
Maybe you'd like to give us a list of mass knife murders in US schools.
It's obvious that someone who commits a school shooting isn't all there in the head, but what they tend to have in common is gun ownership. Other things they tend to have in common are that they are white, male, poor, reside in rural areas and not have extensive criminal records (beyond being reported for being gun nuts like Colt Gray).

Here's a list of school shootings rated by the numbers of deaths (Why The Fuck is that even a thing?) to compare with knife murders to help you start.