Our country's fetishizing of guns is revolting

Oh rilly. A direct threat! Wow! On top of class hatred! Breakfast and lunch!

Fuckface, I have been maced more times than you've gotten laid. I am a lifelong revolutionary.

So triggered are you it's good you're too weak and stupid to pull an actual trigger.

Not fucking off. Prepared to answer every word you post with long, erudite responses. FAFO.

( O )( O )

It’s your time. Apparently you have nothing better to do. Enjoy yourself.
You didn't answer my question!

when today's children are old enough to "band together as ONE VOICE" and elect politicians who manage to ban your stupid fucking AR's, will that be democracy or oppression?

I'd respect you more if you just said, "Guns are my favorite and I don't give a shit about other peoples' kids."

You wander around the landscape of reality without a clue as to what you're seeing and somehow believe that your incoherent ramblings make sense to anyone other than yourself.

We have a word to describe that condition.
You've proven nothing except you're an ignorant asshole. You have a lot of opinions and hate, but nothing of substance ever seems to materialize to support you.

For instance, if the cops are human and they relate to some and hate others, how the fuck are they "racist?" How the fuck do they "brutalize" only blacks? You can't create a narrative where they're middle of the road but simultaneously claim they're all bigots and racists targeting only blacks. Especially when many of the cops you claim are racists against blacks are black. Or hispanic.

Basically you're clueless and you spout the dogma of the Democrats without understanding the Democrats don't give a shit about you, your believes, or your skin color. They only want the power to FORCE YOU to do whatever they tell you to do.

And you're good with that because the things they tell you are things you like. Like giving children too much candy - it's not good for them but they're going to throw a huge tantrum if you deny them what they want.

Which means you act like a child even though you're an adult. And that means you need to grow the fuck up.

Let me spill it out for you gently. Cops are largely a cross section of society. Many people in society are racist. Some of those people when they become cops carry their personal biases with them. This means that minorities are often treated differently than whites are.

When I was younger and hung out with Latino friends, when they would drive we would get pulled over way more often than when I would drive, even when I was an idiot hotrodder.

You’ve never displayed the ability to relate to something outside of your own experience. not here anyway. You’re an old dog and you won’t learn new tricks, so I don’t expect much of you the same old and tired schtick.
Let me spill it out for you gently. Cops are largely a cross section of society. Many people in society are racist. Some of those people when they become cops carry their personal biases with them. This means that minorities are often treated differently than whites are.

When I was younger and hung out with Latino friends, when they would drive we would get pulled over way more often than when I would drive, even when I was an idiot hotrodder.

You’ve never displayed the ability to relate to something outside of your own experience. not here anyway. You’re an old dog you won’t learn new tricks so I don’t expect much of you the same old and tired schtick.

This is total crap. It's nothing more than you dissing on your neighbors and friends behind their backs while justifying your own bad acts and deflecting to cover your ass.

My guns don't make cops racist. My owning semi-auto rifles doesn't make cops racist. YOU spouting bullshit doesn't make cops racist either.

So again, the problem here is YOU and those who believe that more of what you keep voting for will solve the problems those you vote for keep implementing.

The bad policies of the Democrats have gotten us to where we are today. More of those bad policies will not fix the problem. YOU voting for those who advocate for those bad policies only shows that YOU are the problem.

It's not my guns.
It's not the police.
It's not white supremacy.
It's not racism.

It's YOU.
This is total crap. It's nothing more than you dissing on your neighbors and friends behind their backs while justifying your own bad acts and deflecting to cover your ass.

My guns don't make cops racist. My owning semi-auto rifles doesn't make cops racist. YOU spouting bullshit doesn't make cops racist either.

So again, the problem here is YOU and those who believe that more of what you keep voting for will solve the problems those you vote for keep implementing.

The bad policies of the Democrats have gotten us to where we are today. More of those bad policies will not fix the problem. YOU voting for those who advocate for those bad policies only shows that YOU are the problem.

It's not my guns.
It's not the police.
It's not white supremacy.
It's not racism.

It's YOU.

You’re a sad one. 😢
This is total crap. It's nothing more than you dissing on your neighbors and friends behind their backs while justifying your own bad acts and deflecting to cover your ass.

My guns don't make cops racist. My owning semi-auto rifles doesn't make cops racist. YOU spouting bullshit doesn't make cops racist either.

So again, the problem here is YOU and those who believe that more of what you keep voting for will solve the problems those you vote for keep implementing.

The bad policies of the Democrats have gotten us to where we are today. More of those bad policies will not fix the problem. YOU voting for those who advocate for those bad policies only shows that YOU are the problem.

It's not my guns.
It's not the police.
It's not white supremacy.
It's not racism.

It's YOU.


Derpy denial.



Firearms are not fetishized in America. They are symbols of faith. Faith in the Holy Land of America. The flag is the other holy symbol.

It's why the American Faithful™ have so many and such big examples of each. Bigger and more is a display of their faith.
Modern American evangelicals teach us that Jesus shot his way out of his original tomb during his Resurection, like in a revenge flick.
Which speaks volumes about how far off track evangelicals have gotten since they became an armed right-wing political movement.

It's not the evangelicals who are inventing plots even the Italians wouldn't touch. You want to know who's the wacko in this scenario? Look in the mirror.
It's not the evangelicals who are inventing plots even the Italians wouldn't touch. You want to know who's the wacko in this scenario? Look in the mirror.

Oh come on Harpy, Trump’s shark and battery story makes perfect sense to you.
Almost like Haitians eating pets, or other countries emptying their insane asylums at our border?

Telling us that you like shoving your head, as opposed to other more erotic things, up your asshole, isn't very exciting to most people.