Our country's fetishizing of guns is revolting

DO NOT vote Democrat, or for gun control, unless your ultimate goal is to oppress the people. Free handouts at the expense of poverty/death/incarceration/brutality isn't worth the cost in lives and social deterioration.

You're ridiculous. ...Again, simply no empathy whatsoever for the kids having to live with the constant thread of AR school massacres.

credit to @AlexBailey for the oh so appropos Star Trek clip
I don't care much for musicals. As far as your amateur insults go, Big Domme and I make our living writing comedy. I hope very much to get something going with Eugene Levy. Your identity as a morbidly obese anti-union ditchdigger struggling with ESL should be gold! GOLD!

One of the most remarkable aspects of my experience with ShitPsychotica Mediocrita is the unfailing lack of a sense of humor here.

I do standup in which I make fun of many absurd moments in my life. I didn't come into this wretched sump thinking that I would discuss any of this. I had a serious incentive to protect my privacy. But the moment I revealed that I have actual knowledge of such topics as circumcision and the history of German Social Democracy I became the object of a Russian disinfo campaign on this Putinite Nazi 4chan site that still attempts to portray me as not trans but as a gay drag queen. Or something.

I can parse the ancient relationships of proto-Illyrian and *PIE but the continuing slurs on me here are incomprehensible. I was doxxed in an attempt to deny my professional standing as an author. Dear hearts, to employ a cliché, one can't make this stuff up. It's kinda like DJT, who finally is the obvious model for most of you, describing E. Jean Carroll as ugly. Now El Sandhoggo Scabbo engages in lame badinage about me and the author of GODSPELL. So we're still in Doxxlandia.

Cool. I'm working with Demparty leaders to make a serious contribution to the Harris-Walz campaign. Your cadre of pseudopundits is silent on the election. You are silent on my friend Dick Cheney. You are silent on KH and Fosta-Sesta. You are silent on Ukraine. You have no sense of love as related to sex. You write nothing about sex.

The treatment of Wat Tyler shows exactly what you are. Wat plays your sorry asses like a game of checkers. Anybody can see here that Wat and I have a respectful, collegial relationship not withstanding our obvious cultural differences. Churchill and Stalin weren't lovers. They were allies. They were allies in crushing the Catalonian Revolution for which Orwell gave his life. I despise them for that. They were allies in beating Hitler. I love them for that.

That's life. Real life. Absent from here 99 percent of the time.

I floated the concept of "abortion survivors" here specifically as a satirical jab at the kind of Magatry that leads DJT to assert the existence of post-birth medical executions. You attacked me over a tongue kiss with a Siamese cat. Now DJT accuses Haitians of eating cats. I am on the wave. You are lower than whale feces at the bottom of the ocean..

Hi ho, as Vonnegut might have written. Indeed he did. I use you to workshop my creative ideas. Thanks!

Not real? A lot realer than you, gingersnap.

( O )( O )

So many word to say noting. Being concise can be a virtue - think of it like a form of circumcision. 😉
Not to further derail about a thread about why some people love guns, but.... Bullshit back at you.

Black americans are more likely to be stopped, questioned, arrested, arraigned and convicted AND given longer sentences for similar offenses. You don't think that amounts to brutality?

No I don't think that's brutality.

You want to see brutality? Look up Reginald Denny's attack. Look up Rodney King's beat down. Or this! That's brutality. That's the brutality when a mob overrides their commons sense and social decency and it doesn't require a blue uniform and a badge for it to show up.

You want to fix the problem? Stop giving the REAL troublemakers more authority and power. Stop voting Democrat.

You're ridiculous. ...Again, simply no empathy whatsoever for the kids having to live with the constant thread of AR school massacres.

credit to AlexBailey for the oh so appropos Star Trek clip

You live in a fantasy world.

So far EVERY school shooter was "known to the police" but they were still allowed to wander around forming thoughts/plans of killing innocent people.

You want to prevent that from happening again? LOCK THOSE FUCKERS UP as soon as the police find them. Tell the ACLU to go fuck itself and that society needs the mental institutions the ACLU dismantled so society has a place for those who cannot control themselves or their violent impulses other than putting them in prison or the cemetery.

The fact that you rely on a movie clip to make your point only underscore how much of a fantasy world you live in.
The real problem can only be solved by SOCIETY banding together as ONE VOICE to remove those who advocate any form of oppression from any position of power over the people.
Is that how you're going to see it when today's children are old enough to "band together as ONE VOICE" and vote into office politicians who manage to ban your stupid fucking AR's? Will that be democracy or oppression?
Black americans are more likely to be stopped, questioned, arrested, arraigned and convicted AND given longer sentences for similar offenses. You don't think that amounts to brutality?


My sons have all had interactions with police that very likely would have gone differently if they weren’t born with white privelage.

One was brought home in a squad car when a cop stopped him for carrying a replica firearm.

One was pulled over at 3:00 in the morning while driving an unregistered vehicle he had just purchased from another state. The cop simply engaged with him about the classic car, telling stories about other cars he had as a teen and sent him on his way.

Another was caught smoking weed under a bridge with other friends. The cop brought him home. He had a big stinky bag of weed in his backpack but the cop didn’t search him - though he told me about it, saying I needed to give him the talk about his future.

White privilege is a thing. Many of those who enjoy it don’t know it exists.
Is that how you're going to see it when today's children are old enough to "band together as ONE VOICE" and vote into office politicians who manage to ban your stupid fucking AR's? Will that be democracy or oppression?

School kids won't have to live in fear if you GET RID OF THE CRIMINALS trying to kill them.

Law abiding citizens aren't criminals. Disarming the law abiding doesn't solve the issue about criminals.

Here's a thought, if the law abiding had the power to eliminate the criminal element without having to face prison for it, the number of criminals would be reduced and those school kids you're so dishonest** about wouldn't have to be afraid.

**I say dishonest because abortion leads directly to fewer children in schools. So you really don't give a damn about the kids, your entire argument is about YOU being afraid and deciding that I'm the reason you're afraid so you want to take away my lawfully owned and possessed guns. It's not the children you're thinking about. It's just you being selfish in the most cowardly way possible.
Does the 2nd amendment protect you from being brutalized by the police?
Does the 1st amendment protect your right to engage in wholesale, gross, offensive and above all stupid libel online?

In reality, it doesn't. But you and the rest of the 4Chan crowd have played fast and loose with the U.S. constitution, over the corpses of your victims Heather Heyer and Ashli Babbitt, and, in true Fuckerberg style, with the 9th Circuit Court decision.

I intend to promote a bipartisan congressional inquiry, to be led by Sen. John Kennedy (R-La) and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt), into how unmoderated chat sites like this entrap children and make them targets for aggressive predators like PeePee.

This is especially relevant for me right now inasmuch as I pepper sprayed the parents of the little trollita PeePee demanded I should beat up. And if the trollita crosses my path with the slightest indication of aggression toward me I will bearmace her down. and the police will protect me as the Men of Honor, union activists, immigrants and my other supporters protect me. Because of my big books and disciplined defense of the oppressed, not just because of my splendid boobs and FUCKTHISNOW™ booty.

I sprayed Monster Hag mom directly in the face. At a distance of three inches, four times. And I loved it. I bathed her moron hubby four times in capsaicin. Loved it again.

I feel remorse.

I committed an act of revolutionary self-defense using, in effect, 2A, and the judge, showing respect and deference to me for my published works, dismissed the charges without argument.

I won a major victory in the global LGBTQ capital for the right of transwomen to defend ourselves BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY.

Monster Hag, having bullied my neighbors for decades before I came out as trans, is preparing to depart my city. I will follow her to the ends of the earth. Fucking with people who worked for NSA is dumb. She has money and property. I will seize it. She is so hated I am now a hero.

This follows on your campaign, which continues, of attempting to suggest that I am a fake trans seeking to undermine the rights of transwomen by my public stance in defense of total sexual freedom.

None of you ever explained how that would occur, because while you pose as defenders of trans you don't know any trans or anything about our lives, our culture, and our community. You are cowardly crossdressers without the courage to be drag queens. You are 5th grade virgins trying to sound knowledgeable about sex.

I also intend to lobby the Harris-Walz admin for a general shutdown of the internet such as Angela Merkel has proposed. You had your fun. Party's over.

( O )( O )

My sons have all had interactions with police that very likely would have gone differently if they weren’t born with white privelage.

One was brought home in a squad car when a cop stopped him for carrying a replica firearm.

One was pulled over at 3:00 in the morning while driving an unregistered vehicle he had just purchased from another state. The cop simply engaged with him about the classic car, telling stories about other cars he had as a teen and sent him on his way.

Another was caught smoking weed under a bridge with other friends. The cop brought him home. He had a big stinky bag of weed in his backpack but the cop didn’t search him - though he told me about it, saying I needed to give him the talk about his future.

White privilege is a thing. Many of those who enjoy it don’t know it exists.

If your sons did those things, they are criminals and were rightfully stopped by the police. The outcome had NOTHING to do with the color of their skin. You thinking so perpetuates a crime - discrimination based on skin color.

YOU are the problem.

My sons have all had interactions with police that very likely would have gone differently if they weren’t born with white privelage.

One was brought home in a squad car when a cop stopped him for carrying a replica firearm.

One was pulled over at 3:00 in the morning while driving an unregistered vehicle he had just purchased from another state. The cop simply engaged with him about the classic car, telling stories about other cars he had as a teen and sent him on his way.

Another was caught smoking weed under a bridge with other friends. The cop brought him home. He had a big stinky bag of weed in his backpack but the cop didn’t search him - though he told me about it, saying I needed to give him the talk about his future.

White privilege is a thing. Many of those who enjoy it don’t know it exists.
Idiot. This wasn't privilege. This was ordinary cops doing their ordinary jobs. Were the cops "white"?

You should not be allowed to have a bank account.

( O )( O )
If your sons did those things, they are criminals and were rightfully stopped by the police. The outcome had NOTHING to do with the color of their skin. You thinking so perpetuates a crime - discrimination based on skin color.

YOU are the problem.
Watching you two go at it is swell. Wish I could sell tix. You are Old America. It's Morning in New America. Move to Russia. Forget ESL. You won't need it.

( O )( O )
If your sons did those things, they are criminals and were rightfully stopped by the police. The outcome had NOTHING to do with the color of their skin. You thinking so perpetuates a crime - discrimination based on skin color.

YOU are the problem.

You’re a clueless idiot.

Cops are humans. They relate to some and hate others. They apply the law and interpret facts subjectively just like you do in support of your political beliefs.

Don’t bullshit any further about it. I’ve proven that case against you a number of times.
School kids won't have to live in fear if you GET RID OF THE CRIMINALS trying to kill them.

Law abiding citizens aren't criminals. Disarming the law abiding doesn't solve the issue about criminals.

Here's a thought, if the law abiding had the power to eliminate the criminal element without having to face prison for it, the number of criminals would be reduced and those school kids you're so dishonest** about wouldn't have to be afraid.

**I say dishonest because abortion leads directly to fewer children in schools. So you really don't give a damn about the kids, your entire argument is about YOU being afraid and deciding that I'm the reason you're afraid so you want to take away my lawfully owned and possessed guns. It's not the children you're thinking about. It's just you being selfish in the most cowardly way possible.
Go to Russia. Death squads create more criminals. These days you need anonymity.

( O )( O )
You’re a clueless idiot.

Cops are humans. They relate to some and hate others. They apply the law and interpret facts subjectively just like you do in support of your political beliefs.

Don’t bullshit any further about it. I’ve proven that case against you a number of times.
Is this a Judge Judy drag act?

( O )( O )
I didn't ask for your consideration. I asked you to quit defaming me and my community on the pretext of online anonymity.

( O )( O )

Again, fuck off.

You’re like a stinky street person on an unintelligible rant, blocking the sidewalk while getting in everyone’s face.

The distance of the internet is all that’s keeping you from getting maced.

I rarely bother to read your posts, especially the long ones.

Kindly, pretty please, fuck off.
Ever heard of the Goldwater rule? Bogus psychiatric commentary is unethical. In some states is illegal.

Study Russian. You'll need it. And get some new lines and learn to spell. You RILLY need ESL.

( O )( O )

You still need medicated.
Again, fuck off.

You’re like a stinky street person on an unintelligible rant, blocking the sidewalk while getting in everyone’s face.

The distance of the internet is all that’s keeping you from getting maced.

I rarely bother to read your posts, especially the long ones.

Kindly, pretty please, fuck off.
Oh rilly. A direct threat! Wow! On top of class hatred! Breakfast and lunch!

Fuckface, I have been maced more times than you've gotten laid. I am a lifelong revolutionary.

So triggered are you it's good you're too weak and stupid to pull an actual trigger.

Not fucking off. Prepared to answer every word you post with long, erudite responses. FAFO.

( O )( O )
School kids won't have to live in fear if you GET RID OF THE CRIMINALS trying to kill them.
You didn't answer my question!

when today's children are old enough to "band together as ONE VOICE" (your words) and elect politicians who manage to ban your stupid fucking AR's, will that be democracy or oppression?

I'd respect you more if you just said, "AR’s are my favorite and I don't give a shit about other peoples' kids."
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You’re a clueless idiot.

Cops are humans. They relate to some and hate others. They apply the law and interpret facts subjectively just like you do in support of your political beliefs.

Don’t bullshit any further about it. I’ve proven that case against you a number of times.

You've proven nothing except you're an ignorant asshole. You have a lot of opinions and hate, but nothing of substance ever seems to materialize to support you.

For instance, if the cops are human and they relate to some and hate others, how the fuck are they "racist?" How the fuck do they "brutalize" only blacks? You can't create a narrative where they're middle of the road but simultaneously claim they're all bigots and racists targeting only blacks. Especially when many of the cops you claim are racists against blacks are black. Or hispanic.

Basically you're clueless and you spout the dogma of the Democrats without understanding the Democrats don't give a shit about you, your beliefs, or your skin color. They only want the power to FORCE YOU to do whatever they tell you to do.

And you're good with that because the things they tell you are things you like. Like giving children too much candy - it's not good for them but they're going to throw a huge tantrum if you deny them what they want.

Which means you act like a child even though you're an adult. And that means you need to grow the fuck up.