Our country's fetishizing of guns is revolting

You speak from experience. ✅

Of course! I have years of watching grown men (and women) plead for JUST ONE MORE SIR! and promising that they'll do anything, ANYTHING, to get it.

Just like you (and the rest of the usual suspects) do every dam day here. Except you shit on the carpet and expect everyone else to like it. My "erotic friends" don't do that because they're not complete assholes. Especially in public.
Of course! I have years of watching grown men (and women) plead for JUST ONE MORE SIR! and promising that they'll do anything, ANYTHING, to get it.

Just like you (and the rest of the usual suspects) do every dam day here. Except you shit on the carpet and expect everyone else to like it. My "erotic friends" don't do that because they're not complete assholes. Especially in public.

You’re the asshole - you’ve admitted on several occasions. It’s no wonder you surround yourself with dicks.
You’re the asshole - you’ve admitted on several occasions. It’s no wonder you surround yourself with dicks.
^ is an assHOLE.

<-- is an Ass.

Please get with the program and stop confusing yourself.

Who would eat a goose? They must be deranged.

I once worked a project with a bunch of rednecks who garbed a goose from a park and roasted it. They cooked it up as a feast on the last day of a big project. It smelled great as it was cooking but they said it tasted like garbage. 😅
Lots of Canadian geese are eaten by Americans all over the country.
Sadly.... this thread has devolved to just name calling and taunts.

And I still don't quite understand why something devised to end life, indeed many lives in mere moments, holds such a spell over so many people. ..Why playing with AR's is any different than playing with the makings of a pipe bomb.

If I had to guess... I'd say it's an empathy issue. They wan't their favorite plaything and that is that - no matter how destructive it is or how much it causes anxiety for those around them.. Depressing.

As an aside, I can't help but wonder how any of you AR fetishists (who are mostly men) get laid. If I were a woman, love of guns would raise a red flag, like "I'm definitely gonna need a restraining order to break up with this douche bag if things don't work out..."
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Well isn't THIS fascinating. As always, the 13% are leading by a mile. But look who has the most successful killrate. When we Asians go postal, we are goooooood. 100%. Of course, there was only one, but still. Proud of my bro!

As for the 13%, that's some pretty wildly inaccurate shooting. Looks like pray and spray. These guys gotta improve. I mean, that is poor poor accuracy. What the heck are they trying to do? Anyhow, easy to identify where we gotta focus to reduce school shootings, that's for sure.

And I still don't quite understand why something devised to end life, indeed many lives in mere moments, holds such a spell over so many people. ..Why playing with AR's is any different than playing with the makings of a pipe bomb.
That's because you only look at guns in a negative light.

Cars are purely bad too, when you only focus on the negative aspects of them.
If I had to guess... I'd say it's an empathy issue. They wan't their favorite plaything and that is that - no matter how destructive it is or how much it causes anxiety for those around them.. Depressing.
What if a person feels very anxious and unsafe without firearms to defend themselves? Do feelings still count then?
As an aside, I can't help but wonder how any of you AR fetishists (who are mostly men) get laid. If I were a woman, love of guns would raise a red flag, like "I'm definitely gonna need a restraining order to break up with this douche bag if things don't work out..."
That just means said men can exclusively date women who either like guns themselves and/or are intelligent enough to not have a problem with them. That's a win win.
Cars are purely bad too, when you only focus on the negative aspects of them.
Guns are made to kill.

Cars are meant to transport people.

When guns kill, they do their job

When cars transport, they do their job.

If cars kill, it's an accident.

Who would eat a goose? They must be deranged.

I once worked a project with a bunch of rednecks who garbed a goose from a park and roasted it. They cooked it up as a feast on the last day of a big project. It smelled great as it was cooking but they said it tasted like garbage. 😅
Eat garbage, taste like it. And write like it.

Once again the 400 lb Sandhog illustrates why they crossed the picketline and got thrown out of the union.

Millions of people eat roast goose. At holidays and in restaurants. Of course scab sandhogs prefer Mickey D's.

( O )( O )
Sadly.... this thread has devolved to just name calling and taunts.

And I still don't quite understand why something devised to end life, indeed many lives in mere moments, holds such a spell over so many people. ..Why playing with AR's is any different than playing with the makings of a pipe bomb.

If I had to guess... I'd say it's an empathy issue. They wan't their favorite plaything and that is that - no matter how destructive it is or how much it causes anxiety for those around them.. Depressing.

As an aside, I can't help but wonder how any of you AR fetishists (who are mostly men) get laid. If I were a woman, love of guns would raise a red flag, like "I'm definitely gonna need a restraining order to break up with this douche bag if things don't work out..."
The AR 15 served honorably in the late Irish liberation struggle. It was then known as an Armalite.

Gutless libbypoo pseuds do not care that guns are saving Ukraine.

( O )( O )
Eat garbage, taste like it. And write like it.

Once again the 400 lb Sandhog illustrates why they crossed the picketline and got thrown out of the union.

Millions of people eat roast goose. At holidays and in restaurants. Of course scab sandhogs prefer Mickey D's.

( O )( O )

You missed the sarcasm. 😱

Are you too old for emojis?