Our country's fetishizing of guns is revolting

I've never had a FaceFuck account, nor have I ever posted pics of any of my takes, anywhere.
Some hunters are respectful (a term you seem unfamiliar with) of our takes and weak people who believe it's OK for others to kill on their behalf.
Exactly correct. FB is the world's biggest Russ Honeypot.

( O )( O )
The denizens of this site were gossiping about imaginary sex with imaginary people while Kam and Tim changed history.

Rilly: ESL, GED!

( O )( O )

For someone who claims to be a highly skilled writer (and polyglot) I find your posts to be utterly inscrutable. Your taunts of people being ESL and needing to get their GED comes across as the same sort of blatant projection as Trump's ridiculous claim that he's "the least racist person ever."

From now on I assume anybody on this site with fewer than 500 posts is a Russ agent. Too new.

Ezra Pound was America"s greatest 20th c. poet and a polyglot. His politics became loathesome. Literature isn't GTA. Sometimes you just gotta take the sluggy with the furzoo.

( O )( O )

For someone who claims to be a highly skilled writer (and polyglot) I find your posts to be utterly inscrutable. Your taunts of people being ESL and needing to get their GED comes across as the same sort of blatant projection as Trump's ridiculous claim that he's "the least racist person ever."


BTB never shuts up.

She slimed her way onto the Lit forum spilling her effluents (not a spelling error) raising everyone’s eyebrows and gag reflex, going on and on about her works and writing as her previous persona: Stephen Schwartz.

Wow! It was hard to believe such an accomplished writer would stoop so low as to converse with us! Stephen Schwartz! The renounced lyricist and composer of beloved works such as Godspell, Pippin, The Hunchback of Notre Dame….

Oops. Who knew? Besides the truly loved and talented spinner of tales and artistry there is another lesser known troll who claims to be an analyst of culture, an expert in translation… god help anyone who unknowingly reads their product thinking it isn’t colored with personal diatribe, but think about it: if someone is reading a translation, how likely are they to have also read the original? I’m sure zealots of all stripes would love to hire a translator who will put their own special interest in the mix. I’m not saying that what actually happened with any of their works, just that after reading their screeds and messes here it only seems inevitable.

Nope. We aren’t honored with the presence of the real Stephen Schwartz. 😢

BTB never shuts up.

She slimed her way onto the Lit forum spilling her effluents (not a spelling error) raising everyone’s eyebrows and gag reflex, going on and on about her works and writing as her previous persona: Stephen Schwartz.

Wow! It was hard to believe such an accomplished writer would stoop so low as to converse with us! Stephen Schwartz! The renounced lyricist and composer of beloved works such as Godspell, Pippin, The Hunchback of Notre Dame….

Oops. Who knew? Besides the truly loved and talented spinner of tales and artistry there is another lesser known troll who claims to be an analyst of culture, an expert in translation… god help anyone who unknowingly reads their product thinking it isn’t colored with personal diatribe, but think about it: if someone is reading a translation, how likely are they to have also read the original? I’m sure zealots of all stripes would love to hire a translator who will put their own special interest in the mix. I’m not saying exposed that what actually happened with any of their works, just that after reading their screeds and messes here it only seems inevitable.

Nope. We aren’t honored with the presence of the real Stephen Schwartz. 😢

So triggered. So weak. Such a drag queen.

Mrs. Philthy Phil in all their glory.

Ummm. Uhhh. When I confronted and exposed the verifiable role of Saudi Crown Prince Nayef in the events of this day some years ago, the Internet was still a novelty and jihadis pursuing and threatening me, along with the Russ who were long my adversaries, were thwarted by the vast commentary on Godspell Steve.

It is clear that nobody on this internet outhouse wall has any idea how it might to have been to have walked away from the heights of the phallocracy/patriarchy to adopt a life as a trans ho.

So then.

( O )( O )
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So triggered. So weak. Such a drag queen.

Mrs. Philthy Phil in all their glory.

Ummm. Uhhh. When I confronted and exposed the verifiable role of Saudi Crown Prince Nayef in the events of this day some years ago, the Internet was still a novelty and jihadis pursuing and threatening me, along with the Russ who were long my adversaries, were thwarted by the vast commentary on Godspell Steve.

It is clear that nobody on this internet outhouse wall has any idea how it might to have been to have walked away from the heights of the phallocracy/patriarchy to adopt a life as a trans ho.

So then.

( O )( O )

Maybe the real Stephen Schwartz will author a tragic musical about you. 😢

Or would a comedy be more appropriate? 🤔
Maybe the real Stephen Schwartz will author a tragic musical about you. 😢

Or would a comedy be more appropriate? 🤔
I don't care much for musicals. As far as your amateur insults go, Big Domme and I make our living writing comedy. I hope very much to get something going with Eugene Levy. Your identity as a morbidly obese anti-union ditchdigger struggling with ESL should be gold! GOLD!

One of the most remarkable aspects of my experience with ShitPsychotica Mediocrita is the unfailing lack of a sense of humor here.

I do standup in which I make fun of many absurd moments in my life. I didn't come into this wretched sump thinking that I would discuss any of this. I had a serious incentive to protect my privacy. But the moment I revealed that I have actual knowledge of such topics as circumcision and the history of German Social Democracy I became the object of a Russian disinfo campaign on this Putinite Nazi 4chan site that still attempts to portray me as not trans but as a gay drag queen. Or something.

I can parse the ancient relationships of proto-Illyrian and *PIE but the continuing slurs on me here are incomprehensible. I was doxxed in an attempt to deny my professional standing as an author. Dear hearts, to employ a cliché, one can't make this stuff up. It's kinda like DJT, who finally is the obvious model for most of you, describing E. Jean Carroll as ugly. Now El Sandhoggo Scabbo engages in lame badinage about me and the author of GODSPELL. So we're still in Doxxlandia.

Cool. I'm working with Demparty leaders to make a serious contribution to the Harris-Walz campaign. Your cadre of pseudopundits is silent on the election. You are silent on my friend Dick Cheney. You are silent on KH and Fosta-Sesta. You are silent on Ukraine. You have no sense of love as related to sex. You write nothing about sex.

The treatment of Wat Tyler shows exactly what you are. Wat plays your sorry asses like a game of checkers. Anybody can see here that Wat and I have a respectful, collegial relationship not withstanding our obvious cultural differences. Churchill and Stalin weren't lovers. They were allies. They were allies in crushing the Catalonian Revolution for which Orwell gave his life. I despise them for that. They were allies in beating Hitler. I love them for that.

That's life. Real life. Absent from here 99 percent of the time.

I floated the concept of "abortion survivors" here specifically as a satirical jab at the kind of Magatry that leads DJT to assert the existence of post-birth medical executions. You attacked me over a tongue kiss with a Siamese cat. Now DJT accuses Haitians of eating cats. I am on the wave. You are lower than whale feces at the bottom of the ocean..

Hi ho, as Vonnegut might have written. Indeed he did. I use you to workshop my creative ideas. Thanks!

Not real? A lot realer than you, gingersnap.

( O )( O )
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Thinking about Gun Fetishists defense of the Branch Davidians and Randy Weaver (ie., Ruby Ridge)...

If a State Trooper pulls someone (let's say a young Black man) over and asks for a driver's license... Are you ok w/ the driver stonewalling and saying, "No! I'm not showing your my license - I did nothing wrong!" ...Then, when the Trooper demands the license a 2nd time, the young man pulls a gun from under the seat and points it in his face and says, "I'm going to shoot you in the face if you don't back off and let me go!"

Should the cop just say, "Well shit, this guy DEFINITELY doesn't want to show me his license so I guess I'll let him go on his way..." You okay with the cop just letting him go? I wouldn't be.

In such a situation I think the driver man should comply with the request and present his license. And if he feels the stop was unwarranted or the cop was overly aggressive then try to pursue a remedy in court. But trying to end the stop by threatening the cop? ..No.

How is that different than the BATF acting on a search warrant?
Flirt all you like, but I'm not letting you suck my cock.
You seem unaware that this is a website and that such an eventuality is, or should be, impossible. I do not do sex with minors. Ed Teller was my colleague. His cock was way bigger than yours will ever be. Today I'll wear my bikini in the streets of my city.

Me: huge tits that hunky guys stroke while I reminisce about Pablo Escobar. Hanging with Ed Teller. Bikini. Surrealism IRL.

You: a cup of melted frozen yogurt.

( O )( O )
Thinking about Gun Fetishists defense of the Branch Davidians and Randy Weaver (ie., Ruby Ridge)...

If a State Trooper pulls someone (let's say a young Black man) over and asks for a driver's license... Are you ok w/ the driver stonewalling and saying, "No! I'm not showing your my license - I did nothing wrong!" ...Then, when the Trooper demands the license a 2nd time, the young man pulls a gun from under the seat and points it in his face and says, "I'm going to shoot you in the face if you don't back off and let me go!"

Should the cop just say, "Well shit, this guy DEFINITELY doesn't want to show me his license so I guess I'll let him go on his way..." You okay with the cop just letting him go? I wouldn't be.

In such a situation I think the driver man should comply with the request and present his license. And if he feels the stop was unwarranted or the cop was overly aggressive then try to pursue a remedy in court. But trying to end the stop by threatening the cop? ..No.

How is that different than the BATF acting on a search warrant?
Koresh should have been busted as a chomo and Weaver as a Nazi. The guns were a pretext.

Want a serious example of liberal left abuse of power? Forget Koresh and Weaver. Look at Janet Reno and little Elián. You won't.

( O )( O )
The treatment of Wat Tyler shows exactly what you are. Wat plays your sorry asses like a game of checkers. Anybody can see here that Wat and I have a respectful, collegial relationship not withstanding our obvious cultural differences. Churchill and Stalin weren't lovers. They were allies. They were allies in crushing the Catalonian Revolution for which Orwell gave his life. I despise them for that. They were allies in beating Hitler. I love them for that.

That's life. Real life. Absent from here 99 percent of the time.

Not real? A lot realer than you, gingersnap.

( O )( O )

Again, thank you for the kind words, and right back atcha, as they say. Were it not for lies and gas-lighting/gas-passing, they'd have nothing to say and no lives to live. Absent Life. Certainly absent Sentience. So they chase us around the board passing what passes for judgment on what we post.

It's an offer they don' refuse . . . .
Thinking about Gun Fetishists defense of the Branch Davidians and Randy Weaver (ie., Ruby Ridge)...

If a State Trooper pulls someone (let's say a young Black man) over and asks for a driver's license... Are you ok w/ the driver stonewalling and saying, "No! I'm not showing your my license - I did nothing wrong!" ...Then, when the Trooper demands the license a 2nd time, the young man pulls a gun from under the seat and points it in his face and says, "I'm going to shoot you in the face if you don't back off and let me go!"

Should the cop just say, "Well shit, this guy DEFINITELY doesn't want to show me his license so I guess I'll let him go on his way..." You okay with the cop just letting him go? I wouldn't be.

In such a situation I think the driver man should comply with the request and present his license. And if he feels the stop was unwarranted or the cop was overly aggressive then try to pursue a remedy in court. But trying to end the stop by threatening the cop? ..No.

How is that different than the BATF acting on a search warrant?

dudly, this kind of shit happens in countries other than the US too. That doesn't mean anyone is ok with it.

Then there's the issue of whether someone has to allow the government to kill/cripple them or beat them into a permanent vegetative state FIRST before they can defend themselves.

There's a case from waaaaay back when in which a homesteader shot the sheriff (hey, there's a song in there!) and was eventually arrested and put on trial for it. His defense was that the sheriff was trying to unlawfully kill him and he only defended himself. The court bought it and he was found not guilty. Fast forward a few cases later, the courts fashioned a new "rule" that anyone doing the same had to "prove" that the sheriff was acting outside the law at the time before they could defend themselves. If you couldn't prove it at the time, you couldn't defend yourself. A few decades later, that rule was changed to "sue them after you're dead/crippled/turned into a vegetable and prove that you're owed money for your loved one's death/injury/permanent vegetative state while they claim immunity from prosecution." This is the current iteration of how to protect the scum suckers wearing badges at the expense of innocent lives.

I much prefer the first version. Anyone giving half a moment's thought on it, should also. Amazingly, it would also temper the issue of the police serving no knock warrants at 3am, or killing the wife and kiddies before they bother to walk up the driveway. Or burning everyone to death after unsuccessfully trying to use snipers, tanks, and cannons to get inside the house.
dudly, this kind of shit happens in countries other than the US too. That doesn't mean anyone is ok with it.

Then there's the issue of whether someone has to allow the government to kill/cripple them or beat them into a permanent vegetative state FIRST before they can defend themselves.

There's a case from waaaaay back when in which a homesteader shot the sheriff (hey, there's a song in there!) and was eventually arrested and put on trial for it. His defense was that the sheriff was trying to unlawfully kill him and he only defended himself. The court bought it and he was found not guilty. Fast forward a few cases later, the courts fashioned a new "rule" that anyone doing the same had to "prove" that the sheriff was acting outside the law at the time before they could defend themselves. If you couldn't prove it at the time, you couldn't defend yourself. A few decades later, that rule was changed to "sue them after you're dead/crippled/turned into a vegetable and prove that you're owed money for your loved one's death/injury/permanent vegetative state while they claim immunity from prosecution." This is the current iteration of how to protect the scum suckers wearing badges at the expense of innocent lives.

I much prefer the first version. Anyone giving half a moment's thought on it, should also. Amazingly, it would also temper the issue of the police serving no knock warrants at 3am, or killing the wife and kiddies before they bother to walk up the driveway. Or burning everyone to death after unsuccessfully trying to use snipers, tanks, and cannons to get inside the house.

Body cams are great for tool for helping to enforce accountability. 👍
Body cams are great for tool for helping to enforce accountability. 👍

Perhaps you've not heard but body cams don't bring the dead back to life, nor heal injuries, or bring someone out of a coma.

MONEY doesn't solve the problem, it just covers it up so the fuckups and incompetents who are inhabiting the planet can sleep at night safe in the false belief it can't ever happen to them.
dudly, this kind of shit happens in countries other than the US too. That doesn't mean anyone is ok with it.

Then there's the issue of whether someone has to allow the government to kill/cripple them or beat them into a permanent vegetative state FIRST before they can defend themselves.

There's a case from waaaaay back when in which a homesteader shot the sheriff (hey, there's a song in there!) and was eventually arrested and put on trial for it. His defense was that the sheriff was trying to unlawfully kill him and he only defended himself. The court bought it and he was found not guilty. Fast forward a few cases later, the courts fashioned a new "rule" that anyone doing the same had to "prove" that the sheriff was acting outside the law at the time before they could defend themselves. If you couldn't prove it at the time, you couldn't defend yourself. A few decades later, that rule was changed to "sue them after you're dead/crippled/turned into a vegetable and prove that you're owed money for your loved one's death/injury/permanent vegetative state while they claim immunity from prosecution." This is the current iteration of how to protect the scum suckers wearing badges at the expense of innocent lives.

I much prefer the first version. Anyone giving half a moment's thought on it, should also. Amazingly, it would also temper the issue of the police serving no knock warrants at 3am, or killing the wife and kiddies before they bother to walk up the driveway. Or burning everyone to death after unsuccessfully trying to use snipers, tanks, and cannons to get inside the house.
If the police are treating black people more brutally than white people, should black people use their 2nd amendment right to defend themselves against the government?
Thinking about Gun Fetishists defense of the Branch Davidians and Randy Weaver (ie., Ruby Ridge)...

If a State Trooper pulls someone (let's say a young Black man) over and asks for a driver's license... Are you ok w/ the driver stonewalling and saying, "No! I'm not showing your my license - I did nothing wrong!" ...Then, when the Trooper demands the license a 2nd time, the young man pulls a gun from under the seat and points it in his face and says, "I'm going to shoot you in the face if you don't back off and let me go!"

Should the cop just say, "Well shit, this guy DEFINITELY doesn't want to show me his license so I guess I'll let him go on his way..." You okay with the cop just letting him go? I wouldn't be.

In such a situation I think the driver man should comply with the request and present his license. And if he feels the stop was unwarranted or the cop was overly aggressive then try to pursue a remedy in court. But trying to end the stop by threatening the cop? ..No.

How is that different than the BATF acting on a search warrant?

Your depiction of a driver defending themself against law enforcement reminds me of the what happened with the Black Panthers.

The Black Panthers took it upon themselves to openly carry firearms while observing the police in Oakland CA. At the time they were exercising their 2a rights to keep and bear arms but it scared the hell out of the powers that be.

The backlash resulted in gun control laws, signed by governor Ronald Reagan which still stand today - ending open carry in the state. It also brought the FBI down on the Black Panthers resulting in the near total destruction of the movement.

Gun toting revolutionaries today are pushing against similar limits they try to deny exist, not understanding that if the sentiments of the public and of law enforcement swing far enough their rights can be infringed.

How long do you think an FBI siege against a group like the one in Waco could last if law enforcement uses robotics instead of manpower?

Are you paying attention to the development of law enforcement robotics?

Perhaps you've not heard but body cams don't bring the dead back to life, nor heal injuries, or bring someone out of a coma.

MONEY doesn't solve the problem, it just covers it up so the fuckups and incompetents who are inhabiting the planet can sleep at night safe in the false belief it can't ever happen to them.

No shit Sherlock. Have you noticed that laws don’t proactively protect anyone unless they limit access?

You of all people should know that laws are reactionary, in most cases requiring proof after the fact that a crime was committed.


The body cams go a long way to provide accountability.
If the police are treating black people more brutally than white people, should black people use their 2nd amendment right to defend themselves against the government?

First of all, the police aren't treating blacks "more brutally" than whites. That's PURE BULLSHIT. In general, the police treat everyone the exact same way - callously and without respect or due consideration of someone's basic humanity. It doesn't matter what your skin color is, if the cop wants to shoot you and claim he thought you had a gun, he's going to do it. He can beat you, strangle you, let you bleed out, and many other things, and get away with it because society has removed all accountability through qualified immunity.

Here's another tip you haven't thought about - violence and calling for defunding the police won't help public opinion about the issue. It will do the opposite and ensure that the police will act with more brutality and lack of accountability. Basically, when you advance the line of bullshit you support, you fuck yourself and everyone else over. Which makes you scream louder and get an even bigger fucking over. Dipshittery like that only makes you look stupid. Then you can either cry or be stoic when they line you up in front of the wall because those will be the only 2 options left for you/me/everyone who is an enemy of the state.

Secondly, when the KKK came calling at 3am (why does that time slot ring a bell when it comes to nefarious nighttime activities against people in their homes?) blacks either defended themselves or they died. Take away their guns today and the same thing will happen. Almost no one will be prosecuted or caught or anything for it. EVERY minority out there needs to be supporting the 2A in every possible way because it's the only thing that keeps them safe. That means telling politicians who "want to reduce gun violence" to go fuck themselves. But you go ahead and vote Democrat with a vengeance, because I'm sure you believe that your political affiliation will stop the police/KKK/Whitey from hauling you off to the ovens.

Third, without 2A rights, you cannot defend against an intruder inside your home. You can't fight them while unarmed either. By the time they're finished and the police arrive, you're either dead, injured, raped, or arrested after you tell the police you fought off the intruder. Think this isn't true? Look at the UK and learn something; the 2A protects you FROM harm. GUNS keep you safe. Only a fool believes that nirvana will result if you disarm the victims of crime/oppression.
First of all, the police aren't treating blacks "more brutally" than whites. That's PURE BULLSHIT. In general, the police treat everyone the exact same way - callously and without respect or due consideration of someone's basic humanity. It doesn't matter what your skin color is, if the cop wants to shoot you and claim he thought you had a gun, he's going to do it. He can beat you, strangle you, let you bleed out, and many other things, and get away with it because society has removed all accountability through qualified immunity.

Here's another tip you haven't thought about - violence and calling for defunding the police won't help public opinion about the issue. It will do the opposite and ensure that the police will act with more brutality and lack of accountability. Basically, when you advance the line of bullshit you support, you fuck yourself and everyone else over. Which makes you scream louder and get an even bigger fucking over. Dipshittery like that only makes you look stupid. Then you can either cry or be stoic when they line you up in front of the wall because those will be the only 2 options left for you/me/everyone who is an enemy of the state.

Secondly, when the KKK came calling at 3am (why does that time slot ring a bell when it comes to nefarious nighttime activities against people in their homes?) blacks either defended themselves or they died. Take away their guns today and the same thing will happen. Almost no one will be prosecuted or caught or anything for it. EVERY minority out there needs to be supporting the 2A in every possible way because it's the only thing that keeps them safe. That means telling politicians who "want to reduce gun violence" to go fuck themselves. But you go ahead and vote Democrat with a vengeance, because I'm sure you believe that your political affiliation will stop the police/KKK/Whitey from hauling you off to the ovens.

Third, without 2A rights, you cannot defend against an intruder inside your home. You can't fight them while unarmed either. By the time they're finished and the police arrive, you're either dead, injured, raped, or arrested after you tell the police you fought off the intruder. Think this isn't true? Look at the UK and learn something; the 2A protects you FROM harm. GUNS keep you safe. Only a fool believes that nirvana will result if you disarm the victims of crime/oppression.
Does the 2nd amendment protect you from being brutalized by the police?
dudly, this kind of shit happens in countries other than the US too. That doesn't mean anyone is ok with it.

Then there's the issue of whether someone has to allow the government to kill/cripple them or beat them into a permanent vegetative state FIRST before they can defend themselves.

There's a case from waaaaay back when in which a homesteader shot the sheriff (hey, there's a song in there!) and was eventually arrested and put on trial for it. His defense was that the sheriff was trying to unlawfully kill him and he only defended himself. The court bought it and he was found not guilty. Fast forward a few cases later, the courts fashioned a new "rule" that anyone doing the same had to "prove" that the sheriff was acting outside the law at the time before they could defend themselves. If you couldn't prove it at the time, you couldn't defend yourself. A few decades later, that rule was changed to "sue them after you're dead/crippled/turned into a vegetable and prove that you're owed money for your loved one's death/injury/permanent vegetative state while they claim immunity from prosecution." This is the current iteration of how to protect the scum suckers wearing badges at the expense of innocent lives.

I much prefer the first version. Anyone giving half a moment's thought on it, should also. Amazingly, it would also temper the issue of the police serving no knock warrants at 3am, or killing the wife and kiddies before they bother to walk up the driveway. Or burning everyone to death after unsuccessfully trying to use snipers, tanks, and cannons to get inside the house.
Do you make any money writing scifi?

( O )( O )
Does the 2nd amendment protect you from being brutalized by the police?

Stupid question because it contains 2 issues instead of the simpleton view you're trying to advance.

First issue - does the 2A enable people to protect themselves? The answer is obvious, it does. Without ARMS you're left using physical force against an attacker who is likely better prepared, has chosen to attack when you're at your weakest, and is likely physically stronger than you are because criminals don't prey on the strong, they choose easy/weak targets.

Second issue - should you be able to defend yourself against the police. Under current law you cannot use ANY force against a police officer, even to save your own life. This is the law. Doing so, even to save your own life, is a crime. Any damages which come from the police actions against you are to be sought in court after you're dead, raped, crippled, beat into a permanent vegetative state.
There's a subtext which needs to be stated here: Violence will not save you from the police. You aren't strong enough, equipped well enough, or have the reserves/backup needed to stand against an army with immunity for their actions.

Your fellow concerned citizens aren't strong enough, equipped well enough, or possess the reserves/backup needed either. Because one-on-one violence (or a riot) will not solve the real problem. The real problem can only be solved by SOCIETY banding together as ONE VOICE to remove those who advocate any form of oppression from any position of power over the people.

DO NOT vote Democrat, or for gun control, unless your ultimate goal is to oppress the people. Free handouts at the expense of poverty/death/incarceration/brutality isn't worth the cost in lives and social deterioration.
First of all, the police aren't treating blacks "more brutally" than whites. That's PURE BULLSHIT.
Not to further derail a thread about why some people love guns, but.... Bullshit back at you.

Black americans are more likely to be stopped, questioned, arrested, arraigned and convicted AND given longer sentences for similar offenses. You don't think that amounts to brutality?
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