Our country's fetishizing of guns is revolting

Right wing paranoia.

Not everyone considers their elected government the enemy.

Meanwhile sensible peoples' fears about AR style weapons are being validated time and time and time again.... Enumerated quite succinctly by your post 8 posts back.

So depressing... All this death and chaos so that a minority of soul-less, depraved Americans can have their play-thing of choice.
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Right wing paranoia.

Not everyone considers their elected government the enemy.
I consider you easily hornswoggled in to believing what your side tells you to. The Founding Fathers ensured the rights of the citizens to be armed in the event that our government ever needed to be overthrown by force. Thomas Jefferson said in a letter to William Smith "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." It isn't about hunting or anything else other than protecting our rights as citizens. Yes, it really is that simple.

Meanwhile sensible peoples' fears about AR style weapons are being validated time and time and time again.... Enumerated quite succinctly by your post 8 posts back.

So depressing... All this death and chaos so that a minority of soul-less, depraved Americans can have their play-thing of choice.
And again, gun crimes are committed by criminals and those mentally ill. There are over 300,000,000 million guns and trillions of rounds of ammunition owned by law abiding gun owning citizens, if we were the problem believe me even someone as blind as you would know it.
Nope, Assault rifles were not common in the not-so-distant past.
Now, they're everywhere, making beta males such as yourself feel "important" and "manly".
That's the main reason they've become the "weapon of choice" for mass murder, big ole magazines, point-shoot-kill-repeat.

It takes skill to inflict multiple casualties with a knife or blade weapon. It takes virtually no skill at all (only a complete lack of a moral compass) to load and fire a semi-automatic weapon.
None of those examples except JFK involved a rifle. In the case of JFK there were at the time several very good semi-automatic military and civilian rifles available for sale in the US. Instead, he used one of the cheapest ($19.95) bolt action WWII surplus rifles on the market to shoot JFK.
I consider you easily hornswoggled in to believing what your side tells you to. The Founding Fathers ensured the rights of the citizens to be armed in the event that our government ever needed to be overthrown by force.

# of times our gov't has required overthrowing: 0
# of deaths, injuries, and children psychologically affected by constant threat of gun violence: Millions

I'd happily risk the former to avoid the latter. ..But not you and your AR-loving death cult.

And I just now noticed that picture earlier in the thread from @ChloeTzang of a 5-6 yr old girl sitting at the trigger of massive machine gun. You'd have to be dead inside to NOT reel from that picture. Just dreadful. I'm pretty sure 100% of Child Psychologists would say that's a profoundly horrible thing to introduce to a child. She should be thinking of childhood things, not bodies being obliterated by that fucking thing. Ugh.... Her parents are shit.
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It takes skill to inflict multiple casualties with a knife or blade weapon. It takes virtually no skill at all (only a complete lack of a moral compass) to load and fire a semi-automatic weapon.
Only three percent of gun murders are committed with rifles.
The US is a fucked up country hated by men and cursed by God. I am surprised there are not tens of thousands of killings every day.
# of times our gov't has required overthrowing: 0
# of deaths, injuries, and children psychologically affected by constant threat of gun violence: Millions

I'd happily risk the former to avoid the latter. ..But not you and your AR-loving death cult.

And I just now noticed that picture earlier in the thread of a 5-6 yr old girl sitting at the trigger of massive machine gun. You'd have to be dead inside to NOT reel from that picture. Just dreadful. I'm pretty sure 100% of Child Psychologists would say that's a profoundly horrible thing to introduce to a child. She should be think of childhood things, not bodies being obliterated by that fucking thing. Ugh.... Her parents are shit.
First of all, nice cherry picking of my comment instead of posting the entire thing.

Sadly for you your attempt to paint me as AR owner fails because I don't own one.
The US is a fucked up country hated by men and cursed by God. I am surprised there are not tens of thousands of killings every day.
Which god? I had heard that Thor kinda liked us
I consider you easily hornswoggled in to believing what your side tells you to. The Founding Fathers ensured the rights of the citizens to be armed in the event that our government ever needed to be overthrown by force. Thomas Jefferson said in a letter to William Smith "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." It isn't about hunting or anything else other than protecting our rights as citizens. Yes, it really is that simple.

And you’re one of the people who’s ready to be up in arms against the elected government?

You’re the one who’s been hornswoggled into believing that the democratically elected government is tyrannical. The tyrant that the for fathers would be concerned with is an authoritarian who takes power against the articles of the constitution. Who’s that looking like?

Democracy is a messy business. It’s full of compromise and nobody gets fully what they want, that doesn’t mean it’s tyrannical, yet a large conservative contingency of the population wants to find it as such. Whose interest are served by an authoritarian? It will be an oligarchy. Do you think money and politics is bad now? Try imagining it when there is no Democratic input - no word of the people involved in the decision-making.

Yeah, the US is supposed to be a republic, but our representatives are supposed to be democratically elected. Once that’s gone what do we have?

Wealthy interests are backing the conservative movement against the interest of the democracy.
You throw around accusations like this without any evidence quite often.
C'mon Rightguide, we both know that the usual suspects mutter dark warnings about who they're going to kill and what they're gonna loot and rape when "the Revolution comes". Even you have given into those end times fantasies a time or two as I recall. You're not as bad as the three most bitter ammosexuals on this board, but you're definitely in Tier 2.
C'mon Rightguide, we both know that the usual suspects mutter dark warnings about who they're going to kill and what they're gonna loot and rape when "the Revolution comes". Even you have given into those end times fantasies a time or two as I recall. You're not as bad as the three most bitter ammosexuals on this board, but you're definitely in Tier 2.
Post some examples of these threats and planned killings you've alluded to.
It was a question, dip shit.

Are you going to want to silence questions?
So provide the basis for your "question" suggesting there might be some evidence that TH might take up arms against the government. It's obvious you had a reason to confront him personally with that question.
So provide the basis for your "question" suggesting there might be some evidence that TH might take up arms against the government. It's obvious you had a reason to confront him personally with that question.

Once again, you prove that you can’t even follow the conversation. You should take that into account when you try to influence others.
So, you have none; Just as I thought.

🤣 I was responding to his post about the justification for the 2a. If you think there’s no justification for the conversation that’s on you.

I.e. you weren’t able to follow the conversation. ✅
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Easy access to handguns in America is BAD.

Easy access to AR style weapons in America is WORSE.

Full stop.

WTH are you talking about? I've mentioned in countless other threads - all totally unrelated to politics - that I live in the US. .Why would I want to deceive on this one? For fuck's sake. This was my one and only post here in the Politics forum. ..And my last given the moronic responses.

Is that really your best contribution to this thread?
LOL. You are coming close to an understanding of the Politics Board, Grasshopper.

Do not EVER take anyone on this board seriously. Except perhaps Keith and I, and I'm rather sketchy. Everyone else is batshit crazy (sorry guys, well maybe Wat and Harpy aren't, and they're okay, but still, you know, they're my clones so they're sketchy too...or I'm their alter ego...I lose track sometimes of who I am)

Anyhow, like I said, this Board is totally whacko and having a serious conversation here, ever, is unlikely. So sit back, center yourself, zen baby, zen, and then cut loose and have fun. Or, if deep and meaningful discourse is your thing, join Reddit. LOL
Right wing paranoia.

Not everyone considers their elected government the enemy.
You should. They are. Always. And that government does NOT live in fear of the people is a BAD thing. This is why we the people need a lot more than AR15's. We need machineguns, artillery, missiles, drones, tanks, aircraft, even tactical nukes at the very least. The government SHOULD walk on eggshells and live in fear. They should do the bare minimum necessary, and no more.