Our country's fetishizing of guns is revolting

Fear fueled hysterical drama. And not without a shit-tonne of ignorance and prejudgments.
That is the 2A community's 1 saving grace. Ignorance of the topic matter on the side of the Anti-2A. The second a single anti-2a organization or politician breaks down and spends the time learning about firearms and has honest conversations with the 2A community, we are screwed. They will find the weak spots and exploit them. Luckily, there is no gumption to do so. Hasn't been for over a century. And as the OP and a multitude of other posters have demonstrated, that will not change any time soon.

Thus, their ignorance is still our bliss. Every piece of crap legislation they cough up eventually fades. And the cycle, thankfully, continues.
All politicians afforded SS protection require gun free areas, even you peace loving libs that are sad the shooter missed.

I'm smart enough to carry my own gun to protect myself and my family against criminals and the mentally ill.

As far as gun free zones, every property owner has the right to declare their property a gun free zone, just as I have declared mine a no smoking zone. Your property is yours and within the constraints of the law you can do as you wish there.

In other words, no. You don’t comprehend the concept that your guns and those of law enforcement are tools of defense and that they can only help protect your safety after you and your loved ones have been exposed to danger.

Yep. Life is a risk and gun ownership is a higher priority than the safety of other people in America. I get it. America a fairly unique among advanced nations that way.

Personally I enjoy having guns and shooting with my kids and friends but unlike you, I understand and am aware of the trade-offs. I’m also aware that the US Constitution was designed by our founding fathers to be amended if and when public sentiment changes enough so political priorities change.

I’ve long said that if gun nutz keep on shooting innocent people that public sentiment may shift. Stranger things have happened. I understand that you don’t comprehend this.
That is the 2A community's 1 saving grace. Ignorance of the topic matter on the side of the Anti-2A. The second a single anti-2a organization or politician breaks down and spends the time learning about firearms and has honest conversations with the 2A community, we are screwed. They will find the weak spots and exploit them. Luckily, there is no gumption to do so. Hasn't been for over a century. And as the OP and a multitude of other posters have demonstrated, that will not change any time soon.

Thus, their ignorance is still our bliss. Every piece of crap legislation they cough up eventually fades. And the cycle, thankfully, continues.

Lol. You obviously don’t remember what events precipitated some of the most significant gun control laws and who proposed and implemented them Ignorance is bliss, innint it?

I’ll give you a hint, it was one of the most loved Republican presidents of all time, someone who is now considered a RINO by Trump lovers.
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That is the 2A community's 1 saving grace. Ignorance of the topic matter on the side of the Anti-2A. The second a single anti-2a organization or politician breaks down and spends the time learning about firearms and has honest conversations with the 2A community, we are screwed. They will find the weak spots and exploit them. Luckily, there is no gumption to do so. Hasn't been for over a century. And as the OP and a multitude of other posters have demonstrated, that will not change any time soon.

Thus, their ignorance is still our bliss. Every piece of crap legislation they cough up eventually fades. And the cycle, thankfully, continues.

I like Uncle Joe Willie's statement that "we banned 'em before and we'll ban 'em again." What, why didn't they stay banned? That's not a ban, that's a time out.

Incompetents the lot of them.
Lol. You obviously don’t remember what events precipitated some of the most significant gun control laws and who proposed and implemented them Ignorance is bliss, innint it?
Right. Define "significant ". And were they significant to you as well as the 2A community? Unless the GCA of 1968 is your lead in, I'm betting the only real significance is to you.
I like Uncle Joe Willie's statement that "we banned 'em before and we'll ban 'em again." What, why didn't they stay banned? That's not a ban, that's a time out.

Incompetents the lot of them.
Ah, the 90's. 10 rounders and the infamous Black Talon round by Olin. Fun times.
Ah, the 90's. 10 rounders and the infamous Black Talon round by Olin. Fun times.

The first of many versions of what I like to call Cop KillerTM ammo. It's my favorite "brand." I do have some very nasty looking Winchester 9mm which I bought a lot of when it was on sale. Some kind of clearance. It seems quite nasty. It's probably a version of Black Talon, like v4.0 or something.

I do recall the copious tears about the dreaded BTs. Life as we knew it was in peril.

I keep waiting for this new stuff to up and kill me, but it hasn't.

Yet . . . .
Right. Define "significant ". And were they significant to you as well as the 2A community? Unless the GCA of 1968 is your lead in, I'm betting the only real significance is to you.

You got one answer correct. 👍

Do you remember specific events that precipitated that?
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The first of many versions of what I like to call Cop KillerTM ammo. It's my favorite "brand." I do have some very nasty looking Winchester 9mm which I bought a lot of when it was on sale. Some kind of clearance. It seems quite nasty. It's probably a version of Black Talon, like v4.0 or something.

I do recall the copious tears about the dreaded BTs. Life as we knew it was in peril.

I keep waiting for this new stuff to up and kill me, but it hasn't.

Yet . . . .
Military Arms Channel on YouTube showed those super light 9mm Liberty Civil Defense rounds going straight through 3A plates. Speed is king in that realm. I think we talked about those on another thread a while back.
I like Uncle Joe Willie's statement that "we banned 'em before and we'll ban 'em again." What, why didn't they stay banned? That's not a ban, that's a time out.

Incompetents the lot of them.

It’s all speculation now, but I’d bet that if the most recent shooter had hit his target and spawned a rash of political assassinations and public violence the public narrative would be very different right now.

Even I understand that it’s a good thing the kid missed.
Military Arms Channel on YouTube showed those super light 9mm Liberty Civil Defense rounds going straight through 3A plates. Speed is king in that realm. I think we talked about those on another thread a while back.

We may have. I'm sure the OP here is fouling itself.
You got one answer correct. 👍
And this harkens back to anti-2A ignorance and who this legislation is significant to. A deeper dive would show everything contained in that and the NFA were almost immediately circumvented with minor design changes (Walther PPK comes to mind) or simply require a bit of money to overcome ($200 tax stamps and trusts). And that is the longest lived item on the books you all consider a win. You're compounding the bliss on this end.
And this harkens back to anti-2A ignorance and who this legislation is significant to. A deeper dive would show everything contained in that and the NFA were almost immediately circumvented with minor design changes (Walther PPK comes to mind) or simply require a bit of money to overcome ($200 tax stamps and trusts). And that is the longest lived item on the books you all consider a win. You're compounding the bliss on this end.

An of course nothing ever changes… 😜
An of course nothing ever changes… 😜
If the 56 year old institution of $200 tax stamps on shorties, suppressors, and a few other items are your idea of a win over the 2A community, knock yourself out. I won't dispel your fun with tales of braces and fuel separators. Significance is apparently subjective.
The USA is a nation of extreme excess made possible by cheap energy. Luxuries that are now considered necessities (cars, suburban houses, high heeled shoes, etc.) are fetishized. I expect most fetishes will be dropped as silly nonsense as we fall back down into poverty and are forced to be more practical. People who can't have sex without their fetishes are free to drop out of the gene pool.

Welp, project 2025 may work, and ready access to porn might become a thing of the past.
That is the 2A community's 1 saving grace. Ignorance of the topic matter on the side of the Anti-2A.

Right? I heard someone on the radio saying how it was a good thing the kid had an AR because “they aren’t known for long range accuracy.” 🙈

It was probably a thought held over from the bumpstock debate.
"Happiness is a warm gun." ~ The Beatles

"I love my guns" ~ LL Cox

“… testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure.”

- said by a great “tyrant” who was taken out by nut with a gun… or was he a patriot? Does might always make right?
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Right? I heard someone on the radio saying how it was a good thing the kid had an AR because “they aren’t known for long range accuracy.” 🙈

It was probably a thought held over from the bumpstock debate.
That's odd. Shot wasn't a long range one by anyone's standard. Even if he was running open sights. But I agree. Station was probably trying to fill air time between Home Depot and cash advance ads.

Good grief, bump stocks are such a goofy topic. It's made to sound like all AR or PCC owners have or want 1. Hardly the case. Only people that want those stupid things are idiots that like to burn up ammo on the range. No practical application anywhere.
That's odd. Shot wasn't a long range one by anyone's standard. Even if he was running open sights. But I agree. Station was probably trying to fill air time between Home Depot and cash advance ads.

Good grief, bump stocks are such a goofy topic. It's made to sound like all AR or PCC owners have or want 1. Hardly the case. Only people that want those stupid things are idiots that like to burn up ammo on the range. No practical application anywhere.

…or for spraying crowds.

What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas?
Tell you what. I bet every 2A person here would gladly trade bump stocks and binary triggers for the ATFE to remove the 1986 clause in the Form 4. Any takers?

I admit to being reactionary on my 2a stance. I’d gladly trade my guns to have my best friend and his dad back after they were gunned down with an AR by his meth-head brother in law.

Every time I think about it I imagine how sad he must hav been when he first saw his dad shot down then saw the gun turned on himself - ambushed as they were getting out of the car. He was a sweet young man with the world before him, killed by a nut who had a safe full of arms and a head full of paranoia.

May your loved ones be forever safe and may you never hear 2a supporters laugh at your grief.
I admit to being reactionary on my 2a stance. I’d gladly trade my guns to have my best friend and his dad back after they were gunned down with an AR by his meth-head brother in law.

Every time I think about it I imagine how sad he must hav been when he first saw his dad shot down then saw the gun turned on himself - ambushed as they were getting out of the car. He was a sweet young man with the world before him, killed by a nut who had a safe full of arms and a head full of paranoia.

May your loved ones be forever safe and may you never hear 2a supporters laugh at your grief.
Everyone has their opinions and reasoning. And crazies abound on both sides.
I admit to being reactionary on my 2a stance. I’d gladly trade my guns to have my best friend and his dad back after they were gunned down with an AR by his meth-head brother in law.

Every time I think about it I imagine how sad he must hav been when he first saw his dad shot down then saw the gun turned on himself - ambushed as they were getting out of the car. He was a sweet young man with the world before him, killed by a nut who had a safe full of arms and a head full of paranoia.

May your loved ones be forever safe and may you never hear 2a supporters laugh at your grief.
If everyone knew he was a meth-head why wasn't he reported to the police and arrested and rotting in jail? If no one did anything then the responsibility is shared with the guy who did the shooting.