Our country's fetishizing of guns is revolting

You should. They are. Always. And that government does NOT live in fear of the people is a BAD thing. This is why we the people need a lot more than AR15's. We need machineguns, artillery, missiles, drones, tanks, aircraft, even tactical nukes at the very least. The government SHOULD walk on eggshells and live in fear. They should do the bare minimum necessary, and no more.

So you don’t believe in America as of, for, and by the people. ✅

Is that why you are supporting an authoritarian, anti democratic republic?

It may work for you as long as your interests align with the leadership, but what reason do you have to believe unchecked power will continue to respect your wishes?
Keep it relevant, Phil. A demonstration, however out of control, and a home invasion are rather different things.
It was a locked door with an armed guard presenting his firearm. She got what she had coming to her.
So a government building is okay to break in to. Nice.
LOL. You are coming close to an understanding of the Politics Board, Grasshopper.

Do not EVER take anyone on this board seriously. Except perhaps Keith and I, and I'm rather sketchy. Everyone else is batshit crazy (sorry guys, well maybe Wat and Harpy aren't, and they're okay, but still, you know, they're my clones so they're sketchy too...or I'm their alter ego...I lose track sometimes of who I am)

Anyhow, like I said, this Board is totally whacko and having a serious conversation here, ever, is unlikely. So sit back, center yourself, zen baby, zen, and then cut loose and have fun. Or, if deep and meaningful discourse is your thing, join Reddit. LOL
The picture you posted of a young girl sitting by the trigger of machine gun is beyond revolting. I have nothing to say to you other than I wish you a better life ahead.
The picture you posted of a young girl sitting by the trigger of machine gun is beyond revolting. I have nothing to say to you other than I wish you a better life ahead.

Seriously? This is responsible parenting.....I look at this little girl and I see a little girl with a loving parent who cares for her and wants her to grow up knowing how to safely handle weapons and confidently protect herself.

And you’re one of the people who’s ready to be up in arms against the elected government?

You’re the one who’s been hornswoggled into believing that the democratically elected government is tyrannical. The tyrant that the for fathers would be concerned with is an authoritarian who takes power against the articles of the constitution. Who’s that looking like?

Democracy is a messy business. It’s full of compromise and nobody gets fully what they want, that doesn’t mean it’s tyrannical, yet a large conservative contingency of the population wants to find it as such. Whose interest are served by an authoritarian? It will be an oligarchy. Do you think money and politics is bad now? Try imagining it when there is no Democratic input - no word of the people involved in the decision-making.

Yeah, the US is supposed to be a republic, but our representatives are supposed to be democratically elected. Once that’s gone what do we have?

Wealthy interests are backing the conservative movement against the interest of the democracy.
I never said I was ready to rise up against anyone, let alone a democratically elected government. I did say that Thomas Jefferson said that "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." The only people I hear calling anyone a tyrant is the left calling Trump a tyrant. I don't believe Biden, on his own, is smart enough to be a tyrant. Further I don't believe in assassination like some do as a means of political change.
I never said I was ready to rise up against anyone, let alone a democratically elected government. I did say that Thomas Jefferson said that "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." The only people I hear calling anyone a tyrant is the left calling Trump a tyrant. I don't believe Biden, on his own, is smart enough to be a tyrant. Further I don't believe in assassination like some do as a means of political change.

Glad to hear you aren’t so fringe that you’re arming for the revolution. 👍

Quick question:

Were Lee Harvey Oswald and John Wilkes Booth simply exercising their 2a rights?
Stockpiling AR's, acquiring anti-tank weapons, and amassing huge amounts of ammo all because of a looming "Revolution" sure sounds like a cult to me. But instead of preparing for "The Rapture" when the faithful will be beamed onto a spaceship as End of Times begins, the gun fetishists tirelessly prepare for a "Tyrannical Government" to roll onto their property in tanks to take their land, weapons, and, of course, their freedom.

But just like all the other cults, Armageddon never comes. Meanwhile, their preoccupation with impending doom is bringing all of us down with AR-related deaths, injuries, and constant threat of mass-shootings. I feel very sad for the children being raised by these paranoid lunatics.
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Seriously? This is responsible parenting.....I look at this little girl and I see a little girl with a loving parent who cares for her and wants her to grow up knowing how to safely handle weapons and confidently protect herself.

View attachment 2366311

Absolutely. I started teaching Junior how to shoot when he was 10, and he has natural ability. He's amazingly effective with a service rifle, and he's largely immune to recoil.

Very few people know the full capabilities of a full-power battle rifle. Look into why the Army dug out the remaining M14s and put some back into service. They are pretty amazing in their ability to distribute Freedom Seeds where they are most needed.
Ridiculous fishing expedition I won't be involved in.

Too much thinking? It’s a valid question that no 2a supporter wants to address. 🤣

Error! Error!

The problem is that law enforcement is reactionary. If everyone has a right to have and carry firearms there is nothing law enforcement can do to protect the public. Unless an attacker declares their intention, law enforcement can’t stop them until they aim their weapon at their target - and by then it’s often too late.

Look what happens though when protection becomes a priority - like all future Trump events - they create a gun-free zone where only law enforcement can carry. Go figure. 🤔

Should Washington DC allow open carry? Should court rooms and airports allow the public to carry weapons? Why not? There are plenty of armed guards and police….

Chloe? Wat?
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Too much thinking? It’s a valid question that no 2a supporter wants to address. 🤣

No, it's a ridiculous question and you know it. John Wilkes Booth was a delusional maniac that couldn't handle the South losing the war and assassinated Lincoln. This was a criminal act perpetrated by someone with mental health issues. Lee Harvey Oswald was a communist activist who perpetrated a criminal act and assassinated JFK. Neither have a damn thing to do with 2A rights and everything to do with either mental health issues or criminal acts. Neither of which apply when speaking about 2A rights.
Ridiculous fishing expedition I won't be involved in.
No, it's a ridiculous question and you know it. John Wilkes Booth was a delusional maniac that couldn't handle the South losing the war and assassinated Lincoln. This was a criminal act perpetrated by someone with mental health issues. Lee Harvey Oswald was a communist activist who perpetrated a criminal act and assassinated JFK. Neither have a damn thing to do with 2A rights and everything to do with either mental health issues or criminal acts. Neither of which apply when speaking about 2A rights.

Emotional red letter response aside, it has everything to do with the 2a. The 2a is the reason they were allowed to have and carry the guns they used to kill the presidents.

Tump himself is now a walking talking 2a infringement zone. 😜

The Vegas shooter wasn’t politically motivated, so that case doesn’t fit into your narrative about “with the blood of patriots and tyrants” but it was the 2a that allowed him to haul an arsenal into a hotel room unchecked. Law enforcement couldn’t do a thing about it until the first bullets were already raining down on the concert goers. His rights to have and bear arms superseded the rights of the crowds safety and ended their life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
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His rights to have and bear arms superseded the rights of the crowds safety and ended their life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
Well said (again) AlexBailey.

As I noted earlier:

# of times our gov't has required overthrowing: 0
# of deaths, injuries, and people psychologically affected by constant threat of AR gun violence because of those preparing for the "necessary" gov't overthrow: Millions

And their response never changes, "We are Nomad, and Nomad is perfect."
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Emotional red letter response aside, it has everything to do with the 2a. The 2a is the reason they were allowed to have and carry the guns they used to kill the presidents.

Tump himself is now a walking talking 2a infringement zone. 😜

The Vegas shooter wasn’t politically motivated, so that case doesn’t fit into your narrative about “with the blood of patriots and tyrants” but it was the 2a that allowed him to haul an arsenal into a hotel room unchecked. Law enforcement couldn’t do a thing about it until the first bullets were already raining down on the concert goers. His rights to have and bear arms superseded the rights of the crowds safety and ended their life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
You really are an obtuse twat. You twist and turn and bend anything anyone says to prove your insane ramblings, but in the end you are still delusional and wrong.

When I showed you your point was stupid you stretch this into the Las Vegas shooter. Nice try, but no points awarded.
Well said (again) AlexBailey.

As I noted earlier:

# of times our gov't has required overthrowing: 0
# of deaths, injuries, and people psychologically affected by constant threat of AR gun violence because of those preparing for the "necessary" gov't overthrow: Millions

And their response never changes, "We are Nomad, and Nomad is perfect."
Yawn...Do you do any other tricks lap dog?
Well said (again) AlexBailey.

As I noted earlier:

# of times our gov't has required overthrowing: 0
# of deaths, injuries, and people psychologically affected by constant threat of AR gun violence because of those preparing for the "necessary" gov't overthrow: Millions

And their response never changes, "We are Nomad, and Nomad is perfect."

Remember what happened to NOMAD…

You really are an obtuse twat. You twist and turn and bend anything anyone says to prove your insane ramblings, but in the end you are still delusional and wrong.

When I showed you your point was stupid you stretch this into the Las Vegas shooter. Nice try, but no points awarded.

You’re an obtuse knucklehead. Shall I stick my tongue out at you now?

My points are uncomfortable for you. I get it. That doesn’t mean they’re without merit.

Are you incapable of understanding how Trump’s safety is considered more important than your right to bear arms if you happen to be in his proximity? That is an infringement of the 2a. Do you have a valid argument with this concept?

Are you capable of understanding that that particular infringement is based on a value placed on his life? Are you incapable of understanding that some people consider the lives of their children and loved ones to be at least as valuable as that of Donald Trump?

You may draw the lines of whose life is more valuable than your right to bear arms differently than other Americans.

Are you smart enough to comprehend this concept?
You’re an obtuse knucklehead. Shall I stick my tongue out at you now?

My points are uncomfortable for you. I get it. That doesn’t mean they’re without merit.

Are you incapable of understanding how Trump’s safety is considered more important than your right to bear arms if you happen to be in his proximity? That is an infringement of the 2a. Do you have a valid argument with this concept?

Are you capable of understanding that that particular infringement is based on a value placed on his life? Are you incapable of understanding that some people consider the lives of their children and loved ones to be at least as valuable as that of Donald Trump?

You may draw the lines of whose life is more valuable than your right to bear arms differently than other Americans.

Are you smart enough to comprehend this concept?
Sums it up succinctly and perfectly. Again, well sad.
The USA is a nation of extreme excess made possible by cheap energy. Luxuries that are now considered necessities (cars, suburban houses, high heeled shoes, etc.) are fetishized. I expect most fetishes will be dropped as silly nonsense as we fall back down into poverty and are forced to be more practical. People who can't have sex without their fetishes are free to drop out of the gene pool.
LOL. You are coming close to an understanding of the Politics Board, Grasshopper.

Do not EVER take anyone on this board seriously. Except perhaps Keith and I, and I'm rather sketchy. Everyone else is batshit crazy (sorry guys, well maybe Wat and Harpy aren't, and they're okay, but still, you know, they're my clones so they're sketchy too...or I'm their alter ego...I lose track sometimes of who I am)

Anyhow, like I said, this Board is totally whacko and having a serious conversation here, ever, is unlikely. So sit back, center yourself, zen baby, zen, and then cut loose and have fun. Or, if deep and meaningful discourse is your thing, join Reddit. LOL
Considering the dude is literally created the thread as a whine/"I need a safe space to cry about things I can't change"-rant, you can tell serious conversation is anything but the aim here.
Stockpiling AR's, acquiring anti-tank weapons, and amassing huge amounts of ammo all because of a looming "Revolution" sure sounds like a cult to me. But instead of "The Rapture" where the faithful are beamed onto a spaceship as End of Times begins, the gun fetishists tirelessly prepare for a "Tyrannical Government" to roll onto their property in tanks - bent on taking their land, weapons, and, of course, their freedom.

But just like all the other cults, Armageddon never comes. Meanwhile, their preoccupation with impending doom is bringing all of us down with AR-related deaths, injuries, and constant threat of mass-shootings. I feel very sad for the children being raised by these paranoid lunatics.
It actually warms my heart to know this is bringing you and others down.
LOL. You are coming close to an understanding of the Politics Board, Grasshopper.

Do not EVER take anyone on this board seriously. Except perhaps Keith and I, and I'm rather sketchy. Everyone else is batshit crazy (sorry guys, well maybe Wat and Harpy aren't, and they're okay, but still, you know, they're my clones so they're sketchy too...or I'm their alter ego...I lose track sometimes of who I am)

Anyhow, like I said, this Board is totally whacko and having a serious conversation here, ever, is unlikely. So sit back, center yourself, zen baby, zen, and then cut loose and have fun. Or, if deep and meaningful discourse is your thing, join Reddit. LOL

Thanks for the nod to the Favorite of Allah.

Wat will put in a good word with Dad for you . . . .
Considering the dude is literally created the thread as a whine/"I need a safe space to cry about things I can't change"-rant, you can tell serious conversation is anything but the aim here.

Fear fueled hysterical drama. And not without a shit-tonne of ignorance and prejudgments.
You’re an obtuse knucklehead. Shall I stick my tongue out at you now?

My points are uncomfortable for you. I get it. That doesn’t mean they’re without merit.

Are you incapable of understanding how Trump’s safety is considered more important than your right to bear arms if you happen to be in his proximity? That is an infringement of the 2a. Do you have a valid argument with this concept?

Are you capable of understanding that that particular infringement is based on a value placed on his life? Are you incapable of understanding that some people consider the lives of their children and loved ones to be at least as valuable as that of Donald Trump?

You may draw the lines of whose life is more valuable than your right to bear arms differently than other Americans.

Are you smart enough to comprehend this concept?
All politicians afforded SS protection require gun free areas, even you peace loving libs that are sad the shooter missed.

I'm smart enough to carry my own gun to protect myself and my family against criminals and the mentally ill.

As far as gun free zones, every property owner has the right to declare their property a gun free zone, just as I have declared mine a no smoking zone. Your property is yours and within the constraints of the law you can do as you wish there.