Our country's fetishizing of guns is revolting

If everyone knew he was a meth-head why wasn't he reported to the police and arrested and rotting in jail? If no one did anything then the responsibility is shared with the guy who did the shooting.

Are you clueless of how law enforcement works? How many criminals fall through the cracks?

He’d been arrested and in court a few times but never convicted. How could that happen? You might want to ask HisArpy about it.

Yeah, it was the victim’s fault. 🤨
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Are you clueless of how law enforcement works? How many criminals fall through the cracks?

He’d been arrested and in court a few times but never convicted. How could that happen? You might want to ask HisArpy about it.

Yeah, it was the victim’s fault. 🤨
Again, you blame the gun, not the perpetrator. Would it have been better if he chopped them up with an axe? Or cut them up with a chain saw? Or beat them to death with a baseball bat? YOU and the rest of your fan boys blame the gun, I blame the criminal.
Again, you blame the gun, not the perpetrator. Would it have been better if he chopped them up with an axe? Or cut them up with a chain saw? Or beat them to death with a baseball bat? YOU and the rest of your fan boys blame the gun, I blame the criminal.

The two victims were larger than the perpetrator, the dad was armed with a handgun but didn’t have a chance.

The perp shot them as they were getting of their car and he did in front of his young daughter.

Deny deny deny….

I’ve heard it all. I still buy ammo from local stores and people who knew my friend and his dad. They all have a version of what they would have done or who should have done what. There was no defense against this attack other than hindsight.
If everyone knew he was a meth-head why wasn't he reported to the police and arrested and rotting in jail? If no one did anything then the responsibility is shared with the guy who did the shooting.
Wrong criminal and wrong punishment. Find the meth dealers and perform brain surgery by chainsaw.
The meth dealers didn't shoot the 2 victims here Mr Buckpasser. The meth-head did.
Methheads generally don't have much brain left. Severe drug addictions change and reduce cognitive function. A bullet might be kinder than permanent withdrawal in a terminal addict, but that misses the source of the plague.
If a civilian hadn't been given access to an assault rifle (and no civilian has a reason to need one), there would not have been an assassination attempt on Donald Trump on Saturday.

Seriously? Lee Harvey Oswald used a WWII ERA Italian Carcano BOLT ACTION RIFLE to assassinate JFK. He still managed to get 3 shots off in rapid fashion.
Again, you blame the gun, not the perpetrator. Would it have been better if he chopped them up with an axe? Or cut them up with a chain saw? Or beat them to death with a baseball bat? YOU and the rest of your fan boys blame the gun, I blame the criminal.
Of course YOU would blame anything and errything but teh gun.

It takes skillz and strength to commit mass murder with an axe, chainsaw and/or baseball bat. "Skillz and strength" are the two things that you are limited in, of course.

So what can an obese diabetic choad confined to a hoverround do to maximize the carnage when you finally do snap?

Semi-automatic weaponry to the rescue! You stick one of those high capacity magazines onto your weapon of choice, point and shoot and kill! Repeat until empty.

That'll show everyone that you're a "real man". :rolleyes:
Of course YOU would blame anything and errything but teh gun.

It takes skillz and strength to commit mass murder with an axe, chainsaw and/or baseball bat. "Skillz and strength" are the two things that you are limited in, of course.

So what can an obese diabetic choad confined to a hoverround do to maximize the carnage when you finally do snap?

Semi-automatic weaponry to the rescue! You stick one of those high capacity magazines onto your weapon of choice, point and shoot and kill! Repeat until empty.

That'll show everyone that you're a "real man". :rolleyes:
Once again when you can't logically debate my point like an adult you resort to nonsense, lies, and personal attacks. Yes I am a diabetic, Type 2 with blood sugars under 100 consistently, hardly obese at 175 pounds, and the only time you see me on a powered scooter is when I am returning one left in the parking lot so a disabled person shopping there can use it.

Once again there are roughly 300,000,000 million firearms in the possession of law abiding citizens with an estimated 1 trillion rounds of ammunition. If we were the problem the streets of death we face today would seem like an amusement park compared to the carnage we could cause, but won't, because unlike criminals and the mentally ill we don't use our guns for nefarious purposes.
Back to school season brings us School shooting season. And yesterday, in Georgia, we had our first of 2024 -2025. And who among us doubts there will be more soon?

Our country is mentally ill and no one is doing anything. ..All because a minority of sociopathic Americans insist on their right to have their very favorite plaything. ..AR Style guns.
I'm referring to the guns that are meant for police/ military that are in the hands of tens of millions of civilians.

...I'll repeat.

Imagine you moved next door to a guy who, instead of worshipping guns, enjoys brewing human poison and making guillotine replicas. "Don't worry neighbor!" he tells you, "I would never use these on people unless forced to do so! I only use the poison on lab rats and the guillotines on pig carcasses."

What would you think of the guy? ..You would think he was fucking nuts. ..But worshipping weapons that can kill multiple people from hundreds of yards away in a matter of seconds? Spending weekends at gun clubs showing off their arsenal and debating accuracy and stopping power with fellow nut-jobs?

It's amazing any of these toxically masculine pricks ever get laid.

I understand that you have no actual knowledge of guns because this post proves it.

The guns which are "in the hands of police/military" are the same weapons in the hands of civilians. There is nothing inherently different between a Beretta 92 in a cop's holster or in the holster of a member of the public. It's the same gun, in the same caliber, in the same holster.

So the difference you seem to believe exists, lies only within your mind. You believe the cops are more capable of carrying weapons than your family members and neighbors.

Yet these are the SAME cops you idjits rioted against because they supposedly have a culture of violence.

In the end, what you reveal is that you have no knowledge about either guns or cops/military but you believe the bullshit fed to you by those with an agenda to ensure that, once they come to power over you, you cannot defend yourself or your family as those who lie to you steal everything you have while you watch helplessly and cry.

Crying is neither a safe word nor a defensive weapon for anyone over the age of 4.
Back to school season brings us School shooting season. And yesterday, in Georgia, we had our first of 2024 -2025. And who among us doubts there will be more soon?

Our country is mentally ill and no one is doing anything. ..All because a minority of sociopathic Americans insist on their right to have their very favorite plaything. ..AR Style guns.

Yup, and the shooter was on the FBI's radar for over a year.

Funny how those cops you profess to both hate and love, and who are armed to the teeth with the latest and greatest gear/weapons/training/tech, couldn't stop a 13 year old...
I bet these people wanting only cops to have guns. Don’t know that someone who has has a concealed carry permit. Is statistically less likely to commit a crime then a police officer.
Back to school season brings us School shooting season. And yesterday, in Georgia, we had our first of 2024 -2025. And who among us doubts there will be more soon?

Our country is mentally ill and no one is doing anything. ..All because a minority of sociopathic Americans insist on their right to have their very favorite plaything. ..AR Style guns.
I really hope you don't reply to these idiots above. You mentioned nothing about the police. Nothing about driving a car. Nothing about the FBI. I'm sure you can put them and all their red herring/slippery sloped arguments in check but why bother? The lead person spouting crap above is a failed attorney who is here because his opinions here are not under oath nor does he have an opposing attorney and judge forcing him to be relevant and on topic.
It. Is. The. Gun.

AR style weapons, etc, TRIGGER ammosexual incels to commit mass murder.

Those ammosexual incels cosplay Rambo because they have access to Rambo style weapons and gear.

Full stop.

So if a drunk driver kills a bunch of people, is the problem Americans insist on owning and driving cars?
Seriously? That's your argument? Here, I'll set up the numerator and denominator for you. You can look up the actual numbers and do the math.

# of people killed by drunk drivers
______________________________________________________ (divided by)

# of miles safely driven by people as they go about their lives

Compared to:

# of people killed or lives affect by AR style weapons (Hint: this number is in the millions when you inc. kids killed, injured, witness to the violence and # of children doing mass shooting drills at nearly every school across the US)
______________________________________________________ (divided by)

# of times AR Style gun owners fought off a Gov't attempt to take their land, women and goats (Hint: this number is ZERO)
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Seriously? That's your argument? Here, I'll set up the numerator and denominator for you. You can look up the actual numbers and do the math.

# of people killed by drunk drivers
______________________________________________________ (divided by)

# of miles safely driven by people as they go about their lives

Compared to:

# of people killed or lives affect by AR style weapons (Hint: this number is in the millions when you inc. kids killed, injured, witness to the violence and # of children doing mass shooting drills at nearly every school across the US)
______________________________________________________ (divided by)

# of times AR Style gun owners fought off a Gov't attempt to take their land, women and goats (Hint: this number is ZERO)

False equivalency.

Let's try:

# of people killed by drunk drivers
# of miles safely driven by people


# of people killed/injured by guns
Number of guns owned by people

You do the math... if you can.
Secretly, Durpy and Wat are currently edging in their recreation of the Führerbunker—waiting for the crime scene pics to hit the web so they can shoot their hatesperm on Trump’s mugshot.
# of people killed/injured by guns
Wrong! ..The number of people negatively affected by your psychotic fascination with AR weapons extends wayyy beyond those hit by bullets. It includes all the kids in the school who witnessed the carnage and who wil suffer nightmares and PTSD the remainder of their lives. As will the healthcare workers in ER's who render care to a moaning child suffering from a gunshot wound. And of course ALL the kids in every school - and their parents - who must think about the omnipresent danger of AR weapon massacres every time they practice drills in the classroom. The number is well into the MILLIONS. ...All because you morons suffering from arrested development need to have your plaything of choice. And for what? So you're ready for that day the gov't storms your property, without cause, to take away your liberty. Which has happened precisely ZERO times.

Shame on all of you.
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Wrong! ..The number of people negatively affected by your psychotic fascination with AR weapons extends wayyy beyond those hit by bullets. It includes all the kids in the school who witnessed the carnage and who wil suffer nightmares and PTSD the remainder of their lives. As will the healthcare workers in ER's who render care to a moaning child suffering from a gunshot wound. And of course ALL the kids in every school - and their parents - who must think about the omnipresent danger of AR weapon massacres every time they practice drills in the classroom. The number is well into the MILLIONS. ...All because you morons suffering from arrested development need to have your plaything of choice. And for what? So you're ready for that day the gov't storms your property to take away your liberty. Which has happened precisely ZERO times.

Shame on all of you.
This tragedy was another that police and FBI could have prevented had they followed up on previous threats this kid had made. But once again nothing was done and a school shooter event happens. Less a gun control failure than a law enforcement failure.
Wrong! ..The number of people negatively affected by your psychotic fascination with AR weapons extends wayyy beyond those hit by bullets. It includes all the kids in the school who witnessed the carnage and who wil suffer nightmares and PTSD the remainder of their lives. As will the healthcare workers in ER's who render care to a moaning child suffering from a gunshot wound. And of course ALL the kids in every school - and their parents - who must think about the omnipresent danger of AR weapon massacres every time they practice drills in the classroom. The number is well into the MILLIONS. ...All because you morons suffering from arrested development need to have your plaything of choice. And for what? So you're ready for that day the gov't storms your property to take away your liberty. Which has happened precisely ZERO times.

Shame on all of you.

If you want to lump all DUI deaths against all other drivers without including all the associated stuff, then you also have to lump all gun deaths against all other guns without including all that associated stuff. Otherwise you're just trying to spin the hell out of the subject to suit your preconceived conclusion. You don't get to weight the scale.

As for the government coming to take away someone's stuff, you conveniently forget what happened at Ruby Ridge.
This country's love affair with guns is revolting. ..And we're so far gone we don't see it for what it is - a twisted, psychotic fetish.

To think there are millions of American's who consider gun play a hobby, a lifestyle, or an activity around which the family spends time bonding - as though celebrating a device engineered to shoot a projectile that pierces skin, bone, and brain was a normal, wholesome thing.

Imagine you moved next door to a guy who, instead of worshipping guns, enjoys brewing poison for killing people and making full-size guillotine replicas. "Don't worry neighbor!" he tells you, "I would never use these on people unless forced to do so! I only use the poison on lab rats and the guillotines on pig carcasses." What would you think of the guy? ..You would think he was fucking nuts. ..But worshipping weapons that can kill multiple people from hundreds of yards away in a matter of seconds? Spending weekends at gun clubs showing off their arsenal and debating accuracy and stopping power with fellow nut-jobs? .Nope! nothing to see here people. ..He's just a normal American celebrating his birthright.

Are guns a necessity? ..Of course they are... for law enforcement and military personnel.
If you can't handle freedom move to Britain or China.
Yup, and the shooter was on the FBI's radar for over a year.

Funny how those cops you profess to both hate and love, and who are armed to the teeth with the latest and greatest gear/weapons/training/tech, couldn't stop a 13 year old...

All great points and perfect arguments for new gun control legislation. 👍

Since the 2a does not allow law enforcement to protect citizens from a 13 year old it needs to either be repealed or modified.