Twist a fairy tale with me. . . chain story idea

TE999 said:
I dunno about the rest of the group--but I don't scare easily. :D

Let's do this thing.

When's the first round table meeting O' Fearless Leader? ;)
It's happening as we speak on this thread. lol. . .I've got a premise for the first chapter, just have to hash it out.

Do you have a title idea?

Or a reason for the curse?

My original thought was to have the curse placed on the girls by the Queen's sister, a witch. The witch sister perhaps was in love with the King and when he chose the other sister over her, she cursed their offspring. The Queen learns of the curse, and there is something special about the hero of the story that makes her seek him out, or aid him in the quest to end the curse.

In the Grimms version, an old woman meets the hero in the woods and gives him a cloak that will make him invisible and warns him to not drink anything the girls bring him after supper.

I do like this idea, but again. . .I am not set in stone on this and welcome any and all suggestions.
Since we're hashing out our version of things, let me go over how the only one I know (the Barbie version) plays out...

King and Queen have twelve daughters in a mix of single births, twins, and one set of triplets.
Queen dies at some point while most of the princesses are still minors.
King raises them with the help of servants, and by relying on the older girls to help with the younger ones.
Princesses, however, are highly spirited and a little rambunctious with no real sense of protocol or conventional decorum.
King's female cousin enters the picture to be a governess to the girls.
She reigns them in with lots of draconic measures while secretly beginning to poison the King.
The girls used to dance with and for their mother, and she always told them of a magic place. It was a bedtime story about a young girl who found another world where her wishes came true and she could be happier than she ever was in the real world, and how she visited it three times before it vanished.
The girls discover how to find this place and slip out from their room to go dancing.
Cousin, who has taken over the throne at the request of the sick King, finds out about the place and smashes the way in.
Wandering cobbler, who always handled making the girls' dancing shoes, finds out that something isn't right and then discovers how to enter the special world and is trapped there when the entrance way is smashed.
One of the princesses, who has a massive crush on the cobbler, discovers with him how to escape the world and then all of them overthrow the usurper and save the King.

Not a great deal in common with the stories you've mentioned, but could have maybe some plot bits someone might use. It's nice in the way (which I'd have to watch again to give more details) all of the princesses are shown to have
their own interests and personalities and not just focussed on the main ones with 'parts' to play--ie, Barbie's character and the youngest.

Remec said:
Since we're hashing out our version of things, let me go over how the only one I know (the Barbie version) plays out...

King and Queen have twelve daughters in a mix of single births, twins, and one set of triplets.
Queen dies at some point while most of the princesses are still minors.
King raises them with the help of servants, and by relying on the older girls to help with the younger ones.
Princesses, however, are highly spirited and a little rambunctious with no real sense of protocol or conventional decorum.
King's female cousin enters the picture to be a governess to the girls.
She reigns them in with lots of draconic measures while secretly beginning to poison the King.
The girls used to dance with and for their mother, and she always told them of a magic place. It was a bedtime story about a young girl who found another world where her wishes came true and she could be happier than she ever was in the real world, and how she visited it three times before it vanished.
The girls discover how to find this place and slip out from their room to go dancing.
Cousin, who has taken over the throne at the request of the sick King, finds out about the place and smashes the way in.
Wandering cobbler, who always handled making the girls' dancing shoes, finds out that something isn't right and then discovers how to enter the special world and is trapped there when the entrance way is smashed.
One of the princesses, who has a massive crush on the cobbler, discovers with him how to escape the world and then all of them overthrow the usurper and save the King.

Not a great deal in common with the stories you've mentioned, but could have maybe some plot bits someone might use. It's nice in the way (which I'd have to watch again to give more details) all of the princesses are shown to have
their own interests and personalities and not just focussed on the main ones with 'parts' to play--ie, Barbie's character and the youngest.

See, I've not seen that version. The idea of a dead mother is always a good one, very sympathetic and would give good reason for the girls to be a bit more rowdy if Dad and servants raised them. Since usually a mom is more the firm hand in fairy tales and Dad's tend to wallow in their grief or simply toss their hands in the air and give up.

I figured as far as ages we too would have a series of twins and triplets, perhaps a single birth here and there as well. (Poor Queen - - - 12 kids alone would kill her. :eek: )

With this chain we wouldn't be focusing on just the main characters either. So that too is appealing. Our characters would all be relatively in the same place, perhaps one of the magical forests, or somewhere in the castle of one of the Princes they meet.

Do we want to create a whole new world for these girls when they go out at night? One with a village, various kingdoms, Lords, Ladies. . . I can't see us all writing about them dancing all night long, three nights in a row.

Ohhh (see I think as I write out posts to folks - bare with me. :eek: ) We could have a conflict on both sides of the fantasy, the side with the Princesses live and the side with the Princes. Perhaps two curses that are tied together for some reason. (Again. . .I'm just thinking as I type, don't mind me too much. You'll get used to me. :eek: ) :D
Quick question that may have been answered (damn my memory) already...Are the Princes all brothers as well, or is it possible that they don't know each other?
deathlynx said:
Quick question that may have been answered (damn my memory) already...Are the Princes all brothers as well, or is it possible that they don't know each other?
That's a good question. I don't believe in the Grimms version the connection of the Princes was ever made. I assumed they were brothers, but they wouldn't have to be. We could make them commoners, Lords, Kings, Princes. I don't believe we'd have to keep them related if we didn't want to. Just the Princesses would need to be related in some way. We could even have them be from perhaps a couple marriages from the King. Though having one woman having 12 babies is kinda fun. ;) I mean. . . your wife is hiding a couple more behind that one she's showing a pic to every one of. ;) You're only 9 away from a dozen. :D
lol! Well, either way with the Princesses would work...though for the Princes I would personally vote that all of them are Princes to keep to the fairy tale, though they don't all have to be related, or even in the same social/economic strata...after all, a prince of a lonely desert island may make a perfect "bad" prince if he's out for the power and wealth of a good mariage...Actually, I have a good idea for that particular line if it's not claimed...
Tentatively showing interest - but my muse has been absent for some time, so I dunno how that'll go.

Isn't there at least one set of twins amongst the princesses? Damn my memory - must read story again, details are lost in the mists of time.
starrkers said:
Tentatively showing interest - but my muse has been absent for some time, so I dunno how that'll go.

Isn't there at least one set of twins amongst the princesses? Damn my memory - must read story again, details are lost in the mists of time.
Well, even if there wasn't, we could always add some...heck, with fewer than 12 writers it might even take the weight off some if there's a set of twins on boths sides of the gender equation!
deathlynx said:
lol! Well, either way with the Princesses would work...though for the Princes I would personally vote that all of them are Princes to keep to the fairy tale, though they don't all have to be related, or even in the same social/economic strata...after all, a prince of a lonely desert island may make a perfect "bad" prince if he's out for the power and wealth of a good mariage...Actually, I have a good idea for that particular line if it's not claimed...
We do need at least one bad Prince to rid ourselves of for our hero to win the fair maiden's hand. . .well one of the fair maiden's hands. lol... You're welcome to claim the bad guy if you wish.

We can keep them all Princes, I have no qualms with that. Not all related is fine too, some could be, but others could just be area Princes that are in the "magical kingdom".
starrkers said:
Tentatively showing interest - but my muse has been absent for some time, so I dunno how that'll go.

Isn't there at least one set of twins amongst the princesses? Damn my memory - must read story again, details are lost in the mists of time.
I'll put you down in the possibility section. ;) I do hope you'll sign on. My muse is absent at times too, but this ideas been plaguing me for a while, I just wanted to wait till "Royal" was almost done before introducing it.

We'd definitely need a few sets of twins, or maybe triplets, or even multiple moms (past dead queens). The king kept trying for a son, but never got one. Perhaps that could be part of a curse?
How about a title. . .Anyone have a suggestion or two or three?

Dancing Divas? ;) :p (I'm sooo kidding with that one)

Right now we have:

(possible - - - damppanties, Black Tulip, ima6uldv8, starrkers)
RedHairedandFriendly said:
How about a title. . .Anyone have a suggestion or two or three?

Dancing Divas? ;) :p (I'm sooo kidding with that one)
Actually, you know, that title would kind of fit if the story was shifted to present day... the King is a jetsetting multi-millionnaire and the princesses are rich girls... they escape to a nightclub every night... oh, the possibilities!
damppanties said:
Actually, you know, that title would kind of fit if the story was shifted to present day... the King is a jetsetting multi-millionnaire and the princesses are rich girls... they escape to a nightclub every night... oh, the possibilities!
*chuckles* It would open up a whole new world. :devil: ;)

I think we'd lose the fairy tale appeal though if we made it modern. I think I like the appeal of the fairy tales because of the "Princesses, Knights, Lords, Ladies, etc. . . and all the conventions that were placed on them so many years ago." I know there are still conventions on them, but with modern technology it takes away that "old style charm and barbarianism".
I've been giving this some thought and had the idea to add a bit of comedy relief to the proceedings with my characters Prince Karl and Princess Merry.

No slapstick per se but just droll humor and a bit of parody.

He's the brawn and she's the brains, but they're in love and together they make quite a team.

Dunno if this angle is acceptable to everyone, but I love humor and since everyone else is going serious...;)

Any comments or suggestions from Fearless Leader and/or the Writing Team?
TE999 said:
I've been giving this some thought and had the idea to add a bit of comedy relief to the proceedings with my characters Prince Karl and Princess Merry.

No slapstick per se but just droll humor and a bit of parody.

He's the brawn and she's the brains, but they're in love and together they make quite a team.

Dunno if this angle is acceptable to everyone, but I love humor and since everyone else is going serious...;)

Any comments or suggestions from Fearless Leader and/or the Writing Team?

Oh, I don't think there is a problem with your idea and I don't think we've all established if we're all going to be serious as far as their personalities go. We're talking 12 girls, 13 single men, a king, and some reason behind all this happening. I'm sure there is lots of room for humor as well as diabolical plans. :D
RedHairedandFriendly said:
Oh, I don't think there is a problem with your idea and I don't think we've all established if we're all going to be serious as far as their personalities go. We're talking 12 girls, 13 single men, a king, and some reason behind all this happening. I'm sure there is lots of room for humor as well as diabolical plans. :D

Done and done.

I'll read the original fairy tale and see if any additional ideas pop up.

As far as a title for the stories;

'The Enchanted Twelve'

'Dance 'Till Dawn'

'Curse of the Dance'


'The Mystery Dance Mystery',

is the best I've been able to come up with so far. :D

I know, I know--back to the drawing board. :(
TE999 said:
Done and done.

I'll read the original fairy tale and see if any additional ideas pop up.

As far as a title for the stories;

'The Enchanted Twelve'

'Dance 'Till Dawn'

'Curse of the Dance'


'The Mystery Dance Mystery',

is the best I've been able to come up with so far. :D

I know, I know--back to the drawing board. :(

'The Enchanted Twelve' isn't bad at all. It covers more than just dancing.
RedHairedandFriendly said:
'The Enchanted Twelve' isn't bad at all. It covers more than just dancing.

Point taken. I rather liked that one myself.

I fully intend for my characters to be *ahem* sexually active, so the enchantment could encompass both mutual arousal and stamina.

Not to mention them meeting a stable of fantastic creatures.

Ah, the possibilities... ;)
I would like to take on the story with the extra bad prince.

My muse perked up immediately and said.... "Hey Liz... so I got this idea....." and took off running.

My only request is that I have a sister that was bored alone... meaning not a twin... and one of the younger ones.

I will pop back in tonight to peek.
Elizabetht said:
I would like to take on the story with the extra bad prince.

My muse perked up immediately and said.... "Hey Liz... so I got this idea....." and took off running.

My only request is that I have a sister that was bored alone... meaning not a twin... and one of the younger ones.

I will pop back in tonight to peek.

Good morning Elizabeth. :) Deathlynx has also expressed an interest in writing the extra bad prince. If he's not set in his plan you could ask him if he would mind you writing it, however if he is then because he jumped first, I'll be giving that particular line to him. I do hope however, whether he's set or not, you're still more than willing to participate.

Sisters' personalities are definitely up for grabs at the moment, since we have so many of them to write. How about folks give me names for their Princess and Princes and I can put them in an order that works for folks. You want a younger one, single birth, so are you thinking... the youngest (which by Lit standards we all know is 18). I have no qualms with that request at all.
'Enchanted Twelve' caught my eye too...

I only have a vague idea for the bad prince, if Elizabetht has a more concrete idea then go for it...I can morph mine fairly easily :cathappy:
I'm going to start working on the names of the Princesses. If you have a name in mind, please post it or PM me it. I'll put it on the first post of this thread, which will turn into our cheat sheet. Eventually the first post will not have the original words on it, but those will be deleted and replaced with the cheat sheet information.

If you don't know your Prince's name yet, that's fine, but I do need the Princesses names and if there is a place you want them in the birth order, or if you want them to be a twin/triplet/single birth, let me know. IF it is possible, I'll put them in the order you request.


~ Red
Okay, so I'll start this...I'm going for twins, though not identical (probably a blond and a brunette since I'm sure redheads will be prevalent knowing some of the writers here ;) )...Off the top of my head the blond will be Mandy and the Brunette will be Millay
Okay folks... I'm adding things to the first post, be sure to pop in on occasion and keep an eye on it. The newest stuff for the week will be in Red.

This should be fun. :) When I have the first chapter ready, with either names you folks give me or ones I have to make-up and you have to use, I'll post a schedule.

I'm hammering out the idea of the curse too and I think I'll keep the Queen alive.
Are you doing this one more erotic than ARS?

*after getting explaination is thinking about it*