Twist a fairy tale with me. . . chain story idea

TE: They are single births then. Unique, sure, can't promise they will be the only ones that are goofy or sexual, but they aren't twins.


Also... I need opinions on if folks want to have the Princes all related or if we want various "lands" that they rule over.

And the title... I'm leaning with Enchanted Twelve. I discussed how to run the chapters with deathlynx last night via IM and he had a good idea. Because there are so many of us, we could lose readers by spreading the chapters out so far between and keeping them in order would be difficult to, if we numbered them like regular chapters. So what he proposed was labeling like this:

Enchanted Twelve

Enchanted Twelve: Millay Ch. 01
Enchanted Twelve: Millay Ch. 02
Enchanted Twelve: Millay Ch. 03

Also typically on a chain each author submitted their story one week apart from anothers. Another opinion I am curious about is how people would feel submitting their chapters relatively sooner than that, perhaps 3 authors per week. Since each chapter can stand independently on their own, needing only the opening and ending of my chapters to guide us into each new night, I don't see this as a problem. But again, I do want opinions. Sometimes others find ways to make life easier than I am able to. :)
I would like Princess Number 5. She can be a twin or a triplet if necessary, but fraternal rather than identical would work better, but I can work around that if necessary.

Oh, and how long are the chapters supposed to be? All of my good stuff lately seems to be quite short. Still within Lit guidelines, of course.
glynndah said:
I would like Princess Number 5. She can be a twin or a triplet if necessary, but fraternal rather than identical would work better, but I can work around that if necessary.

Oh, and how long are the chapters supposed to be? All of my good stuff lately seems to be quite short. Still within Lit guidelines, of course.
Lit guidelines is all we need. :) 750 word minimum. :)

I'll put you down as one with a twin. :) Thanks. #5 is yours. :D Got a name handy? Or still playing with that?
RedHairedandFriendly said:
Lit guidelines is all we need. :) 750 word minimum. :)

I'll put you down as one with a twin. :) Thanks. #5 is yours. :D Got a name handy? Or still playing with that?
Her name is Quinn. Since she's never met her dancing partner, she has no clue about his name. She'll tell me later.

Oh, and are we doing these in birth order or randomly?
glynndah said:
Her name is Quinn. Since she's never met her dancing partner, she has no clue about his name. She'll tell me later.

Oh, and are we doing these in birth order or randomly?
I think we can do it randomly. I'll have the cheat sheet in birth order, but I don't believe we would have to post the stories in order of birth.
RedHairedandFriendly said:
I think we can do it randomly. I'll have the cheat sheet in birth order, but I don't believe we would have to post the stories in order of birth.
Oh, good. I don't suppose it would really make much difference, but you know those eldest children, always having to be first... :cathappy:

A :kiss: from the eldest child good little witch.
glynndah said:
Oh, good. I don't suppose it would really make much difference, but you know those eldest children, always having to be first... :cathappy:

A :kiss: from the eldest child good little witch.

I think I'm going to claim the eldest girl, single birth also. So we will need a few folks to pick up a twin or triplet here soon.

The schedule is the only thing where we may run into qualms with, but I think in the end it'll work out.
I think I am going to take the oldest prince, talking to Red and bouncing a few ideas around. While Elizabeth has the youngest princess I want the second youngest, she can be a twin but as Glynndah said not an identicle one or perhaps a triplet...
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On second thought, an identical twin would be okay if that's somehow essential to someone else's plot bunny.
We can do either type of twins. The mother and sister of the story are identical, so there would probably be at least a set of identical twins because of genetics.
Magica and I are going to do a set of identicle twins, nudge each other along the way and help inspire each other. :D
TE, glynndah and deathlynx ... a birth order for your girl(s) or do you want me to just toss them in there somewhere?

Right now we have
1, 5, 10, 11, and 12 taken.

10 and 11 are twins.

Also . . .I still need opinions on if all the Princes will be related or not.
I think if people choose to have the princes related they should be able to do that, but in my opinion it may be best left up to the authors. But I lay claim on the oldest prince, already have a pic for what he looks like. ;)

Yes when I say oldest he's going to be old, perhaps even a streak or two of grey...As in late 30's or early 40's...

Oh yeah, you can add me to being a definite, lol.
MrsDeathlynx said:
I think if people choose to have the princes related they should be able to do that, but in my opinion it may be best left up to the authors. But I lay claim on the oldest prince, already have a pic for what he looks like. ;)

Yes when I say oldest he's going to be old, perhaps even a streak or two of grey...As in late 30's or early 40's...
I can see that. Some being related, some not. Just need to know eventually so I can keep the cheat sheet current when we start bringing in Princes. You've got the oldest man. ;)
Mine can be related or not, as needs be. If there's a odd one left over when everyone picks partners, he can play with mine.
Title: Enchanted Twelve

Writers confirmed...


(possible - - - damppanties, Black Tulip, ima6uldv8, starrkers)
RedHairedandFriendly said:
I think I'm going to claim the eldest girl, single birth also. So we will need a few folks to pick up a twin or triplet here soon.

The schedule is the only thing where we may run into qualms with, but I think in the end it'll work out.

I want triplets. Robin, Hazel, and Violet...their Princes are still arguing among themselves...*g* ;)

Remec said:
I want triplets. Robin, Hazel, and Violet...their Princes are still arguing among themselves...*g* ;)


So you want three Princesses, not one? (just checking here for the sake of writers vs Princesses.
RedHairedandFriendly said:
So you want three Princesses, not one? (just checking here for the sake of writers vs Princesses.

I'm not greedy...if someone would like to join in on the triplets, that's cool. But I would like all three to be able to appear at some point within the story I end up with. *g*

Remec said:
I'm not greedy...if someone would like to join in on the triplets, that's cool. But I would like all three to be able to appear at some point within the story I end up with. *g*

I think that is workable. I'll put the names down and steer folks toward choosing one. :)
Doesn't matter to me where my two stand in the ages...And running the numbers we currently have 11 confirmed princesses (that's 1 each except Rem and I who have 3 and 2 respectively)...As for princes, I definately vote they don't need to be related, though some may be...
deathlynx said:
Doesn't matter to me where my two stand in the ages...And running the numbers we currently have 11 confirmed princesses (that's 1 each except Rem and I who have 3 and 2 respectively)...As for princes, I definately vote they don't need to be related, though some may be...
Rem's loaning his out if needed. We need one more named, by either a confirmed writer, or I'll name her and she can be one of the last to be written for folks that may want to come in at a later date. That option is still open to those that are just possible at this time.

When I have the first chapter closer to being ready, I'll send it out to every one. After that I think everyone can have a two week time frame to get their first story ready for submission. Then we can submit a day or two between each other. I'm shooting for officially starting the submissions on or around Dec. 1 if that is possible for everyone or the majority of folks.