Our country's fetishizing of guns is revolting

Wrong! ..The number of people negatively affected by your psychotic fascination with AR weapons extends wayyy beyond those hit by bullets. It includes all the kids in the school who witnessed the carnage and who wil suffer nightmares and PTSD the remainder of their lives. As will the healthcare workers in ER's who render care to a moaning child suffering from a gunshot wound. And of course ALL the kids in every school - and their parents - who must think about the omnipresent danger of AR weapon massacres every time they practice drills in the classroom. The number is well into the MILLIONS. ...All because you morons suffering from arrested development need to have your plaything of choice. And for what? So you're ready for that day the gov't storms your property to take away your liberty. Which has happened precisely ZERO times.

Shame on all of you.
Would you like a tissue?
All great points and perfect arguments for new gun control legislation. 👍

Since the 2a does not allow law enforcement to protect citizens from a 13 year old it needs to either be repealed or modified.
Gun control is nothing but a talking point.
Gun control is nothing but a talking point.

Talk to the kids about it - you know, the next generation of voters who have grown up with active shooter drills being a regular and necessary thing?

Offer them a tissue you anti-American fuck.

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All great points and perfect arguments for new gun control legislation. 👍

Since the 2a does not allow law enforcement to protect citizens from a 13 year old it needs to either be repealed or modified.

Your talking point is not only dull, it's insensible to boot.

The 2A has NOTHING to do with law enforcement so your connection between the 2 points fails.
"The Tree of Liberty must, on occasion, be watered with the blood of innocent schoolchildren and fertilized with the offal of Second Amendment absolutists".
"The Tree of Liberty must, on occasion, be watered with the blood of innocent schoolchildren and fertilized with the offal of Second Amendment absolutists".

Good ol' rubbery, always willing to dive in and spew hate filled crap
If you want to lump all DUI deaths against all other drivers without including all the associated stuff, then you also have to lump all gun deaths against all other guns without including all that associated stuff. Otherwise you're just trying to spin the hell out of the subject to suit your preconceived conclusion. You don't get to weight the scale.

As for the government coming to take away someone's stuff, you conveniently forget what happened at Ruby Ridge.

Precisely!!! And at Waco, in spite of the spin that went along with that drawn-out dramatic tale of woe.
I really hope you don't reply to these idiots above. You mentioned nothing about the police. Nothing about driving a car. Nothing about the FBI. I'm sure you can put them and all their red herring/slippery sloped arguments in check but why bother? The lead person spouting crap above is a failed attorney who is here because his opinions here are not under oath nor does he have an opposing attorney and judge forcing him to be relevant and on topic.

WT actual F?

He literally posted this:
I'm referring to the guns that are meant for police/ military that are in the hands of tens of millions of civilians.

And you say he didn't mention cops/military? What fucking planet are you on?
Precisely!!! And at Waco, in spite of the spin that went along with that drawn-out dramatic tale of woe.

Sadly that too.

These dipsticks don't understand anything and instead believe that might makes right as long as it's their might being used.
"The Tree of Liberty must, on occasion, be watered with the blood of innocent schoolchildren and fertilized with the offal of Second Amendment absolutists".
If you weren't such an argumentative left wing propagandist dick head some of the stuff you posted would almost be funny, in a sad pathetic clownish manner.

You mock one of the Founding Fathers in a pathetic attempt to look relevant. Sadly, this is another law enforcement failure, they knew this kid was a loose cannon a year prior to him shooting up the school and did NOTHING, yet again.
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Sadly that too.

These dipsticks don't understand anything and instead believe that might makes right as long as it's their might being used.

I must take exception, as there are millions of engines out there with perfectly serviceable dipsticks that take offense to your implication. You have wounded their/there/they're tiny feelers.
I must take exception, as there are millions of engines out there with perfectly serviceable dipsticks that take offense to your implication. You have wounded their/there/they're tiny feelers.

Curb feelers? This ain't the 1950's.
In other second amendment news, The Wat_Tyler Ammosexual Ball and Paintball Championship will be held at the Apalachee High School Gym this fall.
WT actual F?

He literally posted this:

And you say he didn't mention cops/military? What fucking planet are you on?

Planet BN2F is home to a wide array of life-like imitations and imitations of life itself. On the planet, there exists a curious being called the Public Whisperer, the Emotional Mirror, the Empathetic Echo, and the Nervous Mimic. All of whom can spring forth as one with a bombardment of galactic confoundment.:D
Does his photo matter to you? If so, why?
We have a right to know who he is and if he's been reengineered by the left. We need to know who his parents are as well to see if they had anything to do with him acquiring that weapon. The kid should be tried as an adult and executed and his parents slapped in prison if they are culpable in any way.
This country's love affair with guns is revolting. ..And we're so far gone we don't see it for what it is - a twisted, psychotic fetish.

To think there are millions of American's who consider gun play a hobby, a lifestyle, or an activity around which the family spends time bonding - as though celebrating a device engineered to shoot a projectile that pierces skin, bone, and brain was a normal, wholesome thing.

Imagine you moved next door to a guy who, instead of worshipping guns, enjoys brewing poison for killing people and making full-size guillotine replicas. "Don't worry neighbor!" he tells you, "I would never use these on people unless forced to do so! I only use the poison on lab rats and the guillotines on pig carcasses." What would you think of the guy? ..You would think he was fucking nuts. ..But worshipping weapons that can kill multiple people from hundreds of yards away in a matter of seconds? Spending weekends at gun clubs showing off their arsenal and debating accuracy and stopping power with fellow nut-jobs? .Nope! nothing to see here people. ..He's just a normal American celebrating his birthright.

Are guns a necessity? ..Of course they are... for law enforcement and military personnel.
Excellent satire!
We have a right to know who he is and if he's been reengineered by the left. We need to know who his parents are as well to see if they had anything to do with him acquiring that weapon. The kid should be tried as an adult and executed and his parents slapped in prison if they are culpable in any way.
So you want to find ways to confirm your bias.

Got it
WT actual F?

He literally posted this:

And you say he didn't mention cops/military? What fucking planet are you on?
And now you diss my gangster whitewalls!!!

Oh, the Humanity!!!

I actually have a couple of cars that gangsters would make pop.
First. Wat, I'm at peace with your thread gone and you should be too with me not pointing out how weak you are as a man and human being. Lol. But if you want me trolling you on the daily - I can again gladly.
Second, I responded to LMWM's post from today and his clear subject being the Atlanta school shooting. YOU TWO dumbasses needed to go back to pull a post from this member on, checks notes, July 14th :oops::ROFLMAO::rolleyes::poop: to prove some point of me not understanding the context. I think it is me who is in your head rent free.