Our country's fetishizing of guns is revolting

We in Americas are indoctrinated with the gun culture mentality from our earliest childhood. Guns are celebrated as the source of our freedom and independence. I believed in it when I was a boy. I couldn't wait until I was "old enough" to own a gun. But then, by time I was old enough I had matured out of infatuation with the allure of fire power. That is, I was old enough to know better, to understand how destructive that unfettered gun culture is to individuals and to our society and to reject all the hollow rationalizations that justify it.

Ever since then I have noticed how immature the "gun nuts" I know are in so many other ways, too. If you look you'll see it. It's in how they treat other people and in their childlike outlook on the world at large. It is a quick and reliable measure of their social maturity - the more into gun culture they are the least mature they are in their social and emotional development. Those who "accept" the death of innocents as a "necessary" consequence of the second amendment are good examples of that kind of privileged, immature rationalization.
This sounds like an example of the "erotic chat" and "Conversation is intercourse" your tagline speaks to. The presumptuous psychosis presented about the lack of social maturity and immature development "projected" above, precludes the need for us to be impolite and tell you to go fuck yourself.
Ever since then I have noticed how immature the "gun nuts" I know are in so many other ways, too. If you look you'll see it. It's in how they treat other people and in their childlike outlook on the world at large. It is a quick and reliable measure of their social maturity - the more into gun culture they are the least mature they are in their social and emotional development.
Well said. ..And it's been my experience as well. To put it succinctly, they are just weird.

And not "weird" in a fun interesting way.... But rather "weird" in a sad and unlikeable way.
This sounds like an example of the "erotic chat" and "Conversation is intercourse" your tagline speaks to. The presumptuous psychosis presented about the lack of social maturity and immature development "projected" above, precludes the need for us to be impolite and tell you to go fuck yourself.

Listen to Colt Grey’s dad talking to the cops when they came to investigate his online threats. Just a gun loving dad saying he knows full well the dangers while grooming his son who became a mass shooter.

....who have guns

Without guns, they wouldn't be shooting up schools.

There are no mass knife killings in schools.
You're full of crap. Seriously.

Oklahoma City bombing:

Nineteen children, many in a second floor daycare center, died in the Murrah Building's collapse. Thirty children were orphaned. A total of 219 children lost a parent. More than 400 individuals were left homeless in the area. Seven thousand people lost their workplace and some 16,000 people were downtown at the time of the explosion.


Other non-gun mass killlings:

Lighter fluid - 32 dead

Moscow Idaho 2022 knife attack - 4 dead

2020 Knox County knife attack - 3 dead

Those are off the top of my head. For a comprehensive list see:


ALL of which means you're full of shit and willing to LIE in order to promote an AGENDA rather than fixing the REAL problem.

Which is that YOU are the problem, not guns.
You're full of crap. Seriously.

Oklahoma City bombing:

Other non-gun mass killlings:

Lighter fluid - 32 dead

Moscow Idaho 2022 knife attack - 4 dead

2020 Knox County knife attack - 3 dead

Those are off the top of my head. For a comprehensive list see:


ALL of which means you're full of shit and willing to LIE in order to promote an AGENDA rather than fixing the REAL problem.

Which is that YOU are the problem, not guns.

Why are you so bad at this? Why, as a lawyer, you fail so badly in comprehension or realizing the context of the conversation? Maybe I need to stop joking on your so far in your past former occupation and focus on your declining mental state. You're really kinda dumb.
You fail are reading comprehension yet again. What (edited) statement did I make?

What part of 19 children in a day care center didn't you understand?

The rest is me completing the picture for you in the hope that you'd somehow stop being a complete tool. A forlorn hope, but hope nonetheless.

Guns aren't the problem, YOU ARE. When you stop blaming guns and stop hamstringing law enforcement from going after the mentally ill killers out there, THEN you can talk to me about solutions. Until then all you're doing is lying to yourself and trying to convince me that you're sincere.
What part of 19 children in a day care center didn't you understand?
What part of guns making it easier to kill people do you not understand?
The rest is me completing the picture for you in the hope that you'd somehow stop being a complete tool. A forlorn hope, but hope nonetheless.

Guns aren't the problem, YOU ARE. When you stop blaming guns and stop hamstringing law enforcement from going after the mentally ill killers out there, THEN you can talk to me about solutions. Until then all you're doing is lying to yourself and trying to convince me that you're sincere.
Ignoring a part of the problem doesn't make it not a problem. Guns make it easier for killers to kill. It's the same from gangs, to school shooters to kids at home.

It's part of the problem.
What part of 19 children in a day care center didn't you understand?

The rest is me completing the picture for you in the hope that you'd somehow stop being a complete tool. A forlorn hope, but hope nonetheless.

Guns aren't the problem, YOU ARE. When you stop blaming guns and stop hamstringing law enforcement from going after the mentally ill killers out there, THEN you can talk to me about solutions. Until then all you're doing is lying to yourself and trying to convince me that you're sincere.

Your entire defense of Trump is based on hamstringing law enforcement you two faced weasel.

You blame the FBI for not superseding the law when it comes to mental health but you lambast them for going after your guy when there’s ample evidence.

You’re a weasel-assed attorney who argues whatever side interests you.

GFY, counselor.
What part of 19 children in a day care center didn't you understand?

The rest is me completing the picture for you in the hope that you'd somehow stop being a complete tool. A forlorn hope, but hope nonetheless.

Guns aren't the problem, YOU ARE. When you stop blaming guns and stop hamstringing law enforcement from going after the mentally ill killers out there, THEN you can talk to me about solutions. Until then all you're doing is lying to yourself and trying to convince me that you're sincere.
Repeating the question to you - do you support the policing of social media?
Guns really brought that family together!

Too bad Dad and son won’t be in the same prison until Colt reaches eighteen.
Colt is being tried as an adult. he won't be getting out of jail either. His mom will probably succumb to a drug overdose. She should have been charged as well, she watched it all happen.
What part of guns making it easier to kill people do you not understand?

Ignoring a part of the problem doesn't make it not a problem. Guns make it easier for killers to kill. It's the same from gangs, to school shooters to kids at home.

It's part of the problem.

What I posted was to a LIST of non-gun mass killings. Not having a gun didn't make it any more difficult for those events to happen. YOU thinking it did is where, ONCE AGAIN, the problem lies.

It's NOT the guns. It's YOU supporting allowing the mentally ill to wander around unsupervised while simultaneously preventing the police from doing anything about it by defunding the police, rioting against the police, cashless bail, release of violent felons without prosecution, unchecked immigration, illegal drug use, gang violence, and so on.

YOU ARE THE PROBLEM because you support the violence instead of the solutions. Which isn't to disarm the victims but to remove the perpetrators from the street, permanently if possible.

So you being a complete tool about it is just one more thing that makes you indirectly responsible.
What I posted was to a LIST of non-gun mass killings. Not having a gun didn't make it any more difficult for those events to happen. YOU thinking it did is where, ONCE AGAIN, the problem lies.
I was specifically mentioning school killings.

You missed that part.

It's NOT the guns. It's YOU supporting allowing the mentally ill to wander around unsupervised while simultaneously preventing the police from doing anything about it by defunding the police, rioting against the police, cashless bail, release of violent felons without prosecution, unchecked immigration, illegal drug use, gang violence, and so on.
The guns are part of the problem. I don't support anything about mentally people not getting the help and attention they need.

The rest is just jibberish based on your generalizations and ascription
YOU ARE THE PROBLEM because you support the violence instead of the solutions. Which isn't to disarm the victims but to remove the perpetrators from the street, permanently if possible.
The guns are part of the problem

So you being a complete tool about it is just one more thing that makes you indirectly responsible.
The guns are part of the problem
What I posted was to a LIST of non-gun mass killings. Not having a gun didn't make it any more difficult for those events to happen. YOU thinking it did is where, ONCE AGAIN, the problem lies.

It's NOT the guns. It's YOU supporting allowing the mentally ill to wander around unsupervised while simultaneously preventing the police from doing anything about it by defunding the police, rioting against the police, cashless bail, release of violent felons without prosecution, unchecked immigration, illegal drug use, gang violence, and so on.

YOU ARE THE PROBLEM because you support the violence instead of the solutions. Which isn't to disarm the victims but to remove the perpetrators from the street, permanently if possible.

So you being a complete tool about it is just one more thing that makes you indirectly responsible.

Quick question…

If you were going to go to kill someone right now, be it yourself or someone who you perceive to be a threat, if you had a gun available, what would be your first weapon of choice?
Quick question…

If you were going to go to kill someone right now, be it yourself or someone who you perceive to be a threat, if you had a gun available, what would be your first weapon of choice?

For Derpy??? Probably a tampon, because Derpy seems quite impressed (terrified) by their destructive capabilities.

Each time there is a school shooting involving a firearm, there is a statistical certainty that one or more slack-jawed mouth-breathing knuckle-dragging inbred MAGA weirdo will show up spluttering "but...but...AUTOMOBILES!" and/or "but...but....knives!"

Today's deflection apology is provided by some weirdo named "Dom70", who attempts once again to convince us that the rights of our school children to have a gunshot-free education is secondary to his right to plink chipmunks at grandad's farm. :rolleyes:

Addressing the "but but automobiles!" rationalization: The primary purpose of automobiles is transportation. People inevitably have accidents in automoblies, given the huge number of miles driven by the general public each year. Attempting to conflate accidental automobile deaths with deliberate shooting death brings shame and dishonor to your family name

Addressing the "but but knives!' rationalization: it takes a lot of skill, stamina and coordination to kill 15 people. The three most likely Political Board candidates to shoot up a school lack one or more of these important traits:
  • HisArpy can barely stand, and refers to himself now as "disabled"
  • JoePepsiCo relies on a hover-round to navigate the treacherous terrain inside his double-wide trailer
  • Wat_Tyler cannot walk to his own mailbox without getting winded.
15 schoolchildren could easily disarm one or more of these knife wielding wannabee mass murderers above without much effort. Give these bozos a semi-automatic weapon with a large capacity magazine and the outcome would likely be markedly different, particularly in Wat_Tyler's case (his panic attacks and inability to distinguish friend from foe would result in much higher inadvertent "collateral damage").

In summary: your feeble attempt at rebuttal is as laughable as it is ignorant. You are the absolute dregs of humanity, and the sooner you shuffle off the mortal coil, the better we all will be as a species.
Welcome to the conversation Rob.
You see Rob...the statement WAS...that guns killed more children that anything else. THAT is an incorrect statement! the fact IS...automobiles DO kill more...whether a slack jawed mouth breathing knuckle dragging inbred MAGA weirdo sputters the fact or YOU do Rob. So...rather than going off script...stick with the facts of the conversation...and don't go off on your own.
Secondly...it was not a 'defected apology' that was voiced by myself...who apparently is a weirdo because I don't agree with a southern gentleman (obviously). You see Rob...I DO agree that our kids DO deserve the right to have a safe education. I do not believe ANYWHERE did I disagree with that, so that I could plink chipmunks at my grandfathers farm..so please stop doing what so many liberals do and don't put words down that were not said....or twisted to YOUR way of thinking.
As for taking a lot of skill and coordination to use a knife (NOT do much stamina in reality)...you ARE correct. To drag the three individuals into that situation...was uncalled for and totally rude on your part. BUT...they are bozos...so it doesn't matter in that case does it?
I always find it interesting that those who have been indoctrinated into the liberal side of the political spectrum resort to calling anyone that thinks differently than they do as...ohhh...let's see...slack jawed mouth-breathing knuckle- dragging inbred MAGA weirdo types....OR simply a weirdo...or bringing shame to the family name...or the best one of all...the absolute dregs of humanity. I LOVE how mature that is. Spoken like a true man that can't reason...but needs to try to downgrade anyone that says anything that he doesn't agree with! VERY WELL SPOKEN my friend!!!
I am proud to be ohhh...let's see...laughable... and it would seem ignorant as well !
DO enjoy...in your own little world where everyone must be like Rob...or...must shuffle off of their mortal coil (I believe it was?)...so we can have a 'better species'. I need to read up on mortal coils...
Welcome to the conversation Rob.
You see Rob...the statement WAS...that guns killed more children that anything else. THAT is an incorrect statement! the fact IS...automobiles DO kill more...whether a slack jawed mouth breathing knuckle dragging inbred MAGA weirdo sputters the fact or YOU do Rob. So...rather than going off script...stick with the facts of the conversation...and don't go off on your own.
Secondly...it was not a 'defected apology' that was voiced by myself...who apparently is a weirdo because I don't agree with a southern gentleman (obviously). You see Rob...I DO agree that our kids DO deserve the right to have a safe education. I do not believe ANYWHERE did I disagree with that, so that I could plink chipmunks at my grandfathers farm..so please stop doing what so many liberals do and don't put words down that were not said....or twisted to YOUR way of thinking.
As for taking a lot of skill and coordination to use a knife (NOT do much stamina in reality)...you ARE correct. To drag the three individuals into that situation...was uncalled for and totally rude on your part. BUT...they are bozos...so it doesn't matter in that case does it?
I always find it interesting that those who have been indoctrinated into the liberal side of the political spectrum resort to calling anyone that thinks differently than they do as...ohhh...let's see...slack jawed mouth-breathing knuckle- dragging inbred MAGA weirdo types....OR simply a weirdo...or bringing shame to the family name...or the best one of all...the absolute dregs of humanity. I LOVE how mature that is. Spoken like a true man that can't reason...but needs to try to downgrade anyone that says anything that he doesn't agree with! VERY WELL SPOKEN my friend!!!
I am proud to be ohhh...let's see...laughable... and it would seem ignorant as well !
DO enjoy...in your own little world where everyone must be like Rob...or...must shuffle off of their mortal coil (I believe it was?)...so we can have a 'better species'. I need to read up on mortal coils...
If you remove accidental deaths, guns kill far more children than anything else.
If you remove accidental deaths, guns kill far more children than anything else.
I do not disagree with THAT statement ll74...but that was not what was said originally. We agree again! We need to stop that! People will start talking! lol