Our country's fetishizing of guns is revolting

Repeating the question to you - do you support the policing of social media?
You're putting an awful lot of pressure on a man of weak spine, weak intellect and weak character.
I suspect he'll start lashing out at you with ad hominem personal attacks shortly, if his recent posting history is any guide.
I do not disagree with THAT statement ll74...but that was not what was said originally. We agree again! We need to stop that! People will start talking! lol
Ha! Yah, that happens on occasion.

There is no serious discussion of mass killings without including all factors including the weapons.
You're full of crap. Seriously.

Oklahoma City bombing:

Other non-gun mass killlings:

Lighter fluid - 32 dead

Moscow Idaho 2022 knife attack - 4 dead

2020 Knox County knife attack - 3 dead

Those are off the top of my head. For a comprehensive list see:


ALL of which means you're full of shit and willing to LIE in order to promote an AGENDA rather than fixing the REAL problem.

Which is that YOU are the problem, not guns.
That list (highlighted) is a global summary. Every multiple stabbing in the world.

In the US according to the list, in 2024 there have been four (including domestic incidents).
To contrast, there have been four mass school shootings. Not mass shootings or school shootings, but Mass School Shootings.

You're full of shit.
Welcome to the conversation Rob.
You see Rob...the statement WAS...that guns killed more children that anything else. THAT is an incorrect statement! the fact IS...automobiles DO kill more...whether a slack jawed mouth breathing knuckle dragging inbred MAGA weirdo sputters the fact or YOU do Rob. So...rather than going off script...stick with the facts of the conversation...and don't go off on your own.
Secondly...it was not a 'defected apology' that was voiced by myself...who apparently is a weirdo because I don't agree with a southern gentleman (obviously). You see Rob...I DO agree that our kids DO deserve the right to have a safe education. I do not believe ANYWHERE did I disagree with that, so that I could plink chipmunks at my grandfathers farm..so please stop doing what so many liberals do and don't put words down that were not said....or twisted to YOUR way of thinking.
As for taking a lot of skill and coordination to use a knife (NOT do much stamina in reality)...you ARE correct. To drag the three individuals into that situation...was uncalled for and totally rude on your part. BUT...they are bozos...so it doesn't matter in that case does it?
I always find it interesting that those who have been indoctrinated into the liberal side of the political spectrum resort to calling anyone that thinks differently than they do as...ohhh...let's see...slack jawed mouth-breathing knuckle- dragging inbred MAGA weirdo types....OR simply a weirdo...or bringing shame to the family name...or the best one of all...the absolute dregs of humanity. I LOVE how mature that is. Spoken like a true man that can't reason...but needs to try to downgrade anyone that says anything that he doesn't agree with! VERY WELL SPOKEN my friend!!!
I am proud to be ohhh...let's see...laughable... and it would seem ignorant as well !
DO enjoy...in your own little world where everyone must be like Rob...or...must shuffle off of their mortal coil (I believe it was?)...so we can have a 'better species'. I need to read up on mortal coils...

In 2021 (most recent figures available): 43,230 road deaths. 48,830 gun deaths.

Both figures include suicides (or don't they count?), accidental and child deaths. Overall, more gun deaths than traffic accidents.

81% of all murders in the US involve a firearm.
Look at the laws passed in New Zealand and Australia - both passed following massacres. I'd favor some combination of those laws as a starting point.
So you can't define what exactly is an AR style gun is so you divert. You are a propagandist wet dream, you know nothing and spew talking points. You want to ban something you can't even define. Do you always let others do your thinking for you?
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This sounds like an example of the "erotic chat" and "Conversation is intercourse" your tagline speaks to. The presumptuous psychosis presented about the lack of social maturity and immature development "projected" above, precludes the need for us to be impolite and tell you to go fuck yourself.
Q.E.D. Thanks for being a perfect example.
So you can't define what exactly is an AR style gun is so you divert. You are a propagandist wet dream, you know nothing and spew talking points. You want to ban something you can't even define. Do you always let others do your thinking for you?
Google it yourself! ..Do you want me to cut/ paste it for you? ..Oh, I see.. You hope to catch me in some big "Gotcha!"

Australia & New Zealand (and other countries) banned AR style weapons and saw a corresponding drop in massacres. ..Enough said.

Meanwhile, back in the US...
# of unprovoked US Gov't attacks on the public fended off by citizens brandishing AR style weapons = 0
# of kids killed, injured or traumatized daily by the threat of AR gun violence = Millions

You're a selish POS to insist that you getting to have your favorite plaything is more important than kids getting to believe they are safe in our schools, at music festivals, sports events, etc... We are pitied by other countries b/c of the likes of you.
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In 2021 (most recent figures available): 43,230 road deaths. 48,830 gun deaths.

Both figures include suicides (or don't they count?), accidental and child deaths. Overall, more gun deaths than traffic accidents.

81% of all murders in the US involve a firearm.
I got to thinking about this...and I don't think it is proper to include suicides in that number. I have a very special place for those that commit suicide, so please don't think I am being difficult in this area.
We can argue til the cows come home about firearms. Those that oppose them will never understand the PROPER usage of them, and accept them. Those that use them properly, and have no intention of using them illegally, won't ever accept the arguments of those against them. We just need to try to get along and accept each other as people...not enemies, as it sometimes seems to come across with words, and 'titles' for those that oppose. I think both sides have made their points...and as such...I think I will exit stage left as some would have me do (grin) .
As usual whenever there's a mass killing the anti-gun vultures swoop in to push for their usual control freak bullshit as much as possible while emotions are high. A couple days later the bad guy's motivation comes out. If he comes from a group the left hates they'll continue to flog the crime nonstop in the media (they're hoping for copy cats). If the bad guy comes from groups the left likes the story will vanish swiftly.

That is the pattern. Yesterday I couldn't go anywhere on the internet without getting smacked in the face with SCHOOL SHOOTING. Now watch as the Georgia story quietly drops off because the shooter's identity is inconvenient for the media.

Every. Fucking. Time.
The USA has a huge problem with the over-proliferation and over-distribution of guns, combined with the mythology that those guns are the only way to stay "safe" in in a society where at any time, an armed person could threaten you. Fear and easy access to guns has led to a huge increase in gun related deaths.

In other words, paranoia drives a self-fulfilling prophesy. Gun sales continue to increase.

And what happens when some elected officials try to take steps, even modest ones, to moderate this self-feeding cycle? The most paranoid gun owners then assume that they need to use their guns to "defend" themselves from the government. Just observe the memes in Wat's thread

The title of this thread has it right-- too many people in America have a fetish with guns. It has become a national illness that affects ALL venues and age groups in society. This national illness was released from Pandora's box by peddlers of fear, loathing, and guns.
Google it yourself! ..Do you want me to cut/ paste it for you? ..Oh, I see.. You hope to catch me in some big "Gotcha!"

Australia & New Zealand (and other countries) banned AR style weapons and saw a corresponding drop in massacres. ..Enough said.

Meanwhile, back in the US...
# of unprovoked US Gov't attacks on private citizens fended off by their AR style weapons = 0
# of kids killed, injured or traumatized daily by the threat of AR gun violence = Millions

You're a selish POS to insist that you getting to have your favorite plaything is more important than kids getting to believe they are safe in our schools, at music festivals, sports events, etc... We are pitied by other countries b/c of the likes of you.

Why is it that as soon as your original talking points get discredited, you anti-gun zealots instantly point to New Zealand and Australia as your perfect example of gun control stopping mass casualty events?

Especially since you're wrong.

Australia mass casualty event list

New Zealand mass casualty event list

NZ passed its first gun laws in 1893 and has continually updated those laws as more and more shooting events occur. The last time it was updated, and all semi-auto guns, were banned was after the Christchurch shooting in 2019. Yet despite that, there was a mass shooting just last year.

I now await the usual attempt at deflecting away from your statement that such things "stopped" when the guns were taken away to the new position that the gun ban "reduced" the number of mass shootings.

Which isn't what you stated, and which isn't really true either.
Google it yourself! ..Do you want me to cut/ paste it for you? ..Oh, I see.. You hope to catch me in some big "Gotcha!"

Australia & New Zealand (and other countries) banned AR style weapons and saw a corresponding drop in massacres. ..Enough said.

Meanwhile, back in the US...
# of unprovoked US Gov't attacks on private citizens fended off by their AR style weapons = 0
# of kids killed, injured or traumatized daily by the threat of AR gun violence = Millions

You're a selish POS to insist that you getting to have your favorite plaything is more important than kids getting to believe they are safe in our schools, at music festivals, sports events, etc... We are pitied by other countries b/c of the likes of you.
Funny thing Mr Leftist anti-gunner, is I don't own an AR or an AR styled rifle ( WTF ever that is, apparently you don't even know).

You have posted that millions number multiple times now. Let's see some documented proof of that or it is just more of your talking out of your ass.

By the way, I believe the Branch Davidians did a pretty decent job of, at least until the tanks arrived, fending off agents of the US Government. Which in many eyes was seen as an unnecessary attack as David Koresh could have been arrested any number of times on his trips into town. No, I'm not supporting the Branch Davidians but they did kick the shit out of the BATF during the initial raid.
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Google it yourself! ..Do you want me to cut/ paste it for you? ..Oh, I see.. You hope to catch me in some big "Gotcha!"

Australia & New Zealand (and other countries) banned AR style weapons and saw a corresponding drop in massacres. ..Enough said.

Meanwhile, back in the US...
# of unprovoked US Gov't attacks on the public fended off by citizens brandishing AR style weapons = 0
# of kids killed, injured or traumatized daily by the threat of AR gun violence = Millions

You're a selish POS to insist that you getting to have your favorite plaything is more important than kids getting to believe they are safe in our schools, at music festivals, sports events, etc... We are pitied by other countries b/c of the likes of you.
There's no pity anymore, just ridicule.
As usual whenever there's a mass killing the anti-gun vultures swoop in to push for their usual control freak bullshit as much as possible while emotions are high. A couple days later the bad guy's motivation comes out. If he comes from a group the left hates they'll continue to flog the crime nonstop in the media (they're hoping for copy cats). If the bad guy comes from groups the left likes the story will vanish swiftly.

That is the pattern. Yesterday I couldn't go anywhere on the internet without getting smacked in the face with SCHOOL SHOOTING. Now watch as the Georgia story quietly drops off because the shooter's identity is inconvenient for the media.

Every. Fucking. Time.
As usual whenever there's a mass shooting the gun nuts say that this is not the time for gun law reform, but for T & P's.

There never is an appropriate time for such reform. There may be a reason for this; since Apalachee there has been at least two more mass shootings (but without so many children murdered, so not worth bothering with).



Question; how many mass shootings or other people's children murdered would it take for you to support gun controls to be returned to how they were during the Nixon era?
As usual whenever there's a mass killing the anti-gun vultures swoop in to push for their usual control freak bullshit as much as possible while emotions are high. A couple days later the bad guy's motivation comes out. If he comes from a group the left hates they'll continue to flog the crime nonstop in the media (they're hoping for copy cats). If the bad guy comes from groups the left likes the story will vanish swiftly.

That is the pattern. Yesterday I couldn't go anywhere on the internet without getting smacked in the face with SCHOOL SHOOTING. Now watch as the Georgia story quietly drops off because the shooter's identity is inconvenient for the media.

Every. Fucking. Time.

As usual whenever there is a mass shooting or other mass event causing needless suffering and death of innocent people and children, many people in society tend to have an emotional reaction and often existential feeling, especially when it’s within a group they feel a connection with.

They often wonder why ‘God’ forsook the victims, they worry that the same thing could happen in their community or to their loved ones.

Others could care less except that they go buy up more guns and ammo incase the tragedy triggers another hoarding frenzy due to speculation about new gun control laws.

Every. Fucking. Time.
We "fetish" cars way more than we do guns and we see what the Left is trying to do to us in the war on the internal combustion engine.

All you self-appointed moral busybodies need to stop your crusading and just get and keep your own affairs in order and when you do, do some charity work in your community (it takes a village, right?) on the side and the guns and cars will take care of themselves. You'll know who your crazies are that way instead of growing government to do your community service for you. Then you won't have so many shootings.
We "fetish" cars way more than we do guns and we see what the Left is trying to do to us in the war on the internal combustion engine.

All you self-appointed moral busybodies need to stop your crusading and just get and keep your own affairs in order and when you do, do some charity work in your community (it takes a village, right?) on the side and the guns and cars will take care of themselves. You'll know who your crazies are that way instead of growing government to do your community service for you. Then you won't have so many shootings.
t3H l3Ft!

It's been a long while since some dipshit broke out the idiotic, "you don't wanna ban cars!" bullshit.
We "fetish" cars way more than we do guns and we see what the Left is trying to do to us in the war on the internal combustion engine.

All you self-appointed moral busybodies need to stop your crusading and just get and keep your own affairs in order and when you do, do some charity work in your community (it takes a village, right?) on the side and the guns and cars will take care of themselves. You'll know who your crazies are that way instead of growing government to do your community service for you. Then you won't have so many shootings.
I agree with your concern over mental health issues, it'll be nice to see you supporting greater access to affordable health care.

Also, mental health assessments before access to guns.
As usual whenever there's a mass shooting the gun nuts say that this is not the time for gun law reform, but for T & P's.

There never is an appropriate time for such reform. There may be a reason for this; since Apalachee there has been at least two more mass shootings (but without so many children murdered, so not worth bothering with).



Question; how many mass shootings or other people's children murdered would it take for you to support gun controls to be returned to how they were during the Nixon era?

Pick any number you like and I'd say the same thing. Nope.

On the other hand, I would say reopen psychiatric hospitals and jail criminals who commit gun-related crime(s) appropriately, and without parole.
Others could care less except that they go buy up more guns and ammo incase the tragedy triggers another hoarding frenzy due to speculation about new gun control laws.

Every. Fucking. Time.

Absolutely. Best to prep. You never know what will finally trigger the gun control whackjobs.