Our country's fetishizing of guns is revolting

Funny thing Mr Leftist anti-gunner, is I don't own an AR or an AR styled rifle ( WTF ever that is, apparently you don't even know).

You have posted that millions number multiple times now. Let's see some documented proof of that or it is just more of your talking out of your ass.

By the way, I believe the Branch Davidians did a pretty decent job of, at least until the tanks arrived, fending off agents of the US Government. Which in many eyes was seen as an unnecessary

# of unprovoked US Gov't attacks on private citizens fended off by their AR style weapons = 0

# of kids killed, injured or traumatized daily in the US by the threat of AR gun violence = Millions
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I said nothing about laws. ..I'm saying that making guns your "lifestyle" is borderline psychotic.
As opposed to... Making sex your lifestyle? Raising Siamese cats? Learning obscure languages like Romansh?

Here's a little practical fact about guns. They don't talk; they don't insult people; they don't herd people into ghettoes.

Indeed, when guns do talk it's most often because humans aren't allowed to speak (Chechnya), or they give oppressed and marginalized people a means to speak (Black Panthers); or they break people out of ghettoes (Kosovo).

Then there are historic facts. In 1997 Kosovo rose up. The Albanian masses had access to guns because the armories were looted in Albania proper.

Ex-Yugoslavia was already done. But in the collapse, the hardy Slovenes kept their territorial militia guns. They lost less than 100 people to Serb terror.

Croatia had no clear policy and its territorial militia was disarmed. (My recollection, perhaps imperfect, difficult to check immediately). They suffered serious atrocities. They armed by purchasing weapons from Poland, South Africa, and other lands.

Bosnia-Hercrgovina surrendered its guns. 200k displaced, and 40k women raped, 5k men raped. Clinton and Iran worked together to get guns to Sarajevo. It wasn't GTA.

I am enraged when I see alleged leftists, defenders of Malcolm, supporters of Union workers, etc. squeaking like mice about guns.

John Brown. That should say it all. Obviously it doesn't.

Since the Holocaust Jewish fathers are required to teach their sons to shoot. That isn't enough on this site.

So much better for our chickenshit libbypoos to pretend Concord and Lexington didn't happen.

I am a veteran crime reporter at a big city daily. I was a UN human rights investigator in various countries. Guns don't kill people; people kill people. Guns kill oppressors. Guns free the downtrodden.

Do I love weaponry? No. I hate it. I loathe the fact that Leninism in Russia couldn't produce a decent watch or pen but distributed millions of AKs in places like Somalia. I despise the rap culture promotion of firearms.

But I'm alive. And I say again, there's no First Amendment without the Second.

The constant abuse of psychiatric vocabulary by American pseudointellos and internet bluffers is a tell. Everything is borderline psychotic under capitalism. Read Wilhelm Reich. Read Dr. Seuss. Read anything. Get your heads out of your internet narcissism.

You can't defend yourselves, or don't want to.
Men and women in uniform carry guns to keep you safe. A word of thanks might be good.

0:56. Fire a Thompson machine gun, an AK, or an old shotgun.

I was there. For all of it. I'm NRA all the way!

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Gun control is a 1" group at 300 yds.
Wow!! That's really impressive. Only a very strong and powerful man could achieve such a feat! ..And so athletic! I mean, what could be harder than aiming through the scope of an AR mounted to a tripod and squeezing the trigger without moving it! ...Frankly, I'd say it's an athletic feat that rivals Tom Brady throwing on the run and landing a pass 60 yds downfield into Gronkowski's outstretched hands just as he jumps above triple coverage. I'd say those two feats are roughly equal!

Honestly, all those hot women and hunky gay men should stop swooning over Brady, and start swooning over YOU! ..Just as I'm sure you're imagining they're doing as you squeeze off round after round. Well, that and imagining how the bullet passes through skin and puts a softball size hole in someones body... I'm sure you do a lot of that too.

1" group at 300 yds!? Just wow!

Maybe I'm wrong...but I'm starting to get this whole fetishizing of guns thing.
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Wow!! That's really impressive. Only a very strong and powerful man could achieve such a feat! ..And so athletic! I mean, what could be harder than aiming through the scope of an AR mounted to a tripod and squeezing the trgger without moving it! ...Frankly, I'd say it's an athletic feat that rivals Tom Brady throwing on the run and landing a pass 60 yds downfield into Gronkowski's outstretched hands just as he jumps above triple coverage. I'd say those two feats are roughly equal!

Honestly, all those hot women and hunky gay men should stop swooning over Brady, and start swooning over YOU! ..Just as I'm sure you're imagining they're doing as you squeeze off round after round. Well, that and imagining how the bullet passes through skin and puts a softball size hole in someones body... I'm sure you do a lot of that too.

1" at 300 yds!? Just wow!

Maybe I'm wrong... Maybe I'm starting to get this whole fetishizing of guns.
I'm sure General Washington would have recommended cookies, milk, and a blankie as a better solution to British colonialism than risking being compared with a hunky gay guy.

Ammosexual is sexual. Castration isn't. Finish ESL and get your GED. Lightweights.

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ndeed, when guns do talk it's most often because humans aren't allowed to speak (Chechnya), or they give oppressed and marginalized people a means to speak (Black Panthers); or they break people out of ghettoes (Kosovo).

Then there are historic facts. In 1997 Kosovo rose up. The Albanian masses had access to guns because the armories were looted in Albania proper.

Ex-Yugoslavia was already done. But in the collapse, the hardy Slovenes kept their territorial militia guns. They lost less than 100 people to Serb terror.

Croatia had no clear policy and its territorial militia was disarmed. (My recollection, perhaps imperfect, difficult to check immediately). They suffered serious atrocities. They armed by purchasing weapons from Poland, South Africa, and other lands
No one is saying there shouldn’t be a 2nd amendment. ..People are arguing that it doesn’t, or shouldn’t, allow for citizens to have just ANY kind of weapon. Besides, short of allowing citizens to own their own tanks, rocket launchers and Apache helicopters - as just a start - there is NOTHING that the citizens could have in their arsenal that would enable them to defend themselves against the US military. You're comparisons to the Balkans notwithstanding.

Meanwhile.. here in the US...

# of unprovoked US Gov't attacks on private citizens fended off by their AR style weapons = 0

# of kids killed, injured or traumatized daily in the US by the threat of AR gun violence = Millions
Citizens owning their own tanks.

The struggle will not be against USG. As in Spain the struggle will defend USG.

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No one is saying there shouldn’t be a 2nd amendment. ..People are arguing that it doesn’t, or shouldn’t, allow for citizens to have just ANY kind of weapon. Besides, short of allowing citizens to own their own tanks, rocket launchers and Apache helicopters - as just a start - there is NOTHING that the citizens could have in their arsenal that would enable them to defend themselves against the US military. You're comparisons to the Balkans notwithstanding.

Meanwhile.. here in the US...

# of unprovoked US Gov't attacks on private citizens fended off by their AR style weapons = 0

# of kids killed, injured or traumatized daily in the US by the threat of AR gun violence = Millions
Good lord but you're ignorant.

Re. the firearm murder rate in the US. We know exactly who is committing those murders and we can reduce our firearm murder rate by 84% with two steps.............Deport ALL blacks to Africa and deport all Latinos to south of the border.

Further, you assume that the military is going to follow orders and turn their weaponry on the civilian populace. Another HUGE mistake on your part. The US military swears its oath to the Constitution, not the political leaders. The survey done on the subject, when the officers were asked if they would follow orders to disarm the civilian populace fully 70% said, "NO." In all likelihood almost half of those military members will turn their guns on those giving the orders.

As far as suicide goes there are a whole cluster of nations with suicide rates comparable to the US suicide rate and many of those nations have virtually zero firearms in civilian hands, Japan for example. The point being is that people that want to end their lives will find a way with or without firearms.
No one is saying there shouldn’t be a 2nd amendment. ..People are arguing that it doesn’t, or shouldn’t, allow for citizens to have just ANY kind of weapon. Besides, short of allowing citizens to own their own tanks, rocket launchers and Apache helicopters - as just a start - there is NOTHING that the citizens could have in their arsenal that would enable them to defend themselves against the US military. You're comparisons to the Balkans notwithstanding.
Ask the Taliban that one. LOL. Or my commie cuzzies in Vietnam. Bigger LOL.

BUT you mistake the war that would be fought if citizens had to defend themselves against the US military. Basic Sun Tzu. Hit them where they're not. You don't necessarily target the military directly altho overrunning military bases and taking the equipment a la the ex Yugoslavia is an option. You take out their families and their kids. You take out the IRS and the FBI and anyone else who sides with the govt. You track them down, burn down their houses, IED their vehicles, burn down their schools. You take out infrastructure. You take out the politicians and the politicians families. You take out the regime reporters and hangers on. You take out anyone who supports the regime. Preferably with malice and terror because thats the way it shakes down. The US military just is not big enough to deal with an insurgency within the US. Little things like Waco or a localized riot, yes, but a real nationwide insurgency? Not a hope in hell. Not to make a point, but it would be messy, vicious and very very nasty. We spent umpteen years in the sandbox and in Afghanistan. There are a LOT of people who are very familiar with how these things go. If Trump HAD been assassinated as they planned, you'd have found out how that would have worked out rather quickly.

But you ARE right. We should have our own tanks, rocket launchers and Apache helicopters and F16's and whatever in citizens militias. THAT would follow the intent of the 2nd Amendment.
Good lord but you're ignorant.

Re. the firearm murder rate in the US. We know exactly who is committing those murders and we can reduce our firearm murder rate by 84% with two steps.............Deport ALL blacks to Africa and deport all Latinos to south of the border.

Further, you assume that the military is going to follow orders and turn their weaponry on the civilian populace. Another HUGE mistake on your part. The US military swears its oath to the Constitution, not the political leaders. The survey done on the subject, when the officers were asked if they would follow orders to disarm the civilian populace fully 70% said, "NO." In all likelihood almost half of those military members will turn their guns on those giving the orders.

As far as suicide goes there are a whole cluster of nations with suicide rates comparable to the US suicide rate and many of those nations have virtually zero firearms in civilian hands, Japan for example. The point being is that people that want to end their lives will find a way with or without firearms.
Really experienced? Not at using your brain. Not helping, Chester.

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But you ARE right. We should have our own tanks, rocket launchers and Apache helicopters and F16's and whatever in citizens militias. THAT would follow the intent of the 2nd Amendment.
☝️Haha! ☝️
That's right Sparky. The FBI's UCR database is your friend. You can deal in facts or fantasies............your choice.
You’re a rebel. You should just go ahead and use the proper slurs a rebel like yourself would use.
Really experienced? Not at using your brain. Not helping, Chester.

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Don't forget psychiatric hospitals and treatment for kids (and often their parents) with mental health issues - almost all school shootings recently have been victims of trans ideology with untreated mental health issues.
Australia is mainly empty. NZ is tiny. Comparisons with USA are meaningless.

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Actually, NZ is a poor example. It turns out the turn-in rate for firearms was extremely low, which leads one to surmise that most NZ firearms owners simply tucked them away somewhere safe for a rainy day. Kiwi's are far less compliant than one would assume from the news.
Don't forget psychiatric hospitals and treatment for kids (and often their parents) with mental health issues - almost all school shootings recently have been victims of trans ideology with untreated mental health issues.
"Trans ideology"? You're a Nazi. No guns for you, creampuff. You and the rest of the Chuds are on your own. Please don't breathe; air pollution kills.

Try moving to Antarctica. Land of White Snowflakes. You're bound to be happy there.

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This country's love affair with guns is revolting. ..And we're so far gone we don't see it for what it is - a twisted, psychotic fetish.

To think there are millions of American's who consider gun play a hobby, a lifestyle, or an activity around which the family spends time bonding - as though celebrating a device engineered to shoot a projectile that pierces skin, bone, and brain was a normal, wholesome thing.

Imagine you moved next door to a guy who, instead of worshipping guns, enjoys brewing poison for killing people and making full-size guillotine replicas. "Don't worry neighbor!" he tells you, "I would never use these on people unless forced to do so! I only use the poison on lab rats and the guillotines on pig carcasses." What would you think of the guy? ..You would think he was fucking nuts. ..But worshipping weapons that can kill multiple people from hundreds of yards away in a matter of seconds? Spending weekends at gun clubs showing off their arsenal and debating accuracy and stopping power with fellow nut-jobs? .Nope! nothing to see here people. ..He's just a normal American celebrating his birthright.

Are guns a necessity? ..Of course they are... for law enforcement and military personnel.
Misusing psychiatric vocabulary is the indisputable sign of trailer park "thinking." You can't even define a fetish accurately. Much less psychosis.

Now more than ever: finish ESL. Get your GED. Take classes at your local community college. Leave the adults alone while we're talking.

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Yep... they sure are.

And I don't begrudge those who own a gun for hunting - although I seriously doubt it's a cheaper or healthier way of acquiring protein (does anyone seriously believe that!?). Nor do I fault those those who own a gun to protect their home. ..But fetishizing guns? ..Making them your hobby - your lifestyle? Going to gun shows and hanging out at shooting ranges? ....Introducing children to guns like they are just a normal part of living in the US? ..Nope. Don't get it. Never will.

I owned a gun in the past. ..And learned how to use it responsibly. But whenever I looked at it it made me, well... kinda sad. I would HATE to ever need to use a gun. Unfortunately, there are millions of Americans who fantasy about one day needing to use one. ..Twisted hero fantasies, I suppose. And equating guns w/ patriotism? Again... pure lunacy.
This is how Putin got so much influence in American media.

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Sorry pal, in the Upper midwest HUNTING IS THE NORM! Its tradition! Its FAMILY! Its a way of life! Hell, schools are closed the week or two of gun season! And its like any other sport, the only way to get better is practice! And practice we do! You have no idea how rural America operates and thank God for that!
Maybe the Chuds will learn from Mr. Walz. Probably not. LibAmerica has a psychotic phobia about guns.

BTW, religious Jews don't hunt. But neither do they try to disarm the populace. And they possess firearms. Long memory.

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