Our country's fetishizing of guns is revolting

We "fetish" cars way more than we do guns and we see what the Left is trying to do to us in the war on the internal combustion engine.

All you self-appointed moral busybodies need to stop your crusading and just get and keep your own affairs in order and when you do, do some charity work in your community (it takes a village, right?) on the side and the guns and cars will take care of themselves. You'll know who your crazies are that way instead of growing government to do your community service for you. Then you won't have so many shootings.
Cars accidentally kill people.

Please provide homicides by car in comparison to homicides by gun.

One was made to transport people and one was made to kill
It’s not an issue of me feeling safer because I own a gun.
It’s not an issue of you feeling safer for not owning a gun.
It’s an issue of you imposing your anxieties on my liberty.

It’s akin to saying, I am all for your right to freedom of religion, it’s just the communion I have issue with and wish to outlaw because it is condoned, institutionalized and ritualized cannibalism which is nothing more than a gateway to actual cannibalism and the breeding and consumption of small, succulent, children (which will fall hardest on minorities and females).

The more over-the-top the rhetoric is, the more is the hope of persuading just 51% of the people to say, “Okay, I’m not a gun person or a violent person or an unreasonable person with no common sense moral compass, so outlaw it.” Similarly, “Okay, I’m not a religious person or a cannibal, I am a reasonable, common-sense person who just wants to get along, so outlaw it.

“I, being a reasonable person with common sense, realize that the First Amendment is not an absolute. It’s just a general guide, not an enumeration of absolute rights. Regulation is clearly implied in it if you just know how to read it, but Conservatives are just so uneducated and vested in their guns, gawd and Bibles.”

C.S. Lewis

“Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.”​

― C. S. Lewis
We "fetish" cars way more than we do guns and we see what the Left is trying to do to us in the war on the internal combustion engine.

All you self-appointed moral busybodies need to stop your crusading and just get and keep your own affairs in order and when you do, do some charity work in your community (it takes a village, right?) on the side and the guns and cars will take care of themselves. You'll know who your crazies are that way instead of growing government to do your community service for you. Then you won't have so many shootings.

Your particular view on guns and weapons of war is clearly informed by your experience coming from a worn-torn Balkan (?) country that lacked a fully formed democratically-elected government and was mired in constant unrest and internal violent conflict. I’m sorry for the tough life you’ve had.

That said, suggesting that the US - 159 years after the end of its own civil war - solve its gun violence problems by giving MORE GUNS and even more destructive weapons to everybody is wholly unconvincing. Basically, it sounds like you're suggesting we RESUME our civil war.

We owe the millions of children who live with the constant threat of gun violence in their schools a much better solution.

As I said:

# of unprovoked US Gov't attacks on private citizens fended off by their AR style weapons = 0

# of kids killed, injured or traumatized daily in the US by the threat of AR gun violence = Millions
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Not trying to be funny, Chudsky. The comparison of automobile deaths with mass shootings is pure libbypoo bullshit. And attempts to debate it are worse.

( O )( O )
Aah...of course you aren't

The point is that the comparison is stupid because accidental deaths aren't equivalent to murders. Fetishizing a mode of transport is different than doing so with fetishizing a weapon of killing.

The person I was responding to is comparing them as equivalents.
Aah...of course you aren't

The point is that the comparison is stupid because accidental deaths aren't equivalent to murders. Fetishizing a mode of transport is different than doing so with fetishizing a weapon of killing.

The person I was responding to is comparing them as equivalents.
ESL! Trials in fatal cases hang on intent. Many deaths are argued as unintentional or accidental. That's why there's a crime called manslaughter.

This entire thread is a loathesome example of internet voyeurism and, in effect, vampirism. Getting off by bloviating over deaths in the news.

Media is to blame.

( O )( O )
ESL! Trials in fatal cases hang on intent. Many deaths are argued as unintentional or accidental. That's why there's a crime called manslaughter.

This entire thread is a loathesome example of internet voyeurism and, in effect, vampirism. Getting off by bloviating over deaths in the news.

Media is to blame.

( O )( O )
The thread is regarding the insane and idiotic fetishizing of guns.

Dipshits who glorify guns are to blame.
The thread is regarding the insane and idiotic fetishizing of guns.

Dipshits who glorify guns are to blame.
Who cares if there are people who love guns.

If someone loves baseball and bats, doesn't mean they're the issue when someone gets beaten to death by one.
We "fetish" cars way more than we do guns and we see what the Left is trying to do to us in the war on the internal combustion engine.

All you self-appointed moral busybodies need to stop your crusading and just get and keep your own affairs in order and when you do, do some charity work in your community (it takes a village, right?) on the side and the guns and cars will take care of themselves. You'll know who your crazies are that way instead of growing government to do your community service for you. Then you won't have so many shootings.
Big guns and big trucks are both sold to guys who are eager to feel masculine.

We could save a lot of lives in America by restricting heavier vehicles and the more lethal firearms.

Driving a big truck is like owning an assault rifle. It may make you personally feel safer, but it makes life more dangerous for everyone else.
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Who cares if there are people who love guns.

If someone loves baseball and bats, doesn't mean they're the issue when someone gets beaten to death by one.

Ok so now instead of cars it’s baseball? 🤷‍♀️
Who cares if there are people who love guns.

If someone loves baseball and bats, doesn't mean they're the issue when someone gets beaten to death by one.
Seems that you're not a fan of the thread topic.

Poor guy
There is clearly no limit to the paranoia of the fash trash. And that isn't a misuse of psychiatric vocab. The idea that post-petrol cars are a leftist plot should get anybody promoting it locked up.

( O )( O )

How so? Clearly, the whole climate change nonsense and EV's IS a leftist plot to fuck the West over and bring down civilization. What on earth makes you say it isn't?
How so? Clearly, the whole climate change nonsense and EV's IS a leftist plot to fuck the West over and bring down civilization. What on earth makes you say it isn't?
It’s a bold statement to say that people weren’t civilized until we had automobiles. Climate change is real.
ESL! Trials in fatal cases hang on intent. Many deaths are argued as unintentional or accidental. That's why there's a crime called manslaughter.

This entire thread is a loathesome example of internet voyeurism and, in effect, vampirism. Getting off by bloviating over deaths in the news.

Media is to blame.

( O )( O )

All that Sentient Life has to do is read the thread title and note the hysterical appeal to drama and the crying of crocodile tears for an incident they did not cause or bear witness to. Instead, let's blame Wat's defective AR which hasn't killed a soul, including Wat. No children run off with it and misuse it.

But all is takes is the shit-spewing media to make hay with it and to fan the flames and sir the hate in the chicken hearts of the weasel portion of humanity. They don't report the news, they create the "news."
As for the thread topic? Fetishizing? I think not. It's a way of life. Let us rather praise diversity in lifestyle choices!!!! LOL
