Our country's fetishizing of guns is revolting

It’s a bold statement to say that people weren’t civilized until we had automobiles. Climate change is real.
LOL. Climate changes. It's been changing for millions of years. 15,000 years ago the sea level was 400' feet lower than it is now. It's been higher too. So? You think that had something to do with us? Nah. The whole thing is a scam.
LOL. Climate changes. It's been changing for millions of years. 15,000 years ago the sea level was 400' feet lower than it is now. It's been higher too. So? You think that had something to do with us? Nah. The whole thing is a scam.
We know for a fact that it isn’t a scam.
If you have some groundbreaking data that would prove thousands f peer reviewed research wrong please feel free to post it.
We know for a fact that it isn’t a scam.
If you have some groundbreaking data that would prove thousands f peer reviewed research wrong please feel free to post it.
LOL do your own research. Most of those "peer reviewed research" papers are based on faked or manipulated data to start with.

If you're that worried about it, cancel volcanic eruptions.
LOL do your own research. Most of those "peer reviewed research" papers are based on faked or manipulated data to start with.

If you're that worried about it, cancel volcanic eruptions.
Ok, so you have zero idea what you’re talking about. Thanks for confirming.

Your particular view on guns and weapons of war is clearly informed by your experience coming from a worn-torn Balkan (?) country that lacked a fully formed democratically-elected government and was mired in constant unrest and internal violent conflict. I’m sorry for the tough life you’ve had.

That said, suggesting that the US - 159 years after the end of its own civil war - solve its gun violence problems by giving MORE GUNS and even more destructive weapons to everybody is wholly unconvincing. Basically, it sounds like you're suggesting we RESUME our civil war.

We owe the millions of children who live with the constant threat of gun violence in their schools a much better solution.

As I said:

# of unprovoked US Gov't attacks on private citizens fended off by their AR style weapons = 0

# of kids killed, injured or traumatized daily in the US by the threat of AR gun violence = Millions

ShitPsychotica Mediocrita can't be fixed. It is mainly composed of internet bluffers who have no concept of intellection or argument.

Listen, moron, if you pay any attention to posts here you should know that pop assumptions about me, my public life, and my work are an invitation to disaster.

My view of firearms is based on the experience of my family in the Holocaust, on one side, and as Appalachian fighters for labor rights on the other.

I am a born American. My involvement with the Balkans reflected my career in CIA. I went there after helping elect Doña Violeta Chamorro to the presidency of Nicaragua.

The idea that Yugo fell apart because of ancient hatreds and internal conflict is Russ disinformation. Yugo was destroyed by Putin & Co. Because it presented the hope of an effective alternative to a Mafia oligarchic society.

( O )( O )
How so? Clearly, the whole climate change nonsense and EV's IS a leftist plot to fuck the West over and bring down civilization. What on earth makes you say it isn't?
EVs are heavier than IC cars. They do more damage to roads and are more dangerous to pedestrians. We shouldn’t be spending public money to subsidize private cars of any kind. The sooner we can put the poor transit decisions of the 20th Century behind us the better.
The idea that Yugo fell apart because of ancient hatreds and internal conflict is Russ disinformation. Yugo was destroyed by Putin & Co. Because it presented the hope of an effective alternative to a Mafia oligarchic society.
Yeah yeah yeah, pull the other one. It's got bells on. Putin my ass. Serbian nationalism blew the former Yugoslavia apart. No love lost between Serbs and Croats, nor between any other ethnic group there. Didn't take much to kick that one off and Putin had next to nothing to do with it.
EVs are heavier than IC cars. They do more damage to roads and are more dangerous to pedestrians. We shouldn’t be spending public money to subsidize private cars of any kind. The sooner we can put the poor transit decisions of the 20th Century behind us the better.

LOL. It always amuses me to find out how many things we actually agree on. The destruction of the rail system and the old electric tramlines back in the immediate post-WW2 years was such a retrograde move. Now we're spending billions rebuilding them all - something you don't need highly polluting batteries for, and we in the US are sadly behind. Altho one of the ongoing problems we face is the safety of public transit in the face of the barbarian hordes, but there I guess we can beg to differ.
LOL. It always amuses me to find out how many things we actually agree on. The destruction of the rail system and the old electric tramlines back in the immediate post-WW2 years was such a retrograde move. Now we're spending billions rebuilding them all - something you don't need highly polluting batteries for, and we in the US are sadly behind. Altho one of the ongoing problems we face is the safety of public transit in the face of the barbarian hordes, but there I guess we can beg to differ.
I ride public transit in LA all the time. Driving is much more dangerous!
I ride public transit in LA all the time. Driving is much more dangerous!
Nice if you can. Where I live, there's transit buses, but if I took them, it'd take me about 2 hours each way to work, as opposed to a thirty minute drive. Not to mention I often start work really early and other times work late, when transit is non-existent. Works much better in high density urban areas, absolutely, and that's where we should be investing in much better transit options - where you get a lot of return on the investment. The other one is high speed rail between major urban areas - East and West Coast USA, largely. Look at what China has done in that area, and Japan for that matter.

BUT you also have to ensure safety, real safety, for users. Something we sadly lack in many of our major urban areas.
LOL. It always amuses me to find out how many things we actually agree on. The destruction of the rail system and the old electric tramlines back in the immediate post-WW2 years was such a retrograde move. Now we're spending billions rebuilding them all - something you don't need highly polluting batteries for, and we in the US are sadly behind. Altho one of the ongoing problems we face is the safety of public transit in the face of the barbarian hordes, but there I guess we can beg to differ.

Public transportation is not only an eyesore, but it depends on peace to function. Any conflict targets infrastructure and once public transit is destroyed or disrupted, any society which depends upon it for goods/services will soon fall.
Very true.

And stairs are much more dangerous than level floors. All things have relative levels of danger associated with them.
I take the train to work because it’s faster and safer than driving.

A couple of days ago I had to use our car for an errand and I thought I would swing by the neighborhood coffee shop to pick up some of my husband’s favorite roast.

Big mistake.

Walking to the shop only takes about ten minutes. After half an hour of trying to find a parking space, I gave up and drove home. I walked over to buy the coffee later.
I take the train to work because it’s faster and safer than driving.

A couple of days ago I had to use our car for an errand and I thought I would swing by the neighborhood coffee shop to pick up some of my husband’s favorite roast.

Big mistake.

Walking to the shop only takes about ten minutes. After half an hour of trying to find a parking space, I gave up and drove home. I walked over to buy the coffee later.
You're right that people are over reliant on cars. I readily admit I'll often scoot over to the coffee shop in my truck for a drink rather than walk the five minutes.
You're right that people are over reliant on cars. I readily admit I'll often scoot over to the coffee shop in my truck for a drink rather than walk the five minutes.
I don't. We have coffee in the house, I'm not paying that much for the same thing.
These gun threads always go the same way; it's the ammosexual's standard non-reason. It's pointless trying to stop idiots from owning lethal weapons designed and developed over many years to make killing more efficient, if it's possible for a trained assassin to kill someone with a ballpoint pen/screwdriver/thumbnail.

The only question is, how long will it take the same ammosexuals to revert to that point. In the meantime, how many children killed this week?
Chloe has already announced that she doesn't care how many other people's children are killed, the possession of guns is more important. Is everyone else of the same mind?
# of unprovoked US Gov't attacks on private citizens fended off by their AR style weapons = 0

# of kids killed, injured or traumatized daily in the US by the threat of AR gun violence = Millions

You can and will repeat the same bull shit over and over because I proved you wrong on your first point and you can't come close to proving your second. You keep repeating, now in bold, just like a line from Joseph Goebbels playbook. Tell the same lie long enough and loud enough and soon people will believe it. Sorry, I don't play that way.

By the way, awesome how you cut off the part about the unprovoked and completely unnecessary BATF attack on The Branch Davidians. Almost any day they could have arrested him on the street in town. The BATF screwed this up so badly that they got shot to shit and resulted in the deaths of 4 BATF agents and 6 Davidians. In the end this debacle ended up causing the deaths of 82 Davidians, including somewhere between 20 and 28 children.

When you repeat your same inaccuracies will you change colors and make the letters bigger this time.
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