Our country's fetishizing of guns is revolting

These gun threads always go the same way; it's the ammosexual's standard non-reason. It's pointless trying to stop idiots from owning lethal weapons designed and developed over many years to make killing more efficient, if it's possible for a trained assassin to kill someone with a ballpoint pen/screwdriver/thumbnail.

The only question is, how long will it take the same ammosexuals to revert to that point. In the meantime, how many children killed this week?
Chloe has already announced that she doesn't care how many other people's children are killed, the possession of guns is more important. Is everyone else of the same mind?

"but but knives!" ☑️
"but but cars!" ☑️
"but but Australia!" ☑️
"but mah freedumb!" ☑️
"but but confiscation!" ☑️
"but but teh Nazis!" ☑️

blah comma blah comma blah.
Ammosexuals can rationalize anything related to their beloved steel peener substitutes.
We all know wat's wrong.
"but but knives!" ☑️
"but but cars!" ☑️
"but but Australia!" ☑️
"but mah freedumb!" ☑️
"but but confiscation!" ☑️
"but but teh Nazis!" ☑️

blah comma blah comma blah.
Ammosexuals can rationalize anything related to their beloved steel peener substitutes.
We all know wat's wrong.
Yes, we do. Fucking idiots like you that:

1) Dismiss how poorly mental health issues are dealt with in this country.
2) Dismiss how obvious it is that criminals do not and will not follow gun laws, no matter how many or how strict you make them.

3) Dismiss the failings of law enforcement in handling people, children included, that have exhibited signs of potential violent behavior. Especially those they have had prior dealings with.

4) Dismiss that the overwhelming majority of law obeying gun owners are not the problem.
Yes, we do. Fucking idiots like you that:

1) Dismiss how poorly mental health issues are dealt with in this country.
2) Dismiss how obvious it is that criminals do not and will not follow gun laws, no matter how many or how strict you make them.

3) Dismiss the failings of law enforcement in handling people, children included, that have exhibited signs of potential violent behavior. Especially those they have had prior dealings with.

4) Dismiss that the overwhelming majority of law obeying gun owners are not the problem.
And you dismiss that guns make it easier for mentally ill people to kill others
Yes, we do. Fucking idiots like you that:

1) Dismiss how poorly mental health issues are dealt with in this country.
2) Dismiss how obvious it is that criminals do not and will not follow gun laws, no matter how many or how strict you make them.

3) Dismiss the failings of law enforcement in handling people, children included, that have exhibited signs of potential violent behavior. Especially those they have had prior dealings with.

4) Dismiss that the overwhelming majority of law obeying gun owners are not the problem.

5) Dismiss how government fails to enforce fully the existing firearms acquisition and possession laws already on the motherfucking books. How's about we give that a try before we pass some more specious bullshit "feel-good" handjob legislation.
5) Dismiss how government fails to enforce fully the existing firearms acquisition and possession laws already on the motherfucking books. How's about we give that a try before we pass some more specious bullshit "feel-good" handjob legislation.
Strong additional point to add to mine.
Wat is weak. Wat is a pussy. If you come here licking his taint then you’re weak too.
Do you support social media policing?

Give me a one word answer....yes or no?
The answers suggested by the federalies and the Zukerburgians are not good sort of like telling us the bar is doing a good job policing lawyers
Public transportation is not only an eyesore, but it depends on peace to function. Any conflict targets infrastructure and once public transit is destroyed or disrupted, any society which depends upon it for goods/services will soon fall.
Depends where you are. Public transit in Singapore was wonderful. Clean. On time. Polite. Crime free. A large part of whether these things work well or not are cultural.

Would you catch public transit in Joburg? If you weren't black, only if you had a death wish. San Francisco is in between.
And you dismiss that guns make it easier for mentally ill people to kill others
All tools make jobs easier, that's why they exist.

I showed that guns are used defensively hundreds of thousands to millions of times a year.

If you only highlight the negatives of any technology but ignore all positives, you're being completely dishonest and making a flawed argument. Here, let me remind you:

1. William English Study (2021):
- Title: "Defensive Gun Use in the United States"
- Published by: Georgetown University
- Key statistic: Estimated 1.67 million defensive gun uses annually
- Additional details:
- 81.9% of defensive gun uses did not involve firing the weapon
- 50.9% involved handguns, 56.8% occurred in or near the home

2. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Report (2013):
- Title: "Priorities for Research to Reduce the Threat of Firearm-Related Violence"
- Key statistic: Estimated 500,000 to 3 million defensive gun uses annually
- Note: This wide range reflects the uncertainty and variability in different studies reviewed

3. National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) (ongoing):
- Conducted by the Bureau of Justice Statistics
- Key statistic: For the period 2007-2011, estimated about 235,700 defensive gun uses per year
- Note: This survey consistently produces lower estimates than other sources

4. Violence Policy Center annual reports:
- Title: "Firearm Justifiable Homicides and Non-Fatal Self-Defense Gun Use"
- Key statistic (from 2019 report): In 2016, there were 274 justifiable homicides involving a private citizen using a firearm
- Additional context: This report focuses on cases that resulted in fatalities, which represent a small subset of all defensive gun uses

5. Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology (2015):
- Title: "Defensive Gun Uses: New Evidence from a National Survey"
- Authors: Gary Kleck and Marc Gertz
- Key statistic: Estimated 2.2-2.5 million defensive gun uses per year
- Note: This is an update to their original 1995 study, which has been criticized for potential overestimation

6. National Firearms Survey (2021):
- Conducted by William English at Georgetown University
- Key statistic: An estimated 25.3 million adults have used a gun defensively in their lifetime
- Additional detail: This equates to about 1.67 million defensive uses per year

According to studies, there is anywhere from hundreds of thousands to millions of examples of people using guns defensively annually. And this is just one metric of personal self defense, never mind other positive aspects of gun ownership and usage.
"but but knives!" ☑️
"but but cars!" ☑️
"but but Australia!" ☑️
"but mah freedumb!" ☑️
"but but confiscation!" ☑️
"but but teh Nazis!" ☑️

blah comma blah comma blah.
Ammosexuals can rationalize anything related to their beloved steel peener substitutes.
We all know wat's wrong.

Well, you won't catch me going down that route. No rationalization needed. Second Amendment and tough shit.

There are other far more practical solutions that can be put in place without impinging on anyone's constitutional rights. Allowing teachers to carry guns is one. Adequate security is another. Committing whackos and people needing mental health treatment to psychiatric care whether they agree or not is another. That of course requires determining that some people DO need mental health treatment rather then being encouraged in their mental illnesses, but with the whacko's running the nuthouse in many states, that's a challenge.

Given we have a President going down live on the job with dementia or whatever it is he has, can't see that happening, and ju st because Democrats pamper people with mental illnesses is no reason to impinge MY constitutional rights, so damn right, suck it up. That's the price we pay for our politicians on both sides being fuckwits.

Maybe what we should do is everytime we have a school shooting, throw all state politicians names in a random draw, pull a name out for every child killed and string the politicians up as a sacrifice to the gods of political correctness. Bet they'd come up with working solutions in a few days.

OR we just make sure schoolkids are armed. THAT works if we do that and bring back firearms training in schools. When I was staying in South Africa, I remember reading about a school bus taking white kids home to their family farms that was ambushed by a couple of black thugs with AK47's. Schoolkids pulled out their guns and returned fire, pinning down the criminals until some local farmers turned up, set fire to the field, burned them out and shot them down. THAT kind of solution works too. Of course there's the argument that certain elements of the school population would start shootouts in schools, but that of course simply reduces the overall crime rate in the long term because they winnow themselves out earlier in life. Win win, really.
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"but but knives!" ☑️
"but but cars!" ☑️
"but but Australia!" ☑️
"but mah freedumb!" ☑️
"but but confiscation!" ☑️
"but but teh Nazis!" ☑️

blah comma blah comma blah.
Ammosexuals can rationalize anything related to their beloved steel peener substitutes.
We all know wat's wrong.
You forgot the "law of the land."
Yes, we do. Fucking idiots like you that:

1) Dismiss how poorly mental health issues are dealt with in this country.

I guess it’s easy to forget that your GOP Gawd Lord Darth Reagan basically dismantled the mental healthcare system not only in his home state of California, but the rest of the country after he became president as he cut the tax rates for the rich down to about 25% (what the rest of us are stuck with) starting the erosion of public services including mental healthcare.

2) Dismiss how obvious it is that criminals do not and will not follow gun laws, no matter how many or how strict you make them.

Yes, those pesky criminals not following gun laws! True that they’re going to get a gun by any means possible, but if assault weapons were off the street they’d be stuck using good old handguns. If they were registered from the point of manufacture, then they might be able to better find out how criminals are getting their hands on them and stop it from happening in the future.

3) Dismiss the failings of law enforcement in handling people, children included, that have exhibited signs of potential violent behavior. Especially those they have had prior dealings with.

But according to the GOP, the police can do no wrong! But you’re saying they’re failing—they can’t be perfect and failing at the same time! You probably want to further militarize them, so they can just annihilate anyone that rebukes them in the name of Jesus while holding a cop killing pot of water.

4) Dismiss that the overwhelming majority of law obeying gun owners are not the problem.

Law obeying gun owners aren’t being dismissed, but rather asking them to follow what should be the law of the land to register every weapon and turn in any illegal firearms. Plain and simple.
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Maybe what we should do is everytime we have a school shooting, throw all state politicians names in a random draw, pull a name out for every child killed and string the politicians up as a sacrifice to the gods of political correctness. Bet they'd come up with working solutions in a few days.
Funny, I heard politicians and government buildings already have armed security to deter and deal with threats like would be shooters.

Strange how they have no problem arming those around themselves for protection, but gosh darn, can't figure out how to protect children at schools.
You forgot the "law of the land."
No member here represents the power of Russian propaganda on Americans better than you. I wish there could be a surgeon general warning to almost everything you post.
Funny, I heard politicians and government buildings already have armed security to deter and deal with threats like would be shooters.

Strange how they have no problem arming those around themselves for protection, but gosh darn, can't figure out how to protect children at schools.
Exactly. My solution brings the risks home personally and encourages them to be personally accountable. Last minute resignations NOT accepted.
Great thread btw. Very enjoyable Sunday chat. Help yourself to a coffee while we continue....

Except for Deckard. He's to busy jerking off thinking of Melanie! I mean, for goodness sake, Deckard. Pasty white girls? How could you? You need to adjust, dude. We all know who the best are :O

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Funny, I heard politicians and government buildings already have armed security to deter and deal with threats like would be shooters.

Strange how they have no problem arming those around themselves for protection, but gosh darn, can't figure out how to protect children at schools.
Exactly. My solution brings the risks home personally and encourages them to be personally accountable. Last minute resignations NOT accepted.

The World: Why does this persist?

America: … because, unfortunately, unserious people seem to find a way in on the solutions to serious issues. 😢