Our country's fetishizing of guns is revolting

Jealous Canadian here. 😭

I actually wanted to get a Smith & Wesson 500 back when I was doing my licence (after getting my more practical guns of course).
Mine's actually a Ruger 9mm but himself has a bit of a collection of 1911's that I get to play with on the range.
Great thread btw. Very enjoyable Sunday chat. Help yourself to a coffee while we continue....

Except for Deckard. He's to busy jerking off thinking of Melanie! I mean, for goodness sake, Deckard. Pasty white girls? How could you? You need to adjust, dude. We all know who the best are :O

Just have to post a pic of a gun to compensate for what you don’t have. Sorry, but orange cock sucking whore Melanie is vile and probably full of the syphilis that her sugar daddy gave her. She passed it on to her water headed son, Mongo Trump.
All tools make jobs easier, that's why they exist.
And some make it easier than others.

What part of guns make it easier than other weapons do you fail to admit and why do you fail to admit it?

I showed that guns are used defensively hundreds of thousands to millions of times a year.
And guns kill more effectively that other weapons.

If you only highlight the negatives of any technology but ignore all positives, you're being completely dishonest and making a flawed argument. Here, let me remind you:
I don't only highlight the negatives. You just ignore an aspect of guns that you don't want to admit is true. That is your issue, not mine.
The World: Why does this persist?

America: … because, unfortunately, unserious people seem to find a way in on the solutions to serious issues. 😢

LOL. I think my solution would be pretty serious for the politicians concerned. It'd certainly incentivize them to come up with solutions that worked.
Just have to post a pic of a gun to compensate for what you don’t have. Sorry, but orange cock sucking whore Melanie is vile and probably full of the syphilis that her sugar daddy gave her. She passed it on to her water headed son, Mongo Trump.
Oooooooooooh. So up tight. Off to the Loving Wives category for you, you charmer you.
Public transportation is not only an eyesore, but it depends on peace to function. Any conflict targets infrastructure and once public transit is destroyed or disrupted, any society which depends upon it for goods/services will soon fall.
What the hell is wrong with you? THAT's your problem w/ public transportation? That it "depends on peace to function" ?

Tell me, when has that been an impediment to public trans working here in the US? We have rail/ subway/ bus systems in Northeastern cities that have been working for over 100 years. Is that not a long enough stretch of peace time to prove their worth?

I'm beginning to better understand you gun fetishists - and it's horrifying. You spend your entire lives expecting end-times to come any day. That is truly depressing.
Listen, moron, if you pay any attention to posts here you should know that pop assumptions about me, my public life, and my work are an invitation to disaster.
So sorry....I don't usually go to the "Who's Who" tab of Literotica to read the Bios on the Top Power Brokers of the Politics Forum before I post. But I will going forward! Had I known you were such a big mahoff I would never had made those horrible assumptions about you - e.g., that you might be from the Balkans. Maybe it's my presumptuousness.... or maybe it's the utter incoherence of your posts.

But having read your posts, I'll offer my assessment of you: You're fucking nuts.

And yes, I do have my GED (just barely passed - phew!) and no, I'm not ESL though am often accused of being :) So as you draft your next litany of insults you can leave those two out of it.
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Pick any number you like and I'd say the same thing. Nope.

On the other hand, I would say reopen psychiatric hospitals and jail criminals who commit gun-related crime(s) appropriately, and without parole.


Chloe “Chicongo” Tzang has zero clue how the plan Chloe proposes is diametrically opposed to the small government, low tax, absolutist gun freedom policies that Chloe “Chicongo” Tzang simultaneously supports as an avowed MAGAt.

Very similar to how Chloe “Chicongo” Tzang has zero clue about Ukraine.

Very similar to how Chloe “Chicomgo” Tzang has zero clue about the proposed detention and deportation of millions of undocumented workers.




Chloe “Chicomgo” Tzamg generally doesn’t have a clue.


👉 Chloe “Chicongo” Tzang 🤣

I'm beginning to better understand you gun fetishists - and it's horrifying. You spend your entire lives expecting end-times to come any day. That is truly depressing.
Yeah, only fetishists would have something like fire extinguishers, because a person isn't going to stop a neighborhood burning down with one and just trust the fire department to fix everything.
The World: Why does this persist?

America: … because, unfortunately, unserious people seem to find a way in on the solutions to serious issues. 😢
Our politicians won't dare do to us what's going on in the rest of the world, like the UK for instance.
So sorry....I don't usually go to the "Who's Who" tab of Literotica to read the Bios on the Top Power Brokers of the Politics Forum before I post. But I will going forward! Had I known you were such a big mahoff I would never had made those horrible assumptions about you - e.g., that you're from the Balkans. Maybe it's my presumptuousness.... or maybe it's the utter incoherence of your posts.

But having read your posts, I'll offer my assessment of you: You're fucking nuts.

And yes, I do have my GED (just barely passed - phew!) and no, I'm not ESL though am often accused of being :) So as you draft your next litany of insults you can leave those two out of it.
Bigfitsbutch is a child grooming, russian blowing turd burglar. Don't take what he says too seriously as the syphilis and AIDS have affected his thinking skills.
Our politicians won't dare do to us what's going on in the rest of the world, like the UK for instance.

By the way, awesome how you cut off the part about the unprovoked and completely unnecessary BATF attack on The Branch Davidians. Almost any day they could have arrested him on the street in town. The BATF screwed this up so badly that they got shot to shit and resulted in the deaths of 4 BATF agents and 6 Davidians. In the end this debacle ended up causing the deaths of 82 Davidians, including somewhere between 20 and 28 children.

When you repeat your same inaccuracies will you change colors and make the letters bigger this time.
It was NOT unprovoked. ..Nor was Ruby Ridge.. Poorly handled? Overly agressive? Perhaps.. But unprovoked? Nah... Refusing to let the ATF enter your home (or Cult Compound) when they have a search warrant is NOT unprovoked. But there's little chance of convincing you of that, either. I'm NOT conceding the point, but if it suits you, let's go ahead and change the equation...

# of unprovoked US Gov't attacks on private citizens fended off by their AR weapons = 0 (or 2 according to TH)

# of kids killed, injured or traumatized daily in the US by the threat of AR gun violence = Millions
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What the hell is wrong with you? THAT's your problem w/ public transportation? That it "depends on peace to function" ?

Tell me, when has that been an impediment to public trans working here in the US? We have rail/ subway/ bus systems in Northeastern cities that have been working for over 100 years. Is that not a long enough stretch of peace time to prove their worth?

I'm beginning to better understand you gun fetishists - and it's horrifying. You spend your entire lives expecting end-times to come any day. That is truly depressing.

We haven't been at war on US soil (other than the attack on Pearl Harbor) in 150 years.

So, while you're totally missing the point and thinking you're smart, you should check Ukraine's public transportation system to see how well it's functioning during a war.

My guess is there aren't any trains or busses running in Karkiv right now, and that isn't likely to change for several more years.
It was NOT unprovoked. ..Nor was Ruby Ridge.. Poorly handled? Overly agressive? Perhaps.. But unprovoked? Nah... Refusing to let the ATF enter your home (or Cult Compound) when they have a search warrant is NOT unprovoked. But there's little chance of convincing you of that, either. I'm NOT conceding the point, but if it suits you, let's go ahead and change the equation...

# of unprovoked US Gov't attacks on private citizens fended off by their AR weapons = 0 (or 2 according to TH)

# of kids killed, injured or traumatized daily in the US by the threat of AR gun violence = Millions

So you believe that if someone doesn't open the door for cops with a warrant that's enough cause to kill their dog and kid? And follow that up with shooting the wife?

Or burn a few dozen people and their kids to death?

You're sick. There's nothing else to say except that you're sick.
We haven't been at war on US soil (other than the attack on Pearl Harbor) in 150 years.

So, while you're totally missing the point and thinking you're smart, you should check Ukraine's public transportation system to see how well it's functioning during a war.

My guess is there aren't any trains or busses running in Karkiv right now, and that isn't likely to change for several more years.
We haven't had anyone foreign engaging in war on US soil our entire history.
So you believe that if someone doesn't open the door for cops with a warrant that's enough cause to kill their dog and kid? And follow that up with shooting the wife?

Or burn a few dozen people and their kids to death?

You're sick. There's nothing else to say except that you're sick.

What was it that those kids did anyway to deserve the fate doled out to them by The Clintons??? Wat has asked for three decades now and has yet to get an answer.
What was it that those kids did anyway to deserve the fate doled out to them by The Clintons??? Wat has asked for three decades now and has yet to get an answer.

There is no answer except force and power. The very things the anti-gun fools think is the answer for the ills of society while never imagining that such would ever be applied to them.
There is no answer except force and power. The very things the anti-gun fools think is the answer for the ills of society while never imagining that such would ever be applied to them.

As long as it's their/they're/there force-n-power to correct ills that you and I allegedly have perpetrated.

Which makes a body wonder if they'd axe for he'p if the gummint just came for all of us. I know they believe themselves loyal and Useful Idjits, but the gummint may have other ideas.
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