Our country's fetishizing of guns is revolting

I guess it’s easy to forget that your GOP Gawd Lord Darth Reagan basically dismantled the mental healthcare system not only in his home state of California, but the rest of the country after he became president as he cut the tax rates to the rich down to about 25% (what the rest of us are stuck with) starting the erosion of public services including mental healthcare.

fFirst of all I never voted for Reagan, his busting the Air Traffic Controller's Union, and destruction of the mental health care system, were just a couple of the reasons I couldn't support him.

Yes, those pesky criminals not following gun laws! True that they’re going to get a gun by any means possible, but if assault weapons were off the street they’d be stuck using good old handguns. If they were registered from the point of manufacture, then they might be able to better find out how criminals are getting their hands on them and stop it from happening in the future.

If the black market could supply booze during prohibition, and the feds can't stop the flow of fentanyl across the border, what makes you think they could stop the flow of illegal firearms from entering the country?

You really have no idea what you are talking about do you? Have you ever purchased a firearm from a gun store? They run a federal background check on you, NCIC, and CIB, and document the firearm you are purchasing and its serial number.

But according to the GOP, the police can do no wrong! But you’re saying they’re failing—they can’t be perfect and failing at the same time! You probably want to further militarize them, so they can just annihilate anyone that rebukes them in the name of Jesus while holding a cop killing pot of water.

I didn't realize I was the national spokesperson for the GOP. Actually I believe in strong police departments, but am concerned with the over militarization and armaments they carry.

Law obeying gun owners aren’t being dismissed, but rather asking them to follow what should be the law of the land to register every weapon and turn in any illegal firearms. Plain and simple.

See my comment above.
TrailerHitch: You really have no idea what you are talking about do you? Have you ever purchased a firearm from a gun store? They run a federal background check on you, NCIC, and CIB, and document the firearm you are purchasing and its serial number.

Ever bought a firearm from a private individual? Ever been to a gun show? Both loopholes that avoid background checks that the assholes in the GOP refuse to address—thanks to the NRA and other gun lobbyists.
It was NOT unprovoked. ..Nor was Ruby Ridge.. Poorly handled? Overly agressive? Perhaps.. But unprovoked? Nah... Refusing to let the ATF enter your home (or Cult Compound) when they have a search warrant is NOT unprovoked. But there's little chance of convincing you of that, either. I'm NOT conceding the point, but if it suits you, let's go ahead and change the equation...

# of unprovoked US Gov't attacks on private citizens fended off by their AR weapons = 0 (or 2 according to TH)

# of kids killed, injured or traumatized daily in the US by the threat of AR gun violence = Millions
The assault on the Branch Davidian compound was completely unprovoked and worse unnecessary. It was a power play by Janet reno and the BATF that made them look foolish, weak, ill prepared, and in the end they committed mass murder including children. Again, on multiple occasions David Koresh could have been peacefully arrested when he ventured into town.

I never mentioned Ruby Ridge, which was another attempt to entrap Randy Weaver on illegal gun charges. Weaver's son and wife were killed by federal agents. His wife while standing in the doorway holding her baby. In the Ruby Ridge case all but the illegal firearms charges were dismissed and randy Weaver sued and received $3.1 million dollars and family friend Kevin Harris received $380,000. Hardly a highpoint for the feds. The one that should have been tried for murder and sent away was FBI sniper Lon Horiuchi who killed unarmed and holding a baby Vicki Weaver. He was charged with nothing and not even officially sanctioned for killing her.
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Ever bought a firearm from a private individual? Ever been to a gun show? Both loopholes that avoid background checks that the assholes in the GOP refuse to address—thanks to the NRA and other gun lobbyists.
There is no gun show loophole. If you buy from a federally licensed gun dealer at a gun show you fill out the same paperwork you would at their gun store. If you buy from a private citizen at a gun show the same rules apply there for private sales as anywhere. Sorry loophole nonsense debunked.
The assault on the Branch Davidian compound was completely unprovoked and worse unnecessary. It was a power play by Janet reno and the BATF that made them look foolish, weak, ill prepared, and in the end they committed mass murder including children. Again, on multiple occasions David Koresh could have been peacefully arrested when he ventured into town.

I never mentioned Ruby Ridge, which was another attempt to entrap Randy Weaver on illegal gun charges. Weaver's son and wife were killed by federal agents. His wife while standing in the doorway holding her baby. In the Ruby Ridge case all but the illegal firearms charges were dismissed and randy Weaver sued and received $3.1 million dollars and family friend Kevin Harris received $380,000. Hardly a highpoint for the feds. The one that should have been tried for murder and sent away was FBI sniper Lon Horiuchi who killed unarmed and holding a baby Vicki Weaver. He was charged with nothing and not even officially sanctioned for killing her.
Horiuchi was indicted for 1st degree murder and attempted murder by the states attorney. Those charges were eventually dropped after some backroom negotiations between the state and the feds.
Horiuchi was indicted for 1st degree murder and attempted murder by the states attorney. Those charges were eventually dropped after some backroom negotiations between the state and the feds.
So you are saying directly what I said. Horiuchi was not punished, sanctioned, suspended, demoted or fired after murdering Vicki Weaver.
A loophole is a manner to get around the law. Unless your state requires a license for private sales there is no loophole. If you want to attempt to change the law then state why without talking point, propagandist, language.

Yes, the renown Johns Hopkins school is known for just that type of “propagandist language”. 🙄
The assault on the Branch Davidian compound was completely unprovoked and worse unnecessary.
The Feds had credible evidence that the Branch Davidian doomsday cult was amusing themselves by sexually assaulting underage children whilst waiting for the End Of The World.

The Feds screwed up by leaking the time and place of the daylight raid to the press. One stoopid reporter got lost trying to find the Davidian bunker 14 miles outside of Waco and flagged down and asked a local mailman for directions (this was a simpler pre-Google Maps time). The mailman gave him directions and in a twist-of-fate, just happened to be the brother-in-law of the Messiah, David Koresh. He called Koresh up and gave them warning.

The rules of engagement allowed the FBI to use nothing but tear gas. The Branch Davidians had large stores of "Wat Tyler specials" and began firing at the Feds. The Feds, showing enormous restraint, negotiated a ceasefire and the Branch Davidians released 19 underage children. Then one whackadoodle Branch Davidian, coming "home" from work, noticed Feds in "his" front yard and engaged in his childhood fantasy of "killing all the Feds". Four Pew Pews later, four dead Federal agents.

The Feds responded with gunfire and tear gas. The Branch Davidians chose martyrhood, setting three fires to burn their own compound to the ground. This was the birth of the White Nationalist Grievance movement, which resulted in "Sovereign Citizen" bullshit like Timmy McVeigh and later reached an apex with the election of Donald Trump (boosted in part by Russian influencers in 2016).
We haven't been at war on US soil (other than the attack on Pearl Harbor) in 150 years.

So, while you're totally missing the point and thinking you're smart, you should check Ukraine's public transportation system to see how well it's functioning during a war.

My guess is there aren't any trains or busses running in Karkiv right now, and that isn't likely to change for several more years.

Ooh! Don’t build infrastructure! It may be targeted by your enemies!


Don’t build ports or power grids, don’t build industrial centers! Oil storage and refineries are nothing by liabilities!
The Feds had credible evidence that the Branch Davidian doomsday cult was amusing themselves by sexually assaulting underage children whilst waiting for the End Of The World.
And how long did the Feds have credible reports/evidence about sexual assault of underage children at Epstein Island and did nothing? Decades, last I heard.

But hey, guess they didn't have enough guns to warrant concern. 🙄
Yes, the renown Johns Hopkins school is known for just that type of “propagandist language”. 🙄
Apparently they are. Private sellers of firearms are not using a loophole to get around the law. There is no requirement for private sellers to have a FFL or to do background checks, or any other requirements of a registered/licensed firearms dealer. Since they are 100% following the law there is no loophole. What you all want to do is write a new law adding additional requirements to private sellers, not close a loophole in current law that doesn't exist.
Apparently they are. Private sellers of firearms are not using a loophole to get around the law. There is no requirement for private sellers to have a FFL or to do background checks, or any other requirements of a registered/licensed firearms dealer. Since they are 100% following the law there is no loophole. What you all want to do is write a new law adding additional requirements to private sellers, not close a loophole in current law that doesn't exist.

That’s the blather. What are you showing? Is that he knows absolutely fuck all about firearms acquisition and disposal laws. This is the same mentality that gets us more laws because we don’t know the laws we have and enforce those.

Jesus H motherfucking Christ!

Research shows that background checks must be paired with other measures, including waiting periods, as part of Firearm Purchaser Licensing to effectively lower gun violence. Additional time after purchase of a firearm reduces the risk that an individual in crisis acts in an impulsive manner. This can help reduce both firearm suicide and homicide deaths. Our work shows that Firearm Purchaser Licensing laws work to improve background checks by requiring fingerprinting, a more robust background check using local records, and a built-in waiting period. These additional steps play a vital role in preventing those with a history of violence, at-risk of future violence, and traffickers from obtaining firearms.

The results speak for themselves. After Connecticut passed purchaser licensing, the state saw a major reduction in gun violence. The most recent study estimates Connecticut’s policy cut its firearm homicide rate by 28 percent and firearm suicide rate by 33 percent over a 22-year period.

In contrast, after Missouri repealed its firearm licensing law they saw increased rates of firearm homicides by 47 percent and its firearm suicide rate increased by 23 percent from 2007 to 2016.

This policy is also a popular solution. 72% of Americans agree a person should be required to obtain a license from a local law enforcement agency before buying a gun.
The Feds had credible evidence that the Branch Davidian doomsday cult was amusing themselves by sexually assaulting underage children whilst waiting for the End Of The World.

The Feds screwed up by leaking the time and place of the daylight raid to the press. One stoopid reporter got lost trying to find the Davidian bunker 14 miles outside of Waco and flagged down and asked a local mailman for directions (this was a simpler pre-Google Maps time). The mailman gave him directions and in a twist-of-fate, just happened to be the brother-in-law of the Messiah, David Koresh. He called Koresh up and gave them warning.

The rules of engagement allowed the FBI to use nothing but tear gas. The Branch Davidians had large stores of "Wat Tyler specials" and began firing at the Feds. The Feds, showing enormous restraint, negotiated a ceasefire and the Branch Davidians released 19 underage children. Then one whackadoodle Branch Davidian, coming "home" from work, noticed Feds in "his" front yard and engaged in his childhood fantasy of "killing all the Feds". Four Pew Pews later, four dead Federal agents.

The Feds responded with gunfire and tear gas. The Branch Davidians chose martyrhood, setting three fires to burn their own compound to the ground. This was the birth of the White Nationalist Grievance movement, which resulted in "Sovereign Citizen" bullshit like Timmy McVeigh and later reached an apex with the election of Donald Trump (boosted in part by Russian influencers in 2016).
The FBI was not involved in the initial assault. That was the BATF. This is easily referenced by doing a simple google search.

The BATF and Janet Reno ended up looking like buffoons. The fact that they tipped off the press shows they expected this to be an easy event that would make them look good. Sadly for the 4 BATF Agents and the 6 Davidians killed in the initial assault it didn't go that way. Add the FBI into the mix and after 51 days all that ended up happening was the fiery deaths of 76 Branch Davidians, including somewhere between 20 and 28 children.

This whole event was a catastrophe for Janet Reno, the BATF, the FBI, whoever supplied the tanks and crews, and essentially America as a whole. It was a grandstand event seeking to show how great the BATF was and it failed on so many fronts. Honestly it destroyed Janet Reno's credibility and she never recovered. The BATF already on shaky ground with many Americans proved its incompetence and inability to perform its duties properly and built even more distrust.
Apparently they are. Private sellers of firearms are not using a loophole to get around the law. There is no requirement for private sellers to have a FFL or to do background checks, or any other requirements of a registered/licensed firearms dealer. Since they are 100% following the law there is no loophole. What you all want to do is write a new law adding additional requirements to private sellers, not close a loophole in current law that doesn't exist.

Oh dear.

That is what could be considered a loophole in the laws for background checks and waiting periods.

What other simple concepts do you need help with?
The assault on the Branch Davidian compound was completely unprovoked and worse unnecessary. It was a power play by Janet reno and the BATF that made them look foolish, weak, ill prepared, and in the end they committed mass murder including children. Again, on multiple occasions David Koresh could have been peacefully arrested when he ventured into town.

I never mentioned Ruby Ridge, which was another attempt to entrap Randy Weaver on illegal gun charges. Weaver's son and wife were killed by federal agents. His wife while standing in the doorway holding her baby. In the Ruby Ridge case all but the illegal firearms charges were dismissed and randy Weaver sued and received $3.1 million dollars and family friend Kevin Harris received $380,000. Hardly a highpoint for the feds. The one that should have been tried for murder and sent away was FBI sniper Lon Horiuchi who killed unarmed and holding a baby Vicki Weaver. He was charged with nothing and not even officially sanctioned for killing her.
In the matter of the killing of Weavers wife the United States Senate found the shooter acted illegally and unconstitutionally.
Citing examples of BATF's, or FBI mistakes doesn't change the fact that Kuresh and the Branch Davidians should have peacefully allowed them to execute their search warrant. THEN sue them in court for overreach if they felt they had a case. Instead, they stonewalled and then escalated. And no matter how many guns and other weapons they had they stood NO chance of convincing the BATF or FBI to simply say, "Well, shit! They're shooting at us proves it - these fuckers clearly don't want us to search their compound! We give up! They Win!!! I guess we'd better move out!" Of course not!

Bottomline: Civilians stand NO chance of turning away law enforcement if there is a court-ordered search warrant! Who among us would want that? ..Unless civilians have Drones, Helicopters, Fighter Jets, tanks, Mortars, etc.. AND 10's of thousands of soldiers at their command - the court order WILL be executed.

Meanwhile, by allowing civilians to nonetheless own AR's serves only to tickle their creepy craving for deadly toys AND fucks up the lives of everyone else in their orbit - especially children who deserve to be able to go to school without having a SINGLE thought about a possible school massacre.
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Citing examples of BATF's, or FBI mistakes doesn't change the fact that Kuresh and the Branch Davidians should have peacefully allowed them to execute their search warrant. THEN sue them in court for over reach if they felt they had a case. Instead, they stonewalled and then escalated. And no matter how many guns and other weapons they had they stood NO chance of convincing the BATF or FBI to simply say, "Well, shit! They're shooting at us proves it - these fuckers clearly don't want us to search their compound! We give up! They Win!!! I guess we'd better move out!" Of course not!

Bottomline: Civilians stand NO chance of turning away law enforcement or one of our Armed Services, if there is a court-ordered search warrant! Who among us would want that? ..Unless civilians have Drones, Helicopters, Fighter Jets, tanks, Mortars, etc.. AND 10's of thousands of soldiers at their command - the court order WILL be executed.

Meanwhile, by allowing civilians to nonetheless own AR's serves only to tickle their creepy craving for deadly toys AND fucks up the lives of everyone else in their orbit - especially children who deserve to be able to go to school without having a SINGLE thought about a possible school massacre.
I hope you're wrong about the last paragraph....but I fear you are correct.
I only hope there are no children around when Wat Tyler's prefrontal lobe collapses. Or any amount of TBI, for that matter.
Citing examples of BATF's, or FBI mistakes doesn't change the fact that Kuresh and the Branch Davidians should have peacefully allowed them to execute their search warrant. THEN sue them in court for over reach if they felt they had a case. Instead, they stonewalled and then escalated. And no matter how many guns and other weapons they had they stood NO chance of convincing the BATF or FBI to simply say, "Well, shit! They're shooting at us proves it - these fuckers clearly don't want us to search their compound! We give up! They Win!!! I guess we'd better move out!" Of course not!

Bottomline: Civilians stand NO chance of turning away law enforcement if there is a court-ordered search warrant! Who among us would want that? ..Unless civilians have Drones, Helicopters, Fighter Jets, tanks, Mortars, etc.. AND 10's of thousands of soldiers at their command - the court order WILL be executed.

Meanwhile, by allowing civilians to nonetheless own AR's serves only to tickle their creepy craving for deadly toys AND fucks up the lives of everyone else in their orbit - especially children who deserve to be able to go to school without having a SINGLE thought about a possible school massacre.

We’re at the dawning of a whole new age.

Citizens with guns vs law enforcement agencies with robotics? 🤣

We’re at the dawning of a whole new age.

Citizens with guns vs law enforcement agencies with robotics? 🤣

There's a TikTok video going around showing police officers hurting themselves and/or dropping from exhaustion attempting to kick down doors.

It's harder than it looks!
I hope you're wrong about the last paragraph....but I fear you are correct.
I only hope there are no children around when Wat Tyler's prefrontal lobe collapses. Or any amount of TBI, for that matter.
I read a week or so ago about a group of illegals walking down the middle of a remote highway in San Diego County trying to stop and force their way onto school buses full of children. Can you imagine what might happen if some of these people ere to get on such a bus. Many of these people are criminals and terrorists and Lord only knows what they might be capable of. The government is not protecting the American people and this shit could really go sideways one of these days.