Our country's fetishizing of guns is revolting

Thanks for sharing your gun experiences. I'm sure someone will turn it into a fanfic shortly.
You're quite welcome. Start writing it, if that's what turns you on more than trolling for Langley.
Yep... they sure are.

And I don't begrudge those who own a gun for hunting - although I seriously doubt it's a cheaper or healthier way of acquiring protein (does anyone seriously believe that!?). Nor do I fault those those who own a gun to protect their home. ..But fetishizing guns? ..Making them your hobby - your lifestyle? Going to gun shows and hanging out at shooting ranges? ....Introducing children to guns like they are just a normal part of living in the US? ..Nope. Don't get it. Never will.

I owned a gun in the past. ..And learned how to use it responsibly. But whenever I looked at it it made me, well... kinda sad. I would HATE to ever need to use a gun. Unfortunately, there are millions of Americans who fantasy about one day needing to use one. ..Twisted hero fantasies, I suppose. And equating guns w/ patriotism? Again... pure lunacy.
Fetish? Really?
Fetish? Really?

Yeah. Really.

I know a thing or two about fetishes.

The ammo-sexual fetishist is someone who can never own enough guns. They may even have several of the same model with different trims and own a variety of accessories for specific purposes.

They may have the same gun in blue, nickel, brass, or camouflage. They may have the same gun with different stocks or barrel length.

Sites? They may as well be hairstyles.

Even if they have every gun they ‘need’ they will always be on the lookout for more, rarely passing up a good deal even if it’s nothing they’ll ever use.

They feel off and uncomfortable if they are low on ammunition for any of their favorites, preferring to have at least a full unopened case in addition to any partial case they already have open.

One particularly sad version of the ammo-fetishists is the obsessive polisher. They actually love their guns like how some people love dogs - or children for that matter. They may spend more time rubbing and polishing their weapons than they do with their families yet feel no remorse.

“My wife? Yes. My dog? Maybe. My gun? Never!”

They may have fantasy action target practice, shooting while on the move, shooting moving targets, fantasizing about the damage each bullet could cause….

Does this sound like anyone you may know? Lit definitely has its share.
Aww, I heard the AIDS got you. Pity.
Gosh. PeePee, why are you obsessed with this? Are you living with AIDS? Are you a bugchaser? That's not a good look, babe.

As long as your infection, if you have one, isn't now poz you can get on Prep. Prep's great!

But remember, us bottom bitches can't transmit HIV. Only gay men and junkies can spread AIDS. PLEASE STAY AWAY FROM NEEDLES!

You'll be fine if you swear off topping. Even if you're living with AIDS.

But do remember: accusing anyone of being infected with a loathesome disease is libel. Just because you had fun doesn't make it less loathesome.

Your forgettery seems to work overtime.

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Gosh. PeePee, why are you obsessed with this. Are you living with AIDS? Are you a bugchaser? That's not a good look, babe.

As long as your infection, if you have one, isn't now active you can get on Prep. Prep's great!

But remember, us bottom bitches can't transmit HIV. Only gay men and junkies can spread AIDS. PLEASE STAY AWAY FROM NEEDLES!

You'll be fine if you swear off topping. Even if you're living with AIDS.

But do remember: accusing anyone of being infected with a loathesome disease is libel. Just because you had fun doesn't make it less loathesome.

Your forgettery seems to work overtime.

( O )( O )
It's the word on the street. The kids are talking about your diseases and how you spread them and how it's killing you. Don't blame me for you diseases, BigAIDSbitch.
Yeah. Really.

I know a thing or two about fetishes.

The ammo-sexual fetishist is someone who can never own enough guns. They may even have several of the same model with different trims and own a variety of accessories for specific purposes.

They may have the same gun in blue, nickel, brass, or camouflage. They may have the same gun with different stocks or barrel length.

Sites? They may as well be hairstyles.

Even if they have every gun they ‘need’ they will always be on the lookout for more, rarely passing up a good deal even if it’s nothing they’ll ever use.

They feel off and uncomfortable if they are low on ammunition for any of their favorites, preferring to have at least a full unopened case in addition to any partial case they already have open.

One particularly sad version of the ammo-fetishists is the obsessive polisher. They actually love their guns like how some people love dogs - or children for that matter. They may spend more time rubbing and polishing their weapons than they do with their families yet feel no remorse.

“My wife? Yes. My dog? Maybe. My gun? Never!”

They may have fantasy action target practice, shooting while on the move, shooting moving targets, fantasizing about the damage each bullet could cause….

Does this sound like anyone you may know? Lit definitely has its share.
As usual the scab sandhog babbles out of his ass. The fantasies are only yours, Tinkerbell. You know nothing about fetishes.

I collect fetishes. Hopi katsinas, Zuñi statuettes, Niugini art. Bismarck Islands statues, vodun objects, Santería jewelry, images of San Simón and Santa Muerte. I wear them. They contribute to my feminine image and Santa Muerte gets me plentacious groovacious Latinx cock.

I have a large collection of hamez jewelry. I have lots of items I wear naked in bed with men. A sweet Santa Barbara medal nestles between my gorgeous boobies right now.

I believe in the protective power of amulets. I don't think it's a scientific phenomenon. It's faith and mysticism.

The gorge gorge!

Some fetishes work for me. Most don't.

I believe in the protective power of amulets. I don't think it's a scientific phenomenon. It's faith and mysticism.

I could go on but my point is that unlike the teenagers and Illiterate twits like you infesting this site, I am a professional author and use language accurately.

I don't have a firearm in my home. I do not possess ammo. My son is a firearms dealer. I prefer to defend myself with sprays. I have issues with inflicting violence because of my work in crisis countries. I don't like guns at all.

Nevertheless I am a total supporter of the Second Amendment and am proud to have Wat Tyler as a friend.

You can't even spell "sights."

"Ammosexual" is an absurd and silly slur. It's a calque of the word homosexual intended to suggest that gun possession is a form of masturbation.

If you think the men of Concord, Gettysburg, Guadalcanal, and Chosin Reservoir were engaged in masturbation you belong in Russia.

Firearms work. That's why I keep firearms out of my house.

You have obviously never had a gun in your hand.

You should not be permitted to vote in American elections.

( O )( O )
It's the word on the street. The kids are talking about your diseases and how you spread them and how it's killing you. Don't blame me for you diseases, BigAIDSbitch.
PeePee, you can't even name a street where I live. I have no involvement with minors aside from the offspring of my friends.

I know being poz is difficult for you. The only thing killing me is boredom from dealing with your Tourette's. But I believe in you, PeePee. You're destined for greatness as a butt slut.

( O )( O )
As usual the scab sandhog babbles out of his ass. The fantasies are only yours, Tinkerbell. You know nothing about fetishes.

I collect fetishes. Hopi katsinas, Zuñi statuettes, Niugini art. Bismarck Islands statues, vodun objects, Santería jewelry, images of San Simón and Santa Muerte. I wear them. They contribute to my feminine image and Santa Muerte gets me plentacious groovacious Latinx cock.

I have a large collection of hamez jewelry. I have lots of items I wear naked in bed with men. A sweet Santa Barbara medal nestles between my gorgeous boobies right now.

I believe in the protective power of amulets. I don't think it's a scientific phenomenon. It's faith and mysticism.

The gorge gorge!

Some fetishes work for me. Most don't.

I believe in the protective power of amulets. I don't think it's a scientific phenomenon. It's faith and mysticism.

I could go on but my point is that unlike the teenagers and Illiterate twits like you infesting this site, I am a professional author and use language accurately.

I don't have a firearm in my home. I do not possess ammo. My son is a firearms dealer. I prefer to defend myself with sprays. I have issues with inflicting violence because of my work in crisis countries. I don't like guns at all.

Nevertheless I am a total supporter of the Second Amendment and am proud to have Wat Tyler as a friend.

You can't even spell "sights."

"Ammosexual" is an absurd and silly slur. It's a calque of the word homosexual intended to suggest that gun possession is a form of masturbation.

If you think the men of Concord, Gettysburg, Guadalcanal, and Chosin Reservoir were engaged in masturbation you belong in Russia.

Firearms work. That's why I keep firearms out of my house.

You have obviously never had a gun in your hand.

You should not be permitted to vote in American elections.

( O )( O )

PeePee, you can't even name a street where I live. I have no involvement with minors aside from the offspring of my friends.

I know being poz is difficult for you. The only thing killing me is boredom from dealing with your Tourette's. But I believe in you, PeePee. You're destined for greatness as a butt slut.

( O )( O )
Sure, DFZilla.

Cherry pick whatever definitions tickle your itchy spots.

I don’t expect you’ve followed any words that didn’t click from your own keyboard so I’m sure you don’t know enough about me to make an assessment.

I know guns. I know what they can do and I know what they can prevent. I’ve seen people take them up for causes that weren’t life and death but that’s what they ended up with. I’ve seen activists take up guns to bring attention to a cause only to be shot down as enemies of the people. I’ve lost friends to high velocity perforations.

You’re right about “Ammosexual”. It is an absurd term, nearly as absurd as the people it describes - the cute little fetish amulets you love may not be dangerous but aren’t far behind, though I own a jade fox myself.

I was very into guns for much of my youth, my kids are into them now. They got started when we built several muzzleloaders from kits for homeschool projects, but killing wasn’t the focus of their curriculum. There are plenty of other lessons that deserve the attention.

I don’t give a fuck about your linguistic prowess. You’re more boring than annoying. Most of your writing here is self-adsorbed drivel, like the raving street person demanding credit for who they think they used to be. Kindly fuck off.

I’m a dyslexic sex-obsessed ADHD kid, grown into a busy person who makes a good living doing what I believe in. I know I can’t spell for shit but I also know I’m smarter than most people who go around talking about how smart they are. I’ve proven myself beyond the accolades of critics, I know my strengths and weaknesses.

I know what a fetish is under the definition you are absurdly ignoring.

You don’t even have a point, do you?

Body by Lamborghini:

It's faith and mysticism.

It is. Faith beyond The System is a lacking component here.

am proud to have Wat Tyler as a friend.

Thank you, and likewise. You provide much food for thought

You have obviously never had a gun in your hand.

You should not be permitted to vote in American elections.

( O )(O)

That is a more interesting requirement than having passed a civics class with a C or better.
It is. Faith beyond The System is a lacking component here.

Thank you, and likewise. You provide much food for thought

That is a more interesting requirement than having passed a civics class with a C or better.
You two delusional homos make a cute couple.
As usual the scab sandhog babbles out of his ass. The fantasies are only yours, Tinkerbell. You know nothing about fetishes.

I collect fetishes. Hopi katsinas, Zuñi statuettes, Niugini art. Bismarck Islands statues, vodun objects, Santería jewelry, images of San Simón and Santa Muerte. I wear them. They contribute to my feminine image and Santa Muerte gets me plentacious groovacious Latinx cock.

I have a large collection of hamez jewelry. I have lots of items I wear naked in bed with men. A sweet Santa Barbara medal nestles between my gorgeous boobies right now.

I believe in the protective power of amulets. I don't think it's a scientific phenomenon. It's faith and mysticism.

The gorge gorge!

Some fetishes work for me. Most don't.

I believe in the protective power of amulets. I don't think it's a scientific phenomenon. It's faith and mysticism.

I could go on but my point is that unlike the teenagers and Illiterate twits like you infesting this site, I am a professional author and use language accurately.

I don't have a firearm in my home. I do not possess ammo. My son is a firearms dealer. I prefer to defend myself with sprays. I have issues with inflicting violence because of my work in crisis countries. I don't like guns at all.

Nevertheless I am a total supporter of the Second Amendment and am proud to have Wat Tyler as a friend.

You can't even spell "sights."

"Ammosexual" is an absurd and silly slur. It's a calque of the word homosexual intended to suggest that gun possession is a form of masturbation.

If you think the men of Concord, Gettysburg, Guadalcanal, and Chosin Reservoir were engaged in masturbation you belong in Russia.

Firearms work. That's why I keep firearms out of my house.

You have obviously never had a gun in your hand.

You should not be permitted to vote in American elections.

( O )( O )

PeePee, you can't even name a street where I live. I have no involvement with minors aside from the offspring of my friends.

I know being poz is difficult for you. The only thing killing me is boredom from dealing with your Tourette's. But I believe in you, PeePee. You're destined for greatness as a butt slut.

( O )( O )
I was irritated at the way these two notes were mashed together by the absurd software here. Then I realized that these two sad cases are rilly the same. It must be sad to wake up as either.

( O )( O )
You two delusional homos make a cute couple.
Yes. You and the 400 pound scab sandhog must look good together. But PeePee, you have other things on your horizon. Those boobies aren't going to grow on their own. You need to get a terrif bra. Try Maidenform to start. They're cheap and trust me, honey, being cheap has its delights. Though a nice $1k night with an Asian businessman might seem unattainable now, just think: hotel rooms with two bathtubs!

( O )( O )
Sure, DFZilla.

Cherry pick whatever definitions tickle your itchy spots.

I don’t expect you’ve followed any words that didn’t click from your own keyboard so I’m sure you don’t know enough about me to make an assessment.

I know guns. I know what they can do and I know what they can prevent. I’ve seen people take them up for causes that weren’t life and death but that’s what they ended up with. I’ve seen activists take up guns to bring attention to a cause only to be shot down as enemies of the people. I’ve lost friends to high velocity perforations.

You’re right about “Ammosexual”. It is an absurd term, nearly as absurd as the people it describes - the cute little fetish amulets you love may not be dangerous but aren’t far behind, though I own a jade fox myself.

I was very into guns for much of my youth, my kids are into them now. They got started when we built several muzzleloaders from kits for homeschool projects, but killing wasn’t the focus of their curriculum. There are plenty of other lessons that deserve the attention.

I don’t give a fuck about your linguistic prowess. You’re more boring than annoying. Most of your writing here is self-adsorbed drivel, like the raving street person demanding credit for who they think they used to be. Kindly fuck off.

I’m a dyslexic sex-obsessed ADHD kid, grown into a busy person who makes a good living doing what I believe in. I know I can’t spell for shit but I also know I’m smarter than most people who go around talking about how smart they are. I’ve proven myself beyond the accolades of critics, I know my strengths and weaknesses.

I know what a fetish is under the definition you are absurdly ignoring.

You don’t even have a point, do you?

Body by Lamborghini:

🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣View attachment 2390062
Wow! So boring am I that I triggered you into attempting to write English! Chomsky would be prouder of me than ever before.

You posted some guff here about people who polish guns and store ammo. After last night, how's Timmy Walz from Trotskominniesota look to you? Betcha he's polished more firearms and counted more ammo than you have used condoms as fetishes.

You loudmouth libbypoos, who think President Truman is a new Carrey flick, have dug your own grave. You have served your Big Dom Putin assiduously, but Vlad the Impaler favors Little Hands Donnie over Big Trigger Fruitcakes like you. Now we're gonna have a neocon lady prez who may be the toughest on the Russ since My Ronnie. And who's gonna get eight years in office after Kamala? My gal Liz. With my guy Humungous Dick Cheney as the real CEO of America, Inc.

You are truly pathetic. You can't decide whether to crawl in front of me or attempt a weak dis on me.

Either way, you aren't a man or a woman. You're a popsicle.

As my Lambody goes, I posted plenty pix before I was blocked from posting pix. Dunno if this link works.

https://cvws.icloud-content.com/B/ASg6pFodI-rpubE-zOez3iSo3PyzAZzI7PGfRSRS3IwcUWZK0UXEjgwF/My Movie 6 - HD 720p.MOV?o=AvaGIQnCa_W7Ddin78ttAnnmo76bKTNjGCrFdazh0DH1&v=1&x=3&a=CAogM6JqeY6fDlbhZeiWqLey4gbjFG8Olq6pfjwOOIDR06YSeBDbm579mzIY26uZ0aUyIgEAKgkC6AMA_wTKKVxSBKjc_LNaBMSODAVqJk16LBs5ScjsJqZ8Tsiv-8s_fhtKAuM4uN1BhxkKV2KBjS4emDv0ciYTJ59Zkb0yC2rM3eK-UlWnD1kWLlYyQoOsLOepsQdW-xnlINPd7w&e=1728089314&fl=&r=C79B82D0-E215-4E8D-A7CB-46482F059549-1&k=KG2-jcODdWR7QM1gT1H_3A&ckc=com.apple.largeattachment&ckz=859AF191-3275-4505-A6EF-4B509081D9E2&p=115&s=xa2F1rPClRhFgsR6_1YLu9feWH0&teh=1&+=dddfcce0-82f6-4990-b06f-011b8d510b96

And here's background on where Timmy Walz comes from:

Labor's Turning Point

Go to 9:00, hillbillies.

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For someone who claims to be a highly skilled writer (and polyglot) I find your posts to be utterly inscrutable. Your taunts of people being ESL and needing to get their GED comes across as the same sort of blatant insecurity projection as Trump's ridiculous claim that he's "the least racist person ever."

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For someone who claims to be a highly skilled writer (and polyglot) I find your posts to be utterly inscrutable. Your taunts of people being ESL and needing to get their GED comes across as the same sort of blatant projection as Trump's ridiculous claim that he's "the least racist person ever."

Triggered much, loser? Take a Midol. I don't claim anything about myself. My Wikipedia page speaks for itself. The fact that you never passed ESL or got your GED is sad, but only too common.

( O )( O )
So you don’t understand what a “loophole” is. ✅

Here’s an example of another loophole that you might grasp simply because it’s an issue you may care about:

“…raising the alarm about a legal loophole allowing thousands to vote in Wisconsin without showing photo identification as required by state law.”


In the case of laws requiring firearms background checks, private sales and gun shows are “legal loopholes”.

Comprende Kemo Sabe?
Comprende that after last night you are completely irrelevant, loser?

( O )( O )
Yes, yes, You're a "Democrat". Of course you are.

Way back when I first moved to Texas (2011-ish), I registered as a "Republican", because there was no viable Democratic party at the state level at the time. I voted in Republican party primaries to keep the extremists out (with mixed results).

The downside I was getting inundated by fringe candidate mailings featuring full color photos of aborted fetuses and urging me to fund their campaigns to "protect teh children".

It's always about "protecting teh children". Since Dobbs, though, there has been a lot less enthusiasm from you and the extreme fringe looney tunes mouth-breather contingent. Almost like you're takin' a victory lap.
Did you really create an online account just to slander my friend and fellow American Wat Tyler? I've been polling my academic pals and all the experts agree that America was a better place when most college history students knew about the original Wat Tyler.

Wat knows Who Wat Was. We disagree on Weaver. That's American.

( O )( O )
You got babbysitting duty again? I thought the terms of your early release specifically prohibited contact with children?
Libel online will be punished. Just watch. I'm hoping prez KH will follow the lead of Angela Merkel in calling for a shutdown of the Net.

I was there when WorldNet was created by the USG. Shoulda been strangled in the crib. All we got out of this bullshit was two dead women: Heather Heyer and Ashli Babbitt.

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