Twist a fairy tale with me. . . chain story idea

*shakes finger at you*

Now I have to send the connecting chapter off early in order to catch yours. :rolleyes: :cool:

A thousand pardons O Flame Haired Leader for my irrational exuberance. :eek:

I stand before you to await my punishment.

(Anything but the wet noodle :D )
OMG :eek: I finally finished Ariel Ch. 2! I'm going to give it a quick read/edit and submit.

ETA: Submitted.
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Red haired & friendly? Is there any thoughts on extending Lerissa's story to her new life after loosing her Geniehood? Quesla -I can be reached by pm under my callname -have been pondering Lerissa's life ever since the final chapter with her becoming mortal human.
I'm working on about a page written at this point...I should be able to get it done tonight at work (assuming I make it there ;) )...
DL, don't tease us like that!

Mine's still half written - blasted kids and housebuilding, nothing but interruptions :rolleyes:
What? The having a little written?

Or do you mean about me going to work? That currently is up for debate...:eek:
Well that will ensure I don't go offline anytime soon ;)

Love and good happy vibes :kiss:
Red haired & friendly? Is there any thoughts on extending Lerissa's story to her new life after loosing her Geniehood? Quesla -I can be reached by pm under my callname -have been pondering Lerissa's life ever since the final chapter with her becoming mortal human.


I've responded to you via PM as well as forwarded your request to the other writers in the Laresa chain. Please feel free to click on the link, provided in the PM. It will take you to the Laresa thread, where you can post and possibly discuss your ideas.


~ Red
Okay, so I'm going to try to get it written today, but I still haven't slept any since my last post in this thread :eek:
Hey, Red? Quesla here again; What about Kismith? In my mind Kismith is an Anne Mc Cafferey Dragons of Pern name. What is your Kismith? I dearly loved Anne Mc Caffery's Pernese works; Do tell if your Kismyth? Kismith? is different. I'd like to try it. Big adult erotic fan-fic/fantasy and sci-fi NUTT!!! Love You dearly with your Lerissa stories and your team of storie's weavers! Quesla.
Hey, Red? Quesla here again; What about Kismith? In my mind Kismith is an Anne Mc Cafferey Dragons of Pern name. What is your Kismith? I dearly loved Anne Mc Caffery's Pernese works; Do tell if your Kismyth? Kismith? is different. I'd like to try it. Big adult erotic fan-fic/fantasy and sci-fi NUTT!!! Love You dearly with your Lerissa stories and your team of storie's weavers! Quesla.

I've no clue what Anne Mc Cafferey Dragons of Pern is about. I don't believe Kismet is anything like that though. My suggestion is you read through this thread. In it you'll see what the chain is about. It is definitely not anything like Laresa. There is NO magic. There is NO time travel. This is a story about a woman in a slave market. The first few posts talk about that then there was some funny stuff on aliens, which is also NOT happening.

Like I said, just read through the thread and then post back here when you are done and if you are interested we can discuss you coming onboard. If you do, then you would be put at the end of the schedule and just like everyone else your story would have to be approved by me BEFORE it was submitted.

I'm very touched you are so fond of Laresa. All of us writers fell in love with her and her story. I know many fans did too.
Crap, I think mine's due in today.

It's still possible - unlikely, but possible.