Twist a fairy tale with me. . . chain story idea

Crap, I think mine's due in today.

It's still possible - unlikely, but possible.
Don't worry. You're behind me and I haven't even started. But don't tell her. Shhhh!
Woohoo! 'Merry Ch.03: Skeletons and Moonbeams' has been posted.

Go here to read it.

More unearthly weirdness and simmering sex for your reading pleasure. :D

Sorry (again) for the premature post O' Flame Haired Leader. :eek:
I'll read it as soon as I have some free time. :D


That is a very nice AV you have there. ;) :devil: :p
Crap, I think mine's due in today.

It's still possible - unlikely, but possible.
:rolleyes: *orders more wet noodles*

Don't worry. You're behind me and I haven't even started. But don't tell her. Shhhh!

*pretends not to be able to read in "Plum"*:cool:
Today was a write-off. Tomorrow I will unplug the phone and hide so I can write!
Red's connecting chapter is up.

ETA: And Angelina Ch3 is submitted.
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Hi Red or Glinda? Quesla here: I thought I was answering to your inviteto Kismith? Sorry my posting and reply abilities are clumsy at best as of yet. You may need to relay to me the beginings to Kismith: I will NOT! reveal any of the parts entrusted to me until my part is commited. I will try my best to keep in form with the characers of "Kismith" Who do I report to with my formated chapter on the project? Red? I want it to jive with all that the previous authours have ddone! I do not yet know enough about "Kismith to add any to her/his adventures! I would be honoured if I was invited to join in the authours contributing to "kismith" Please let me s" ee"the previous instalments,; I promise I will NOT! Devulge Kithmith's story until Red, or leaders of the team have reviewed my participation before submission, ... Speaking of Submission??? I have never submitted before! I may need your or one of your helps to do this! Love & Light: quesla:
Hi Red or Glinda? Quesla here: I thought I was answering to your inviteto Kismith? Sorry my posting and reply abilities are clumsy at best as of yet. You may need to relay to me the beginings to Kismith: I will NOT! reveal any of the parts entrusted to me until my part is commited. I will try my best to keep in form with the characers of "Kismith" Who do I report to with my formated chapter on the project? Red? I want it to jive with all that the previous authours have ddone! I do not yet know enough about "Kismith to add any to her/his adventures! I would be honoured if I was invited to join in the authours contributing to "kismith" Please let me s" ee"the previous instalments,; I promise I will NOT! Devulge Kithmith's story until Red, or leaders of the team have reviewed my participation before submission, ... Speaking of Submission??? I have never submitted before! I may need your or one of your helps to do this! Love & Light: quesla:

Hi Quesla, sorry you are having problems with the reply and posting abilities. What I need from you is for you to read through this thread
and then you'll understand what we are trying to do with Kismet. There are no previous installments at this point. There is only one chapter, the first, and it has not yet been submitted.

You're more than welcome to join us, after you've read through the thread. Reading through this thread is very important, because that really is the only way you'll understand what type of story we are running.

If you come on board then before your story is submitted I will need to read it, but be aware that if you need to change something, I'll ask you too. If you feel I've asked unjustly then we can discuss it and see if a compromise is available. You will be asked to edit it for grammer, punctuation, spelling issues as well as any other "character" issues that may arise.

Your chapter would not be due until sometime in May. I am more than willing to help you with the submission process when it comes time to submit.
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I'm not even gonna start Ch 4 till I know what happens when Andrew tracks down Angora.

I know what I want to happen to Angelina, but not sure how it's going to gel with the closing of the portal...kinda hoping there will be a path opened for future crossings between the two worlds, so princes can chase their princesses (or not :)).
I'm not even gonna start Ch 4 till I know what happens when Andrew tracks down Angora.

I know what I want to happen to Angelina, but not sure how it's going to gel with the closing of the portal...kinda hoping there will be a path opened for future crossings between the two worlds, so princes can chase their princesses (or not :)).

;) ...

I have the first three pages of Aurelia Ch. 3 written but not finding it comfortable to be on the computer for very long so I'm writing in a notebook on the couch. i"m sure I'll have it submitted by Tuesday.

I feel so proud of myself - I was only a day (or was it 2 - timezones screw me up everytime) late submitting part three.

Just wish the approval process didn't take so bleeding long!
Well, Ariel Ch 02 went up but apparently it's not well liked. I'm at 16 votes with a 3.69 and no comments. :rolleyes:
Sounds like Angelina Ch 2. It had the dubious honour of having my worst score ever (lower then my only foray in LW!), until I wrote a Letter that sank even further :(
I thought they were two of my better pieces.
Once I've completed my commitments to chain stories, I think I'll just give up for a while.
Sounds like Angelina Ch 2. It had the dubious honour of having my worst score ever (lower then my only foray in LW!), until I wrote a Letter that sank even further :(
I thought they were two of my better pieces.
Once I've completed my commitments to chain stories, I think I'll just give up for a while.

*HUGS* Please don't. I enjoy reading your stories. :rose: Maybe just write only what really moves you or catches your imagination for a while. Then don't look at scores. Write for yourself.
*hugs* to you all. :kiss:

Please don't worry about the scores/votes/comments. Chain stories are not known to be popular, nor known to recieve a ton of either of those three things. Also remember... we could easily have picked up a troll or two, why? Because we are, like everyone else, susceptible to idiots flocking to the stories of Lit out of boredom and the desire to hit the one button. ;)

I'll be sure to read the newest additions when I can. It's been one heck of a busy weekend.
Sounds like Angelina Ch 2. It had the dubious honour of having my worst score ever (lower then my only foray in LW!), until I wrote a Letter that sank even further :(
I thought they were two of my better pieces.
Once I've completed my commitments to chain stories, I think I'll just give up for a while.

Please don't give up. I like your writings.
I don't participate in your chain due to lack of time and skills, but I really enjoy reading all the stories here if time permits. Please continue, all of you!
Red will drag out the noodles if I don't mention this.

Angelina Ch1 picked up a nomination in the December Monthly Awards.
Angelina Ch 3 is up.

The slide continues - 11 votes, no comments, score of 3.18.