Twist a fairy tale with me. . . chain story idea


My chapter was rejected and I was referred to the rules on submitting a chain story.

I can't see why it would have been rejected. I titled it per your list of titles... Enchanted Twelve: Aurelia Ch. 01

Did I do something wrong with the title? Should Aurelia Ch. 01 be in the description field instead of the title field?


ETA: My second prince is Prince Geoffrey - kind of slick and a charmer until he meets his match in Ariel's quiet, steady and caring personage.
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My chapter was rejected and I was referred to the rules on submitting a chain story.

I can't see why it would have been rejected. I titled it per your list of titles... Enchanted Twelve: Aurelia Ch. 01

Did I do something wrong with the title? Should Aurelia Ch. 01 be in the description field instead of the title field?


ETA: My second prince is Prince Geoffrey - kind of slick and a charmer until he meets his match in Ariel's quiet, steady and caring personage.

It may have been rejected because of the title not matching mine. Though I did make note in my submission that all upcoming titles from the writers would be different and would have the name of the Princesses' in them.

You shouldn't have needed to put anything in your note section concerning the thread or the schedule, because my chapter was the first chapter. Once the first chapter is approved then the others should have been okay to follow without any special notes attached (or that was the case with the other chains I'm in.) However the titles being a tad different may still be the reason.

Here is a copy of the note I submitted with my chapter:


Dear Lit,

This is the opening to a new chain story. The link to the thread discussing the chain is here: . The first scheduled dates for each submission is on the first post located here: .

This is not the typical chain story as far as numbering chapters. I would like to make a request that this chapter be titled as I have submitted it: Enchanted Twelve 1 (using the number without the letters “Ch.” in front of it). The reason I ask this is because, when the chain story chapters are listed on the sites index, I need this chapter to remain as the first chapter.

The following chapters that will be submitted by other authors as well as myself, will be titled as: Enchanted Twelve: Milly and Mandy Ch. 01; Enchanted Twelve: Milly and Mandy Ch. 02; Enchanted Twelve: Milly and Mandy Ch. 03... Or ... Enchanted Twelve: Quinn Ch. 01; Enchanted Twelve: Quinn Ch. 02 (etc...however each chapter will have a different Princesses name).

Thank you and if you have any questions, please feel free to contact me through my email at Lit., or PM me through Lit.

I appreciate you taking a moment to read this and for considering my request.


I would resubmit it with the attached note, changing some wording...


Dear Lit,

This is a new chapter to an existing chain story. The link to the thread discussing the chain is here: . The first scheduled dates for each submission is on the first post located here: .

This is not the typical chain story as far as numbering chapters. The first chapter, Enchanted Twelve 1, was written by RedHairedandFriendly.

The following chapters that will be submitted by other authors as well as myself, will be titled as: Enchanted Twelve: Milly and Mandy Ch. 01; Enchanted Twelve: Milly and Mandy Ch. 02; Enchanted Twelve: Milly and Mandy Ch. 03... Or ... Enchanted Twelve: Quinn Ch. 01; Enchanted Twelve: Quinn Ch. 02 (etc...however each chapter will have a different Princesses name). Or in my case: Enchanted Twelve: Aurelia Ch. 01

Thank you and if you have any questions, please feel free to contact RedHairedandFriendly through her email at Lit., or PM her through Lit.

I appreciate you taking a moment to read this and for considering my request.



Let's add that to your notes field and resubmit and see if that works. If it doesn't then I'll PM Laurel and explain it to her and see what we can do.
Well, there's a fierce wind here this morning, it's chilly (under 85 is chilly this time of year) and a big fuck-off spider has taken up residence in my ironing room, so I can't do it.

Guess I'm just gonna have to knuckle down and write something, eh?
Well, there's a fierce wind here this morning, it's chilly (under 85 is chilly this time of year) and a big fuck-off spider has taken up residence in my ironing room, so I can't do it.

Guess I'm just gonna have to knuckle down and write something, eh?

What she said.

Except without the wind or the weather or the spider...
It's now long enough (750 words exactly) to be submitted, but I think I'd better keep working. She's just now met her prince whose name is Jerome, by the way.
Damn, I really had better get my finger out.
Mine's still rattling round my head, gathering improbabilities, and the Prince is a nameless, faceless git so far!
I can come up with the right words sometimes (just not the right times :D)

Umm, are we supposed to be sending drafts to Red before submitting or did I dream that bit?

hope I dreamt it, please let me have dreamt it, otherwise i'm so screwed
I can come up with the right words sometimes (just not the right times :D)

Umm, are we supposed to be sending drafts to Red before submitting or did I dream that bit?

hope I dreamt it, please let me have dreamt it, otherwise i'm so screwed

Initally she preferred it, but with all that's happening in her life I believe she's trusting in our writerly skills to do the chain proud.

So much for my contribution. :(
I can come up with the right words sometimes (just not the right times :D)

Umm, are we supposed to be sending drafts to Red before submitting or did I dream that bit?

hope I dreamt it, please let me have dreamt it, otherwise i'm so screwed
I sent her a little snippet where her character interacted with mine, but nothing else.

Oh, and then I changed that part, too.
You guys are so wonderful. :rose: :kiss: *hugs*

You were supposed to send me a draft, but TE is right... I trust you, so if you feel it'd get the Red stamp of approval, then go for it. If you're in doubt then feel free to toss it to me.

I hope you have a President for this club that'll keep ya on track. . .whichever track that is supposed to be. ;)
You guys are so wonderful. :rose: :kiss: *hugs*

You were supposed to send me a draft, but TE is right... I trust you, so if you feel it'd get the Red stamp of approval, then go for it. If you're in doubt then feel free to toss it to me.

I hope you have a President for this club that'll keep ya on track. . .whichever track that is supposed to be. ;)
Could I send you the draft with "insert writer-y junk here" in big red letters and have you fill it up with good stuff? :cathappy:
Could I send you the draft with "insert writer-y junk here" in big red letters and have you fill it up with good stuff? :cathappy:
Hey! Only if I can too!

*ducks behind sofa and contemplates empty Word Doc called "Princess chain 1"