Twist a fairy tale with me. . . chain story idea

Okeedoke. Merry Ch. 03 is ready for your perusal O' Flame Haired Leader. :D

It's a weird and sexy one too--no surprise. ;)

I'll send it along when you have time to look it over. Just say the word.
I'm tryin' Red really I am. I've written myself into a corner and forgot where I left the trapdoor outa there! If I can just get past this little hurdle, I should have it submitted by the weekend (I hope!)
I'm tryin' Red really I am. I've written myself into a corner and forgot where I left the trapdoor outa there! If I can just get past this little hurdle, I should have it submitted by the weekend (I hope!)

You can do it Starr! :D

Climb out a window, darlin'. ;)
I'm tryin' Red really I am. I've written myself into a corner and forgot where I left the trapdoor outa there! If I can just get past this little hurdle, I should have it submitted by the weekend (I hope!)

:rose: You know my #1 allowance is time. Take as much as you need.
Red, if you'd like to read mine ahead of time, please let me know. I'll be happy to send it your way. Otherwise, it seems to be perpetually pending. I think it's the goat.
Red, if you'd like to read mine ahead of time, please let me know. I'll be happy to send it your way. Otherwise, it seems to be perpetually pending. I think it's the goat.

Goats do that. . .;) You've got it submitted; I can wait. :) :rose:

I'm working on a back plan on how to incorporate all the magic we've introduced in the story as well as the fanciful characters TE has created and end the curse. You guys have all done outstanding jobs. :D
Goats do that. . .;) You've got it submitted; I can wait. :) :rose:

I'm working on a back plan on how to incorporate all the magic we've introduced in the story as well as the fanciful characters TE has created and end the curse. You guys have all done outstanding jobs. :D're makin' me blush Red. :eek:

Hope I didn't make things tough for you in the wrap-up with my overactive imagination.

Wait until you read #3 which is on it's way to you! ;)

If I can help in weaving the many skeins of story lines together in the final chapter(s) just holler at me. I caused a lot of the mess after all. :D're makin' me blush Red. :eek:

Hope I didn't make things tough for you in the wrap-up with my overactive imagination.

Wait until you read #3 which is on it's way to you! ;)

If I can help in weaving the many skeins of story lines together in the final chapter(s) just holler at me. I caused a lot of the mess after all. :D

You've created a great fairy tale for your characters and I'm very happy with it. You've not given me anything too tough. I'm sure I'll be asking for everyone's input as I wrap up the chain. I am leaning more toward some type of fourth chapter from us all, telling folks what happened to the girls after the curse was lifted, which I hope to have done by the end of the third connecting chapter.

This is a whirlwind of a chain, it moves quickly and I am glad you guys are still hanging in there. That means more to me than you know. :rose::kiss:
I know I'm holding things up Red.
If it helps at all, I don't intend to add any more magic to my saga, maybe just intensify what I have. And whether Dante has "borrowed" magic or is using his own is totally up in the air - let me know if you have a preference, otherwise I'll probably leave it ambiguous.
I know I'm holding things up Red.
If it helps at all, I don't intend to add any more magic to my saga, maybe just intensify what I have. And whether Dante has "borrowed" magic or is using his own is totally up in the air - let me know if you have a preference, otherwise I'll probably leave it ambiguous.

You are NOT holding things up. :rose: :kiss: Don't think that at all. I've not heard from Remec yet, and Magica still has another chapter, and I still have to write my Cecilia second chapter as well... so where are you holding us up? :confused:
I know I'm holding things up Red.
If it helps at all, I don't intend to add any more magic to my saga, maybe just intensify what I have. And whether Dante has "borrowed" magic or is using his own is totally up in the air - let me know if you have a preference, otherwise I'll probably leave it ambiguous.

You're not holding me up. I'm doing just fine with that all on my own. :rolleyes:

I knew I should have put a note at the beginning of Aurelia's chapter that there was no sex in it even though I said at the beginning of the first that there wouldnt' be until the third chapter. Doh!
You are NOT holding things up. :rose: :kiss: Don't think that at all. I've not heard from Remec yet, and Magica still has another chapter, and I still have to write my Cecilia second chapter as well... so where are you holding us up? :confused:
OK. I thought everyone was in the queue - must just be Tom's eager beaver Ch3 that's twisting my knickers for me.
I have a baby chicken to add to my distractions now - mumma hen abandoned the peeping little pest!
TE... just finished reading your chapter. Another interesting little tale you've got there. Just to let all the folks know... we now have walking skeletons being introduced to our crew. ;)

For those that he did some dialog with your character, here is a "sneak" peek: Hazel, Violet, Aurelia, Robin...


The Princesses and their Princes stood in little groups waiting for the dance to begin, chatting amiably as the musicians tuned their instruments. All conversation stopped when first one, and then another skeletal horse and rider entered the clearing

“Ahhhh…they are foul demons,” Aurelia cried. “We are surely doomed.”

“Wait a moment,” said Hazel. “Is that not Merry and Karl with them?”

“They have been captured,” Violet wailed. “The fiends possess their souls.”

“They appear happy to me,” Robin observed. “Look, they’re dismounting.” She shook her head in wonderment, “First dragons, now this.”

There was a collective gasp as Scapulus and Radia materialized along with their horses. They dismounted with Merry and Karl as the dancers approached, marveling at this new phenomenon.

“Is there no end to the surprises you bring to us?” Aurelia said. “You two have the most amazing adventures.”

“Merry seems to attract them,” Karl jibed as she poked him in the ribs.

Introductions were made, the guests were welcomed and conversations flowed until the orchestra struck up the first tune of the evening.

“Will you join us?” Merry asked. “We four will have the first dance.”

“We best be on our way,” Radia answered. She cupped her breasts and smiled, “I don’t think we would fit in among all this finery.”

“We will go nude as well if that will make you more comfortable,” Karl said and Merry nodded in agreement.

“You are very kind,” Scapulus replied, “But we must go. Morning is but hours away and we must gather food.”

After hugging and kissing their new friends, Scapulus and Radia whistled for their horses and sprang on their backs. Their flesh disappeared and they were skeletons again.

“May the Goddess of the Moon keep you from harm,” Scapulus cried.

“Till we meet again,” Radia added.

They whirled and galloped into the night.
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Dang! Thought I was gonna get away with it. :D

Night before last I came to the sudden realization that I had inadvertantly switched the names of the two guys I was using in my stories about Ariel and Aurelia. What can I say? Geoffrey just sounds like a big burly guy to me and Colin like a slimmer more suave guy and so I messed it up when I wrote the second Aurelia story. Yesterday I edited Aurelia's second story and submitted the edited version. Three hours later I got a feedback.

"I'm confused about "Enchanted Twelve: Aurelia Ch2"

I thought Ariel was paired with Geoffrey, and her twin, Aurelia, was
paired with Colin. Yet in Enchanted Twelve: Aurelia Ch2, the pairs
became switched.

Just thought I'd mention it. But aside from that, I must say I've
enjoyed many of your stories and always look for new ones you've
Keep writing! Your characters are always enjoyable."

Frack! I've been caught. :eek:
Poor you. ;) Glad you caught it even if the readers caught it too. :D

Also... :kiss: I wanted to add that you're stories are very appealing. Everyone's is and I am so thankful you guys stuck through the chain and have contributed so faithfully to its continuing growth. :rose:
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Poor you. ;) Glad you caught it even if the readers caught it too. :D

Also... :kiss: I wanted to add that you're stories are very appealing. Everyone's is and I am so thankful you guys stuck through the chain and have contributed so faithfully to its continuing growth. :rose:

:eek: *grumblegrumbleguiltgrumblegrumble* I've been thinking about the next one. I promise it will be in before the end of the month. Actually, think I'm going to take a notebook and sit on the couch tonight with my tea and work on it.
:eek: *grumblegrumbleguiltgrumblegrumble* I've been thinking about the next one. I promise it will be in before the end of the month. Actually, think I'm going to take a notebook and sit on the couch tonight with my tea and work on it.

The second installment of the other twin? Sounds like a plan. :D
A few words of encouragement, please. I just got a very negative comment and I'm feeling a bit discouraged.

"I suggest you take a second look at where this chain seems to be headed if you want to keep up. You butchered Quinn and left her for dead. Try a new line story that is not so bad for such a chain as this."

*sigh* Since she's already dead, I might as well give up.