Twist a fairy tale with me. . . chain story idea

A few words of encouragement, please. I just got a very negative comment and I'm feeling a bit discouraged.

"I suggest you take a second look at where this chain seems to be headed if you want to keep up. You butchered Quinn and left her for dead. Try a new line story that is not so bad for such a chain as this."

*sigh* Since she's already dead, I might as well give up.

Awww... :kiss: :kiss: :kiss: Honey, I love Quinn. I like all our characters. Please don't listen to one person and base your decision on them. *hugs* :rose: If I had a problem with Quinn, I'd tell you so. :rose: There is no way we can satisfy every reader, just write to satisfy yourself. :rose:
A few words of encouragement, please. I just got a very negative comment and I'm feeling a bit discouraged.

"I suggest you take a second look at where this chain seems to be headed if you want to keep up. You butchered Quinn and left her for dead. Try a new line story that is not so bad for such a chain as this."

*sigh* Since she's already dead, I might as well give up.

Darling, I would say you've been trolled. It's possible somebody just didn't appreciate the difference in sexual content from many of the other stories in the chain but even that wouldn't warrant a 0. Did you say at the beginning that there was no sex in the chapter? I don't recall. I think that can be important to do. I didn't do that in the second Aurelia chapter but I had said so in the first. In case you haven't seen yet, here are my comments...


It followed perfectly from your first story and gave a pleasant change of pace from many of the highly sexual stories in the chain. A very fairy tale story, I can't wait to see how it all works out.
Glynndah... I received an email yesterday and if you'd like the address of the person that made this comment I can give it to you as well as what they said and how I replied. I replied politely, but since this person mentioned writers in the chain, I have no qualms sharing it with you if you'd like it. It is the email address of the person that posted that negative comment. I have no doubt about this at all.

I have left a comment on your story. Please read it with all the sincerity I meant. :rose: Also... it seems it double posted, so view it as double support. :kiss: (((hugs)))

Remember... Anonymous holds no weight in our world, unless we allow them too.
Thank you everyone for all the kind words of support. I'm better now. Thank you once again.
Just a peek to see where everyone is so far. :)

Red? (oh that's me)... (I'm hoping to get mine in over the next day or two)

glynndah's is out, so I know I've not missed her name up there.
My kids go back to school tomorrow. I'm hoping the muse will come out from under the bed and I'll get mine finished. It's stalled at about 1500 words right now.
I just can't seem to manage to write sex scenes when the kids are home :eek:
A bit of clarification, please. I thought the third story in the chain was the "happily ever" part. You know, where everybody boinks like bunnies. :D What am I supposed to write for the fourth story? "Damn, Aunt Angora was right. I should have married the hunch-backed blacksmith. At least he'd get off the throne once in a while." ??? ;)
Thrid story is the third night, before all is revealed. The shoemaker goes back AFTER the third night to tell all to the princesses' parents. Fourth is the happy ever after (or not, depending on your relationship ;))
A bit of clarification, please. I thought the third story in the chain was the "happily ever" part. You know, where everybody boinks like bunnies. :D What am I supposed to write for the fourth story? "Damn, Aunt Angora was right. I should have married the hunch-backed blacksmith. At least he'd get off the throne once in a while." ??? ;)

Starrker's right... the third story is the final night for your couple, though they don't realize it's the final night. No one will, until the shoemaker finds a way to break the curse (which... I have no clue how he's going to do this yet.) Don't fret, it's how I write.

The fourth chapter is the one where I need the writers to decide if they want to do a fourth or not or have me explain what happens to each girl in my last chapter, (a fourth one).

To me the readers are going to wonder what happened to the Princesses, did some remain in Oarthland, some in Westingfield. Did they go with their Prince? Did they decide they were better off alone and independent? This would be what you revealed in the fourth chapter.

If you decide you don't want to do a fourth, then PM me with the details you had in mind for where/who your Princess would end up with and I'll write it in my final Enchanted Twelve 4.
So far my last chapter consists of:

"All right, already! They're boinking like bunnies. Happy now?"

I supposed I should expand that a bit. :cathappy:
So far my last chapter consists of:

"All right, already! They're boinking like bunnies. Happy now?"

I supposed I should expand that a bit. :cathappy:

It's just a few words shy of the 750. Maybe if you stretch the font the bots won't notice and it'll go through? :confused::D
Just a peek to see where everyone is so far. :)

Red? (oh that's me)... (I'm hoping to get mine in over the next day or two)

glynndah's is out, so I know I've not missed her name up there.

Typing away...*grimace at how late I am* Should be able to make it submittable by the end of the month, hopefully by later today.

I just can't seem to manage to write sex scenes when the kids are home :eek:

Me too. Especially once they start watching their PBS programs behind me, the mood kind of jars when my characters are beginning to get hot and heavy and I hear "Superdiduper!" being shouted. *g*

Plus, the two older ones have better manners than to comment, even when they see something that's outside their normally allowed range of experience, but the precocious 7 yo reads well enough that I have to watch what I'm writing or I get an inevitable, "What's <insert NC-17 activity here> mean?"

Typing away...*grimace at how late I am* Should be able to make it submittable by the end of the month, hopefully by later today.


No worries. I am probably going to be late. There was a death in my family, so I may be a bit distracted too.
Me too. Especially once they start watching their PBS programs behind me, the mood kind of jars when my characters are beginning to get hot and heavy and I hear "Superdiduper!" being shouted. *g*

Plus, the two older ones have better manners than to comment, even when they see something that's outside their normally allowed range of experience, but the precocious 7 yo reads well enough that I have to watch what I'm writing or I get an inevitable, "What's <insert NC-17 activity here> mean?"

I have an 8-year old like that.
The 10 year old works very hard not to see anything and the 15 year old is totally scandalised that mum writes sex!
The fourth chapter is the one where I need the writers to decide if they want to do a fourth or not or have me explain what happens to each girl in my last chapter, (a fourth one).

To me the readers are going to wonder what happened to the Princesses, did some remain in Oarthland, some in Westingfield. Did they go with their Prince? Did they decide they were better off alone and independent? This would be what you revealed in the fourth chapter.

A fourth chapter is just fine for me. I have a rather unorthodox wedding in mind--where things go slightly--heck, a lot--awry.

Actually it's a set up for future Karl and Merry stories--you'll be hearing from them and their unusual friends in the near future. :D
I'm happy to do a fourth.

Just wish I could get the second one finished! I've got a small snag getting from current status to where I want it to go. Had it all figured out as I was going to sleep last night, and now can't remember the detail to get it to work (argh)
So I'm faffing about here and listening to the thunderstorm building up outside (please - rain! It was 35 degrees before the cloud came) instead of writing.
I'm happy to do a fourth.

Just wish I could get the second one finished! I've got a small snag getting from current status to where I want it to go. Had it all figured out as I was going to sleep last night, and now can't remember the detail to get it to work (argh)
So I'm faffing about here and listening to the thunderstorm building up outside (please - rain! It was 35 degrees before the cloud came) instead of writing.

It was 35 degrees here after the clouds came. Of course, I'm talking F, not C. It was almost 60 degrees at noon today. Now it's 18. Back to winter. *sigh*
I was thinking that as I wrote it actually - that some of you would have had similar numbers, just different scale :D
35 = 95 roughly. If not for the cloud we'd be over 100 again today.
Are we on to chapter three already? :confused:

Not all of us. lol... I'm late and so are a few others. There was a death in my family and though I hope to write my chapter for Cecila tonight, there is no promise it will be done. I'd rather have the connecting chapter done after everyone has submitted their second one.