Twist a fairy tale with me. . . chain story idea

Well, my modern is almost done...then back to the book, and only back to Twins when ch. 4 is out :)
That's what's bugging me - I don't want to even start Ch4 until I've seen what Red does with the lifting of the curse, etc. But it's the only one of the stories I have on my to do list that the muse is showing any interest in at all :rolleyes:
I've updated the first post with the link. :D Sorry I've been lax lately. I'm finally back to feeling normal again after allergies.

starrkers, sorry you're held up because of me. The curse gets lifted rather easily (like most fairy tales), at least it does in my mind. :eek:

I can't finalize anything until I read everyone's JUST in case I see something I want to use.
Don't apologise Red. You're not holidng me up, it's a self imposed stoppage - I want to see how some of the other princesses fare too, before finalising Angelina's fate. :D
Twins, Triplets, Aurelia, and Ariel are the only Princesses we have left needing a third chapter. How are things progressing there? I'd like to get those chapters in before completeing the fourth chapter for Andrew/Danielle, in case there are things that occur that can be used in that chapter. So death, Remec, and Magica, how we doing? :D

*sigh* I've got Aurelia half done and nothing on Ariel but I could probably tell you what I intend to have happen, maybe, let me think on it as soon as I'm done with the chapter on my novel tonight. I've been pretty blocked but trying to force the novel because of the SHOMI competition. Struggling. :(
Don't feel pressured from me. There is no rush. I just like to know how things are going, or where things stand. I too have muse issues and believe me I couldn't sit down and write my final chapter right now if everyone was finished.

Like I said, I just like to touch base with folks as time goes by. :rose:
Same here...I'm desperately working on my modern tale but after that Shomi has me back :eek:
Don't feel pressured from me. There is no rush. I just like to know how things are going, or where things stand. I too have muse issues and believe me I couldn't sit down and write my final chapter right now if everyone was finished.

Like I said, I just like to touch base with folks as time goes by. :rose:

Oh good, no pressure...I was kinda worried since I haven't even been in Lit since before May 1st (that was my earliest PM that was waiting for me), maybe even earlier than that.

I have been brainstorming some ideas, but nothing has gelled into what I would say was a story just yet. Mostly, I have been dealing with household bills and a change in work venue--they franchised my store, so I have transferred to a different store to remain within the corporate structure for as long as I can.

The chapter that lifts the "curse" came to me in a dream... I am serious about that too. I woke up one night from a nightmare and realized if one thought about it long enough (which I tend to do with dreams) it would fit great in this Enchanted Tales story. Now I just need time to write it. This morning would work, if I weren't sporting a headache at 4 in the morning. I'm only up now because it is keeping me awake. :rolleyes:
Hey Red,

Hope things are going well. I thought of the ending to Aurelia 3 while lying in bed today. I should have it submitted in a day or two. It's written, just need a little editing. My muse seems to have returned in general so I'll get him to work on Ariel's third chapter too.

Things are busy around here. I got a job promotion so my time is all wacky when it comes to being online. :eek: I'm still around, just not as much as I used to be, but that'll change when I have a set schedule. Hopefully soon. . .

I look forward to your chapter. :D
Hi Red. So good to see you. :kiss:

Hi there Rob. :kiss: Nice to see you too. I'm here for a short spell, going in early today to start training on opening procedures. Granted... I'll be trained all over again at the other store next week, but eh... it'll be similar.

How are you? Good I hope. :kiss:
Things are busy around here. I got a job promotion so my time is all wacky when it comes to being online. :eek: I'm still around, just not as much as I used to be, but that'll change when I have a set schedule. Hopefully soon. . .

I look forward to your chapter. :D

Congratulations on the promotion! :rose:

Story has been submitted. DL read it for me so any problems, blame him. :eek::D
Great! I'll read it soon.

I apologize for being lazy. My sister was diagnosed with MS and I've been a bit focused on that as well as the new job and we'll toss poor internet connection in with it too. I have a tech coming to fix the internet issues on Wed, wish he could fix the sis too.

Oh, my.

I stopped in because I saw you'd posted - I'm so sorry to hear about your sister, Red.

Great! I'll read it soon.

I apologize for being lazy. My sister was diagnosed with MS and I've been a bit focused on that as well as the new job and we'll toss poor internet connection in with it too. I have a tech coming to fix the internet issues on Wed, wish he could fix the sis too.

Oh no... I hope she'll get well again, and soon.

* Hugs * :rose:
We really need to find a way to pimp out this thread to more voters. I just had a look at the list - so many of the chapters have 4.5 or better scores, but no H beside them.

So much good writing, for so few eyes to see.
Great! I'll read it soon.

I apologize for being lazy. My sister was diagnosed with MS and I've been a bit focused on that as well as the new job and we'll toss poor internet connection in with it too. I have a tech coming to fix the internet issues on Wed, wish he could fix the sis too.

Best wishes for your sister. :rose:

I've got a good start on my third Ariel too. Over a thousand words. Oberon and Titania showed up and took over.
Oh, my.

I stopped in because I saw you'd posted - I'm so sorry to hear about your sister, Red.

Thank you Sarah. It's just been an odd sort of week for me, well for a while now, but lately I just seem more out of sorts than usual.

:kiss: :rose:

I see you have the newest pic for the Chicago Lit-together in your Sig. :)