Twist a fairy tale with me. . . chain story idea

Yuppers, I just meant that even with all of the confirmed writers we only have 11 accounted for, so still room for an unconnected (so to speak) Princess... :cathappy:
MrsDeathlynx said:
Dec 1st will be a little hard for me, my ARS chapter is due Nov 28th...
Okay. I'll keep that in mind when posting a schedule. We all don't have to post in that first week. :rose: Royal is definitely your priority missy. ;) :kiss:
RedHairedandFriendly said:
Okay. I'll keep that in mind when posting a schedule. We all don't have to post in that first week. :rose: Royal is definitely your priority missy. ;) :kiss:
*giggles* :rose: :kiss:
RedHairedandFriendly said:
TE, glynndah and deathlynx ... a birth order for your girl(s) or do you want me to just toss them in there somewhere?

Right now we have
1, 5, 10, 11, and 12 taken.

10 and 11 are twins.

Also . . .I still need opinions on if all the Princes will be related or not.

Princess Merry will be 9th in birth order if you please.

And I think the Princes should be unrelated, except for one who will be related to one of the princesses and neither of them know it. ;)

That should keep the pot boiling. :D

Also each Prince should be from a different kingdom to keep their personalities distinct and have different codes of conduct, opinion of things, attitudes toward others, etc.
Just you wait until you see mine, is going to be funny and interesting. Probably one of the most unlikely pairing of the bunch. *giggles*
TE999 said:
Princess Merry will be 9th in birth order if you please.

And I think the Princes should be unrelated, except for one who will be related to one of the princesses and neither of them know it. ;)

That should keep the pot boiling. :D

Also each Prince should be from a different kingdom to keep their personalities distinct and have different codes of conduct, opinion of things, attitudes toward others, etc.

Hmm... well I have no problem with the birth order... however... you're going to have to share with me how you manage the relationship, because if he is related to one Princess, he's related to all of them and there is no incest in this chain. So PM me with your idea please. Thanks.
RedHairedandFriendly said:
Hmm... well I have no problem with the birth order... however... you're going to have to share with me how you manage the relationship, because if he is related to one Princess, he's related to all of them and there is no incest in this chain. So PM me with your idea please. Thanks.

Urghhhhh--no PM necessary Fearless Leader.

I totally forgot that little fact in my enthusiasm. :(

Ignore previous post after the birth order request. ;)

I simply gotta start paying closer attention to the rules. :D
TE999 said:
Urghhhhh--no PM necessary Fearless Leader.

I totally forgot that little fact in my enthusiasm. :(

Ignore previous post after the birth order request. ;)

I simply gotta start paying closer attention to the rules. :D

Thanks TE and don't worry... trust me, I'll keep ya informed on the rules. I keep my crop and whip handy. Just ask the others that have written with me. ;) Your girl is now child number 9.
Okay folks... the cheat sheet is coming along, slowly but surely. Right now I have added a few details and put the girls in birth order. Here is a peak at that part of the cheat sheet. I may move the cheat sheet appearance around as the details come together and after this first week, the red will disappear and only be used for "new" stuff. So far I think we are all on board as far as how this is going to work. If you are as confused as me, then we're all good. :D

Kingdom of the Princesses: Westingfield

King: Bartholomew
Queen: Andrea (Twin sister to Angora)

Princesses 1-12:

Birth Order:
#1 - (RedHairedandFriendly)
#2 - Mandy (deathlynx) twin to Millay
#3 - Millay (deathlynx) twin to Mandy

#4 - Currently unnamed/unclaimed
#5 - Quinn (glynndah)
#6 - Robin (Remec) - triplet to Hazel/Violet
#7 - Hazel (Remec) - triplet to Robin/Violet
#8 - Violet (Remec) - triplet to Hazel/Robin
*** these triplets Remec is willing to give out to other late incoming writers, please talk to him***
#9 - Merry (TE999)
#10 - (Magica) twin to #11)
#11 - (MrsDeathlynx) twin to #10)

#12 - Cecilia (Elizabetht)
Dammit. I was hoping to jag a younger, clueless type princess, but it looks like I'm outa luck.
starrkers said:
Dammit. I was hoping to jag a younger, clueless type princess, but it looks like I'm outa luck.
You can still do an older more typically blond type princess. :p
starrkers said:
Dammit. I was hoping to jag a younger, clueless type princess, but it looks like I'm outa luck.

Age has nuthin' to do with bein' clueless.

I know women in their 50's who could get lost in a broom closet. ;)
Which leads me to the question: What's the age range of the princesses? Obviously the youngest is just 18 :D but how old is the eldest?
If we have good ol' mom pregnant every year, which is probably the case, because in Medieval type times the women were either always pregnant or dying in childbirth.

If the youngest is 18 and she was pregnant every year, then the oldest is 25. IF the below age list works for you folks, then I'll add it to the cheat sheet. If you want your girl older, then I can adjust some ages by one or two years. My 25 year old won't be a virgin. I do have plans for her. So you don't have to have your Princesses be virgins unless you want them to be.

Birth Order:
25 years ... #1 - (RedHairedandFriendly)
24 years ... #2 - Mandy (deathlynx) twin to Millay
24 years ... #3 - Millay (deathlynx) twin to Mandy
23 years ... #4 - Currently unnamed/unclaimed
22 years ... #5 - Quinn (glynndah)
21 years ... #6 - Robin (Remec) - triplet to Hazel/Violet
21 years ... #7 - Hazel (Remec) - triplet to Robin/Violet
21 years ... #8 - Violet (Remec) - triplet to Hazel/Robin *** these triplets Remec is willing to give out to other late incoming writers, please talk to him***
20 years ... #9 - Merry (TE999)
19 years ... #10 - (Magica) twin to #11)
19 years ... #11 - (MrsDeathlynx) twin to #10)
18 years ... #12 - Cecilia (Elizabetht)

Princess #4 is avail. still as being unnamed. Also Remec has said he's willing to give one of his Princesses up, but he does need them to all make an appearance in one of his chapters, so if you want a younger Princess (she'd be a triplet), then you and he can toss around ideas.

Also.... everyone else...

Is anyone going to have a really slutty Princess? I mean slutty before she meets the Prince. One that has been quite the gal with men, perhaps say the Royal Guard? Just a quick question for a part I may need to edit out of my opening.
A note to confirmed folks. . .

As I write this first chapter I will probably send it out to you, instead of waiting till it is all done, that way you have a feel of what is happening and can work with it. Some of you have already started your chapters and that's fine, but there may be something in this first one that you'll need or want to incorporate into yours.

I'm working hard to stay away from personalities that aren't mine, meaning all these princesses with the exception of Danielle's who is the eldest. (finally named).

There are a couple things you'll need to make note of as you write, so that's why I feel it is important that I give what I have to you as I write it. I won't do this all the time, but for now I feel safer this way. That way if you see something that won't work I can edit it out or discuss it with you.

What you'll get today is not finished as you can tell, but it is what I have at the moment. Because this project is a large one, I sometimes feel I've bitten off more than I can chew and really ask for your support and honest opinion of what I write. I need it to work for all of us, so please don't hesitate to ask me to change something. I will certainly work to accommodate everyone if it is possible.

As of now only Elizabeth's character has been mentioned by name, but I am only slightly into the story.
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Guess I'll take #4 then. ;) Not sure what I'll do with her yet, as my original idea won't work with one that far up the line. I'll come up with something (just don't rush me!)
Name...umm. I'll get back to you on that too. :eek:
I'll come up with a name when I talk with Magica, that way perhaps nicknames can be similar, but we'll see.
starrkers said:
Guess I'll take #4 then. ;) Not sure what I'll do with her yet, as my original idea won't work with one that far up the line. I'll come up with something (just don't rush me!)
Name...umm. I'll get back to you on that too. :eek:
You'll not be rushed. *snaps whip and then hides it behind back* ;)
OK. Name: Angelina, and she's not the sharpest tool in the shed.;) That should give me a bit of wiggle room to come up with a story!
From what Mrs has said, Magica's sounds like at least very flirtatious if not slutty...

Oh, and I loved what you sent me Red, only comment is that the youngest "sister" just turned 18 not the youngest "twin" ;)
deathlynx said:
From what Mrs has said, Magica's sounds like at least very flirtatious if not slutty...

Oh, and I loved what you sent me Red, only comment is that the youngest "sister" just turned 18 not the youngest "twin" ;)
Thank you. :) I'll fix that. :D

All fixed. I appreciate you catching that for me. :) I'm sure Elizabeth does too, since it was her character I mentioned. :eek:
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My prince needs a twin brother who's one of the princes in the story. Would anyone like to help me? I'll PM details if you're interested.